not even a 1000? that's gonna be like coffee before people who didn't know coffee.... if she was born in Seattle or even NYC or London, probably any Eurovision city, the ratio of viewers to likes would not be so low. She has a gritty passion with a resolution that comes back to tension as if she is the answer to Sweet Child of Mine. She breaks her gritty passion to bait us into thinking a peace has been achieved after the opening assault. Nothing is as intense, but she brings back the roar. Compare it to The Strokes Machu Picchu with its wonderfully harsh and unapologetic opening that gets even dirtier before a mic drop ending, Yui has beautifully mirrored this effect and in doing so has remained too ___ to be downgraded into regular J-Pop 或者韩国的, and like the Peruvian UNESCO, she is a siren calling us to enjoy the positive, upbeat vibe. She just ends carrying her soft passion through rather than the brilliant bait and switch that the Void mic drops.
I have no idea what she says. But she sings like La Doctora of Flamenco, she sings like La Niña de los Peines with an ignorant passion of knowing what is right. It is the screaming truth of beauty that trumps all aesthetics even though she has wrapped it up beautifully in a wonderful song.
飛べるだろう今は 闇をくぐり抜けて 海を超え山を越え 日常など気にせず 時間を超えジンジンと痛むような刺激を 今よりもっと何かを欲しがる日が来るだろう 鳥のように空を泳ぐ 一人よがり空を泳ぐ ひたすら夢を Let it be in your life 向かい風に逆らわず 身をまかせてみよう 余裕のない毎日に 笑いながら手を振ろう 風のように海を渡る 青く透明な海を渡る そしてさらけ出す言葉を Let it be in your life 鳥のように空を泳ぐ 泣いていないで空を泳ぐ ひたすら夢を Let it be in your life
thank you
not even a 1000? that's gonna be like coffee before people who didn't know coffee.... if she was born in Seattle or even NYC or London, probably any Eurovision city, the ratio of viewers to likes would not be so low. She has a gritty passion with a resolution that comes back to tension as if she is the answer to Sweet Child of Mine. She breaks her gritty passion to bait us into thinking a peace has been achieved after the opening assault. Nothing is as intense, but she brings back the roar. Compare it to The Strokes Machu Picchu with its wonderfully harsh and unapologetic opening that gets even dirtier before a mic drop ending, Yui has beautifully mirrored this effect and in doing so has remained too ___ to be downgraded into regular J-Pop 或者韩国的, and like the Peruvian UNESCO, she is a siren calling us to enjoy the positive, upbeat vibe. She just ends carrying her soft passion through rather than the brilliant bait and switch that the Void mic drops.
I have no idea what she says. But she sings like La Doctora of Flamenco, she sings like La Niña de los Peines with an ignorant passion of knowing what is right. It is the screaming truth of beauty that trumps all aesthetics even though she has wrapped it up beautifully in a wonderful song.
i have bird
この曲好き! 爽やかで疾走感があって、景色が目の前に広がるような。 歌声が安定してなくて聴いててドキドキする(・・;)だけどやっぱりいい声だなあ…
2:11 へい( ´ー`)
I always listen when eating cup ramen
I know の動画と同じ場所だな
田中 egg manですね!
I love this... So unique
I think so too.👍
A Trillions thumps Up 4 this song and Also 4 YUI YOSHIOKA
YUIは 私の中では一番かっこいい歌手です
me me 同じく
今 自由だよyuiは。待ち構えた''自由''は フラフラになってから 手にいれたのだ。それは素晴らしい事だよ。
若い 10代だな
飛べるだろう今は 闇をくぐり抜けて 海を超え山を越え 日常など気にせず 時間を超えジンジンと痛むような刺激を 今よりもっと何かを欲しがる日が来るだろう 鳥のように空を泳ぐ 一人よがり空を泳ぐ ひたすら夢を Let it be in your life 向かい風に逆らわず 身をまかせてみよう 余裕のない毎日に 笑いながら手を振ろう 風のように海を渡る 青く透明な海を渡る そしてさらけ出す言葉を Let it be in your life 鳥のように空を泳ぐ 泣いていないで空を泳ぐ ひたすら夢を Let it be in your life
I looked at this thinking it was a "Freebird" cover. Glad I did and was wrong. This is really good!!!
剛田武 確かに、"YUIが選んだ"服装な感じがしますね
死とは何か それ
@@新宿北口 YUIラジ
No. Just no.
why no?
そうなんですかー… ありがとうございます!