Tayion W
Tayion W
  • 50
  • 31 966
Final Project for FLM 3620
Переглядів: 68


Переглядів 43Місяць тому
SVP 2024 Credits: Emma the Elf - Emma Davis Paul - AJ Cartolano Antwon - Shane (Cream Cheese) Strong Lily - Tiffany Nguyen Director - Tayion Williams Director of Photography - Carlo Garcia Bello Writer - Tayion Williams Editor - Tayion Williams Sound Recordist - Ivaramoix Del Rosario Script Supervisor - Vontiniece Sim-Braxton Gaffer - Daniel Perkins Best Boy - William Gilbert Grip - Keylsi Davi...
Don't Die Anything Stupid
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Don't Die Anything Stupid
Do Do Do Don't
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Do Do Do Don't
The Very Hungry Caterpilar
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The Very Hungry Caterpilar
Significant Other
Переглядів 528 місяців тому
Significant Other
Untitled Goose Story
Переглядів 168 місяців тому
Untitled Goose Story
The Story of a Little Guy
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The Story of a Little Guy
Acceptance in Lady Bird
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A revision/expansion of a video essay for FLM 3660, Essay Filmmaking. After months I realized that the version I uploaded before had problems and wasn't the version I intended on being the final so I'm finally uploading what was the intended Final Cut
In Hot Pursuit: The Silly Bandit Saga
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Made for the SVP 48 Hour Film Challenge
60 Second Video Essay
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60 Second Video Essay
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A young man shares his favorite things with a special person but struggles to enjoy his favorite things once she's gone. Directed, Written, and Edited by Tayion Williams Starring Zachary Andrew Kiley Baumgartner Emma Davis Sound Recordist & Gaffer William Gilbert Intimacy Coordinator & Production Assistant Shane Strong Special Thanks to The Lost Golfer Corporation Incorporated OU Film Studies a...
MeadowBrook Hall Tour
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Project made for my FLM 3661, Editing
Pac Man Ghost
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Pac Man Ghost
Significant Other
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Significant Other
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Willy Wonka's Opening Scenes - A Comparison Video Essay (Fixed Audio)
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Willy Wonka's Opening Scenes - A Comparison Video Essay (Fixed Audio)
Willy Wonka's Opening Scenes - A Comparison Video Essay
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Willy Wonka's Opening Scenes - A Comparison Video Essay
Don't Do Anything Stupid
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Don't Do Anything Stupid
Perspectives in Lady Bird | Video Essay
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Perspectives in Lady Bird | Video Essay
Why does the Batman franchise keep being rebooted?
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Why does the Batman franchise keep being rebooted?
Lost Golfer Bloopers
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Lost Golfer Bloopers
The Lost Golfer
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The Lost Golfer
Jordan Peele Video Essay
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Jordan Peele Video Essay
The Meaning Of Family
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The Meaning Of Family
Oakland University
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Oakland University
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My Baby You'll Be
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My Baby You'll Be


  • @brianwalczybock
    @brianwalczybock 4 дні тому


  • @Reincarnation-IsReal
    @Reincarnation-IsReal Місяць тому


  • @Reincarnation-IsReal
    @Reincarnation-IsReal Місяць тому


  • @Spidermanonmynewps5
    @Spidermanonmynewps5 Місяць тому

    clever spidermfdn

  • @tabelofabel
    @tabelofabel Місяць тому

    Amazing, i didn't expect him to pull out a robot lol. This is a great skit, you deserve more views!!!!

  • @HugoM416
    @HugoM416 Місяць тому

    Great skit, didn't expect the fourth wall breaks, that was really funny. I think some ambient soundtrack would go a long way though? Like in Joel Haver's skits, I always love the way the music supports the story

  • @Nebula-nq1ft
    @Nebula-nq1ft 6 місяців тому

    Too much sugar 😔 💔🤢🤮

  • @AttemptedMaker
    @AttemptedMaker 7 місяців тому

    Cool concept, nice work.

  • @jayku1624
    @jayku1624 8 місяців тому

    Lovely, wish i could see more honestly. What inspired you to make the plot if i may ask?

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion 7 місяців тому

      thank you! i was only the editor so i didn’t really come up with the story

    • @jayku1624
      @jayku1624 7 місяців тому

      @@nottayion i love the editing as well, i am curious as to the plot in full though. I’d love to see an extended edition where the man in question is second guessing his reality, going back and forth between the interrogation and the present trying to piece together what happened before it did. Great work all n all!

  • @samjlemke
    @samjlemke 8 місяців тому

    Wow, you really did a nice job with that Black and White section! Really creative and original. I feel very inspired, especially with the red blood.

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion 8 місяців тому

      oh why thank you, they say imitation is the best form of flattery 😎

  • @l10n0
    @l10n0 8 місяців тому

    Great video!

  • @Maxops500
    @Maxops500 8 місяців тому

    Great video dude? Surprised you don’t have more subscribers

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion 8 місяців тому

      thanks a lot!

  • @jamezwilliamz9887
    @jamezwilliamz9887 10 місяців тому

    Now make a full season

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion 10 місяців тому

      i no no wanna

  • @ashhabimran239
    @ashhabimran239 Рік тому

    That's irony that many people have already noticed: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory focuses more on Charlie, while Charlie and the Chocolate Factory focuses more on Willy Wonka. Taking that into account, that explains the tones, Charlie's positive, upbeat worldview versus Willy Wonka's more cynical, jaded worldview. The 2005 was indeed intended to be darker because the original story is quite dark. Funny how 'Charlie' tells us about Charlie while 'Willy Wonka' shows us about him, because nearly every other time, the '05 movie does the showing while the '71 movie does the telling

  • @tytheshark
    @tytheshark Рік тому

    One of my favorites from you❤️❤️❤️ Outstanding!

  • @jamezwilliamz9887
    @jamezwilliamz9887 Рік тому

    Gang… that was beautiful

  • @goatedtre5698
    @goatedtre5698 Рік тому

    More vids like this 💯

  • @jayxtin4410
    @jayxtin4410 Рік тому

    made me think

  • @tytheshark
    @tytheshark Рік тому

    now i must watch the movie! outstanding work!

  • @tyshaywilliams4319
    @tyshaywilliams4319 Рік тому

    Excellent job !!

  • @jmwilliams88
    @jmwilliams88 Рік тому

    Good comparison but there should probably be more mention of the film's directors rather than just the actors. For instance "Depp throws [show don't tell] completely out of the window". It was Tim Burton making these directorial choices, not Depp.

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion Рік тому

      You're absolutely right, if given a second shot at this I would definitely include that change. I didn't want to confuse viewers though so I decided to leave out the name of the directors.

    • @legendaryjezzdog
      @legendaryjezzdog Рік тому

      Yeah they are all directorial decisions. And you seem to point out differences but I think you should spend more time discussing reasons why these differences exist or perhaps the intentions of the director in making these directorial decisions. Like you say this is a video essay but it’s more like a trailer for a video essay.

  • @dagtarap1
    @dagtarap1 Рік тому

    Algorithm's a strange thing, but glad it suggested you, ez sub. Great composition breakdowns, hoping to see more! The music got a touch loud on the outtro

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion Рік тому

      Thanks a lot for the kind words! and for spotting that error, I plan to reupload with fixed audio.

  • @jamezwilliamz9887
    @jamezwilliamz9887 Рік тому


  • @RexfromIslaNublar
    @RexfromIslaNublar Рік тому

    How the hell did this end up on my suggested video list? 😂

  • @jamezwilliamz9887
    @jamezwilliamz9887 Рік тому

    B A N D O

  • @dummymob7493
    @dummymob7493 Рік тому

    How did I end up in here?? Lol. I like it tho

  • @gagestanifer7240
    @gagestanifer7240 Рік тому

    Will there be a sequel?

    • @nottayion
      @nottayion Рік тому

      the lost golfer corporation incorporated will return

  • @gagestanifer7240
    @gagestanifer7240 Рік тому

    That WAS a pretty crazy adventure!

  • @jamezwilliamz9887
    @jamezwilliamz9887 Рік тому

    B A N D O

  • @skyfall9549
    @skyfall9549 Рік тому

    Hopefully The Batman gets a full trilogy

  • @stephenscharf6293
    @stephenscharf6293 Рік тому

    Money. It’s the same reason for any “franchise.”

  • @ronb5714
    @ronb5714 Рік тому

    Alternative take: Batman keeps getting rebooted because 1/DC struggles to make successful films with other characters 2/He wears a mask quite a lot so it’s a bit easier to change actors

  • @edgaracajabon9522
    @edgaracajabon9522 Рік тому

    To keep the legend going I would think or because none of them top Batman 89.

  • @renatbadretdinov6910
    @renatbadretdinov6910 Рік тому

    My psiudonym Draco Boyko I live in France city of Toulouse, I wanted to say that Bob Kene and Bill Finger took the brig from Jack the jumper, he was called the jumping demon, this is not Batman because Jack's helmet has jumping horns, in England they say Batman and in the usa they say Betmen Bat man in Turkic language Bet translate person men translate me, Draco Boyko

  • @shanemcguire5347
    @shanemcguire5347 Рік тому

    Batman is Batman he is DC's Golden boy even more popular than Superman in my opinion no shade on Superman he's cool but you have to admit Batman is Batman nuff said

  • @talariswatts-el9196
    @talariswatts-el9196 Рік тому

    Great video.

  • @MrHuang-rh4bj
    @MrHuang-rh4bj Рік тому

    Bale’s batman is successful cause it’s not a superhero movie. It’s a crime drama. Just like Logan is a western and endgame is a heist film

  • @wildshetentertainment1821

    Because Batman is the only way Warner Bros makes any money ever lol

  • @mrbabyhugh
    @mrbabyhugh Рік тому

    Every superhero will reboot because the actors get old, and reshowing the old films in the theater wont work because they all over cable and the younger generation relate better to newer actors. The REAL ISSUE IS, why didn't Ben get more time on screen, that is the only one we can say got a "reboot".

  • @mrbabyhugh
    @mrbabyhugh Рік тому

    3:27 they simply weren't confident in Ben and even Gal, so they introduced them with the most popular superhero if not spiderman but at least that DC has. Marvel did it other way, solo films. Black Panther did a cameo and an excellent one because the character is not popular on screen, and that worked. However, it is my opinion that the Snyderverse should never had been done. His style is too dark, and the masses won't relate to that as they already have a precondition mindset of the characters. So you have a remote few who love it and the masses who simply cant connect to it.

  • @mrbabyhugh
    @mrbabyhugh Рік тому

    Again, I really like Bale BUT THIS GUY RIGHT HERE is a significant part of why there was success. This character but more so this actor's portrayal of the character is so good, absolutely no one can come close to it. They went completely different angle because of how damn good THIS GUY DID IT. This though Joker was just a criminal and not a psycho, his acting made people connect to him.

  • @mrbabyhugh
    @mrbabyhugh Рік тому

    1:09 i think you could or should have gone one step at even 2 before Christian Bale. As much as Christian didn't fail, he was still a massive drop off from previous ones, with far less technology in Hollywood. Ben was a non starter to begin with and Patterson, I didnt like the idea because I knew no way he could be a decent Bruce Wayne. But I decided to watch and I like the angle they took it from, focused more on Batman and more on the troubled Bruce in his younger years with no much focus on it. Patterson has life, it just depends on how the 2nd one is done, if successful they can start having spin offs from that Universe.

  • @wilmedina8368
    @wilmedina8368 Рік тому

    Pattinson looks like the joker and Affleck should have been Deathstroke.

  • @KashifKhan-di1jr
    @KashifKhan-di1jr Рік тому

    @CT9905 I agree

  • @wongjefx980
    @wongjefx980 Рік тому

    $$$$$ and you don't have to spend too much on VFX for Batman if you bring him back to his roots as a vigilante detective crime fighter vs a guy who can fly or guy who swims with fish...

  • @steveyj3002
    @steveyj3002 Рік тому

    Money and when everything else fails just add more Batman and repeat 😂

  • @Mister_MasterzRN
    @Mister_MasterzRN Рік тому

    well done! do more

  • @kevinmkraft
    @kevinmkraft Рік тому

    Oh, some of us enjoyed Ben Alfeck's Batman. Wasn't that impressed by Patterson's Batman, but we'll see what the future brings.

  • @rctaz990
    @rctaz990 Рік тому


  • @LuciferMorningstar-zu1ud
    @LuciferMorningstar-zu1ud Рік тому

    I watch DC content and Batman all day, EVERY DAY hahaha I'm a true fan. I watch Joker twice a week, never fails. Shit I'm watching it now!