  • 321
  • 393 140
6.71 ao25 with GOOD turning (weilong v10)
we are so back
Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-22
avg of 25: 6.71
Time List:
1. 5.93 D' B' U' R2 D2 U B2 U' R2 U L2 R2 U L2 B' L2 F' U' R' U2 L2
2. 7.41 L' D F2 U R2 D F2 L2 F2 U R2 B' R' B' F' D' R' U' B U2
3. 6.57 F2 R2 F L2 U2 F U2 R2 U2 R2 F2 D2 R' B' D2 F2 L2 B U' L'
4. 5.86 B2 U' F2 U F2 D B2 L2 B2 D F2 D2 L' B L B' D2 R' F2 D R
5. 7.03 L2 B2 L B' U2 R U' D' R D' R2 D L2 F2 B2 D' L2 D R2 U' F2
6. (8.94) D R B2 R2 D2 L U2 F2 R' U2 R2 B2 F' D' U' B F2 L2 R'
7. 6.51 L2 F2 R2 B2 D' B2 D' R2 F2 D2 L2 B L D' F D R' B2 U R
8. 6.17 D2 R B2 D' B L F R B' F2 R D2 L' U2 R' D2 B2 R B2 L
9. 7.03 B L' R2 D F2 U2 R2 U R2 U2 F2 U B2 U2 L F2 L B' L' F D'
10. 7.51 L2 D' R2 U' F2 D' R2 B2 F2 U' R2 U L' R2 D L U2 F' D' R' B2
11. (5.00) U B2 U2 F D F2 U B U L2 U' B2 D2 R2 L2 D L2 B2 L2 D
12. 6.95 L2 F' R' B2 U F2 D R D R2 D2 B' R2 D2 R2 U2 F2 B L2 B' U2
13. 7.65 U2 L2 D' B2 L2 R2 D2 R2 U R2 D B' L D2 R B F R2 U2 L D'
14. 6.34 D2 B2 D2 F2 U B2 U' R2 F2 B' L F2 R B2 D' B U' F2 D'
15. 6.89 F' U R' L' U' F2 B U2 R2 D2 R2 D R2 L2 B2 D' L2 D B2
16. 6.41 F U2 D L B' R' D R U R2 B L2 U2 B U2 R2 B U2 B L'
17. 7.40 U' L2 D' F2 U F2 D' F2 U' B2 L2 R D' F2 D B F' L' D2 F' U2
18. (5.67) L2 F2 D2 U' R2 D' B2 L2 U' F2 U2 L' D' B' D B' F2 L F L2
19. 6.43 R2 B R' U2 L' U D' F' D L2 F2 U2 L2 F' U2 B L2 D2 F' L2
20. 7.21 L2 B L' D2 L' D F U D2 B2 L2 U2 R2 F' L2 F' U2 D2 L'
21. (8.75) L B R2 U2 F2 L2 D' R2 F2 D' B2 L R D F D' B2 D' L'
22. 6.01 F' U2 R2 U R2 U L2 D2 R2 U' B2 U' B' U' B2 F' R U F
23. 7.66 B2 D' B2 R2 D B2 D R2 U2 B2 R2 F2 L' B' U' R F' R2 U' R D'
24. 5.97 R2 F2 U' F2 R2 U R2 U L2 F2 L D2 B F' L' U' B F D' R'
25. 6.06 L2 F2 D2 R2 D2 U B2 R2 U2 R2 F2 L D R' B L F' U' F2 R'
Переглядів: 244


calm turning (6.65 ao12) | weilong v10
Переглядів 56621 день тому
cube - weilong v10 ballcore uv 20mag spring whatever idek anymore Generated By csTimer on 2025-01-04 avg of 12: 6.65 Time List: 1. (6.05) R2 F B2 D' F2 D2 L2 B2 R2 D R2 D2 F2 U2 B' D B2 R D B2 L 2. 6.34 U2 F D R2 U B2 L2 B2 D U F2 L2 D B2 R' F' L F' R U R 3. 6.71 L U2 B2 L2 F U2 B' U2 R2 B' R2 D2 R F2 L D L2 U F' D' 4. 6.50 D B2 U B2 D2 B2 R2 D' R2 B2 U' R B' D B2 D2 U' R' D F' R' 5. 7.34 F' D2...
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6.26 ao5 | weilong v10
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6.09 ao5 (sub6 fail) | weilong v10 - ft. blastoise
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thank you blastoise for your appearance on my channel Generated By csTimer on 2024-10-31 avg of 5: 6.09 Time List: 1. (5.49) B' U R' L U2 F2 D R B U2 B2 U2 R B2 R B2 R2 B2 L2 2. 5.62 U B2 D2 U2 R F2 L2 F2 D2 R D2 F2 L D' R D2 B' D B L 3. 6.58 U B' U L R U2 B2 L2 U2 F2 U2 R U2 R' B F2 D U2 B2 F U2 4. 6.07 R' U B L U2 B' R' D B U' B2 R2 U' F2 R2 D B2 U' R2 F2 5. (8.23) R F2 R2 U2 L D2 L B2 F2 R' ...
6.25 ao5 | weilong v10
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6.44 ao5 (pov back?)
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cubing in a library because my physics homework isnt real
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6.44 ao5 keyboard abuse
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first 3bld success 3:44.59
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first 3bld success 3:44.59
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cuber tries learning 3bld at 4am (first edges success)
smoothest turning (5.80)
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smoothest turning (5.80)
6.79 PR Official Average | RS3 v5
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6.79 PR Official Average | RS3 v5
6.26 pb ao12 | RS3 v5
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6.26 pb ao12 | RS3 v5
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3x3 main tries pyraminx (4.84 ao5)
6.41 ao12 | RS3 v5
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6.41 ao12 | RS3 v5
1:44.92 ao5
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1:44.92 ao5
47.44 clean edges part2
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47.44 clean edges part2
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6.61 ao12 but not really | rs3 v5
48.43 but i troll the end
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48.43 but i troll the end
47.57 with clean edges
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47.57 with clean edges
55.95 PR 5x5 Average
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55.95 PR 5x5 Average
25.70 4x4 PR
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25.70 4x4 PR


    @BERRUEZA 3 години тому

    It's great to be able to see the timer alongside your solve! Nice average!

  • @meeraibena
    @meeraibena 4 дні тому

    different setup…?

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes 4 дні тому

      @@meeraibena its my dorm room but i brought my monitor and keyboard home

  • @bach6006
    @bach6006 4 дні тому

    Very cool average. Can I ask what cable do you use to connect the GAN purple timer to cstimer?

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes 4 дні тому

      @@bach6006 its a 2.5mm to 3.5mm male to male cable

  • @CubingCouple
    @CubingCouple 4 дні тому

    Wow nice job!

    • @modifiedgreen
      @modifiedgreen 4 дні тому

      @@CubingCouple your the ant guy from cubing up the UP I remember you! And your girlfriend lol

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes 4 дні тому

      @@CubingCouple thanks ant 🫡

    • @CubingCouple
      @CubingCouple 4 дні тому

      @ That is us!

  • @modifiedgreen
    @modifiedgreen 4 дні тому

    Nooo the 1lll on solve 1😢

    • @modifiedgreen
      @modifiedgreen 4 дні тому

      Could have been low 4😭

    • @rujon288
      @rujon288 4 дні тому

      He thought he got a skip as well

    • @modifiedgreen
      @modifiedgreen 4 дні тому

      @@rujon288 well it’s quite easy to recognize… it’s just the R or L that you do is on the piece without the bar…

    • @modifiedgreen
      @modifiedgreen 4 дні тому

      @@rujon288 it wasn’t a non skip it was if he did a U2 and did the lefty version he could have gotten a skip

    • @ethancho1
      @ethancho1 4 дні тому

      @modifiedgreenor F R U’ R’ U R U R’ F’ from that angle

  • @XBlock1
    @XBlock1 6 днів тому

    Im practice one hand and always get 2min nice vid tho keep going🎉

  • @wommbo
    @wommbo 8 днів тому

    bros multitasking

  • @BashyCubing
    @BashyCubing 10 днів тому

    bro wait that f2l was smooth af

  • @SerKubos
    @SerKubos 14 днів тому

    Nice no tps solve

  • @pieace1
    @pieace1 14 днів тому

    If you only did an F’ on that Y perm..

  • @idrishamid1311
    @idrishamid1311 16 днів тому

    What you cube did you use😊

  • @kimrogerharaldsen
    @kimrogerharaldsen 18 днів тому

    You tied my PR single again xd haha, Good job 😃

  • @adr1an278
    @adr1an278 21 день тому

    What are your settings

  • @noelgamingxd
    @noelgamingxd 22 дні тому

    I love your videos❤

  • @DrFinft
    @DrFinft 22 дні тому

    Cool new angle! Also that's insanely consistent!

    • @DrFinft
      @DrFinft 22 дні тому

      The spread of solves is 1.69 (nice) seconds, don't be disappointed!!!

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes 21 день тому

      @DrFinft i choked 2 of those solves though but thanks

  • @rujon288
    @rujon288 22 дні тому

    is that zeroing in 2025??

  • @Nepia_440
    @Nepia_440 22 дні тому

    Your videos motivate me!

  • @ItsQuanlu
    @ItsQuanlu Місяць тому

    your slow turning is faster than my fast turning

  • @17outof17cubing
    @17outof17cubing Місяць тому


  • @Complexitor37
    @Complexitor37 Місяць тому

    What cube is that?

  • @Leandro-oy3iq
    @Leandro-oy3iq Місяць тому

    Como se llama el timer? (El cstimer no, el timer que apoyas las manos

  • @AlanCondeSpeedcuber
    @AlanCondeSpeedcuber Місяць тому

    how do you do the pov angle?

  • @Leandro-oy3iq
    @Leandro-oy3iq Місяць тому

    what is the name of the stopwatch?

  • @Tito_decorazon7771
    @Tito_decorazon7771 Місяць тому

    bro did NOT care about the cube drop 💀 nah but fr man good shit keep it up

  • @GeoCubes
    @GeoCubes Місяць тому

    Buddy is ruihang xu

  • @ch3mber
    @ch3mber Місяць тому

    i guess i made a mistake getting the maglev version cuz it’s just wayyyy too fast. tried every possible setting it’s just way too fast for me 😭

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes Місяць тому

      @@ch3mber uh oh its time for weight 5!

    • @ch3mber
      @ch3mber Місяць тому

      @ yeah no kidding, i got like every lube except weight 5 my last order lol

  • @mango7231
    @mango7231 Місяць тому

    Is your v10 spring or maglev?

  • @owais3230
    @owais3230 Місяць тому

    is the v10 more or less flexible then the v5? btw whats the song

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes Місяць тому

      @@owais3230 more flexible, i think it deforms more the song is better for you by siopaolo

  • @k8145-e7c
    @k8145-e7c Місяць тому

    What setup?

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes Місяць тому

      @@k8145-e7c tension 1 compression 7 xmt, weight5, fz calm

  • @AntiPerm
    @AntiPerm Місяць тому

    imagine no sub 6 aot (joke) good avg tho

  • @cheesecak11857
    @cheesecak11857 Місяць тому

    do u like v10 more than v5

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes Місяць тому

      @@cheesecak11857 i think for me it works better but only when im locked in

    • @tarunsuresh3605
      @tarunsuresh3605 Місяць тому

      @@kiwisolvescubes rip i shoulda got the rs3m

  • @RaNdO123mCuBeR
    @RaNdO123mCuBeR Місяць тому

    So underrated

  • @modifiedgreen
    @modifiedgreen Місяць тому

    I love this cube just got it👍

  • @BoBaCuBe1
    @BoBaCuBe1 Місяць тому


  • @bigbrojhay334
    @bigbrojhay334 2 місяці тому

    Hey men, where do you find those smooth algs (oll,pll)? I wanna check, thankz

  • @MartinVelilla
    @MartinVelilla 2 місяці тому

    No one talking about that it is fullstep

  • @echo6509
    @echo6509 2 місяці тому

    amazing solves whats you settings in v10

  • @sslicer09
    @sslicer09 2 місяці тому

    What’s yours Wrm v10 setup?

    • @kiwisolvescubes
      @kiwisolvescubes Місяць тому

      xmt, weight5, fz calm tension 1? spring compression 7

  • @elyc33
    @elyc33 2 місяці тому

    I love you Alex

    • @EthanCho
      @EthanCho Місяць тому

      i love you too

  • @t-a-b-i-n-e-r
    @t-a-b-i-n-e-r 2 місяці тому


  • @rikkiwetter6761
    @rikkiwetter6761 2 місяці тому

    Goated turning style

  • @rikkiwetter6761
    @rikkiwetter6761 2 місяці тому

    Goated turning style

  • @RubiKubiK313
    @RubiKubiK313 2 місяці тому

    I was cubing in a library and I think everyone was mad at me so I stopped after 1 5x5 solve lol!

  • @number-kv8px
    @number-kv8px 2 місяці тому

    What you saying physic is the best

  • @ReginaldSkullinski
    @ReginaldSkullinski 2 місяці тому

    Feels like a Feliks Zemdegs video

  • @BashyCubing
    @BashyCubing 2 місяці тому

    Go sleep

  • @RubiKubiK313
    @RubiKubiK313 2 місяці тому


  • @SerKubos
    @SerKubos 2 місяці тому

    Not even sub mitch

  • @Henrylichner
    @Henrylichner 2 місяці тому


  • @sslicer09
    @sslicer09 2 місяці тому
