Andrew Kenny
Andrew Kenny
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Apostles' Creed (5) : 'I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Son'.
In this fifth part of my series on the Apostles' Creed, we are reflecting on the confession: I believe in ' Jesus Christ, His only Son'. The life, work and influence of Jesus Christ is truly incomparable. The video begins with a piece of prose known as 'One Solitary Life' or 'The Incomparable Christ' ( see below.) Then we examine who Jesus Christ was and what was his significance for all of humankind.
The Incomparable Christ
More than two thousand years ago,
there was a Man born contrary to the laws of life.
This Man lived in poverty
and was reared in obscurity.
He did not travel extensively.
Only once did He cross the boundary
of the country in which He lived;
And that was during His exile in childhood.
He possessed neither wealth nor influence.
His relatives were inconspicuous
and he had little formal education.
Yet this man shaped the course of human history.
In infancy He startled a king;
in childhood He amazed the religious doctors at the Temple in Jerusalem;
in manhood He ruled over the course of nature,
He walked upon the stormy waves
and hushed the raging sea to sleep.
He healed the multitudes without medicine
by laying his hands upon them and praying for them
and made no charge for His service.
He never practised psychiatry,
yet He has healed more broken hearts and given peace to more troubled minds
than all the doctors far and near.
He never wrote a book,
Yet more books have been written about this man
Than any other person.
He never wrote a song,
yet He has furnished the theme for more songs
than all the songwriters combined.
He never founded a college,
but all the schools put together cannot boast of
having as many students.
He never commanded an army,
nor drafted a soldier,
nor fired a gun;
and yet no leader ever had more enemies
surrender to him without a shot being fired.
Yet this man willingly allowed himself to be arrested
He never defended himself at the mockery of a trial held by Pontius Pilate.
Or tried to escape when he was mocked and tortured by the Roman soldiers.
He finally allowed them to take him and nail him to a cross to die.
Why did he let them do this to him?
The answer is because it was his Father’s will that he should come into this world and die for the sins of humankind. He was ‘born to die’. He came to earth to seek and to save that which was lost.
It was prophesied 700 years before in the book of Isaiah that the Messiah, the suffering servant, would come
He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
and as one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned-every one-to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent,
so he opened not his mouth.
By oppression and judgment he was taken away;
and as for his generation, who considered
that he was cut off out of the land of the living,
stricken for the transgression of my people?
And they made his grave with the wicked
and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth.
In childhood Herod could not kill him.
In the wilderness Satan could not seduce him.
In his ministry his enemies could not destroy him.
Even in death the grave could not hold him.
After three days he arose from the dead.
The names of the past,
proud statesmen of Greece and Rome
have come and gone.
The names of the past scientists,
philosophers, and theologians
have come and gone.
But the name of this Man
multiplies more and more.
Though time has spread two thousand years
between the people of this generation
and the mockers at His crucifixion,
He still lives.
He stands forth upon the highest pinnacle
of heavenly glory,
proclaimed of God,
acknowledged by angels,
adored by saints,
and feared by devils,
as the risen,
personal Christ,
our Lord and Saviour.
Переглядів: 84


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  • @jackiep6704
    @jackiep6704 2 дні тому

    Brilliant Andrew Great videos Enjoyed listening to you brother God bless you 🙏😊

  • @plainwhitepaper3898
    @plainwhitepaper3898 3 дні тому

    Genesis I:I In the beginning God created the heavens. Revelation I0:6 and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, Who created the heaven and the things that are in it. Including you. Your celestial soul. Proverbs 8:23 Before there ever was an earth. 2 Corinthians 5:I,2

  • @jackiep6704
    @jackiep6704 6 днів тому

    Brilliant Andrew very interesting. Well done brother.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 9 днів тому

    God is present with us-let us fall and worship, Holy is the place; God is in the midst, our souls are silent, Bowed before His Face. Lord, we kneel before Thee, Awed by love Divine, We of Thee unworthy Own that we are Thine. Gladly cast before Thee all delights and pleasures, All our hoarded store- Lord, behold our hearts, our souls, and bodies, Thine, and ours no more. We, O God, Thine only, Nevermore our own- Thine the praise and honour, Thine, and Thine alone. Thou Who fillest all things, in Thee, living, moving, Evermore are we; Shoreless sea unsounded, mystery and wonder, Sinks my soul in Thee- I in Thee-no longer Bound in self's dark prison, And the life that moves me, Fills me, Christ arisen. Thou the Light that fillest all the endless heavens, Shinest on my face, As the tender flowers joyfully unfolding In their silent grace, Whilst the Sun beholds them- Thus my soul is still, Thine the glorious power, Thine the mighty will. Mine but to be simple; in the fields of heaven All my sweet employ, Loving and delighting, as a child that singeth With unbiden joy- As an eagle soaring Up the radiant skies, Even now to find Thee In Thy Paradise.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 10 днів тому

    1 Thou hidden source of calm repose, Thou all-sufficient love divine, my help and refuge from my foes, secure I am, if Thou art mine; from sin and grief and shame I hide me, Jesus, in Thy name. 2 Thy mighty name salvation is, and keeps my happy soul above; comfort it brings, and pow'r and peace, and joy and everlasting love; to me, with Thy dear name, are giv'n pardon and holiness and heav'n. 3 Jesus, my all in all Thou art; my rest in toil, my ease in pain, the healing of my broken heart, in war my peace, in loss my gain, my smile beneath the tyrant's frown, in shame my glory and my crown. 4 In want my plentiful supply, in weakness my almighty pow'r, in bonds my perfect liberty, my light in Satan's darkest hour, my help and stay whene'er call, my life in death, my heav'n, my all.

  • @nigelmurphy8000
    @nigelmurphy8000 12 днів тому

    Very well presented. Excellent information/guidance 🙏

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 13 днів тому

    1. Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2. Bold shall I stand in that great Day, For who aught to my charge shall lay? Fully through these absolved I am From sin and fear, from guilt and shame. 3. The holy, meek, unspotted Lamb, Who from the Father's bosom came, Who died for me, even me to atone, Now for my Lord and God I own. 4. Lord, I believe Thy precious blood, Which at the mercy-seat of God Forever doth for sinners plead, For me--e'en for my soul--was shed. 5. Lord, I believe were sinners more Than sands upon the ocean shore, Thou hast for all a ransom paid, For all a full atonement made. 6. When from the dust of death I rise To claim my mansion in the skies, E'en then, this shall be all my plea: Jesus hath lived and died for me. 7. Jesus, be endless praise to Thee, Whose boundless mercy hath for me, For me, and all Thy hands have made, An everlasting ransom paid.

    @THEGOSPELSONGSOFBOBDYLAN-pg6ux 13 днів тому

    lovely song

    @THEGOSPELSONGSOFBOBDYLAN-pg6ux 14 днів тому

    love it

    @THEGOSPELSONGSOFBOBDYLAN-pg6ux 14 днів тому

    Inspirational hymn.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 16 днів тому

    As a pre-schooler I was playing around the house where I lived and on the ground I saw a dead chick which had obviously fallen from a nest on the roof. I was heart broken. I had never seen anything like it before and there it was a little chick on the ground -dead. I thought the world should stop and mourn with me over this dead bird. I went into the house to tell my mum who was busy with the household chores. She was as sympathetic with regards to my sorrow as a busy mum could be - but I thought she didn’t really appreciate how sad I felt. It was only after I became a Christian in my teens when and I read the Matthew’s gospel for the first time and saw the words of Jesus ‘“Are not five small birds sold for two small pieces of money? God does not forget even one of the birds.’ that I realised my heavenly Father had noticed what had happened. He knew and I could trust him that he is ultimately in control of everything. We can totally trust him with our lives as Jesus trusted him totally on earth. He wants us to come and develop an intimate relationship with him. What can you speak to God about? Satan would say that you have nothing to talk to him about and that there is no point even trying. It is true that we are sometimes lost for words. But look around you: what do you see? Give thanks for the things around you. Your relationships: give thanks for these. Also the millions of gifts he has given you. God’s Fatherly care, The gift of his Son, His Holy Spirit, His love, forgiveness, redemption, for family, brothers and sisters, your five senses, the choice of food we have, the beauty of creation to name a few things. Also, the good works prepared by God for you do. Repeat the word ‘Father’ over and over again in Faith and sense his closeness to you. Be taken up with Him and his love for you and tell him of your love for him. Meditate upon his goodness and worship him. It may well be surprising how much you will enjoy his fellowship and how your desire for God and his kingdom grows and matures.

  • @LIGHT-uh2bw
    @LIGHT-uh2bw 16 днів тому

    Beautiful God Bless

  • @jackiep6704
    @jackiep6704 16 днів тому

    Brilliant 👏 ❤

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 24 дні тому

    With Him, All Things Gerhard Terstteegen Is. xii. 2 Hath not each heart a passion and a dream? Each some companionship for ever sweet? And each in saddest skies some silver gleam, And each some passing joy, too fair and fleet? And each a staff and stay, though frail it prove, And each a face he fain would ever see? And what have I? An endless Heaven of love, A rapture, and a glory, and a calm; A life that is an everlasting Psalm, All, O Beloved, in Thee.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 27 днів тому

    Within the Holiest Gerhard Tersteegen Rev. i. 5, 6 His priest am I, before Him day and night, Within His Holy Place; And death, and life, and all things dark and bright, I spread before His Face. Rejoicing with His joy, yet ever still, For silence is my song My work to bend beneath His blessed will, All day, and all night long- For ever holding with Him converse sweet, Yet speechless, for my gladness is complete.

  • @NancyMontgomery-jd3pc
    @NancyMontgomery-jd3pc 28 днів тому

    Shabbat Shalom. Beautiful

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    The Sabbath Year Gerhard Tersteegen Heb. iv. 10 Oft comes to me a blessed hour, A wondrous hour and still- With empty hands I lay me down, No more to work or will. An hour when weary thought has ceased, The eyes are closed in rest; And, hushed in Heaven's untroubled peace, I lie upon Thy breast. Erewile I reasoned of Thy truth, I searched with toil and care; From morn to night I tilled my field, And yet my field was bare. Now, fed with corn from fields of Heaven The fruit of Hands Divine, I pray no prayer, for all is given, The Bread of God is mine. There lie my books-for all I sought My heart possesses now. The words are sweet that tell They love, The love itself art Thou. One line I read-and then no more- I close the book to see No more the symbol and the sign, But Christ revealed to me. And thus my worship is, delight- My work, to see His Face, With folded hands and silent lips Within His Holy place. Thus oft to busy men I seem A cumberer of the soil; The dreamer of an empty dream, Whilst others delve and toil. O brothers! in these silent hours God's miracles are wrought; He giveth His beloved in sleep A treasure all unsought. I sit an infant at His feet Where moments teach me more Than all the toil, and all the books Of all the ages hoar. I sought the truth, and found but doubt- I wandered far abroad; I hail the truth already found Within the heart of God.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    Where shall my wondering soul begin? How shall I all to heaven aspire? A slave redeemed from death and sin, a brand plucked from eternal fire, how shall I equal triumphs raise, or sing my great deliverer’s praise? O how shall I the goodness tell, Father, which thou to me hast showed? That I, a child of wrath and hell, I should be called a child of God! Should know, should feel my sins forgiven, blest with this antepast of heaven! And shall I slight my Father’s love, or basely fear his gifts to own? Unmindful of his favors prove, shall I, the hallowed cross to shun, refuse his righteousness to impart, by hiding it within my heart? Outcasts of men, to you I call, harlots, and publicans, and thieves; he spreads his arms to embrace you all, sinners alone his grace receive. No need of Him the righteous have; he came the lost to seek and save. Come, O my guilty brethren, come, groaning beneath your load of sin; his bleeding heart shall make you room, his open side shall take you in. He calls you now, invites you home: Come, O my guilty brethren, come. For you the purple current flowed in pardon from his wounded side, languished for you the eternal God, for you the Prince of Glory died. Believe, and all your sin’s forgiven, only believe--and yours is heaven. Charles Wesley Source: The United Methodist Hymnal #342

  • @susanpoyser1023
    @susanpoyser1023 Місяць тому

    Yes Jesus is the the only one beautiful song and voice thank you Jesus I praise God and Jesus ❤❤❤

  • @jonathanrpu
    @jonathanrpu Місяць тому

    Thks for word ...just manageing bed 5.45 am....aching ...night nite. Jonny

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    'Your sun shall no more go down, or your moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be your everlasting light,' Isaiah 60 O past and gone! How great is God! how small am I! A mote in the illimitable sky, Amidst the glory deep, and wide, and high Of Heaven's unclouded sun. There to forget myself for evermore; Lost, swallowed up in Love's immensity, The sea that knows no sounding and no shore, God only there, not I. More near than I unto myself can be, Art Thou to me; So have I lost myself in finding Thee, Have lost myself for ever, O my Sun! The boundless Heaven of Thine eternal love Around me, and beneath me, and above; In glory of that golden day The former things are passed away- I, past and gone.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    Luke i. 31 Name of Jesus! highest Name! Name that earth and Heaven adore! From the heart of God it came, Leads me to God's heart once more. Name of Jesus! living tide! Days of drought for me are past; How much more than satisfied, Are the thirsty lips at last! Name of Jesus! dearest Name! Bread of Heaven, and balm of love, Oil of gladness, surest claim To the treasures stored above. Jesus gives forgiveness free, Jesus cleanses all my stains, Jesus gives His life to me, Jesus always He remains. Only Jesus! fairest Name! Life, and rest, and peace and bliss; Jesus, evermore the same, He is mine, and I am His.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    On, O beloved children, The evening is at hand, And desolate and fearful The solitary land. Take heart! the rest eternal Awaits our weary feet; From strength to strength press onwards, The end, how passing sweet! Lo, we can tread rejoicing The narrow pilgrim road; We know the voice that calls us, We know our faithful God. Come, children, on to glory! With every face set fast Towards the golden towers Where we shall rest at last. It was with voice of singing We left the land of night, To pass in glorious music Far onward out of sight. O children, was it sorrow? Though thousand worlds be lost, Our eyes have looked on Jesus, And thus we count the cost. The praising and the blaming, The storehouse and the mart, The mourning and the feasting, The glory and the art, The wisdom and the cunning, Left far amid the gloom; We may not look behind us, For we are going home. Across the will of nature Leads on the path of God; Not where the flesh delighteth The feet of Jesus trod. O bliss to leave behind us The fetters of the slave, To leave ourselves behind us, The grave-clothes and the grave! To speed, unburdened pilgrims, Glad, empty-handed, free; To cross the trackless deserts, And walk upon the sea; As strangers among strangers, No home beneath the sun; How soon the wanderings ended, The endless rest begun! We pass the children playing, For evening shades fall fast; We pass the wayside flowers- God's Paradise at last! If now the path be narrow And steep and rough and lone, If crags and tangles cross it, Praise God! we will go on. We follow in His footsteps; What if our feet be torn? Where He has marked the pathway All hail the briar and thorn! Scarce seen, scarce heard, unreckoned, Despised, defamed, unknown, Or heard but by our singing, On, children! ever on!

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    {verse] To learn, and yet to learn, whilst life goes by, So pass the student's days; And thus be great, and do great things, and die, And lie embalmed with praise. [verse] My work is but to lose and to forget, Thus small, despised to be; All to unlearn-this task before me set; Unlearn all else but Thee. [bridge] All to unlearn-this task before me set; Unlearn all else but Thee.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    The race of God's anointed priests shall never pass away; Before His glorious Face they stand, and serve Him night and day. Though reason raves, and unbelief flows on, a mighty flood, There are, and shall be, till the end, the hidden priests of God. His chosen souls, their earthly dross consumed in sacred fire, To God's own heart their hearts ascend in flame of deep desire; The incense of their worship fills His Temple's holiest place; Their song with wonder fills the Heavens, the glad new song of grace.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    Gideon Ouseley was a wild one Lost an eye but not his fight Preached loud under the sun In fields from morn to night [Verse 2] Spoke the words in Irish To the folks in village fairs Faced both love and peril Yet he kept on standing there [Chorus] Gideon Ouseley the preacher With a burning fire within Spread the word to all would hear him Christ died for our sins. [Verse 3] Laughed in the face of danger Derision all around Still through every stranger Christ to him was found [Verse 4] Violence could not break him Nor the stones they hurled Gideon kept on speaking Love to all the world [Chorus] Gideon Ouseley the preacher With a burning fire within Spread the word to all would hear him Christ died for our sins. He was the Irish Wesley and Preached from morn to night His comrades were the black caps godly men that rode on steads

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    He sailed across the sea To bring a light so free In Jesus Christ's name He spread the holy flame [Verse 2] With courage in his chest He tried to do his best Mistakes along the way But in his heart he’d pray [Chorus] Saint Columba brave and true Godly light that shone through Even when the path was hard He kept faith in his heart [Verse 3] He wandered far and wide With God's Spirit by his side Preaching love and peace Giving hearts sweet release [Bridge] In stories old and grand This man of God stood his ground Wherever he would roam In his heart God found a home [Chorus] Saint Columba brave and true Godly light that shone through Even when the path was hard He kept faith in his heart

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast Місяць тому

    He was one of the greatest

  • @vadivelprapakaran2588
    @vadivelprapakaran2588 Місяць тому

    John Wesley is a Spiritual Leader

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 4 місяці тому

    Outcasts of men, to you I call, harlots, and publicans, and thieves; he spreads his arms to embrace you all, sinners alone his grace receive. No need of Him the righteous have; he came the lost to seek and save. Come, O my guilty brethren, come, groaning beneath your load of sin; his bleeding heart shall make you room, his open side shall take you in. He calls you now, invites you home: Come, O my guilty brethren, come. For you the purple current flowed in pardon from his wounded side, languished for you the eternal God, for you the Prince of Glory died. Believe, and all your sin’s forgiven, only believe--and yours is heaven.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 4 місяці тому

    Where shall my wondering soul begin? How shall I all to heaven aspire? A slave redeemed from death and sin, a brand plucked from eternal fire, how shall I equal triumphs raise, or sing my great deliverer’s praise? O how shall I the goodness tell, Father, which thou to me hast showed? That I, a child of wrath and hell, I should be called a child of God! Should know, should feel my sins forgiven, blest with this antepast of heaven! And shall I slight my Father’s love, or basely fear his gifts to own? Unmindful of his favors prove, shall I, the hallowed cross to shun, refuse his righteousness to impart, by hiding it within my heart?

  • @PeshuaMirza
    @PeshuaMirza 5 місяців тому

    My God bless you brother

  • @normansabinsr6670
    @normansabinsr6670 6 місяців тому

    U Go Charley

  • @donallong348
    @donallong348 9 місяців тому

    Andrew Kenny your love for Lord is shining through those videos, it is such a blessing to us, May the Lord bless you

  • @Jesusisnumba1
    @Jesusisnumba1 11 місяців тому

    That was a good review, but I didn't see 10 books being reviewed. Only one. Is this part 1 of the entire video?

    • @AndrewKennyBelfast
      @AndrewKennyBelfast 11 місяців тому

      Hi Ezekiel, I did a separate video on each of the ten books.

  • @danborsheim8504
    @danborsheim8504 Рік тому

    Thank you Andrew! This has been very meaningful for me! I first experience Bob in 1964. I heard the song " Desolation Row". I was mesmerized by it. I has ever since loved Bob's music. I became a hippie in the 60's, but then became a Christian during a movement of the Spirit which is now called the Jesus Revolution. Bob's music starting with "Slow Train Coming " was so moving to me. But I want to thank you for bringing some meaningful clarity to these songs. I have now been a Pastor and Christian Counselor for the Past 38 years. I still love Bob. God has given us Bob's music as a gift! Dan Borsheim

    • @AndrewKennyBelfast
      @AndrewKennyBelfast Рік тому

      Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement, Dan. You must have a wonderful testimony. God bless you.

  • @nobodybelievesunderscores4122

    Gary Collins was my mom’s uncle lol

  • @whitehartla
    @whitehartla Рік тому

    Thank you brother 🥰

  • @Operation9595
    @Operation9595 Рік тому

    hunger for reality , just picked it up, on page 21 and i cannot set this book down. wow powerful.looking forward to reading the rest of your list.

  • @peterfrancey637
    @peterfrancey637 2 роки тому

    Amen Amen Amen. Oh the amazing reality and mystery that the one that spoke all things into existence would enter into our world that He may redeem us to Himself through the shedding of His precious blood and call us sons and daughters. Thank You Lord Jesus for choosing the cross

  • @belfastbanter9858
    @belfastbanter9858 2 роки тому

    Thanks 🙏

  • @roymcreynolds6968
    @roymcreynolds6968 2 роки тому

    very uplifting andrew will continue to listen and view your reflections on gospel songs Thank you brother

  • @lifeofachristiannursingstu9498
    @lifeofachristiannursingstu9498 2 роки тому

    I just found this book the 5th edition at my thrift store so I was searching on UA-cam about it but so far I enjoy it and sometimes I use while Bible studying. Great video cheers from Angola and God bless

    • @AndrewKennyBelfast
      @AndrewKennyBelfast 2 роки тому

      Thanks for your comment.It is an excellent book, my friend. We can learn so much from Church History and all the wonderful characters that it produced. We can learn so much from their courage and good deeds. Hopefully, we can also learn from their mistakes as well and not repeat them again. God bless.

    • @AndrewKennyBelfast
      @AndrewKennyBelfast 2 роки тому

      You might also check out the other book review videos on my top ten Christian books.

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 3 роки тому

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 3 роки тому

    free e bOOK

  • @yugeorge1303
    @yugeorge1303 3 роки тому

    God blessing

  • @citygrowing1657
    @citygrowing1657 3 роки тому

    Another great video!

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 3 роки тому

    A Prayer for salvation (sometimes known as the sinner's prayer. The following prayer was written by the late John Stott a well known English preacher) “Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly acknowledge that I have sinned in my thinking and speaking and acting, that I am guilty of deliberate wrongdoing, and that my sins have separated me from Your holy presence, and that I am helpless to commend myself to You. I firmly believe that You died on the cross for my sins, bearing them in Your own body and suffering in my place the condemnation they deserved. I have thoughtfully counted the cost of following You. I sincerely repent, turning away from my past sins. I am willing to surrender to You as Lord and Master. Help me not to be ashamed of You; So now I come to You. I believe that for a long time You have been patiently standing outside the door knocking. I now open the door. Come in, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior and Lord forever. Amen.”

  • @AndrewKennyBelfast
    @AndrewKennyBelfast 3 роки тому