Maxwell Carver (康迈伟)
Maxwell Carver (康迈伟)
  • 558
  • 390 111


Encountering the Subei People in Yangzhou’s Hehuachi Park
Переглядів 92Місяць тому
While in Yangzhou, we took a trip to the famed Lotus Pond Park to learn more about the mysterious Subei people.
In The Back Alleys of Yangzhou, China
Переглядів 213Місяць тому
Join us for an afternoon in Yangzhou, China, where we search for the local residents of the city's old town.
American Goes to Chinese Marriage Market (Yangzhou, China)
Переглядів 524Місяць тому
American Goes to Chinese Marriage Market (Yangzhou, China)
Chaos at Traditional Chinese Tea House (Yangzhou, China)
Переглядів 176Місяць тому
Chaos at Traditional Chinese Tea House (Yangzhou, China)
Shanghainese Make Pilgrimage to Subei
Переглядів 1,3 тис.2 місяці тому
Shanghainese Make Pilgrimage to Subei
American Mom’s 1st Chinese Park Experience
Переглядів 14 тис.2 місяці тому
American Mom’s 1st Chinese Park Experience
American Goes to Chinese Marriage Market (Guangzhou, China)
Переглядів 3,4 тис.2 місяці тому
American Goes to Chinese Marriage Market (Guangzhou, China)
Guangzhou Aunties Teach Me How to Curse in Cantonese
Переглядів 4733 місяці тому
Guangzhou Aunties Teach Me How to Curse in Cantonese
American Goes to Chinese Marriage Market (Shenzhen, China)
Переглядів 5413 місяці тому
American Goes to Chinese Marriage Market (Shenzhen, China)
A Elderly-Filled Oasis in China’s Silicon Valley
Переглядів 2274 місяці тому
A Elderly-Filled Oasis in China’s Silicon Valley
Shanghai v. Hong Kong Park Culture (Victoria Park)
Переглядів 2565 місяців тому
Shanghai v. Hong Kong Park Culture (Victoria Park)
Inside the Infamous Sham Shui Po (Hong Kong)
Переглядів 5405 місяців тому
Inside the Infamous Sham Shui Po (Hong Kong)
Preparing for Chinese New Year at Shau Kei Wan Market (Hong Kong)
Переглядів 2355 місяців тому
Preparing for Chinese New Year at Shau Kei Wan Market (Hong Kong)
Free Peanuts and Dancing Class in Shanghai (Penglai Park)
Переглядів 1466 місяців тому
Free Peanuts and Dancing Class in Shanghai (Penglai Park)
Live Steaming 4-Step with Aunties in Shanghai (Xujiahui Park)
Переглядів 6956 місяців тому
Live Steaming 4-Step with Aunties in Shanghai (Xujiahui Park)
Welcoming Chinese Tourists to Shanghai on China's Labor Day
Переглядів 7167 місяців тому
Welcoming Chinese Tourists to Shanghai on China's Labor Day
Southern China's Bird Collector Epicenter (Huaihai Park)
Переглядів 2138 місяців тому
Southern China's Bird Collector Epicenter (Huaihai Park)
Getting Slapped by Shanghainese Granny (N. Sichuan Road Park)
Переглядів 2718 місяців тому
Getting Slapped by Shanghainese Granny (N. Sichuan Road Park)
Joining Elderly Amateur Model Groups in Shanghai (Daning Park)
Переглядів 2719 місяців тому
Joining Elderly Amateur Model Groups in Shanghai (Daning Park)
Sword Dancing, Marriage Advice & Qi Gong Uncle in Shanghai (Zhabei Park)
Переглядів 43110 місяців тому
Sword Dancing, Marriage Advice & Qi Gong Uncle in Shanghai (Zhabei Park)
Live Steaming Aunties & Photographer Uncles in Shanghai (Guilin Park)
Переглядів 36910 місяців тому
Live Steaming Aunties & Photographer Uncles in Shanghai (Guilin Park)
Finding the Duck Uncle of Shanghai (Huangxing Park)
Переглядів 2,8 тис.10 місяців тому
Finding the Duck Uncle of Shanghai (Huangxing Park)
Chaos at Shanghai's Suburban Mega Market
Переглядів 47411 місяців тому
Chaos at Shanghai's Suburban Mega Market
Chinese Cricket Fighting Tournament
Переглядів 45911 місяців тому
Chinese Cricket Fighting Tournament
Klang: Malaysia's (Alleged) Most Dangerous City
Переглядів 28 тис.Рік тому
Klang: Malaysia's (Alleged) Most Dangerous City
The Party Boy of Bentong, Malaysia
Переглядів 10 тис.Рік тому
The Party Boy of Bentong, Malaysia
Meeting the Elders of Yong Peng, Malaysia
Переглядів 12 тис.Рік тому
Meeting the Elders of Yong Peng, Malaysia
Metal Rock Concert in Malaysia's Oldest City (Malacca)
Переглядів 4,5 тис.Рік тому
Metal Rock Concert in Malaysia's Oldest City (Malacca)
Second-Hand Market, Claypot Chicken, & Slaughterhouse Tour in Kampar, Malaysia
Переглядів 17 тис.Рік тому
Second-Hand Market, Claypot Chicken, & Slaughterhouse Tour in Kampar, Malaysia


  • @JohnMosquera-Colombia
    @JohnMosquera-Colombia 2 дні тому

    6:57 "i wasnt wearing my hat earlier" dude, you were not......that baseball cap makes all the difference......

  • @JohnMosquera-Colombia
    @JohnMosquera-Colombia 2 дні тому

    At the 2:15 mark the guy is checking to see how much junk you got in the trunk.

  • @wirihanagardiner729
    @wirihanagardiner729 7 днів тому

    EUROPEAN American

  • @BettyHall-e2b
    @BettyHall-e2b 11 днів тому


  • @Vivid-v8i
    @Vivid-v8i 15 днів тому


  • @peawhoopie
    @peawhoopie 16 днів тому

    Which train to Chiayi did you ride from Tainan? Planning to go there to and not sure if I should book pre-reserved seats on the train or just swipe EasyCard

  • @RuthGromer
    @RuthGromer 17 днів тому

    高質量的視頻內容!我還有一個問題:有人給我轉了点usdt,我有恢復短語。 pride pole obtain together second when future mask review nature potato bulb 我怎麼把它們變現呢?

  • @peawhoopie
    @peawhoopie 17 днів тому

    Where’s the long-form video? I can’t seem to find it on your videos here on youtube

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 17 днів тому

      Here it is!

  • @rishwinsinda5863
    @rishwinsinda5863 29 днів тому

    Efa is a gem of a person!

  • @randomname931
    @randomname931 Місяць тому

    His Chinese is legit. Where's dad?

  • @723dogman
    @723dogman Місяць тому

    Stop speaking Mandarin in SE Asia. Cantonese or don't speak Chinese at all.

  • @FloppySushi
    @FloppySushi Місяць тому

    Max delivers content so hard that when my mom asked me to go to Shanghai with her i couldn't say no. Keep up the content!!!!

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver Місяць тому

      I hope you enjoy / enjoyed your trip! Much more to come!

  • @kellizsa3662
    @kellizsa3662 Місяць тому

    you got IG?

  • @judasy3991
    @judasy3991 Місяць тому

    Go back to maalaysia

  • @willman3239
    @willman3239 Місяць тому

    I dont know what camera your using but the quality is REALLY good

  • @w.z.6062
    @w.z.6062 Місяць тому

    First! 🎉🎉🎉 nice!

  • @1694KK
    @1694KK Місяць тому


    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver Місяць тому


    • @1694KK
      @1694KK Місяць тому

      @@maxwell.carver 没错

  • @kirstenmartin7512
    @kirstenmartin7512 Місяць тому

    I love this--- and I really want you to consider me, so I will send you an email with a sample! D:

  • @GobiSubramaniam
    @GobiSubramaniam Місяць тому

    What the f@ck? You idiots do know that Klang has TWO sides, right? North and South Klang, divided in the middle by the river? The parts you are on are the North Klang (or Klang Utara as local calls it). Almost 19 minutes video and you stayed on the northern side alone. IF you come to the Southern parts, you could see a different side of Klang which is where the historical Klang starts. In the past (18th century), products from Kuala Lumpur will be carried down river and stored at warehouses along the Southern part. And FYI that is NOT Port Klang. You made me laugh with your ignorance. Port Klang lies further west, about 15 KM or so and it is a town of its own.

  • @mkchan18
    @mkchan18 Місяць тому

    Do you visit Kellie's castle then ?

  • @zaturaofficial
    @zaturaofficial Місяць тому

    Hey bro kunjungi juga pulau yos sudarso di papua .indonesia

  • @tinyshades_
    @tinyshades_ 2 місяці тому

    Such a fascinating history behind the Ningbo and Subei people!

  • @DarenLee
    @DarenLee 2 місяці тому

    Haiyah! You no power 🙈🤣

  • @bradysun7993
    @bradysun7993 2 місяці тому

    great vids

  • @jakemir558
    @jakemir558 2 місяці тому

    Welcome to my hometown Klang Bandar diRaja .

  • @Lewis.Channel
    @Lewis.Channel 2 місяці тому

    I live near Klang and always go there for working, can say it is very good and definitely not dangerous. Little India is a nice place also, lots of good food

  • @erictio8600
    @erictio8600 2 місяці тому

    Should make 2nd episod of klang visit... old klang, state palace, port klang and our lovely kampung areas and port views...❤ luv from klang

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      I would love to have the opportunity to return!

    • @erictio8600
      @erictio8600 2 місяці тому

      @maxwell.carver Your clip is awesome 👌.. that's only cover centre area of North Klang. The old klang , kampong Jawa, old colonial quarters, little India street, Chatolic church and state palace are the old Klang area or call as South Klang after crossing the link bridge over Klang milky river.. hahaaa, welcome to my humble, tiny and multicultural state, hope to see you soon. ❤️ from Klang M'sia.

  • @lilboogie4970
    @lilboogie4970 2 місяці тому

    K town clan rap song should be on this vlog

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      I wish I knew about the song when I edited the video!

  • @docteejay
    @docteejay 2 місяці тому

    Hey Max, seriously, where did you learn mandarin? I subscribed to your channel to improve my mandarin listening. Salam from Malaysia

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      Hello! I study by myself, but have been in Mandarin-speaking environments for the past couple of years - immersion is everything!

  • @beautifuldream108
    @beautifuldream108 2 місяці тому

    Makes sure you put when allegedly? Which part of Klang!? Which era? Which kampung? If you have video alleged all dangerous town in all your visited countries?🤬😡🫵👎this what you have learn from Taiwan?

  • @beautifuldream108
    @beautifuldream108 2 місяці тому

    Frankly, you are giving VERY MISLEADING title.🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🫵👎👎👎👎any part of Malaysia never come close to USA allegedly home of homeless and druggy zombies!!!!! This is what we call USA lies brainwashing mass media.

  • @occadude2003
    @occadude2003 2 місяці тому

    The rise and fall of a place happened so far in the history. In the last 2,000 years, most of time Yangzhou was more prosperous and more wealthy than Shanghai. Lots of cities such as Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and etc, are now in obscurity while being the capital city for quite some time in the history.

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      Yes - I am excited to visit more of these places in the future!

    • @Celim-m8y
      @Celim-m8y Місяць тому


  • @KenshinAsuka
    @KenshinAsuka 2 місяці тому

    Maybe they were talking about the past of Klang but so far I am doing just fine if I go to present Klang.

  • @juliajihen8079
    @juliajihen8079 2 місяці тому

    Come to Sarawak too, the largest state of Malaysia and located on the island of Borneo.

  • @李珊-f2r
    @李珊-f2r 2 місяці тому

    11:36 yes that older Chinese Malaysian man is handsome

  • @stargazeronesixseven
    @stargazeronesixseven 2 місяці тому

    😮 Klang being an ancient Sea Port station so , there used to be settled by many port workers from around these regions & from beyond! Like anywhere in the world , when there are seaports & businesses , there will be bound to have business clans , mafia & triad gangs , so Klang will still has remnants of these fast disappearing older establishments that being taken over by the newer younger generations in all spectrums of social-economic-political developments ... 😊🙏 Thank You So Much for the tour of once notorious seaport of Klang! ... p.s. Will find more Malaysian Indian descendants living in Klang area , legacy from the many seaport goods transporting businesses from back then ... 🌷🌿🌏✌💜🕊🇲🇾🇺🇸🇬🇧

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      Thank you so much to the people of Klang for welcoming us - hope to visit again soon!

  • @缓称王
    @缓称王 2 місяці тому


  • @DuongNguyen-gn3pc
    @DuongNguyen-gn3pc 2 місяці тому

    It looks so nice

  • @LW78321
    @LW78321 2 місяці тому

    You making your mum dance 😂😂 so cute. So lovely she could visit you in China!

  • @FloppySushi
    @FloppySushi 2 місяці тому

    Love the content!

  • @spitefullymy
    @spitefullymy 2 місяці тому

    Great content, as a Malaysian, your interactions with the locals have been amazing to watch. I personally think you would get even more views if you showcased the actual food more because actually that’s what Malaysian tourism is about to us local Malaysians 🤣 we usually decide to visit a different city based on the food specialty, Penang for duck kwey chap, nasi kandar, char kuey teow, etc. Klang for its Bak Kut Teh, for example. But major props for still finding things to showcase besides food and that definitely does make these Malaysian travel vlogs seem more unique!!

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      Thank you so much for the support - much more to come!

  • @fengz-x7z
    @fengz-x7z 2 місяці тому

    Seeing store employees in Hong Kong speaking Mandarin is shocking to me, because I thought people of Hong Kong speak Cantonese only.

    • @maxwell.carver
      @maxwell.carver 2 місяці тому

      Some of them can speak Mandarin; but yes, they often don't.

  • @tantrumdesignstudio8885
    @tantrumdesignstudio8885 2 місяці тому

    Lmao, "danger" Goes to relatively safe places in daylight. After dusk is where the action is at.

  • @junlifang2896
    @junlifang2896 2 місяці тому


  • @nkalf9207
    @nkalf9207 2 місяці тому

    The most dangerous things happen in Klang is probably a bunch of drunk indians shouting at you 😅

  • @boonhongtay9944
    @boonhongtay9944 2 місяці тому

    Dangerous for food 😂

  • @ericaravind9391
    @ericaravind9391 2 місяці тому

    Dude, next time try to cross the river come over to South of Klang

  • @magicalphoenix4568
    @magicalphoenix4568 2 місяці тому

    China is the place to be.

  • @Trueye-sl2mr
    @Trueye-sl2mr 2 місяці тому

    Chinese are very friendly

  • @Zerpentsa6598
    @Zerpentsa6598 2 місяці тому

    Trump: Dancing with the enemies. 😂😂😂