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Andreja Cepuš
Приєднався 3 жов 2011
New Era ChangeWalkers ~ Inspiring Purposeful Living
A simple talk show, where my purpose is to present to the world people, that dare to follow their passion, their dreams and are contributing to the wellbeing of society. It doesn't matter which field they are coming from, each is bringing his own, unique piece of puzzle to the community and is inspiring surroundings through his work.
Sharing inspiring storries & messages through the video channel is a part of my mission, you can find more on me & my work at my website: www.social-artist.si
New Era ChangeWalkers ~ Inspiring Purposeful Living
A simple talk show, where my purpose is to present to the world people, that dare to follow their passion, their dreams and are contributing to the wellbeing of society. It doesn't matter which field they are coming from, each is bringing his own, unique piece of puzzle to the community and is inspiring surroundings through his work.
Sharing inspiring storries & messages through the video channel is a part of my mission, you can find more on me & my work at my website: www.social-artist.si
Infuzija navdiha: Ustvarjalni izziv ~ Ognjena ptica, 3. del oddaje: povabilo k soustvarjanju
Bolj kot kadarkoli danes potrebujemo podobe dobrega, svetlega, novega. Sveta, ki ga želimo ustvarjati. Lahko k temu pripomore tudi poseben ustvarjalni izziv? Verjamem, da ja.
Z Andrejo Križan Lipnik, ki že 13 let ustvarja svoje rodovno posestvo po navdihu filozofije, ki nam jo predaja sibirska puščavnica Anastasija ( iz zbirke knjig Anastasija, avtorja Vladimirja Megreja), pošiljava med vas povabilo na poseben ustvarjalni izziv, ki si ga je zamislila Andreja, sama pa vidim v njem močno vrednost in mu zato dodajam svoj glas. Naj naše misli, energija in navdih stopijo v skupno ustvarjalno reko, da bi premaknili fokus v ustvarjanje novega sveta po božanski podobi. Ognjena ptica prinaša med nas prav to priložnost.
3. - zadnji del oddaje razkrije ustvarjalni izziv v celoti in vas vabi zraven k soustvarjanju.
Infuzija navdiha so pogovorne oddaje ali večeri v živo, ki sem jih zasnovala in jih vodim Andreja Cepuš. V njih predstavljam dobre zgodbe, ljudi in koncepte, ki navdihujejo ustvarjanje nove resničnosti - tiste, po meri našega srca.
Z Andrejo Križan Lipnik, ki že 13 let ustvarja svoje rodovno posestvo po navdihu filozofije, ki nam jo predaja sibirska puščavnica Anastasija ( iz zbirke knjig Anastasija, avtorja Vladimirja Megreja), pošiljava med vas povabilo na poseben ustvarjalni izziv, ki si ga je zamislila Andreja, sama pa vidim v njem močno vrednost in mu zato dodajam svoj glas. Naj naše misli, energija in navdih stopijo v skupno ustvarjalno reko, da bi premaknili fokus v ustvarjanje novega sveta po božanski podobi. Ognjena ptica prinaša med nas prav to priložnost.
3. - zadnji del oddaje razkrije ustvarjalni izziv v celoti in vas vabi zraven k soustvarjanju.
Infuzija navdiha so pogovorne oddaje ali večeri v živo, ki sem jih zasnovala in jih vodim Andreja Cepuš. V njih predstavljam dobre zgodbe, ljudi in koncepte, ki navdihujejo ustvarjanje nove resničnosti - tiste, po meri našega srca.
Переглядів: 205
Infuzija navdiha: Ustvarjalni izziv ~ Ognjena ptica, 2. del oddaje - zgodba 'ptice' in razkrit izziv
Переглядів 2293 роки тому
Bolj kot kadarkoli danes potrebujemo podobe dobrega, svetlega, novega. Sveta, ki ga želimo ustvarjati. Lahko k temu pripomore tudi poseben ustvarjalni izziv? Verjamem, da ja. Z Andrejo Križan Lipnik, ki že 13 let ustvarja svoje rodovno posestvo po navdihu filozofije, ki nam jo predaja sibirska puščavnica Anastasija ( iz zbirke knjig Anastasija, avtorja Vladimirja Megreja), pošiljava med vas pov...
Infuzija navdiha: Ustvarjalni izziv ~ Ognjena ptica, 1. del oddaje: uvod v izziv
Переглядів 3843 роки тому
Bolj kot kadarkoli danes potrebujemo podobe dobrega, svetlega, novega. Sveta, ki ga želimo ustvarjati. Lahko k temu pripomore tudi poseben ustvarjalni izziv? Verjamem, da ja. Z Andrejo Križan Lipnik, ki že 13 let ustvarja svoje rodovno posestvo po navdihu filozofije, ki nam jo predaja sibirska puščavnica Anastasija ( iz zbirke knjig Anastasija, avtorja Vladimirja Megreja), pošiljava med vas pov...
Glas Slovenk
Переглядів 1,5 тис.3 роки тому
Glas, ki zdravi. Glas, ki krepi notranjo moč. Glas, ki poje o svojih koreninah. Glas, ki se zaveda, kdo je. Glas, ki ima Pesem. Glas, ki povezuje. Glas, ki vibrira Ljubezen. Glas Slovenk. Zavedati se svoje moči in dati glas svojemu srcu ustvarja polje ljubezni, ki se dotika, ki hrani skupnost, združuje ženske in moške in nas povezuje v ustvarjalnem sodelovanju. Moja dežela je naša dežela in nje...
Infuzija navdiha: Na rodovnem posestvu pri Andreji Križan Lipnik
Переглядів 1,3 тис.3 роки тому
Kaj pomeni rodovno posestvo in kakšne odgovore na današnja vprašanja o možni prihodnosti, nam lahko poda? O vsem tem in še več sva se pogovarjali z Andrejo Križan Lipnik, ki že 12 let ustvarja svoje rodovno posestvo. Na sprehodu skozenj sva spregovorili o pomenu in namenu ter odstrli košček ponovnega obujanja naše vezi z Naravo. Infuzija navdiha so pogovorne oddaje ali večeri v živo, ki sem jih...
Nonet GCC_Ne čakaj na maj
Переглядів 634 роки тому
Nonet Gimnazije Center-Celje za Glas Celjank, ob dogodku "Sajenje divji češenj" v prilagojeni 'online' #ostanidoma izvedbi. 11. april 2020.
Tjaša Cepuš za Glas Celjank: zvok češnje
Переглядів 1064 роки тому
Tjaša Cepuš za Glas Celjank: zvok češnje _ 11. april 2020
Infuzija navdiha: Globina v naših odnosih
Переглядів 5 тис.6 років тому
Video posnetek pogovornega večera iz sklopa Infuziija navdiha (redni mesečni pogovorni večeri povezovalnega polja Envir), z naslovom: Globina v naših odnosih Gosta večera: dr. Alenka Rebula in pater Karel Gržan Gostiteljica: Andreja Cepuš, Envir 20. junij 2017, Kavarna Slamič v Ljubljani www.envir.si
Becoming the Queen of My Life_VideoTalk
Переглядів 1998 років тому
What is really the story of The Queen archetype in our lives and how is the Self-Love connected with it? How does it really feel to be in this sacred inner space and bring it forward to the world? How can the elements of sacred theater, creativity and authentic expression help through the process? This is the part of the beautiful discussion from diving into preparations and the essence of our ...
Plesni forum Celje: Show must go on
Переглядів 2078 років тому
An excerpt from performance Freddy's nightmares, a homage to Freddie Mercury Music: Queen Choreography: Sava Malensek Dancers: Sava Malensek, Estela Zutic, Simona Mirnik, Tanja Ferles and Andreja Cepus Production: Dance Forum Celje, 1992
Plesni forum Celje: Find me Somebody to Love
Переглядів 1228 років тому
An excerpt from performance Freddy's nightmares, a homage to Freddie Mercury Music: Queen Choreography: Sava Malensek Dancers: Sava Malensek, Estela Zutic, Simona Mirnik, Tanja Ferles and Andreja Cepus Production: Dance Forum Celje, 1992
Social Artist Video Interviews: guest Juan Garcia-Herreros ~ The Snow Owl
Переглядів 9839 років тому
Inspiring Purposeful Living: The Interview with Juan Garcia Herreros, also known by his stage name "Snow Owl" ~ a Grammy Nominated Colombian born world-renowned electric bassist. With his special instrument, a six-string Contra Bass Guitar, he has performed with world famous stars of all genres - including several Grammy / Oscar award winners and nominees. For his own music, he has been honored...
An insight into Art of Participatory Leadership training Slovenia 2014
Переглядів 18010 років тому
This training in the Art of Participatory Leadership took place in the beautiful mountainous valley at the ski Olympic center in Planica. For the three days of this training, 60 extraordinary humans came together; bringing gifts and experiences from many countries, cultures and disciplines; a group whose strength lies in its diversity and its shared intention to shift the culture of collaborati...
New Era ChangeWalkers: Interview with Wynter Worsthorne
Переглядів 76710 років тому
A talk on animal communication and it's impact on humans with Wynter Worsthorne, who teaches workshops on animal communications in Southern Africa and in UK and is a core facilitator for the White Lion Leadership Academy, founded by the Global White Lion Protection Trust. Wynter is also an author of the book "Where is Biggles?", a practical and spiritual guide on how to cope and what to do if y...
A Call to Sacred Wisdom ~ A Journey into the HeartLands of South Africa 2104
Переглядів 5310 років тому
A Call to Sacred Wisdom ~ A Journey into the HeartLands of South Africa 2104
New Era Changewalkers: Interview with Dean Liprini
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New Era Changewalkers: Interview with Dean Liprini
New Era Changewalkers: Interview with Linda Tucker
Переглядів 10110 років тому
New Era Changewalkers: Interview with Linda Tucker
New Era Changewalkers: Interview with Linda Tucker
Переглядів 1 тис.10 років тому
New Era Changewalkers: Interview with Linda Tucker
New Era ChangeWalkers: A Talk on Sacred Feminine Energy with Eleftheria Kakambouras
Переглядів 1,1 тис.11 років тому
New Era ChangeWalkers: A Talk on Sacred Feminine Energy with Eleftheria Kakambouras
New Era ChangeWalkers: guest Madi Sharma
Переглядів 57611 років тому
New Era ChangeWalkers: guest Madi Sharma
Ko-kreatorji novega časa: Pogovor z Mario Anselmi
Переглядів 96611 років тому
Ko-kreatorji novega časa: Pogovor z Mario Anselmi
Wooow, kako zanimivo ! V znanju je moč, sploh ne dvomim, da tudi ostali gledalci nekaj najdejo zase. Kul!
Krasni sta💜
Hvala za navdihujoče misli
Zelo navdihujoče.🦋
Very good interview, Andreja, was an excellent host and Ms Worsthorneis inspiring. Thank you
Odlično in hvala za posnetek.
Grande Garcia!!!!
Andreja and all, I'd like to share a book with you. It is the core book of Falun Dafa entitled 'Zhuan Falun'. It talks about spiritual things from a scientific perspective. It talks about other dimensions, the soul, the cosmos in the microcosm and the macrocosm, supernatural abilities, karma, healing, the true history of mankind, transcending the 5 elements and leaving the 3 realms and many many other fascinating things. It is a spiritual science of the highest order. I'll give you a copy and you can take a look if you like, totally up to you ofcourse: www.falundafa.org/book/eng/pdf/zfl_new.pdf
So beautiful, thank You.
"If we can look into the face of our fears the way we look to our lover's, all the ills on the world will be ended." Wynter Worsthorne, amazing animal communicator from Cape Town quoting Credo Mutwa, South African most known Wisdom Keeper in our talk on Animal Communication. ~ What can we learn from animals and how communication with animals can help individual and humanity to step into the field of Love and Truth and go on with our planet? You know, with animals...we can communicate only in pure truth. No lies accepted. Something we, as humanity would really need to step into in our field of communication to connect with our planet again on true basis and once more become a part of big picture. So, I highly recommend taking time and watching this interview to everyone...
"We have to stand up in our purpose. That's what White Lions are activating within us." Linda Tucker in the interview on mystery of White Lions. Recorded in South Africa...on the sacred land of Timbavati, where the white lions roar free.
A talk on Sacred Feminine Energy with guest Eleftheria Kakambouras (coming from Cape Town, South Africa) on her second visit of Slovenia, where she was facilitating the Seminar on Sacred Feminine Alchemy. We talked about the Magic of Co-Creation, New way of Being, Contribution, Sacred Feminine Alchemy and her role in this New Era, Intuitive authentic Leadership and The Journey of the Heroine ~ the model of the new way of coCreation...
New Era ChangeWalkers: with guest Madi Sharma