Would you be kind enough to tell me what young birds that are 3-4 days old feed on? How do birds survive the first 5 days? Do I feed both parents or males after 5 days to separate? THANKS IN ADVANCE Alexandar
Feed the parents like normal... If they are not around I would say but a syringe from Amazon. Use blender to blend seeds to break shells on seeds with some water ... And feed the result via the syringe every 3-4 hours a day until they can eat without your help
よく見たら嘴がまだ黒い雛ちゃんもいるようで❤❤❤ みんな可愛いですねぇ😍
What is music!
wauw theyre so small
What are you feeding them with just curious.. May have some in the new year
Cool trumpets they all seem to be different when they sing.... listen to a few online and they are diiferent
Nice 🥰🌥️🕊️🇵🇭
Wow! They are so cute!But are they baby birds?So lovely
Baby Zebra finches
Good mama
She's beautiful
子供達は、元気に 大きくなったのでしょうか? 我が家は、今 こんな感じです。育つかどうか 心配です。
Would you be kind enough to tell me what young birds that are 3-4 days old feed on? How do birds survive the first 5 days? Do I feed both parents or males after 5 days to separate? THANKS IN ADVANCE Alexandar
Feed the parents like normal... If they are not around I would say but a syringe from Amazon. Use blender to blend seeds to break shells on seeds with some water ... And feed the result via the syringe every 3-4 hours a day until they can eat without your help
So cute finch baby ☺️❤️
Schöne 3. Farben Bravo 👏 wie geht das 3 Farben 🤷♀️ so schön 🥰❣️❣️❣️❣️ ❤️❤️❤️ gruss aus der Schweiz Zürich Hinwil gruss julia 🧑🏻 🤩
🤩👍🥰🥰❣️❣️👏 bravo gruss aus der Schweiz Zürich Hinwil Deutsche Übersetzung wäre auch gut 😊 danke 🤩
いつか精神崩壊しそうで怖い けど可愛い
わー!綺麗な色ですね^_^ シナモンかな?
キンカチョウのテーマソングが誰の歌なのか気になる(笑) 「ちっちゃくて ちっちゃくて キンカチョウ~♪」
バクパイプみたいな鳴き方 (笑)