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National Book Council MALTA
Приєднався 15 січ 2015
The National Book Council (Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb) has been constituted by the Maltese Government to promote books and book reading in the Maltese Islands.
Founded by legal notice in 2001, the NBC has, as its main aim, the promotion and appreciation of books of all categories and the encouragement of reading among the Maltese of all age groups and of different social strata, and all this through as many channels as possible. The NBC is also the official issuer of ISBNs for Malta and has the remit to organize the National Book Festival, the National Book Prize and other initiatives such as the Literary Award for Novel writing for Youth.
To all intents and purposes, the NBC is the public institution which is involved in all State initiatives related to books, except for the library services which are provided by another entity called Malta Libraries. However, Malta Libraries and the NBC are closely connected, cooperate together on a regular basis in
Founded by legal notice in 2001, the NBC has, as its main aim, the promotion and appreciation of books of all categories and the encouragement of reading among the Maltese of all age groups and of different social strata, and all this through as many channels as possible. The NBC is also the official issuer of ISBNs for Malta and has the remit to organize the National Book Festival, the National Book Prize and other initiatives such as the Literary Award for Novel writing for Youth.
To all intents and purposes, the NBC is the public institution which is involved in all State initiatives related to books, except for the library services which are provided by another entity called Malta Libraries. However, Malta Libraries and the NBC are closely connected, cooperate together on a regular basis in
Daniel Massa | Winner of the National Book Prize Lifetime Achievement Award 2023
The National Book Council celebrates Daniel Massa, recipient of the National Book Prize Lifetime Achievement Award in 2023, with a documentary film produced by Blank Canvas Creatives.
The film premiered at The Malta Book Festival on 10 November 2024.
The film premiered at The Malta Book Festival on 10 November 2024.
Переглядів: 15
Maltese Fiction: Where To Next? | The Malta Book Festival 2024
Переглядів 48День тому
This roundtable discussion on the state of fiction writing in Malta, moderated by lecturer and author David Aloisio, took place at the Malta Book Festival on Sunday 10 November at 15:30. The panel was made up of author and scholar Immanuel Mifsud, book reviewer Daniel Cossai and former National Book Prize adjudicators Omar N'Shea and Maria Theuma. The Malta Book Festival 2024 animation was crea...
Il-Konkors Nazzjonali tal-Poeżija Doreen Micallef 2024 | Il-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2024
Переглядів 6921 день тому
It-tħabbira tar-rebbieħa u għal qari mill-poeti rebbieħa tas-sitt edizzjoni tal-Konkors Nazzjonali tal-Poeżija Doreen Micallef, konkors prestiġġjuż imniedi mill-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb bil-għan li jsaħħaħ il-kitba poetika f’Malta u jonora l-aħjar poeżija miktuba bil-Malti. Fost il-mistednin taċ-ċerimonja ta’ dis-sena li seħħet waqt il-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2024, kellna r-rebbieħ ta...
A Creative Writing Masterclass By Anthony Horowitz | Malta Book Festival 2024
Переглядів 10828 днів тому
Acclaimed author Anthony Horowitz delivered a masterclass on storytelling at the Malta Book Festival on Thursday, 7 November 2024 at 19:30. The masterclass covered plot ideas, character development, dialogue, and the differences between writing books and writing for TV. An interactive Q&A session followed,, allowing participants to explore any aspect of writing. The Malta Book Festival 2024 ani...
Paul Lynch in Conversation | Malta Book Festival 2024
Переглядів 1428 днів тому
The NBC was proud to host one of the most notable literary luminaries of the moment at the Malta Book Festival 2024: award-winning Irish author Paul Lynch. In conversation with journalist Emma Mattei, Lynch delved into the key themes and preoccupations threaded through his five novels - among them Booker Prize-winning Prophet Song (2023). Paul Lynch is the author of five novels. His most recent...
Ġorġ Mallia | From Illustration to Book 2023
Переглядів 292 місяці тому
The illustrator Ġorġ Mallia was featured in the Artist Spotlight section at the 2023 edition of the From Illustration to Book exhibition, organised by the National Book Council in collaboration with Arts Council Malta. This section aims at bringing special attention to two influential figures who have contributed to the development of the art of illustration locally and overseas. Throughout the...
Marisa Attard | From Illustration to Book 2023
Переглядів 1772 місяці тому
The illustrator Marisa Attard was featured in the Artist Spotlight section at the 2023 edition of the From Illustration to Book exhibition, organised by the National Book Council in collaboration with Arts Council Malta. This section aims at bringing special attention to two influential figures who have contributed to the development of the art of illustration locally and overseas. Throughout t...
Malta Book Festival 2024 promotional video
Переглядів 2153 місяці тому
Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb (KNK) bi pjaċir qed jippubblika l-filmat promozzjonali għall-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2024, li se jsir iċ-Ċentru għall-Fieri u l-Konvenzjonijiet (MFCC) Ta’ Qali bejn l-Erbgħa 6 u l-Ħadd 10 ta’ Novembru. Il-filmat ġie animat għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva mit-talent ta’ Kyle Xuereb Cunningham, li ħadem fuq l-illustrazzjonijiet provduti lilu minn Ed Dingli, biż-...
Announcing: A creative writing masterclass with Anthony Horowitz!
Переглядів 364 місяці тому
A unique opportunity for writers! Special guest Anthony Horowitz will be delivering ‘The world of writing: a creative writing masterclass’ at the Malta Book Festival 2024! Learn about the fundamentals of plot and plot twists, crafting an unforgettable character, penning crackling dialogue and much more. Horowitz, the bestselling British author behind literary sensations such as the Alex Rider f...
A message from Anthony Horowitz!
Переглядів 3695 місяців тому
Exciting news! Anthony Horowitz is the special guest at the 2024 edition of the Malta Book Festival! The prolific author of global bestsellers such as the Alex Rider series and officially licensed Sherlock Holmes and James Bond novels along with beloved murder mystery series such as the Magpie Murders and the Hawthorne and Horowitz books Horowitz is also the screenwriter behind acclaimed televi...
Minn fuq il-karti għal fuq il-palk u l-istejġ: żewġ verżjonijiet ta’ 'Castillo'
Переглядів 71Рік тому
F'avveniment li seħħ waqt il-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2023, tixxandar is-silta tal-film Castillo, produzzjoni ta’ TakeTwo bbażata fuq ir-rumanz tal-2018 ta’ Clare Azzopardi, u ssegwi diskussjoni bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-awtriċi, id-Direttur Abigail Mallia, l-iskriptist u l-produttur Carlos Debattista, u l-attriċi fl-irwol prinċipali Simone Spiteri, sabiex jitkellmu dwar dal-proġett ġdid kif...
The Malta Book Festival 2023 - After Movie
Переглядів 107Рік тому
The Malta Book Festival 2023 took place between 18 and 22 October at the MFCC, Ta' Qali and featured over 40 exhibitors and 100 events. Under the theme of #beyondbooks, the Festival created a multi-sensory experience which highlighted the medium’s potential to transcend the written word and manifest itself in various media - from illustration to audio, theatre to film adaptation. Video producti...
Diskussjoni dwar il-karriera akkademika tal-Professur Henry Frendo
Переглядів 80Рік тому
Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb (KNK) jonora l-ħajja akkademika u letterarja tar-riċerkatur u l-istoriku Henry Frendo, li s-sena l-oħra rebaħ il-Premju għall-Kontribut Siewi fil-Qasam tal-Kotba u l-Letteratura. F'did-diskussjoni mmoderata minn Mario Xuereb, ipparteċipaw Henry Frendo, Anthony Mizzi u Vicki Ann Cremona. Id-diskussjoni seħħet wara li ntwera d-dokumentarju ġdid dwar Frendo, xogħol ...
Madwar il-mejda tal-kittieba u Jon Mallia
Переглядів 83Рік тому
F'avveniment li seħħ waqt il-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2023, Jon Mallia mexxa diskussjoni madwar il-mejda mal-kittieba prominenti Trevor Żahra, Lon Kirkop, Aleks Farrugia, Nadia Mifsud u Loranne Vella. Id-diskussjoni fanndet fil-personalitajiet u l-karrieri ta’ dal-kittieba, u anki fuq kif dawn iħarsu lejhom infushom fl-isfera letterarja Maltija li kulma jmur tinbidel. Jon staqsa mistoqsiji...
Inside Publishing - Routes to Market: A Masterclass by Simon Trewin
Переглядів 223Рік тому
At the Malta Book Festival 2023, literary agent and publishing consultant Simon Trewin talked candidly about the international rights market and how agents, authors and publishers can maximise its potential. In this lively interactive one-hour session, Simon used some key examples of success (and failure) from his thirty years in the industry to show the step-by-step process from the beginning ...
L-Għoti tal-Premjijiet: Il-Konkors Nazzjonali tal-Poeżija Doreen Micallef 2023
Переглядів 77Рік тому
L-Għoti tal-Premjijiet: Il-Konkors Nazzjonali tal-Poeżija Doreen Micallef 2023
Finding the Words - An Exchange between Sam Blake and Leanne Ellul
Переглядів 49Рік тому
Finding the Words - An Exchange between Sam Blake and Leanne Ellul
Premju għall-Kontribut Siewi fil-Qasam tal-Kotba u l-Letteratura
Переглядів 15Рік тому
Premju għall-Kontribut Siewi fil-Qasam tal-Kotba u l-Letteratura
Mila u l-iljun ir-rieqed minn Leanne Ellul u Stephanie Bugeja
Переглядів 24Рік тому
Mila u l-iljun ir-rieqed minn Leanne Ellul u Stephanie Bugeja
Premju Għall-Aħjar Awtur Emerġenti 2022: Matthew Schembri
Переглядів 66Рік тому
Premju Għall-Aħjar Awtur Emerġenti 2022: Matthew Schembri
The Malta Book Festival 2023 promotional video
Переглядів 559Рік тому
The Malta Book Festival 2023 promotional video
Confessions of a European Maltese (1975-1992) minn Alfred Sant
Переглядів 33Рік тому
Confessions of a European Maltese (1975-1992) minn Alfred Sant
The Darmanin Artists minn Jessica Muscat
Переглядів 5Рік тому
The Darmanin Artists minn Jessica Muscat
Smokin Hot Lesbian sex
Tickets are sold out :( we still hope to meet & greet you!
Wonderful, Mar ... well done is an understatement! Keep your talent going :)))
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Joghgbok? Kotba eleganti? Wiehed mill-aghar kotba li qrajt bil-Malti. Meta bdejt naqrah hsiebtu ktieb ghat-tfal tant kemm d-djalogu u narrativa huma infantili u jiddispjacini banali. Possibli hawn Malta dejjem l-istess nies jidhru u l-kritka ma tezisti mkien. Mid-dehra l-pseudo artisti/intelletwali kollha jhokku dahar xulxin
Wiehed mill-aghar kotba li qrajt bil-Malti. Meta bdejt naqrah hsiebtu ktieb ghat-tfal tant kemm d-djalogu u narrativa huma infantili u jiddispjacini banali. Possibli hawn Malta dejjem l-istess nies jidhru u l-kritka ma tezisti mkien. Mid-dehra l-pseudo artisti/intelletwali kollha jhokku dahar xulxin.
Legit my favourte author of all time coming to my small country. Will definity be there this year!!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Prosit Trevor. Henry Frendo
Wow the maltese language has so much arabic in it
What is the name of the interviewer please?
Maltese is such a weird language is the only part of the Muslim world that became totally westernized, an inverted little Turkey.
أنا عربي أفهم ما تقولون
please apload videos with the possibility to have translation. thank u
Great interview
Luke ħelu wisq! <3
Proset Claudia.
This is excellent news!
Zewg personaggi nteressanti ferm.
Perplexed and sad to see the tremendous support for the heinous attack on a writer on BBC Urdu. To the ignorant and extremist element, he is a hero. Is this the teaching of the so called "religion of peace?" What an oxymoron. This is a fitting example of how blind faith is not fit for today's modern societies.
Laura kill camilla?
I can listen to her all the time , just need 7 h to sleep and we can go again !!! GOLD AMAZING ROLEMODEL !!!!!!!
Great work!
Judge RA, ur a model we all love very much.... TQ for you.
what a stupid question... for the cameras??? She is a Judge!!!!!!!!
Grazzi poeti grazzi inizjamed komplu tuna aktar minn dawn ix xogholijiet l ghid it tajjeb lil kulhadd
Grazzi li ttuna l opportunity li nisimghu dawn it tip ta diskussjonijiet
Drama queen.
أحياكم من العالم العربي اللغة المالطية قريبة من اللغة العربية أستطيع أفهم أكثر الكلمات Insellmek mid-dinja Għarbija Il-lingwa Maltija hija viċin il-lingwa Għarbija, kapaċi nifhem ħafna mill-kliem
➡️ 18cams.xyz ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候
Very interesting video. Thank you Sur Sant. I am looking forward to reading your works.
Nice interview !!!... Loved it.
such fine words have so few to listen and relish Gosh, where the beauty ll go
Perfecto Dr. Walid Nabhan
Un abrazo grande Dr Walid Nabhan
Muchas Cracias Dr. Walid Nabhan
i hope the tank refills
il-ktieb "Easeful Death" hafna nice !
lest ms
Abortion is a different topic .
Wow so much expression and heart felt
She’s awesome. Best of luck to her.
I would love to meet and talk with this woman.
Never I thought a judge could be so beautiful 😂😂😂but ya, she made great success.
This series has been such a pleasure to watch
Thanks Michael, we're glad you enjoyed it!
Why did the presenter ask such stupid question like asking if she was playing for the cameras ? Well she’s a judge and she was just doing her job
Keep listening to your inner voices Loulou. We love reading your amazing books. You have a real gift.
Wish I could have met you Lou when we lived in Australia. xx
Fabulous, Thank you.
Qatt ma fhimtu dan meta jitkellem.