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Stay Frosty #TheJourney #1 | Man vs Bug
Переглядів 516 годин тому
Livestream link: www.twitch.tv/itsleen0
Stay Frosty #12 | Book of Fables Chapter 2
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Stay Frosty #12 | Book of Fables Chapter 2
Stay Frosty #11 | Fresh ideas & busted spells
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My stream link: www.twitch.tv/itsleen0
Lord of the Rings & Schindler's List | Stay Frosty Podcast #9
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Lord of the Rings & Schindler's List | Stay Frosty Podcast #9
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Pandemic & Meditation | Stay Frosty Podcast #8
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American Psycho & Runescape | Stay Frosty Podcast #7
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New campaign time! Follow me for FREE at www.twitch.tv/itsleen0
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  • @vohbovohborian28
    @vohbovohborian28 2 дні тому

    And another caveat: It costs 30$ in early access, but you get that amount in premium currency. If you go free to play later, yes you can try the game free to play, but if you ever get to the end game you will NEED stash tabs, which cost about 30$ in premium currency.

  • @vohbovohborian28
    @vohbovohborian28 2 дні тому

    So, you have weapon swapping and you can allocate passives to each weapon individually, and then set up the skills so that they automatically do their weapon swap. So you could be lightning specced with your wand, and fire with your staff, and then when you cast fireball, it automatically switches to your staff and the passives allocated to it.

  • @atnfn
    @atnfn 2 дні тому

    Honestly I don't really like playing PoE2. It's a time waster. You grind for hours and days and get some "crafting materials" use them and you get nothing worth anything so you wasted all the time you spent gathering them. I guess that's just the nature of most ARPGs though so not really a flaw of the game I suppose, more like a flaw of the entire genre.

    • @elwind1729
      @elwind1729 2 дні тому

      All arpgs are for power fantasy.When you hit the drop or craft it directly translates to the gameplay and the satisfaction you get. In any way,it's a matter of preference.Poe is the best arpgs,Poe 2 will be even better

    • @vohbovohborian28
      @vohbovohborian28 2 дні тому

      I don't think it's a flaw, it's exactly what people want. You DO get what you want though, it's just that it takes multiple attempts or more knowledge.

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 5 днів тому

    Bro the woodlouse XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 11 днів тому

    Reported for hating on OSRS

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 13 днів тому


  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 22 дні тому


  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 22 дні тому


  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 Місяць тому


  • @TrueFuschnick
    @TrueFuschnick Місяць тому

    The open world in elden ring is a huge part of why I love that game, the scale of exploration is crazy and yet every like 30 seconds or minute there is something wild happening or to see. It gave me the same feeling of playing ocarina of time and entering hyrule field for the first time as a kid

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 Місяць тому

      @@TrueFuschnick good to know a true elden ring player is there for the open world gaming

    • @TrueFuschnick
      @TrueFuschnick Місяць тому

      @@1ts_Leen0 I also love motion inputs and training mode in fighting games, like half my play time in FG is in training mode normally

  • @ThelifeofLauren
    @ThelifeofLauren Місяць тому


  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 Місяць тому


    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 Місяць тому

      Hell yeah brother

  • @ryanjamesbaldock5370
    @ryanjamesbaldock5370 3 місяці тому

    Showed this to my Football manger friend’s let’s how we can make em history nerds 😂💪

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 4 місяці тому

    Hell yeah dude

  • @iamwonka
    @iamwonka 4 місяці тому

    Ah yes, CK3! Such an awesome game!

  • @iamwonka
    @iamwonka 4 місяці тому

    Do you have other Crusader Kings content? Or are you planning to make more? Enjoyed the video!

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      @@iamwonka thanks! Got a new video incoming next couple of days! Next one is a banger!

  • @Columner
    @Columner 4 місяці тому

    the flashing blue border indicates your allies during a war (the crusade)

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      @@Columner thanks mate, I've also started googling things I don't know, helps a lot 😅

  • @Robertatron-wm5jc
    @Robertatron-wm5jc 4 місяці тому

    UA-cam decided to recommend this video. Your commentary seems all over the place but feels genuine, considering the title of the video. I hope that you will be able to accomplish your plans in the future.

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      @@Robertatron-wm5jc thanks for constructive criticism. I tend to ramble but hopefully with time the videos feel more structured to you

  • @Nirob615
    @Nirob615 4 місяці тому

    CK2 is actually built to mimic the feel of medieval life we've heard of in the various stories we have from that time period. Meanwhile CK3 is way more realistic because it's trying to mimic how life actually probably was back then. Also I think the thing about graphics is more of a problem of UI though graphics certainly help. CK2's ui is so intimidating to people not used to the series, CK3's upgraded graphics do help especially in regards to characters. CK3 actually has a pretty beefy character customization feature especially how some stats like prowess effect appearance. The AI also does a decent job of making the npcs look unique as well.

  • @1992zorro
    @1992zorro 4 місяці тому

    I also play both FM and CK games a lot ! However, CK2 is king

  • @SkyHighSkylar
    @SkyHighSkylar 4 місяці тому

    there is definitely a direct correlation between FM players and CK3 players. I know this, because I play both

    • @samdis1890
      @samdis1890 3 місяці тому

      So ur the missing link lol

  • @A_itsar
    @A_itsar 4 місяці тому

    Be careful to manage your time folks you'll regret it. It's hell you're walking into

    • @1992zorro
      @1992zorro 4 місяці тому

      plz explain

    • @A_itsar
      @A_itsar 4 місяці тому

      @@1992zorro you'll lose track of time.

  • @PraNcs1337
    @PraNcs1337 4 місяці тому

    keep it up bro

  • @EmperorJohn
    @EmperorJohn 4 місяці тому

    Just stumbled onto this channel watched this video and immediately subscribed, hope for more ck3 content

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      @@EmperorJohn thank you, you guys are really an encouragement to me 🙏

  • @2010AZ
    @2010AZ 4 місяці тому

    Damn bro, you have a cool voice. Would be down for some (more or less) longform commented CK

  • @Thorjwj007
    @Thorjwj007 4 місяці тому

    This is funny because in one of the grand strategy/paradox games groups I'm in we consider Football Manager to be "on topic" lol.

  • @bogdanshymanovski
    @bogdanshymanovski 4 місяці тому

    Good insight on CK3 being akin to FM, probably why I enjoy FM creators like Zealand playing CK3. Definetely will tune in if you post some CK3 content.

  • @50Blox
    @50Blox 4 місяці тому

    be carefull, you are introducing people to the gateway drug of Grand Strategy Paradox games

  • @masahibbhatti4088
    @masahibbhatti4088 4 місяці тому

    Love this channel keep the videos coming about CK3!!

  • @Dmncatalin
    @Dmncatalin 4 місяці тому

    cool new channel, maybe do some weird playthrus of different mods starting off with more obscure houses etc.

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      @@Dmncatalin Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have a look into it 😊

  • @srgpancakes
    @srgpancakes 4 місяці тому

    I’d love to watch some CK3 videos! I know you said you’d not be doing hour-long videos, but I for one would absolutely watch that. :)

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      @@srgpancakes Thank you srg pancakes! I will certainly get some stuff coming your way 😁

  • @TrueFuschnick
    @TrueFuschnick 4 місяці тому


    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 4 місяці тому

      Hell yeah Jimbo!

  • @EbenCrocker
    @EbenCrocker 5 місяців тому

    Shred city

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 7 місяців тому

    don't enjoy playing cos u a salty bk randy

  • @rowan9758
    @rowan9758 8 місяців тому

    🙂 'Promo SM'

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 8 місяців тому


  • @FranWest.
    @FranWest. 8 місяців тому

    You have quite the nice "radio voice". An idea for a video comparing "old school open world" games to modern day "open world games". FF7 og vs FF7 Rebirth vs ubisoft for example. Seems to me that these days so many people have "nostalgia goggles" on wishing that New 202_ games had the same mechanics that "old school" 1980- 90s games have. Times change, generations change and so to do the expectations of gamers, so game companies have to change too.

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 8 місяців тому

      Thanks for the compliment and for the idea Fran!

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 8 місяців тому

    Sick, you got a new mic? Really good sound!

    • @1ts_Leen0
      @1ts_Leen0 8 місяців тому

      Thanks bro, yeah I got myself a blue yeti microphone. Seems proper good

  • @eggmanting
    @eggmanting 8 місяців тому

    Lets go!! 🎉🎉😢😮🎉🎉😮🎉😮🎉😮😂😮😂😮😂😮😂😮😂🎉😢

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 Рік тому

    hahahaha RAAAAGE

  • @obiuc5515
    @obiuc5515 Рік тому
