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Beauty Buzz Makers
United Kingdom
Приєднався 23 лип 2022
I'm Angeline, that girl who's happens to know a little about everything! She's out for easy makeup routines, self-care, solo dates, fashion styling, levelling up your life, lifestyle & more. The joining is to make you comfortable with you! Very important!
I am a mother, a wife and much more. Let me share my journey and inspire you and also help you love you if you are not already doing so!
*SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELua-cam.com/video/B_DmDRU8Gao/v-deo.html
*Instagram: @aaangeline
*Business: email- dreamwithmebabe@gmail.com
I am a mother, a wife and much more. Let me share my journey and inspire you and also help you love you if you are not already doing so!
*SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELua-cam.com/video/B_DmDRU8Gao/v-deo.html
*Instagram: @aaangeline
*Business: email- dreamwithmebabe@gmail.com
Relaxing Self Care Day ♡ | Skincare, making ginger root shot, banana bread & more🫧🚿 #self#selfcare
Relaxing Self Care Day ♡ | Skincare, making ginger root shot, banana bread & more 🫧🚿 #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare
Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video!
Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product!
THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video.
Dove shower cream-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?
Dove Body Lotion
Palmer's Coconut Body oil
Simple Skin Quench
Soap & Glory Body scrub
Hair Shampoo & Conditional -www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjSq6iY3aSJAxXumVAGHbs1PXAYABArGgJkZw&co=1&
Moroccan Argan Hair oil
Detangle Hair Spray
DAYWEAR -www.esteelauder.co.uk/product/688/13158/product-catalog/skincare/moisturisers/daywear-moisturiser/
Woah night serum-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=
Zatik serum-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi0weLht7X8AhXO2-0KHVKzDngYABALGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2xYs0kXAvtgVrqYU-O9iiItDcvTbQBxSoJdSzkv185AkOREMS-SP0b1rg47LZmSQSj7wV3xo96BbbE_CehVnb745gxwPTyGZvKy019-E3noW_Py73KyEMc6h8mthnWuAgf_A1Z0tDBi8&sig=AOD64_2hAziUMn3cXSDMA7_dt4fZINEcXg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi67dvht7X8AhXEglwKHRLQBq4Q9aACKAB6BAgDEBw&adurl=
Bath & body works-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwit5YPduLX8AhXBnu0KHQEGC_YYABAIGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2rVkSRR3GLyZm5oapNDLULsglKcZbpNDBge4rVno25Pt-KT6HU6_WsVoRd9Y6ynd_tN9ZCsqGJ9_u99_eEdP7bbCnkQ6X5UNk8Rrend9wbck0hwTwE4I7F-AO3cGJYOOJNzY4Mg-rnX4&sig=AOD64_1I_Dq6rjLgOZ1MKDyPYHWA6ImjtQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiEoPrcuLX8AhVRFcAKHaH9DqsQ9aACKAB6BAgHEB0&adurl=
Face roller-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiFre-DubX8AhUIxu0KHRK_BKcYABAKGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2TNyKwzoI4ctFf2azw7iUqwg6kxMkh3k5XyCGeGVDjNv__dVc0uCrfe7JMllKg1KhsOQHk0--7Gx1IuZYY0gN_w6TAa9BDh-pEcbrYnzo2bGqQNeglhwM0MsBmOqizDpvpGi0uEgArWg&sig=AOD64_1p3vKn_GstAMia8mhPHHTCIvgbzQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiVm-mDubX8AhWLZsAKHTPYAyIQ9aACKAB6BAgHEFw&adurl=
Ritual body scrub-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiqitGxubX8AhWHy-0KHWvmAKMYABALGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2Abp1eQ5ZI_RsQ7y5fwtz7lVH3fTA-nK7EhGM8Q5toJOqetxv_LGJpHSlzBK7tIUA0vXLTo-bB3bdIMirzoObKa85zw01aUPNZqPjFB4JnT2RP3NAdCteVLTdAK-yJWFThNOOO5ko4Oo&sig=AOD64_3-voHB-gN2N6ypEuo9wWMHrgFRFQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwik_8mxubX8AhWSd8AKHRjnCIwQ9aACKAB6BAgGEBI&adurl=
Avon shower cream avon.uk.com/products/senses-sweet-and-joyful-shower-cream-freesia-and-pomegranate-720ml
MAC Foundation- www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiTr8aa5K2IAxUJklAGHXvILAAYABAJGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubVA7r9AoIxGW8ZZqgt57NTpAYqAq7gSKstbAUoOrOcqSeaunLIf6CcaArXBEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2rzIgJf76WpIgOCUjBaxOUFX4jbSukHl2N62aYl6G758UkOCyeKQdYwzBM62DE_A4vc6IaPcF5aSf9fICcofiPGsmPGgwPXuxNlQzrRH04rj-uIA&sig=AOD64_0CVzIzhgfLiJlwfPbYghv0JL3ADA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjRs8Ca5K2IAxXFWUEAHRApGXQQ9aACKAB6BAgFEF4&adurl=
MAC Hyper Real Serumizer www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi95JrU5a2IAxXngFAGHSfqDmkYABAkGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubUCfPtqCSvG6MmbrqGZn58S-i0ZAIvKkUMZYBSzdbi268nxLH7MfEAaAnffEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2O0wA_Mi8uzF4Pm7azgRi_LANrzJaaGSnX3gJneEqbCElhf0FR0xUHfxXSAGPmDXA1BObVUTB4CYrRj0EbhChQ5VvsO9UsABC5setT_6LQG1YxA8&sig=AOD64_3pUKz06H0ksB8Rr3hUGWDKJcTkHg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiIyZTU5a2IAxVnWUEAHa9bEbIQ9aACKAB6BQgIEK8B&adurl=
elf glow lip oil www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi63-2o5q2IAxUfmVAGHX21DTEYABAZGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubXSefALOpPcYBO1bSzLS7t2VzjZZ23fh5DKVBEVfQKJBJ-0Z84dkNsaApsWEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD20II84Bk7B73Ugz7J967auJiNlBbqEb6zEuS4N5H7CAMuzk4eNcGRbc9EJJWMCeEiSoodZqD1ExD0au3ZFADs1NM3ISlUQyNOy840RQwGoBCiGR4&sig=AOD64_1yQlUTEZHIFZtxyoQ5-VOby96AjQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiR3uio5q2IAxW7QUEAHZXXHZUQ9aACKAB6BQgGEJIB&adurl=
NYX Radiant finish spray www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj17ubT5q2IAxWEl1AGHYtSAfYYABAnGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubUYuXEf_mFwwl1aQt2IlgoHyEsEIfwdooLAdIR01N5aPRGxD2p6kesaAglsEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2Cwgf8NAGckP7qdDen5OW_MAgzfhWHzjg01eoOm9_UKy9Oym-Hr16Q1AuQZUMD8mpKhL7V521beEijt_0rfIryw0_LZ1K8QqP1FYVWwLo2r7NfmY&sig=AOD64_2gEQWwWuZrHIcMIuzcdpIvITn8hQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwirkeLT5q2IAxWoWkEAHVFhLwIQ9aACKAB6BAgFEBc&adurl=
Hair wash products
please watch my other channel ua-cam.com/video/1wMoqTwG8lg/v-deo.html
Music- UA-cam
Follow me on TikTok www.tiktok.com/@angelinetv08#
Follow me on INSTAGRAM _aaangeline_followers/ _aaangeline_followers/
Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video!
Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product!
THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss a video.
Dove shower cream-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?
Dove Body Lotion
Palmer's Coconut Body oil
Simple Skin Quench
Soap & Glory Body scrub
Hair Shampoo & Conditional -www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjSq6iY3aSJAxXumVAGHbs1PXAYABArGgJkZw&co=1&
Moroccan Argan Hair oil
Detangle Hair Spray
DAYWEAR -www.esteelauder.co.uk/product/688/13158/product-catalog/skincare/moisturisers/daywear-moisturiser/
Woah night serum-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=
Zatik serum-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi0weLht7X8AhXO2-0KHVKzDngYABALGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2xYs0kXAvtgVrqYU-O9iiItDcvTbQBxSoJdSzkv185AkOREMS-SP0b1rg47LZmSQSj7wV3xo96BbbE_CehVnb745gxwPTyGZvKy019-E3noW_Py73KyEMc6h8mthnWuAgf_A1Z0tDBi8&sig=AOD64_2hAziUMn3cXSDMA7_dt4fZINEcXg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi67dvht7X8AhXEglwKHRLQBq4Q9aACKAB6BAgDEBw&adurl=
Bath & body works-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwit5YPduLX8AhXBnu0KHQEGC_YYABAIGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2rVkSRR3GLyZm5oapNDLULsglKcZbpNDBge4rVno25Pt-KT6HU6_WsVoRd9Y6ynd_tN9ZCsqGJ9_u99_eEdP7bbCnkQ6X5UNk8Rrend9wbck0hwTwE4I7F-AO3cGJYOOJNzY4Mg-rnX4&sig=AOD64_1I_Dq6rjLgOZ1MKDyPYHWA6ImjtQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiEoPrcuLX8AhVRFcAKHaH9DqsQ9aACKAB6BAgHEB0&adurl=
Face roller-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiFre-DubX8AhUIxu0KHRK_BKcYABAKGgJkZw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2TNyKwzoI4ctFf2azw7iUqwg6kxMkh3k5XyCGeGVDjNv__dVc0uCrfe7JMllKg1KhsOQHk0--7Gx1IuZYY0gN_w6TAa9BDh-pEcbrYnzo2bGqQNeglhwM0MsBmOqizDpvpGi0uEgArWg&sig=AOD64_1p3vKn_GstAMia8mhPHHTCIvgbzQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiVm-mDubX8AhWLZsAKHTPYAyIQ9aACKAB6BAgHEFw&adurl=
Ritual body scrub-www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiqitGxubX8AhWHy-0KHWvmAKMYABALGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2Abp1eQ5ZI_RsQ7y5fwtz7lVH3fTA-nK7EhGM8Q5toJOqetxv_LGJpHSlzBK7tIUA0vXLTo-bB3bdIMirzoObKa85zw01aUPNZqPjFB4JnT2RP3NAdCteVLTdAK-yJWFThNOOO5ko4Oo&sig=AOD64_3-voHB-gN2N6ypEuo9wWMHrgFRFQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwik_8mxubX8AhWSd8AKHRjnCIwQ9aACKAB6BAgGEBI&adurl=
Avon shower cream avon.uk.com/products/senses-sweet-and-joyful-shower-cream-freesia-and-pomegranate-720ml
MAC Foundation- www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiTr8aa5K2IAxUJklAGHXvILAAYABAJGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubVA7r9AoIxGW8ZZqgt57NTpAYqAq7gSKstbAUoOrOcqSeaunLIf6CcaArXBEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2rzIgJf76WpIgOCUjBaxOUFX4jbSukHl2N62aYl6G758UkOCyeKQdYwzBM62DE_A4vc6IaPcF5aSf9fICcofiPGsmPGgwPXuxNlQzrRH04rj-uIA&sig=AOD64_0CVzIzhgfLiJlwfPbYghv0JL3ADA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjRs8Ca5K2IAxXFWUEAHRApGXQQ9aACKAB6BAgFEF4&adurl=
MAC Hyper Real Serumizer www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi95JrU5a2IAxXngFAGHSfqDmkYABAkGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubUCfPtqCSvG6MmbrqGZn58S-i0ZAIvKkUMZYBSzdbi268nxLH7MfEAaAnffEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2O0wA_Mi8uzF4Pm7azgRi_LANrzJaaGSnX3gJneEqbCElhf0FR0xUHfxXSAGPmDXA1BObVUTB4CYrRj0EbhChQ5VvsO9UsABC5setT_6LQG1YxA8&sig=AOD64_3pUKz06H0ksB8Rr3hUGWDKJcTkHg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiIyZTU5a2IAxVnWUEAHa9bEbIQ9aACKAB6BQgIEK8B&adurl=
elf glow lip oil www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi63-2o5q2IAxUfmVAGHX21DTEYABAZGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubXSefALOpPcYBO1bSzLS7t2VzjZZ23fh5DKVBEVfQKJBJ-0Z84dkNsaApsWEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD20II84Bk7B73Ugz7J967auJiNlBbqEb6zEuS4N5H7CAMuzk4eNcGRbc9EJJWMCeEiSoodZqD1ExD0au3ZFADs1NM3ISlUQyNOy840RQwGoBCiGR4&sig=AOD64_1yQlUTEZHIFZtxyoQ5-VOby96AjQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiR3uio5q2IAxW7QUEAHZXXHZUQ9aACKAB6BQgGEJIB&adurl=
NYX Radiant finish spray www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj17ubT5q2IAxWEl1AGHYtSAfYYABAnGgJkZw&co=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0Oq2BhCCARIsAA5hubUYuXEf_mFwwl1aQt2IlgoHyEsEIfwdooLAdIR01N5aPRGxD2p6kesaAglsEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2Cwgf8NAGckP7qdDen5OW_MAgzfhWHzjg01eoOm9_UKy9Oym-Hr16Q1AuQZUMD8mpKhL7V521beEijt_0rfIryw0_LZ1K8QqP1FYVWwLo2r7NfmY&sig=AOD64_2gEQWwWuZrHIcMIuzcdpIvITn8hQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwirkeLT5q2IAxWoWkEAHVFhLwIQ9aACKAB6BAgFEBc&adurl=
Hair wash products
please watch my other channel ua-cam.com/video/1wMoqTwG8lg/v-deo.html
Music- UA-cam
Follow me on TikTok www.tiktok.com/@angelinetv08#
Follow me on INSTAGRAM _aaangeline_followers/ _aaangeline_followers/
Переглядів: 65
Sunday RESET routine ♡ | Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
Переглядів 1,1 тис.День тому
Sunday RESET routine ♡ | Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so you don't mi...
My Relaxing Self Care With Minimalist Care ♡ | Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
Переглядів 620День тому
My Relaxing Self Care With Minimalist Care ♡ | Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFIC...
My Chill Morning Shower Routine ♡ | Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
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My Chill Morning Shower Routine ♡| Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so yo...
✮UPDATED✮ Body & Face Care Favourite ♡ | Oil, cream, lotion & Skincare Routine #self#selfcare
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✮UPDATED✮ Body & Face Care Favourite ♡| Oil, cream, lotion & Skincare #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOT...
My Chill Morning Shower Routine ♡ | Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
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My Chill Morning Shower Routine ♡| Body & Skincare 🫧🚿 #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so yo...
Sunday reset with me ♡| new shower oil, hair wash + shower routine #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
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Sunday reset with me ♡| new shower oil, hair wash shower routine #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICA...
Sunday reset with me ♡| new shower oil, hair wash + shower routine #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
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Sunday reset with me ♡| new shower oil, hair wash shower routine #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICA...
SELF CARE MOTIVATION | 10PM shower routine, skin care + self care #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
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SELF CARE MOTIVATION | 10PM shower routine, skin care self care #shower#hygiene#bathcare#selfare #selfcare#hygiene#shower#careforyourskin#loveyou#bathcare Thank you for sharing your time with me. Please enjoy the video! Most of these products can be found at your local drugstore and very affordable. Who don't like an affordable but good product! THUMBS UP AND SUBSCRIBE please! TURN ON NOTIFICAT...
SELF CARE MOTIVATION | shower routine, good hair product + soft skin #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
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SELF CARE MOTIVATION | shower routine, good hair product soft skin #self#selfcare #shower#bathcare
SELF CARE MOTIVATION | skin care, shower & more#selfcare #shower#bathcare#selflove
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SELF CARE MOTIVATION | skin care, shower & more#selfcare #shower#bathcare#selflove
6AM morning walk, clean with me & more On skin-care#selfcare #shower#bathcare#selflove
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6AM morning walk, clean with me & more On skin-care#selfcare #shower#bathcare#selflove
Self Care Routine | Body Care + Face Care & A Cop Of Lemongrass#selfcare #shower#bathcare#selflove
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Self Care Routine | Body Care Face Care & A Cop Of Lemongrass#selfcare #shower#bathcare#selflove
SUNDAY RESET | shower routine | skincare | healthy salad & more#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
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SUNDAY RESET | shower routine | skincare | healthy salad & more#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
My 5AM Skincare Routine For a Glow And Clear Skin#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
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My 5AM Skincare Routine For a Glow And Clear Skin#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
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The Perfect Morning Skin Care Routine#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
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The Perfect Morning Skin Care Routine#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
The Perfect Morning Skin Care Routine#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
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The Perfect Morning Skin Care Routine#hygiene #shower#bathcare#selfcare
Banana Bread Making, face care, shower routine & new products#treatyoubetter #skincareregimen#shower
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Banana Bread Making, face care, shower routine & new products#treatyoubetter #skincareregimen#shower
Night Shower Routine With Some Good Products & Face Care#hygiene #shower#bathcare
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Night Shower Routine With Some Good Products & Face Care#hygiene #shower#bathcare
Beauty Maintenance : Skin care, Lips care, Shower & more#hygiene #shower#bathcare
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Beauty Maintenance : Skin care, Lips care, Shower & more#hygiene #shower#bathcare
My Simple Shower Routine & Affordable Skin-care Routine#hygiene #shower
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My Simple Shower Routine & Affordable Skin-care Routine#hygiene #shower
Affordable Shower Routine | My Self Care | face Shave & More#hygiene #shower
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Affordable Shower Routine | My Self Care | face Shave & More#hygiene #shower
Everything Shower Routine | My Updated Feel Fantastic New Routine#hygiene #shower
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Everything Shower Routine | My Updated Feel Fantastic New Routine#hygiene #shower
GLOW UP SHOWER ROUTINE 2024 |face care, hair care, body care & relaxing pamper care!#hygiene #shower
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GLOW UP SHOWER ROUTINE 2024 |face care, hair care, body care & relaxing pamper care!#hygiene #shower
My Affordable Shower Routine 🚿 | face care, products, & skincare must have!#hygiene #shower#bathcare
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My Affordable Shower Routine 🚿 | face care, products, & skincare must have!#hygiene #shower#bathcare
Simple Affordable Shower Routine | Quick & Easy Shower Routine#hygiene #shower#bathcare
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Simple Affordable Shower Routine | Quick & Easy Shower Routine#hygiene #shower#bathcare
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Affordable Morning Routine For A Healthy Me#hygiene #shower#bathcare
Healthy Routine 2024 | Current Favourite Products & More#hygiene #shower#bathcare
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Healthy Routine 2024 | Current Favourite Products & More#hygiene #shower#bathcare
Heres muy hermosa tu color de piel tiene mucha historia te quedó muy bueno el video
@@Lililiana12333 thanks
@@cordeliafakude2908 thanks for watching ☺️
Nice video❤❤❤
@@cordeliafakude2908 thank you ☺️
great video
@@liberiantv thanks for watching
Good products and beautiful shades sis ! 😊
Thanks for watching😁
Beautiful shower routine and amazing foot care ❤️🦶🏽
Thanks for watching ❤
Thanks for watching ☺️
So good 🫶🏽
@@PurposeAndHistory thanks for watching.
Where is the video about Shower Routine? I can't see it.ok thank you for this idea that can be the next selfcare blog to and when you say show Skin Body seen I be trying It would be very helpful.❤❤
Thanks for watching and your comment.
Can you recommend any vanilla or lemon scented body wash?
One of the best body washes is Naturium because it has vitamin c which help to nourish your skin and glow it. Also, there are lot of body washes out there like CeraVe and others but you want to go for something that will help the skin not take away the good oil. I will be coming up with lots body washes so pls stay turn to the channel! Thanks for watching and your comment
Love your routines ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you.
Where is the video about Shower Routine? I can't see it.ok thank you for this idea that can be the next selfcare blog to and when you say show skin seen I be trying It would be very helpful.
@@samiAlaeldin thanks for watching and sharing your comments
that elf cleansing balm works SO GOOD
Yes it does 👌
Thanks for watching.
I like ❤❤
❤❤❤ nice
Thanks ☺️
Zara has some cute stuff !
Yes 👍
Thanks ☺️
@@BOI.D2000 thanks
Nice 👌
@@carlabraham9103 thanks honey
Love the outfit sis especially the gown 💕
Thanks sis🥰
super cool 😎 good to hear from you guys
Thanks 🤩
Thank you honey 🥰
👍very advisory.
Nice 👍
Thank you honey 🥰
Nice one dear❤
Thank you 🤩
Enjoyed this video ❤
Thanks for watching 👌
Thank you ☺️
Really enjoyed watching this sis 😊❤
Thank you so much sis😊
You’ve only got one body; so wise to diligently look after and care for it….👌
You are so right my love🥰
Slay! ❤ drop a video about this!😍😍
Ok 👍
Anyone who says women shouldn’t shave their facial hair are…………..I’m thinking…………are wrong it will not grow back thicker.
We should all shave we need it😀 Thanks for watching 👍
you. Look. Coold
Thanks 🤩
Love me some Clinique facial skin care and Dove Original Beauty Bar, too. Thanks for share.
Wonderful products😊
Looks Yummy, fresh n healthy 👍…
Your skin is very beautiful
Thank you so much😊
Beautiful robe
Thank you 🙏
Beautiful 😻
Thank you sis🥰
Thank you honey 🤗