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Monmouth Reform Temple
Приєднався 12 вер 2015
Shabbat worship led by Rabbi Edelman and Musical Guest
If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
Переглядів: 187
Shabbat worship led by Rabbi Edelman and musical guest
Переглядів 18110 днів тому
If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcoming experimental service time changes: January 31 5 pm pre-oneg shabbat service at 5:30
MLK Shabbat Led by Rabbi, Guest Leaders, Dan Kahn and the MRT Choir
Переглядів 12116 днів тому
Please feel welcome to join us at Shabbat worship led by Rabbi, Guest Leaders, Dan Kahn and the MRT Choir If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcoming exp...
Shabbat Worship led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman
Переглядів 11924 дні тому
Please feel welcome to join us at Shabbat worship led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman. If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcoming experimental serv...
Shabbat worship led by Rabbi Edelman, Cantor Clissold and Shir Chadash
24 дні тому
Come celebrate First Froday with your temple family! If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
First Friday Shabbat Worship led by Cantor, Rabbi and Shir Chadash Band
Переглядів 288Місяць тому
Please feel welcome to join us at Shabbat worship led by Cantor Clissold, Rabbi Edelman and Shir Chadash Band. If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcomin...
Shabbat Worship led by Cantor Clissold
Переглядів 190Місяць тому
Please feel welcome to join us for Shabbat worship led by Cantor Clissold If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcoming experimental service time changes: ...
Come Celebrate Shabbat and Chanukah led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman
Переглядів 91Місяць тому
Please feel welcome to join us at Shabbat worship led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman. If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcoming experimental serv...
Shababt worship led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman
Переглядів 135Місяць тому
Please feel welcome to join us for our Shabbat worship led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please note our upcoming experimental ...
First Friday Family Shabbat worship led by Cantor, Rabbi and Shir Chadash Band
Переглядів 101Місяць тому
Please feel welcome to join us for our monthly First Friday Family Shabbat worship led by Cantor, Rabbi and Shir Chadash Band! If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/ Please ...
Shabbat Worship led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman
Переглядів 682 місяці тому
If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
Shabbat Morning Worship led by Bar Mitzvah Jackson LaTorra, Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman
Переглядів 4202 місяці тому
If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
Shabbat Kallah Part 2
Переглядів 772 місяці тому
Please join us for the second part of our Shabbat Kallah. If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
Shabbat Kallah part 1
Переглядів 1202 місяці тому
Please join us for an afternoon of study! If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
Shabbat Servies led by Cantor Clissold and Rabbi Edelman
Переглядів 1262 місяці тому
Please note that next weeks Shabbat service is a visual service in person only. If you are not a member of MRT we welcome you! Please consider donating to our synagogue to support our incredible work promoting Jewish values, Social Action, and meaningful Jewish worship. You can easily contribute this link! monmouthreformtemple.org/donate-2/
How strange. This morning I did not want to read my bible… but I am reading through Exodus. Thinking of Moses… I wrote down “MLK” (he had attended the premier, meaningfully of the 10 commandments). Since I was disinclined to read I sat at the piano and listened to the audio bible. ‘Let my people go’. Contrary to any routine I have, I began (while I listened) to develop some themes on the piano that struck me as vaguely Jewish (though aiming at something cinematic). Following this reluctant anti-routine I glanced down at my phone to see your service in my feed-almost a comprehensive summary gathering up all the loose ends of my morning: music, Judaism… MLK.
Great job pastor Jones. It was very relevant and encouraging for us to keep moving.
🇮🇱 ❤ AM (Y)ISRAEL CHAI - ES LEBE ISRAEL - זה אוהב את ישראל ❤ 🇮🇱
תודה על התוכן המחזק הרב שמכניס אותנו לפרופורציות.
Celebrate Shabbat services on a live feed? Are you for real 😢
Celebrate Shabat service on a life feed? What's wrong with these people 😢
What a disgrace to criticize other Jews who are different than you. And on Kabbalat Shabbat no less. To use this valuable holy time to criticize others Jews? A Shanda And you’re not even correcting what you say ! If those in the orthodox community criticized you personally and took shots at, you that’s not the Jewish way Just the same as it’s not the Jewish way to do what you’re doing I’m sick of these labels. There’s Jewish and there’s not Jewish. I’m “orthodox” because I believe the Torah came directly from HaShem… and cannot be changed. And I try to put His will before my own in all I do. Even blessing food before I eat it- so that the food may nourish my body to better serve Him. But I also use my phone on Shabbat to listen to services and to have farbrengen with other Jews around the world - I’m a Baal teshuva. I’m not perfect and I’m not a tzaddik. I just don’t appreciate you criticizing my community and putting everybody that’s “orthodox” inti a box and labeling us. Perhaps we should have a debate about it someday - it would have to be on Zoom since I don’t live anywhere near you An adult conversation where in the end we most likely will agree to disagree, but hopefully we both come from the conversation a little better, a little more learned about each other’s communities, and a little wiser 😊
Shabbat Shalom!
These are fake jews 😢.
Thank you. Shabbat Shalom.
Lost souls 😢
What a pity 😢
習近平主席,上帝耶穌祝福您「國泰民安,風調雨順」。🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 (撒瑪利亞人接受了基督,因為他們保留了他們宗教中.根深蒂固的原始彌賽亞主義,而猶太人則從他們的聖經中奪走了基督.並殺害了彌賽亞先知!) ※神會審判※是因為世人不守戒律!(撒旦會引發世界大戰,讓世人痛苦。) (美國共和黨比較有人類道德觀,以人為本;民主黨比較沒有人類道德觀,不以人為本!) (耶穌重新"安置"的戒律;是往生天國的關鍵,如果不能遵守,"聖經等於沒有用處!) 不只是基督教的十誡,在佛教的經典也有說:往生天界的十種善業,除了要孝順父母.奉事師長.兼行布施.一切忍辱,然後修十種善業:不殺生.不偷盜.不邪淫.不妄語.不綺語.不兩舌.不惡口.不貪欲.不瞋恚.不愚痴,修這十種善業才能生天。不只身體造作犯戒,在"菩薩戒"起心動念都算犯戒,要靠不斷懺悔改過,才能不起心動念。 (美國賀錦麗執政更惨,已經成為無法控制的大怪獸了!) 例如:同性婚,廢死刑,強暴墮胎,吸毒喪屍,搶劫商店,抹黑中國,干涉各國内政,製造更多仇恨。(美國一年大約一千名警察死於槍下!) 佛陀大覺者預言,人類會越來越沒有道德心,放縱私欲的結果,就是世界越沈淪! 中國人從古至今,受到聖賢的教導,保有一定的禮儀,善良。(只有少數個案,整體上還是好的。) 牆外那些叛國份子,如果以古代刑罰,是要罪誅九族的,不要做連結外國人打自己人的漢奸。 《金剛心陀羅尼經》 「文殊菩薩問佛:云何方便?世尊曰:方便二字,略說有一十五種~~ 第一方便:不養不殺。 第二方便:不食酒肉。 第三方便:不造酒漿。 第四方便:不相侵害。 第五方便:莫錯指路。 第六方便:不可燒山。 第七方便:莫怨天地。 第八方便:急難相救。 第九方便:莫慢神明。 第十方便:莫出濁言。 十一方便:積仁布德。 十二方便:勤儉知足。 十三方便:敬老憐貧。 十四方便:修善因種福果。 十五方便:寃親平等,一體濟度。 若人行得十五方便,便得十五種清淨福報,常生人天,受諸快樂。」
This is not Judaism, and the proof is that members of these sects reform etc are dwindling. In 50 years 75 to 80 % of all Jews will practice Halacha guided Judaism.
Is this some kind of sick joke? This is such a blatant desecration of the holiest day in the Jewish calendar! It must be that the majority of this congregation is not even Jewish.
Every person who sees this should know it’s better to stay home then drive to synagogue on yom kipur and play instruments. Both are forbidden.
Reforms are not jews!!!
it's not a disgrace to Judaism; it's not Judaism!
You are so right
Is there a young married minyan going on, too? Where are the under 40s?
@@ekollerlong gone
Nice service as usual, thank you Rabbi, Cantor and everyone who put the service together.
This is not judaism guys This is forbidden Please stay away from this
Go to yeshiva
19:14 ❤
Christ is King!
2:03 She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Let me clarify the truth here. It’s in the Talmud Shalom Aleichem On the eve of Shabbat, two ministering angels accompany a person home from the synagogue. One angel represents the positive forces and one angel represents the negative forces. When the person arrives home and finds the candles lit, the table set and the house in proper order - in other words, a house prepared for Shabbat - then the positive angel says “May it be thus for another Shabbat!” The negative angel must affirm this and say “Amen.” If, however, the house is not ready for Shabbat, the negative angel says “May it be thus for another Shabbat!” The positive angel must affirm this and say “Amein.” Rabbi Yossi, son of Yehudah Talmud (Shabbat:119b) Rabbi Yossi ben Yehudah is a late 2nd century rabbi. 3:29 1600s??!!?? She hasn’t a clue. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She shouldn’t be teaching if she doesn’t know what she is saying.
Lord stir our hearts to stand for justice, peace and righteousness Amen.
❤ Shabbat Shalom to all!
This is not a synagogue service. It is a travesty, led by a fake "rabbi", ridiculously sporting a doiley on her head. She is an insult to Judaism. Feminism is her religion, and her knowledge of Torah is pathetic. How dare she call herself a rabbi.
Shabbat Shalom from Croatia
Our pray place called synagogue not temple😢😢😢😢😢
What kind of Jewish service is led by women don’t destroy our culture 😢😢😢😢😢
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 1 Corinthians 15:3 that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 🌍
Another beautiful service! I am looking forward to next week's service.
Barbara greenwald Michael Barth Bruce Cabot
חנוכה שמח
A very beautiful services! I streamed the service already.
Shalom from Poland
Reform is against HaShem
Very, very good ! God's like this.
I loved the poem our Cantor Gabrielle Clissold read for the engaged couple, soon to be married. Magda Reyes, our Temple Educator and a student Rabbi as well- led the service so beautifully. Soon Magda will be the Bride (KALLAH) and Steve Wolfe her CHUSEN, (that’s Yiddish for Groom. I just noticed how my Yiddish/sounded-out spelling looks like CHOSEN..It’s a double blessing when two partners have chosen each other. Mazel Tov. Nothing like an MRT service repeat when you wake up too early. Git Shabbos! Shabbat Shalom. It’s Saturday 10/15/22. “Do I know where my children are?”
What language are they singing in?
Lord of Lords King of Kings Jack William Atkins Chief Advisor to King Charles III
Your services are beautiful!