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Knowledge Sharing Kopasus IT Live on UA-cam SMA PLUS PGRI CIBINONG
dengan tema Mempersiapkan Kader Bangsa dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Virtual untuk Menyambut Era Metaverse.
Knowledge Sharing (KS) didefinisikan sebagai sebuah pertukaran pengetahuan antar dua individu: satu orang yang mengkomunikasikan pengetahuan, sedangkan seorang lainnya mengasimilasi pengetahuan tersebut. Fokus utama dari knowledge sharing dari masing-masing individu yaitu mampu menjelaskan, mengkodekan dan mengkomunikasikan pengetahuan kepada orang lain, kelompok, dan khususnya kepada organisasi. Knowledge sharing dapat terjadi diantara individu, di dalam dan diantara tim, antara unit organisasi, dan antara organisasi IT SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong akan mengadakan knowledge sharing bagi seluruh anggota KOPASUS IT. Knowledge sharing tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan apresiasi siswa dalam dunia IT dan melatih rasa percaya diri yang hingga saat ini masih kurang.
Sejak kemunculan kasus pertama positif COVID-19 di Indonesia tanggal 2 Maret 2020, jumlah kasus terkonfirmasi positif dan meninggal masih terus meningkat sampai tahun 2021 ini. Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak sistemik dan mengganggu hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia termasuk di bidang pendidikan. Dalam menanggulangi dampak COVID19, Pemerintah Indonesia mengambil kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dan menetapkan bencana non-alam penyebaran COVID-19 sebagai Bencana Nasional. Kebijakan ini berdampak langsung terhadap kegiatan yang bersifat komunal atau menghimpun orang banyak dalam suatu tempat. Satuan pendidikan merupakan institusi yang diliburkan dan peserta didik melakukan proses pembelajaran dari rumah. Merujuk kepada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud) No 72 Tahun 2013 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Layanan Khusus dan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud) Nomor 33 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan Program Satuan Pendidikan Aman Bencana (SPAB), dalam situasi darurat, pendidikan harus tetap berlangsung dengan akses dan layanan pendidikan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kondisi dan berpusat pada pemenuhan hak pendidikan anak.
Berdasarkan hal itu, maka pelaksanaan KS Kopasus IT SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong yang idealnya dilaksanakan secara tatap muka, maka masih dilaksanakan secara daring. Meski demikian, diharapkan kegiatan KS Kopasus IT SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong tetap mampu memberikan motivasi dan semangat dalam melakukan eksplorasi bagi anggota KOPASUS IT dalam era teknologi saat ini.
Tujuan Kegiatan
a) Meningkatkan fungsi komunikasi antara teman organisasi.
b) Meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan umum.
c) Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan rekan kerja diorganisasi.
d) Mempermudah dalam mengeksplorasi dan mengekspoitasi pengetahuannya sebagai bukti adanya peningkatan kompetensi di dalam dirinya, dan lainnya.
e) Meningkatkan kebersamaan dan solidaritas sesama anggota Kopasus IT SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong
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PROFILE IT SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong 2022
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More info: Email : Instagram : smapluspgricibinong Twitter : SMA_PlusPGRI Facebook : SMAPLUSPGRICBG Web : UA-cam : Terimakasih
Profile SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong 2022
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More info: Email : Instagram : smapluspgricibinong Twitter : SMA_PlusPGRI Facebook : SMAPLUSPGRICBG Web : UA-cam : Terimakasih
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More info: Email : Instagram : smapluspgricibinong Twitter : SMA_PlusPGRI Facebook : SMAPLUSPGRICBG Web : UA-cam : SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong #smapluspgricibinong #SekolahKaderBangsa #quantumlearningschool
Serah Terima Jabatan Kopasus IT Masa Bakti 2022-2023
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Serah Terima Jabatan Kopasus IT Masa Bakti 2022-2023 Pelaksanaan acara di lakukan secara hybrid dengan diikuti seluruh anggota kopasus inti angkatan 16 dan anggota kopasus it mulai dari angkatan 17 dan 18. Terimakasih untuk untuk seluruh anggota kopasus it angkatan 16, semoga apa yang di cita-citakan kalian nanti kelak sukses, Aamiiin. Selamat untuk Kandidat yang terpilih Dandi Septian dan Syif...
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Pelantikan Kopasus IT Angkatan 18 Hari 2
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Salah satu organisasi SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong, yaitu KOPASUS IT kembali mengadakan kegiatan rutin tahunan yaitu Pelantikan KOPASUS IT Angkatan XVIII. Pelantikan dilaksanakan melalui secara hybrid di Sekolah Plus PGRI Cibinong. Pelaksanaan acara dimulai pada hari Rabu, 19 & 20 Januari 2022 , yang diawali dengan kegiatan penayangan video kreatif kelompok kemudian dilanjutkan dengan serah terima da...
Campaign and Inaguration English Pioneers Officer 2022/2023
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More info: Email : Instagram : smapluspgricibinong Twitter : SMA_PlusPGRI Facebook : SMAPLUSPGRICBG Web : UA-cam : SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong #smapluspgricibinong #SekolahKaderBangsa #QuantumLearningSchool
Campaign and Inaguration English Pioneers Officer 2022/2023
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More info: Email : Instagram : smapluspgricibinong Twitter : SMA_PlusPGRI Facebook : SMAPLUSPGRICBG Web : UA-cam : SMA Plus PGRI Cibinong #smapluspgricibinong #SekolahKaderBangsa #QuantumLearningSchool
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  • @ernaWati-hy9mj
    @ernaWati-hy9mj 2 місяці тому

    MasyaAllah keren🎉 Mohon izin memakai soundtracknya untuk kegiatan di sekolah. Terima kasih

  • @srimoro864
    @srimoro864 Рік тому

    Sedih rasanya, harusnya siswa bisa kumpul semua ini malah ya Alloh smoga pandemi segera berlalu

  • @aliffadhilla540
    @aliffadhilla540 Рік тому

    hidup gugus 11

  • @yossiferlianda6414
    @yossiferlianda6414 2 роки тому


  • @isye4499
    @isye4499 2 роки тому


  • @rinianisa7811
    @rinianisa7811 2 роки тому

    Mohon ijin memakai sound vidio untuk hari guru di sekolah🙏🏻

  • @nuraa_333
    @nuraa_333 2 роки тому


  • @maulidaputrianjani626
    @maulidaputrianjani626 2 роки тому

    Bagus sekali ♥️

  • @indrihardiyanti7691
    @indrihardiyanti7691 2 роки тому

    keren banget, mohon ijin soundtrack videonya untuk acara peringatan HUT PGRI. terima kasih

  • @nazilusing-official3041
    @nazilusing-official3041 2 роки тому


  • @alfriz3780
    @alfriz3780 2 роки тому

    selamat sore, maaf izin bertanya untuk platform metaverse yang digunakan apa ya pak? terimakasih sebelumnya

  • @nuruljuliana
    @nuruljuliana 2 роки тому

    Mohon ijin ambil soundtrack-nya untuk kegiatan ekspo pelajar Pancasila, sangat menyentuh

  • @opicklamin1301
    @opicklamin1301 2 роки тому

    Kalo mau beli bukunya dimana yah?

  • @ramdhany798
    @ramdhany798 2 роки тому

    Inget waktu SMA pernah kolosal. Salam kenal dari saya Isti Alumni Pesat lulusan 2012. 😊

  • @evisukenti7627
    @evisukenti7627 2 роки тому

    mantaap pak nas...aku masih pake untuk anak-anak ku

  • @mzimariners1855
    @mzimariners1855 2 роки тому

    Sebelah rumah saya... Keren dah ini sekolah. Byk kegiatanya

  • @sevianapurnawati3037
    @sevianapurnawati3037 2 роки тому

    Boleh spill gak biaya yg dikeluarin berapa

  • @asrihendarani9401
    @asrihendarani9401 2 роки тому

    Izin pakai instrumen untuk lomba 🙏

  • @rianurani3692
    @rianurani3692 2 роки тому

    Bangga pernah sklh di sini ..

  • @nikenniken2307
    @nikenniken2307 3 роки тому

    English Pioneer is great. They involve many students and teachers to speak English. I proud of you.

  • @liddiahendriati9046
    @liddiahendriati9046 3 роки тому

    In my opinion, for members of the English pioneer in improving the English language, there must often be practices outside the ordinary, for example not only in the school but must dare to explore outside. The advice is, there are programs, beyond average, activities beyond the usual.

  • @muktialinur811
    @muktialinur811 3 роки тому

    I hope to all member of english pioneers can help to all student for try speak english until behaviour and helpful teacher to related the program

  • @trirahayu5033
    @trirahayu5033 3 роки тому

    very good and hopefully motivate other students, and are getting worse, always enthusiastic

  • @rinikomalasari1591
    @rinikomalasari1591 3 роки тому

    Your courage in speaking English and supported by good skills is very proud. Hope can meet and speak English fluently like you. Good job students!

  • @asyfaaaa
    @asyfaaaa 3 роки тому

    I hope English Pioneers can provide tips in speaking English well and quickly and easily understood My suggestion to develop this program is to create a program that can make people including myself think that English is fun and very, very easy.

  • @dwiananto6195
    @dwiananto6195 3 роки тому

    1. What is expected form English Pioneer member is to help translate English, carry out English conversation from the basics first and teach basic grammar. 2. The suggestion is to provide transparency at least once a month on the programs that have been achieved, provide space for the public to discuss and exchange information about what programs are and aren't at English Pioneer.

  • @geanesiska3391
    @geanesiska3391 3 роки тому

    I hope that the activities at pioneer will continue to be developed to motivate teachers. My suggestion could be to take new members who are willing to study seriously and try to establish a better Pioneer program.

  • @diaryabidanalfatih7875
    @diaryabidanalfatih7875 3 роки тому

    Speechless.. that was amazing 👍 hopefully, I can do that 😅 speaking english fluently like you guys 😌 Finally, good luck and succesfull for the english pioneer program 🥳🥳🥳

  • @feryyantini5149
    @feryyantini5149 3 роки тому

    Do collaboration between English pioneer students and teachers to improve English conversation skills. My sugestion for EP is always make innovative programs for the advancement of English pioneers students.

  • @dwipratiwi3579
    @dwipratiwi3579 3 роки тому

    I hope English pioneers members can give a tricks and tips on how to speak English fluently...and I think the program made by all the candidates of the English Pioners is very good. I hope the next year many members will be accepted at foreign universities so they can collaborate with our schools in the fields of education and IT.

  • @mochamadilhamlahia7001
    @mochamadilhamlahia7001 3 роки тому

    1. I hope that English Pioneer Members always actively speak English with teachers and create an atmosphere in English-speaking schools every day 2. create a fun new method of learning English at school

  • @dianamustikasari2975
    @dianamustikasari2975 3 роки тому

    the first english organization in SMA plus pgri cibinong which is very extraordinary. I hope that whatever work program runs successfully and always wins the competition at any event.

  • @aditachandra8308
    @aditachandra8308 3 роки тому

    It’s good to see the student can be really confident to present their vision and mission. As a teacher which hasn’t good enough at english, having English Pioneer in this school is really helpful to increase my english skill. I hope English Pioneer has program that makes everybody can interact more to each other. Cheers, Nur Adita

  • @srihayati4665
    @srihayati4665 3 роки тому

    1. I hope english pioneers members can always improve your english, you can sharing.. All of the team very good, You have good thinking.. I hope your program to be success 2. My suggestion is you can more be active your speaking english with the native speaker, join many the competition, you can teach the teacher or your friends.

  • @dhienafarida6297
    @dhienafarida6297 3 роки тому

    I really proud of all members EP because give teachers more spirit to learn and brave to speak english every wheare with other people, thank you verry much.. love you all students.. I hope all over the program of EP much to be realisation, becouse it's verry important and needed for all students or everybody to learn english better👍🏼

  • @agayanu7674
    @agayanu7674 3 роки тому

    Unbelievable talent from a student that can be still improved. With them, Im sure indonesia will be more advanced. Proud of you all

  • @dwioktavia4972
    @dwioktavia4972 3 роки тому

    Students from EP members really inspire me as a teacher who is passive in communicating in english. I hope i get tips from EP students to be able to communicate fluently & actively in english. I will try to apply speaking in english to everyday life. Suggestions for EP program to reactivate the program for all students and school residents and also so that the EP program can replace the English Corner which is no longer active

  • @rizkyindra305
    @rizkyindra305 3 роки тому

    1. I expect them to spread more about English Pioneer as it is an awesome organization. 2. I already like what they are doing now, I hope they keep getting better and better.

  • @ikamuharyani5530
    @ikamuharyani5530 3 роки тому

    I hope for the EP, you can be an example and role model for friends, especially for myself and can share knowledge. My suggestion is that EP members can create interesting activity programs that can foster interest in being able to speak English

  • @srimilda5026
    @srimilda5026 3 роки тому

    I hope that English pioneer can make a program for all students and teachers who cannot speak English. so teachers and students feel confident to speak English.

  • @landooos
    @landooos 3 роки тому

    I hope we can share a lot of things, especially about movies. talk and discuss it in English sound interesting I don't have any suggestion because all of idea from all candidates is amazing and I'm just looking forward

  • @tiodwiakbar5225
    @tiodwiakbar5225 3 роки тому

    First of all congratulation for the new president of EP. i hope theres a program that involve teacher. and my suggestion maybe EP can make a program that involves another organization like Kopasus and OSIS.

  • @annisafebriana983
    @annisafebriana983 3 роки тому

    I hope with pioneer members could be the teacher's motivation to learn together and to increase an even better ability. My suggestion is that the English pioneer program would make something more exciting and successful

  • @giyantigie9158
    @giyantigie9158 3 роки тому

    I think, It seems fun if EP makes a 1 teacher 1 student program. The teacher is a member of the EP who is obliged to teach 1 student at Pesat until they are proficient in English.

  • @ginafariani5536
    @ginafariani5536 3 роки тому

    To improve my English, I suggest they should practice their English with the teachers as many as they can because practice makes perfect. They should organize some events to involve many students and teachers to speak English. I'm sure it can make English looks fun. English Pioneer is great...I proud of you

  • @fikrimaulanaridho3819
    @fikrimaulanaridho3819 3 роки тому

    I hope the EP program can develop even better in the future. My advice for the EP program is to continue to create innovations in terms of learning English

  • @giyantigie9158
    @giyantigie9158 3 роки тому

    As the name suggests a pioneer, hopefully this organization will be a pioneer in contributing science to this country. I hope that their enthusiasm for learning and their expertise in English can be followed by me in mastering English.

  • @nisamerdekawati3052
    @nisamerdekawati3052 3 роки тому

    you are great success for us

  • @rinidiahastuti1625
    @rinidiahastuti1625 3 роки тому

    1. Hopefully in the future the English pionerers will be more successful, the students will be more creative and can learn English well and fluently together so that we can get along with the era of globalization where English is currently a mandatory requirement in the millennial era 2. Besides being able to collaborate between students and teachers, it is hoped that English pioneers can invite native speakers to be able to understand and deepen English more

  • @adityadwinugroho3312
    @adityadwinugroho3312 3 роки тому

    I hope that as a pioneer member, they always give regular quizzes, one thing the teacher answers and the explanations so that they continue to study every day. Examples are toefl and explanation of answers Always invite other students to study together at English pioneers so that the program will run smoothly keep spirit english pioneers 😉