Millionaire Habits
Millionaire Habits
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The Sopranos | Robbery Scene
The Sopranos | Robbery Scene
Переглядів: 177


Breaking Bad - Revenge on Schwartz
Переглядів 1,2 тис.2 роки тому
Breaking Bad - Revenge on Schwartz
Walter White - Gangsta's Paradise
Переглядів 53 тис.3 роки тому
Walter White - Gangsta's Paradise
The Wolf of Wall Street - Gangsta's Paradise
Переглядів 2,4 млн3 роки тому
The Wolf of Wall Street - Gangsta's Paradise


  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 4 години тому

    Ostpimmel nach der Wende. 😂😂😂😂

  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 6 годин тому

    Heute isses Zur Abwechslung Signal Iduna. 😂😂😂😂 geldgeile Koksnasen, weiter nichts.

  • @francoissimmer5394
    @francoissimmer5394 7 годин тому

    quand tu comprends l arnaque ...

  • @17199c
    @17199c День тому

    Ted the king

  • @johncorley9785
    @johncorley9785 День тому

    What is this from

  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 2 дні тому

    Einfach mehr Ostfotzen installieren. 😂😂😂

  • @beastgamesclipshindi
    @beastgamesclipshindi 3 дні тому

    movie name >>>??????

  • @blurryfacetheprofilethingy4659

    Song name?

  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 4 дні тому

    Immer Honecker nach... ihr seid aufmrichtigen Weg....😂😂😂😂

  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 4 дні тому

    Einfach Weiterschlafen. Nichts verpasst in diesem Land.aus Kommunisten wurden versoffne drogenabhängige Kapitalisten. 😂😂😂

  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 4 дні тому

    Thomas Liebscher. Dein Freund und Helfer in allen Lebenslagen. Der kriegt ne Dauerstellung bei Dynamo Dresden, in der Entzugsklinik, beim Gruppenficken und bei Honecker auf der Couch. 😂😂😂😂 Aschenputtel Aus Tschechien machts ihm inzwischen umsonst. 😂😂😂😂rein genossenschaftlich. 😂😂😂😂

  • @heidisommer6078
    @heidisommer6078 4 дні тому

    Dresdner Ostfotzen im Geldrausch. 😂😂😂😂😂 wie bescheisse ich mein eignes Volk am besten. 😂😂😂😂

  • @db876ff
    @db876ff 4 дні тому

    He was against corporations and people who supported corporations

  • @Cagan51907
    @Cagan51907 5 днів тому

    in ted we trust

  • @marifonseca31
    @marifonseca31 6 днів тому

    People who idolize this man for his "manifesto" I kindly suggest to just go read some contemporary philosophers.

  • @GoodDeedWearyWorld
    @GoodDeedWearyWorld 7 днів тому


  • @Dominator8896
    @Dominator8896 9 днів тому

    He definitely had some interesting ideas but he pretty much was a murder who used his ideas to justify what he did not the other way around

  • @szagii_9447
    @szagii_9447 12 днів тому


    • @krankvegann
      @krankvegann 10 днів тому

      It's a series, it's called: manhunt Unabomber. It was a good watch imo.

  • @Layla_r0se
    @Layla_r0se 14 днів тому

    minit 0.36 tu negara ni mmg dalam situasi begini kut masa prk di selangor beberapa bulan lepas.

  • @Layla_r0se
    @Layla_r0se 14 днів тому

    siapa punya filem ni?

  • @FrigginBug
    @FrigginBug 14 днів тому

    But yet here we are... watching it on our phones... you and me... and wherever he is.

  • @sofiaavilaarriagada2121
    @sofiaavilaarriagada2121 15 днів тому

    He was a mad man at the end, he had interesting ideas, but were pointed to small gears

  • @drizzle452
    @drizzle452 15 днів тому

    Why are people terrified of you? Well, let’s start with using that Harvard degree to help explain the difference between dying from making bad choices/having bad genetics and dying from being murdered

  • @MatthewPinno-c6y
    @MatthewPinno-c6y 16 днів тому

    Guys when you actually read his stuff(wich is didn’t but wendigo on gave an hour recap so good enough) He literally advocates for killing all diabetic people so diabetes doesn’t exist You can argue if his I general ideas were good or not But if you say that Muslim terrorists could be a good ally then you clearly not a megamind

  • @Azzyeyap
    @Azzyeyap 17 днів тому

    أو تقول حين ترى العذاب لو أن لي كرة فأكون من المحسنين بلىا قد جاءتك ءاياتي فكذبت بها و استكبرت و كنت من الكافرينالرحمان خروا سجدا و بكيا فخلف من بعدهم خلف أضاعوا الصلاة و اتبعوا الشهوات فسوف يلقون غيا إلا من تاب و ءامن و عمل صالحا فأولائك يدخلون الجنة و لا يظلمون شيءا و لقد اخترناهم على علم على العالمين و ءاتيناهم من الءايات ما فيه بلاؤا مبين إن هاؤلاء ليقولون ما قدروا الله حق قدره إن الله لقوي عزيز الله يصطفي من الملائكة رسلا و من الناس إن الله سميع بصير اصلوها فاصبروا أو لا تصبروا سواء عليكم إنما تجزون ما كنتم تعملون إن المتقين في جنات و نعيم و عادا و ثمودا و أصحاب الرس و قرونا بين ذالك كثيرا و كلا ضربنا له الأمثال و كلا تبرنا تتبيرا ويل لكل أفاك أثيم يسمع ءايات الله تتلىا عليه ثم يصر مستكبرا كأن لم يسمعها فبشره بعذاب أليم و أيوب إذ نادىا ربه أني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين فاستجبنا له فكشفنا ما به من ضر و ءاتيناه أهله و مثلهم معهم رحمة من عندنا و ذكرىا للعابدين هو الذي بعث في الأمين رسولا منهم يتلوا عليهم ءاياته و يزكيهم و يعلمهم الكتاب و الحكمة و إن كانوا من قبل لفي ضلال مبين إن في ذالك لءاية و ما كان أكثرهم مؤمنين و إن ربك لهو العزيز الرحيم فما منكم من أحد عنه حاجزين و إنه لتذكرة للمتقين و إنا لنعلم أن منكم مكذبين قالوا و هم فيها يختصمون تالله إن كنا لفي ضلال مبين إذ نسويكم برب العالمين يوم يكون الناس كالفراش المبثوث و تكون الجبال كالعهن المنفوش و لقد أضل منكم جبلا كثيرا أفلم تكونوا تعقلون فمن الله علينا و وقىانا عذاب السموم إنا كنا من قبل ندعوه إنه هو البر الرحيم يدخل من يشاء في رحمته و الظالمين أعد لهم عذابا أليما فجعل منه الزوجين الذكر و الأنثى أليس ذالك بقادر على أن يحي الموتى

  • @BrianSmith-lj6ug
    @BrianSmith-lj6ug 17 днів тому

    I've always said the no brainer is always to go steal.If they other person picks split you can always give them the money if it plays on your conscience after the show, and if they pick steal you would of got nothing anyway.

  • @tatjanaflugel396
    @tatjanaflugel396 19 днів тому

    Pretty dry statements

  • @krankvegann
    @krankvegann 19 днів тому

    Ahead of his time

  • @Anon-fq5rf
    @Anon-fq5rf 20 днів тому

    Name of this movie please

  • @ThatOneGayArtist-b9q
    @ThatOneGayArtist-b9q 21 день тому

    Just wanna tell ya that this man's iq was higher than Einstein's take of that what you will

  • @freethinker424
    @freethinker424 21 день тому

    Hail Satan

  • @theoutle
    @theoutle 22 дні тому

    I know about this. I know, how we are "supposed" to live. I have "faced" myself and had many instances where I felt like Ted but I would not ever think of doing any terrorist attacks or killing people. I know I haven't been through anything remotely as bad as Ted. I still got bullied in school, had some mental problems but I have let go of it because I'm not in contact with these people that have bullied me. This time tries to keep you occupied as much as possible, so you don't have to look at the society around you. When you think about it, it's scary. But killing people or doing anything that damages our human race doesn't solve it. I think that Ted had the arrogance to believe he's "right". Noone is right. You can life the way you want. If you find a remote place, build a house and live your way, you can. It's hard and you wouldn't like it but it's the way it was done. We have "evolved", we live on avarage longer and have better life quality. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. I would like to know how Ted would live in one of the third world countries. Would he be happy?

  • @zagato32
    @zagato32 22 дні тому

    Name of this movie???🎉

  • @Lexington365
    @Lexington365 27 днів тому

    The only way you make money in this game is to steal. Google "The Prisoners Dilemma". It is a classic game theory example of when co-operating is the best play for the collective, but defecting is the best play for the individual. Think about it. If you split you either get half or nothing. If you steal you get 100% or nothing. Game theory will never split if the opponent has the choice to steal. What was brilliant about this was this guy demonstrated another classic game theory example, "Chicken". Imagine you and another person are driving your cars towards each other on a straight and narrow road. Your options are drive straight and swerve. If you both swerve you you both skid off into the dirt and cause minimal damage to your cars. If one drives straight and the other swerves one of you gets the minor damage and the other gets no damage. However if you both drive straight you are both dead. This guy has told Ibrahim he is driving straight, giving him absolutely no option but to swerve and take the minor damage. In this case losing the show and rolling the dice that he is good on his promise and will pay him the money. All brilliant stuff.

  • @DreamseedVR
    @DreamseedVR Місяць тому


  • @MariaPeriventa
    @MariaPeriventa Місяць тому


  • @williamshakespeare88
    @williamshakespeare88 Місяць тому

    Nobody was ready for him

  • @Bertoruiz22
    @Bertoruiz22 Місяць тому

    Real Gangster

  • @hobeone1192
    @hobeone1192 Місяць тому

    Yeah...why society is afraid of Hobos like me.

  • @akbharatexplorer2117
    @akbharatexplorer2117 Місяць тому

    Ted kaczynski is dead now

  • @sk8pirata
    @sk8pirata Місяць тому

    Our new President once again

  • @SuperEmpath1061
    @SuperEmpath1061 Місяць тому

    Leo has really become an amazing actor. Just watched the departed again. His performance was amazing!

  • @tuffturner3296
    @tuffturner3296 Місяць тому

    Clown posting🤡

  • @naimal05
    @naimal05 Місяць тому

    I dont get it

    • @jimjam5239
      @jimjam5239 Місяць тому

      So in Golden Balls, both the contestants are given a ball to choose. If one chooses steal, while the other splits, the one that chooses steal wins the money. If they both split, the money is split evenly. And if they both choose steal, they both leave with nothing. Before they select the ball, they each have around half a minute to talk/bluff their way through saying they're splitting. This contestant put the game on its head and just said he'd split the money after he'd taken it all. The other contestant, faced with the prospect of nothing, had to trust him really. He was leaving anyway with nothing if they both chose steal. Except, this contestant, despite saying he was stealing, didn't do that. He chose the split, as did the other contestant, so he was right in one sense in that he did split it but only after convincing the other contestant for them to go split. People say it killed the programme but I'm not sure he did. Because nothing would've stopped him from taking it all. And in the future, nothing stopped future contestants from, in theory, using this method to steal it all.

  • @KubiKids-xx6jt
    @KubiKids-xx6jt Місяць тому

    Looks like the 2nd tower

  • @ThismanGoodisGood
    @ThismanGoodisGood Місяць тому

    If someone’s telling me they’re stealing. I’m not gonna let them leave with it all. I would’ve chose steal, even if he was bluffing.

    • @NOONE.12742
      @NOONE.12742 Місяць тому

      No actually this is not full vedio he said that he is gonna steal but he will split the money after the match 100% . Then the black man said he has another option why don't they choose split but the white man disagreed.

    • @Jinx_.Baby._
      @Jinx_.Baby._ 22 дні тому


    • @Nima.Mahmoud
      @Nima.Mahmoud 11 днів тому

      Yes 🤣🤣

  • @rohitjha4093
    @rohitjha4093 Місяць тому

    Apt for belongingness

  • @clapaclapatv9960
    @clapaclapatv9960 Місяць тому

    Name of the film?

    @SLOT-PP-SLOT-PG-MOOCHIN Місяць тому

  • @bobkane5054
    @bobkane5054 Місяць тому

    People treat this guy like some kind of hero but most of his bombs failed and everyone he killed was a random citizen, he did nothing to promote the change he wanted so bad. He is a loser who fantasied about killing a girl who dumped him and a 3 year old child just cus he thought they were annoying.

    • @krankvegann
      @krankvegann 10 днів тому

      The second dude he killed was a dipshit who defended a big oil corporation, FYI. So no, not everyone was random people. Also, you're indulging in a fallacy called ad hominem, you're criticizing his character and not his ideas. Nice try, fed.