Vusi C 4Tune
Vusi C 4Tune
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Alpha Romeo ft Vusi C 4Tune_Muletupepelako
A Gospel song
Переглядів: 6 802


Vusi c 4Tune- MukilasiVusi c 4Tune- Mukilasi
Vusi c 4Tune- Mukilasi
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Chilemba- Vusi c 4TuneChilemba- Vusi c 4Tune
Chilemba- Vusi c 4Tune
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Переглядів 873Місяць тому
Переглядів 259 тис.2 місяці тому
Remembering our loved ones through this wonderful melody.
Переглядів 60 тис.2 місяці тому
Ken do zm ft Vusi c 4Tune _pempeloKen do zm ft Vusi c 4Tune _pempelo
Ken do zm ft Vusi c 4Tune _pempelo
Переглядів 2,2 тис.2 місяці тому


  • @MutintaMalambo-k2n
    @MutintaMalambo-k2n 6 годин тому

    Rip dad 😭😭

  • @GIFTZULU-w6s
    @GIFTZULU-w6s День тому

    Imfwa taibelela...In 14 months we've lost grandma, uncle and my cousin being put to rest today. Each death brings fresh memories of the other and the wounds remain fresh, it hurts...... ala ilakalipa😭

  • @wendyselembe
    @wendyselembe День тому

    Those here after knowing about Dora's death💔😔🕊️

  • @jilokizito1705
    @jilokizito1705 День тому

    I'm from Kenya, and I'm listening to this song. I'm wondering if there are a lot of words from his language that are in the Luhya languages of the people in the Western part of Kenya. I can get the message of what he is saying even though I'm a Kenyan.

  • @jilokizito1705
    @jilokizito1705 День тому

    Straight from TikTok and came by this song courtesy of the passing on of a lady from Zambia called DORA MOONO NYAMBE. Sorry Zambians. You lost a great soul. I'm from Kenya, and I mourn with you. I never knew her. I also don't get the song's complete lyrics, apart from a few words found in Kiswahili. May her soul rest in eternal peace!

  • @AnnieKaoma-o8q
    @AnnieKaoma-o8q День тому

    This reminds of me of my twin babies 😢 U broke mummy into pieces 😭 mummy loves you so much Fly high😭😭😭

  • @JosephMukupa-q1u
    @JosephMukupa-q1u 2 дні тому

    Dad,my brother, I'm still remembering you

  • @NathanMbewe-w7u
    @NathanMbewe-w7u 2 дні тому

    Rare, love the message

  • @TracyMachaya-j8u
    @TracyMachaya-j8u 3 дні тому

    this song is so touching😢😭God bless my mother with good health and bless every mother out there 🙏🙏

  • @VusiBanda-zv8vh
    @VusiBanda-zv8vh 3 дні тому

    This song is perfect ❤❤

  • @JamesChirwa-s1d
    @JamesChirwa-s1d 3 дні тому

    This song made me cry after all have been through in life when my friends get it easy without struggling but I have to except it's life things don't go smooth for everyone

  • @Lamecksimucimba
    @Lamecksimucimba 4 дні тому

    Brother i love you ❤ God give you more grace. Lameck from Mbala district

  • @ruthsakala3841
    @ruthsakala3841 5 днів тому

    My daughter sibongile, keep resting in peace 🙏🙏 . I miss you everyday 😭😭😭😭

  • @SerahMunkodya
    @SerahMunkodya 5 днів тому

    Congratulations Mr vusi this song is a great message ❤

  • @MoolaMoola-f1z
    @MoolaMoola-f1z 6 днів тому

    Missing you mummy and dad I love you even in death I wish you were here to see your grandchildren 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @kangwasengula4738
    @kangwasengula4738 7 днів тому

    Thoughts can take me higher and higher when i think of my beloved ones in the wouder world continue resting in peace😢😢

  • @josephchilufya8113
    @josephchilufya8113 8 днів тому

    I miss you a lot my mum, dad and elder brother we shall meet to the otherside 😭😭

  • @josephchilufya8113
    @josephchilufya8113 8 днів тому

    The death of my mum, Dad and elder brother give me a lot of pain😭😭 everytime when I see people dying it's reminding me 😭..... is not easy to lost your beloved one.

  • @paulsimusokwe9758
    @paulsimusokwe9758 8 днів тому

    Amen 🙏🙏🙏 very powerful message ❤️🌹

  • @GraceKunda-w9f
    @GraceKunda-w9f 9 днів тому

    i miss my sister , Ruth may your soul rest in peace

  • @AnnieMwambula
    @AnnieMwambula 9 днів тому

    Imagine loosing your father at the tender age of 11months 😭😭😭 daddy your dota misses you so much 💔💔💔

  • @kennethwezzy3252
    @kennethwezzy3252 9 днів тому

    Awesome massage big man

  • @JohnMwansa-k7p
    @JohnMwansa-k7p 9 днів тому

    Nice song

  • @musondaabrahamngimu4467
    @musondaabrahamngimu4467 10 днів тому

    Vusi are you a secular singer or gospel singer nangu it's for business guys you are not serious with God,,

  • @TimekelenjiMtonga
    @TimekelenjiMtonga 10 днів тому

    This song has encouraged me alot❤❤❤.

  • @KeeganKalonga-rf4kb
    @KeeganKalonga-rf4kb 10 днів тому

    Vusi you are speaking to me thanks 😢

  • @EdinahMwansa-j5u
    @EdinahMwansa-j5u 11 днів тому

    I wish you stayed a little longer my son 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @KingsleyChanda
    @KingsleyChanda 11 днів тому

    Og music bro 🎶

  • @RabeccaMeamui
    @RabeccaMeamui 11 днів тому

    I lost my sister last week Thursday the fact that I didn't attend her burial I still can't accept that she's gone 💔💔💔💔😭

  • @gracenmulenga3647
    @gracenmulenga3647 11 днів тому

    From TikTok

  • @AmosNkamba
    @AmosNkamba 11 днів тому


  • @50na50office
    @50na50office 12 днів тому

    Congratulations song of the year 🙏🔥🚨

  • @clementmwale6600
    @clementmwale6600 12 днів тому

    Okay cikali ichi

  • @NatashaKapengwe
    @NatashaKapengwe 12 днів тому

    Continue Resting In Peace mum 06/05/2019 🕊️ still feels like yesterday 😭😭 if you were around things wouldn't have been the way they are now 😭 only God knows 🙏😭

  • @Emzy_Kay
    @Emzy_Kay 12 днів тому

    Nice song

  • @MulandaYamfwa
    @MulandaYamfwa 13 днів тому


  • @chimzytossy8354
    @chimzytossy8354 13 днів тому

    I get motivated everytime I hear this Song 😭😭

  • @GiftSimasiku-l4e
    @GiftSimasiku-l4e 13 днів тому

    ❤❤❤ nice song

  • @EmmanuelZulu-ty7kw
    @EmmanuelZulu-ty7kw 13 днів тому

    Neighborhood jae Muller💯

  • @patrickford1681
    @patrickford1681 14 днів тому

    Great piece❤

  • @Josephinechangwe
    @Josephinechangwe 14 днів тому

    Wow this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @Josephinechangwe
    @Josephinechangwe 14 днів тому

    Wow this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @thembinkosisimelane5492
    @thembinkosisimelane5492 14 днів тому

    Vusi can you please make all your songs able to be downloaded on you tube,you know I'm in Swaziland I don't understand the language but when I'm listening to your songs my spirit is being uplifted

    • @VusiC4Tune-M
      @VusiC4Tune-M 14 днів тому

      Wow thank you so much i will make sure do that .❤

    • @jessiejadenlubinda8680
      @jessiejadenlubinda8680 13 днів тому

      Please vusi do it first, your songs really Minister's at my soul

  • @georgemwanza1938
    @georgemwanza1938 14 днів тому

    Alpha!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤🎉ici nicikali

  • @douglassechelanji2482
    @douglassechelanji2482 15 днів тому

    Boi stop cutting red onion plz😭😭😭

  • @MercyMwewa-gq6wx
    @MercyMwewa-gq6wx 15 днів тому

    It just hit differently and the song itself its a hit.

  • @landwellchibale.d1-1b66
    @landwellchibale.d1-1b66 15 днів тому

    Okay but alpha been doing it for edges and mostly your music is about encouragement.and the mu class guy .. beautiful song❤

  • @Obbiechivuna-o2u
    @Obbiechivuna-o2u 15 днів тому

    Vusi 4tune uli wakulekafye my brother its hit after hit ❤❤❤❤

  • @StanlySimweene
    @StanlySimweene 15 днів тому

    Still miss my daddy in-law may his soul rest in peace 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @IKays-i1t
    @IKays-i1t 15 днів тому

    Mom, Dad sisters and brothers may your souls in peace u all have left me in tears I miss you all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭