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Calvin Harris - We found love - Oslo, Norway
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Oslo spectrum 30/10/11
Bob Sinclar i Malta sommeren 2010
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Bob Sinclar Live in Malta 13 July 2010
Bob Sinclar i Malta, sommeren 2010
Переглядів 46214 років тому
Bob Sinclar Live in Malta 13 July 2010
Tokio Hotel - Parc Des Princes, Paris - 21/6 2008
Переглядів 14414 років тому
Tokio Hotel Live in Paris, France 2 years ago!
Tokio Hotel humanoid city, DARKSIDE OF THE SUN - OSLO, Norway 03.03.2010
Переглядів 22814 років тому
Tokio Hotel humanoid city, DARKSIDE OF THE SUN - OSLO, Norway 03.03.2010
Tokio Hotel humanoid, Screamin - OSLO, Norway 03.03.2010
Переглядів 12714 років тому
A bit of screamin in Oslo!
Tokio Hotel humanoid city, dogs unleashed - OSLO, NORWAY 03.03.2010
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Tokio Hotel humanoid city, dogs unleashed - OSLO, NORWAY 03.03.2010
Tokio Hotel humanoid city, PHANTORIDER - OSLO, Norway 03.03.2010
Переглядів 44814 років тому
Phantomrider in Oslo
Tokio Hotel humanoid city, WORLD BEHIND MY WALL - OSLO, Norway 03.03.2010 (FANACTION)
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Fanaction - blue glowsticks
Tokio Hotel humanoid city, NOISE - OSLO, Norway 03.03.2010
Переглядів 3,3 тис.14 років тому
Intro Noise!
Tokio Hotel Meet & Greet - Oslo, Norway 03.03.2010
Переглядів 78 тис.14 років тому
Beste dagen! :D


  • @เด็กหญิงวารินธรกันหามล


  • @ruviantic
    @ruviantic Рік тому

    nå grine eg

  • @alexandraleroy8424
    @alexandraleroy8424 4 роки тому

    Sans danger ma vie de ma chérie tu es magnifique à Michael Jackson était trop beau de beau ça va plus je veux appeler papa tu es jolie comme tout cas ma petite

  • @thelivingflowerpot
    @thelivingflowerpot 6 років тому

    sykt heldige. skulle ønske jeg var litt mer oppdatert i 2010 assa... da ville jeg sikkert visst hvem de var allerede da.

  • @maddiiiiie1
    @maddiiiiie1 10 років тому

    sykt heldige ! kan jeg bare spørre om en ting, hvordan fikk dere tak i meet and greet ? :)

  • @CatherineKaulitz1989
    @CatherineKaulitz1989 12 років тому

    haha, jeg hører og ser meg selv D: beste dagen uansett!

  • @MarinaxNiinou
    @MarinaxNiinou 12 років тому

    Most of singers are doing that. It's just their job, the fans are happy and that's all. I know it's rather sad but it's not their fault. I'm sure if they can they will spend more times with the fans ! :) ( And I'm sorry for my bad english :s ).

  • @PutYourHeartsUp26
    @PutYourHeartsUp26 12 років тому

    Aww Georg "Bitte Schon!" polite. -3

  • @Poecosmetics
    @Poecosmetics 12 років тому

    its cool that they do that but its a little too tense like an awkward silence. but i still love tokio hotel

  • @rst024
    @rst024 13 років тому

    Oh my Go!, vet du, jeg kjente faktisk det krible i magen da de nærmet seg dere. Heldige dere er, misunnelig til tuuuuuusen.

  • @Kaktusen2
    @Kaktusen2 13 років тому


  • @Walcott94
    @Walcott94 13 років тому

    @j0hannehaneberg Du ville vell detttt

  • @CatherineKaulitz1989
    @CatherineKaulitz1989 13 років тому

    Håper de kommer igjen snart <3

  • @Mejerokland
    @Mejerokland 13 років тому

    Uff, så kleint xD *Helt stille* Jeg ville død x)

  • @celloplayer143
    @celloplayer143 13 років тому

    have you noticed that Bill is always first!?

  • @TheKissi96
    @TheKissi96 13 років тому

    1:11 - Elsker at Tom sier hei først :)

  • @123gaja
    @123gaja 13 років тому

    æææ saaaavner :(

  • @LadyChrupek
    @LadyChrupek 13 років тому

    gustav is so cute, he didnt say hi or thank you to you...

  • @DilailaHP
    @DilailaHP 13 років тому

    Å Herregud! Du er heldig ! Jeg ville gjordt hva som helst for å få autografen av Bill ! <3

  • @ScherazadezGypsy
    @ScherazadezGypsy 13 років тому

    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x LMAO: u really can't take a joke

  • @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x
    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x 13 років тому

    @ScherazadezGypsy Oh shut the fuck up.

  • @ScherazadezGypsy
    @ScherazadezGypsy 13 років тому

    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x and if u as a fan aren't willing to understand how difficult it is, then you've chosen the wrong entertainment

  • @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x
    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x 13 років тому

    @ScherazadezGypsy Its called 'courtesy'...if you're not going to give your fans the acknowledgement they deserve - at least a hello or smile - then you're doing the wrong job.

  • @ScherazadezGypsy
    @ScherazadezGypsy 13 років тому

    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x true: but u have to remember that they've probably just done a bunch press/media coverage without much sleep, and they also need to perform. Even after performing for two hours, im always exhausted and meeting the audience afterwards is very stressful; for them it's just one night-but for the performers it's every day. Cut them some slack

  • @TomKaulitZ0o
    @TomKaulitZ0o 13 років тому

    KAFAEN!!! va de i norge, åsså gikk æ glipp av det, du tulle!! æ som har så lyst til å møte dæm!! :'( herregud....... :'(

  • @tryggpånett
    @tryggpånett 13 років тому

    eg dør!

  • @CamLovesEnergizing
    @CamLovesEnergizing 13 років тому

    @lithag lol that's my bad

  • @CamLovesEnergizing
    @CamLovesEnergizing 13 років тому

    @lithag lol sorrrrry how was I supposed to know anyways? lol I should stop assuming things though

  • @CamLovesEnergizing
    @CamLovesEnergizing 13 років тому

    @lithag ah ok you're still in middle school cuz I haven't been in middle school in quite some time and it's not really like that in high school. lol but I guess that does make sense though but once you guys are like older you shouldn't really have to deal with that cuz people are usually more mature or you at least hope they are

  • @CamLovesEnergizing
    @CamLovesEnergizing 13 років тому

    @lithag lol sure thing! geez what kinda school do you go to?? I've never had a problem like that so I'm wondering how people can be such jerks lol but I thinks it's good that you just walk like nothing happens

  • @CamLovesEnergizing
    @CamLovesEnergizing 13 років тому

    @lithag omg smack the people who act that way towards you lol you seem nice so those are some jerk moves people are pulling

  • @CamLovesEnergizing
    @CamLovesEnergizing 13 років тому

    yea if I said thank you and no one say you're welcome back I would just be like "I said THANK YOU!" cuz I really don't like when you're being nice and you don't get the same in return. I mean I've only gone on an hour of sleep and had to still go to school and I'm still so happy so c'mon they can at least act like they're having a good time. I like them so don't get me wrong it just irks me when anyone's like this.

  • @Aqueeriouss
    @Aqueeriouss 14 років тому

    Shit e de på ekta?? Filmer du?

  • @pizzawings75
    @pizzawings75 14 років тому

    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x oh leave the poor boys alone! they're probably very tired! and i mean come on, if had only gotten like 5 hours of sleep i don't think you'd be all happy and cheery and ready to please every fan girl in that room! they're only human you know.

  • @karro3310
    @karro3310 14 років тому

    Savner de, over ett år siden nå.. <3

  • @cheterry17
    @cheterry17 14 років тому

    Tom: "Hello." XD

  • @Anson-x
    @Anson-x 14 років тому

    säger du "Tack schön" ? något ni i norge brukar säga eller? ;b

  • @rikaz0r
    @rikaz0r 14 років тому

    tom!!!!! <3 but they dont really have good manners D:

  • @LolaTheFunkyGirl
    @LolaTheFunkyGirl 14 років тому

    hauptsache georg ist der einzige der "bitteschön" sagt O.o

  • @KirstieXoXo
    @KirstieXoXo 14 років тому

    Wow.. Finally A meet & greet without all the unecessary screaming, crying and hyperventilating ha!

  • @littlemecrazy
    @littlemecrazy 14 років тому

    hahaha georg; "BITTE SCHÖN!" :D you're incredibly lucky!

  • @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x
    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x 14 років тому

    @Maareenn I mean if you want to say that the years or months or weeks or days or however long you've been a fan was worth the five seconds it took for someone to snap a picture of you standing with Tokio Hotel and the two seconds it took for each of them to sign something for you, then fine. All I'm saying is, I would never do this to myself. I'd rather take my chances meeting one of the members on the streets then going to one of these things

  • @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x
    @x0xTHLover4Lifex0x 14 років тому

    Oh please, I would never want to go to one of these so called 'Meet and Greets'. No body is meeting and greeting anyone, the boys are all just methodically signing autographs with barely a smile, hi or how are you. And after the girls thanked them, Georg was the only one with the decency to say 'your welcome'....sorry but if I went to one of these things...I probably would lose my perception of the band....

  • @temoliet
    @temoliet 14 років тому

    Er di klar over hvor heldig du faktisk er?

  • @humanoid010k
    @humanoid010k 14 років тому


  • @Regsii1
    @Regsii1 14 років тому

    omfg! SÅ JÆVLI HELDIG! var på konserten, hadd så sykt lyst til å være med på den meet and greet :( argh SJALUU TIL TUSEN ! <3 men gla på dine vegne og da, som fikk kom så nære !

  • @LadyDahianSM
    @LadyDahianSM 14 років тому

    hi if I was there I faint as 100 times ;)

  • @CatherineKaulitz1989
    @CatherineKaulitz1989 14 років тому

    beste dagen noensinne! <333 håper de kommer snart igjen.. :D

  • @SupeReynA
    @SupeReynA 14 років тому

    preguntas frecuentes: porke no se emocionan?? IMAGINENSE VERLOS DE CERCA!! yO cuandO los fui a ver nO paré de llorar en todo el dia!!

  • @horsegirl935
    @horsegirl935 14 років тому

    the best thing is, that you said: thank you to george and he said bitteschön =]