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Parkwood SDA Church
United States
Приєднався 1 гру 2018
Our Vision is to belong to Christ in a healthy church family where every member is valued and loved, thoroughly equipped and joyfully involved in linking others to Christ. Our Mission is to reveal Jesus Christ to the world now in preparation for His soon return. Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.
2024 Q4 Lesson 12 – EGW Notes – The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection – Audio: Carla Morris
00:00 | Sabbath Afternoon, December 14
04:00 | Sunday, December 15
07:32 | Monday, December 16
11:17 | Tuesday, December 17
14:50 | Wednesday, December 18
18:22 | Thursday, December 19
21:51 | Friday, December 20
In this video we have the text of the Ellen G. White quotes for the Sabbath School lesson synced with the audio from the E. G. White Audio website.
📄 This lesson in PDF:
🎙️ Support E.G. White Audio's Mission Expansion
📱 Study this lesson using the official General Conference Sabbath School App:
⛪️ Every Saturday morning, we gather in groups to study the lesson from the previous week. You can join us and learn more from the Bible. To find a church next to your location please visit: www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
🎙 PRESENTER: Carla Morris
🎞 VIDEO EDITOR: Cláudio Carneiro
Every Saturday morning, we gather in groups to study the lesson from the previous week. You can join us and learn more from the Bible. To find a church next to your location please visit: www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
📄 TEXT: sabbath-school.adventech.io/en/
🎧 AUDIO: egwhiteaudio.com/
🎵 Final Song: “Be Thou my Vision” from www.smallchurchmusic.com/Song...
#SabbathSchoolLesson #EllenGWhiteNotes #SeventhDayAdventistChurch #TheBookOfJohn
04:00 | Sunday, December 15
07:32 | Monday, December 16
11:17 | Tuesday, December 17
14:50 | Wednesday, December 18
18:22 | Thursday, December 19
21:51 | Friday, December 20
In this video we have the text of the Ellen G. White quotes for the Sabbath School lesson synced with the audio from the E. G. White Audio website.
📄 This lesson in PDF:
🎙️ Support E.G. White Audio's Mission Expansion
📱 Study this lesson using the official General Conference Sabbath School App:
⛪️ Every Saturday morning, we gather in groups to study the lesson from the previous week. You can join us and learn more from the Bible. To find a church next to your location please visit: www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
🎙 PRESENTER: Carla Morris
🎞 VIDEO EDITOR: Cláudio Carneiro
Every Saturday morning, we gather in groups to study the lesson from the previous week. You can join us and learn more from the Bible. To find a church next to your location please visit: www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
📄 TEXT: sabbath-school.adventech.io/en/
🎧 AUDIO: egwhiteaudio.com/
🎵 Final Song: “Be Thou my Vision” from www.smallchurchmusic.com/Song...
#SabbathSchoolLesson #EllenGWhiteNotes #SeventhDayAdventistChurch #TheBookOfJohn
Переглядів: 21
Little town of bethlehem - Karl Tarrazona
Переглядів 29 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Shine - Rhea Veerabatheni
Переглядів 39 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Silent night - Vicky De Leon
Переглядів 59 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
What child is this - Flute Cover - Rohan Veerabatheni
9 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Little town of Bethlehem - January & Jilliane Bautista
Переглядів 39 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Christmas Medley - Farrah & Frendz Caluma
Переглядів 39 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Go tell it on the mountain - Joel Westberg
Переглядів 29 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Noel - Joel Westberg
9 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Silent night - Adventurers
Переглядів 29 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
What can I give him - Joel Westberg
9 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Christmas Songs - 14 December 2024
Переглядів 119 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
Children's Time with Jenny Beasley - 14 December 2024
Переглядів 259 годин тому
Parkwood SDA Church,Modesto @ParkwoodSDAChurch Website: parkwood.adventistfaith.org Facebook: ParkwoodSeventhDayAdventistChurch Instagram: parkwoodsdachurch UA-cam: www.youtube.com/@ParkwoodSDAChurch
2024 Q4 Lesson 12: The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection - Taught by Tim Jennings
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2024 Q4 Lesson 12: The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection - Taught by Tim Jennings
2024 Q4 Lesson 12 - The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection - Percy Harrold
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2024 Q4 Lesson 12 - The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection - Percy Harrold
Special music by Zoey Marin - 07 December 2024
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Special music by Zoey Marin - 07 December 2024
Children's Time with JoAnn Marie - 07 December 2024
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Children's Time with JoAnn Marie - 07 December 2024
2024 Q4 Lesson 11: The Father, the Son, and the Spirit - Taught by Tim Jennings Come and Reason
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2024 Q4 Lesson 11: The Father, the Son, and the Spirit - Taught by Tim Jennings Come and Reason
2024 Q4 Lesson 10: The way, the Truth, and the Life - Taught by Tim Jennings Come and Reason
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2024 Q4 Lesson 10: The way, the Truth, and the Life - Taught by Tim Jennings Come and Reason
2024 Q4 Lesson 10 - EGW Notes - The Way, the Truth, and the Life - Audio by Carla Morris
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2024 Q4 Lesson 10 - EGW Notes - The Way, the Truth, and the Life - Audio by Carla Morris
2024 Q4 Lesson 10 - The Way, the Truth, and the Life - Audio by Percy Harrold
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2024 Q4 Lesson 10 - The Way, the Truth, and the Life - Audio by Percy Harrold
Children's Time with Sandy Herman - 30 November 2024
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Children's Time with Sandy Herman - 30 November 2024
Happy Happy Sabbath
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Beautiful song. I like it.
I love you my Jesus 😚💘🔥💓😭😭
no not one like the lonely Jesus Jesus kown about my strongles
Definitely no not one , expect him alone❤
omg this is like time travel back to the 70's. 😂 No Amy ..I don't like licorice Jelly Beans lol. I can't believe my Dad played guitar and sang on those church steps in video. He passed away 3 years ago, but I have his guitar, and I plan to learn to play a few of his songs that I have on sheet music soon.
back when I was at parkwood sda CA, i don't remember the carpet being so green ! omg ...1970's design xD I actually had more time skipping church there, than sitting through the sermins
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
🤲Amen and Amen! This hymn is not so popular anymore...which to me,,,is really sad. It's so beautiful. I think it should be used in churches at the opening of the service and the closing of the service.🙌
No not one
Ameeeen. Hallelujah!!!
I woke up this morning singing this song. I was singing the chorus, then I searched for it on UA-cam and been playing it over and over and sending it to my friends. Thank you, Jesus
Love it!
No not one!
Sorry can you help me the instrumental of this song
Be blessed alot brethren, good vocal arrangement
A beautiful hymn excellently rendered! Thanks. ❤🎉❤🎉❤
Praise the Lord respected sister thankyou so much for the inspirational song be blessed be safe psl 91 prayful wishes devaraj lucy devaraj n children Bangalore
Powerful song
I love the sabbath school class. Especially that I am of the same age group and do feel a sense of belonging to sit thru the entire study. I look forward to seeing all the folks in the class as well each week.
I'm listening to this right now at my mom's gravesite. We just got the head stone placed and it has 4 lines of lyrics to this song. My mom is listening from heaven with me.😊
Abraham trusted God enough to take His hand and be led by Him out of Ur of the Chaldees. He looked to God now for His guidance about the direction to walk toward. Abraham still had his fears which didn't mean he hadn't turned to be saved when he lied about Sarah being his sister because of the depravity of sinners custom around him where they would kill a man with a beautiful wife , make her a widow and they would take her for themselves if they had the power to do that. Abraham trusted God by being led primarily by God for Gods purposes. He realized God is real and is Good! He had saving faith.
Thank you for the lesson God bless
Thank you Dr..always enjoy watching your explanation of some of the Bible lessons.
God and God alone ❤
Thank God blessings me with this song ❤❤❤
May God bless you and Carla for sharing this.
This song just came to mind this morning after sending kids to school, I feel blessed
What is the one thing we take to heaven? Character. Ours? Or the CHARACTER of Jesus? My character is transformed and refined in the fire...but is JESUS Living in the heart of the believer and showing the character of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for You Abiding in my heart and Leading me to my eternal home, a home you went to create for us, A NEW JERUSALEM! HALLELUJAH! AMEN. amen.❤❤❤
BEAUTIFUL GLORY TO GOD!!! Happy Sabbath to everyone!
This song was placed on my heart this morning,i feel blessed ❤
Gospel of Christ brings love, peace, joy and freedom I thank God everyday for His powerful word, I'm now a proud Christian thank you Lord
Beautiful! Thank you!
Happy sabbath
Thanks so much for your teaching learning so much! God almighty richly bless you!
This is a good one 😊
Pastor Mark Finley thank you for these timely and well needed lessons.