공부 분위기 아주 괜찮습니다! 확실히 동네 친구들 영향이 큰것 같아요! 열심히 공부할 수 있지만 그렇다고 경쟁이 너무 심하거나 과도하게 힘들지 않아서 다들 즐기면서 공부하고 학교생활 했던것 같아요! 나중에 고등학교 올라가서 목운중 출신이라고 하면 여기저기서 알아줄 정도로 명문 학교라고 생각합니다ㅎㅎ
Causes, Prevention and Correction of Neck and Back Pain What are the root causes of back pain? It is because of the gravity acting on our body. It is physical exercises which can help overcome that gravity. That is why the healthier you are, the more you need to do exercises. From time immemorial, fruits on earth have fallen to the ground. Despite seeing all objects, not just fruits, fall to the ground, the culture of living according to scientific knowledge have not rooted down on people’s lives. Therefore, I think, people are suffering from back pain. That experience was painful to me also for a long time. Here's a quick re-statement of my experience. The cause of chronic neck and back pain is a reaction of the body that occurs when the weakened muscles around the waist cannot support the gravity (weight) that is pressed by one's own body weight. The neck hurts because of the pressure from the head, and the back and knees hurt because of the gravity (weight) by which the upper body presses. I had been suffering a lot of pain until I realized this principle. To overcome this, I conducted various experiments on my body. I came to know that pain is a phenomenon which occurs in the body because the body cannot overcome gravity (pressure) and the weakened muscles around the lower back cannot withstand it. I found out the cause and started doing muscle-strengthening exercises. It was an exercise I did when my neck and back hurt - performing parallel bars or hanging upside down on the bar. When we return our body to the anti-gravity state, the compressed neck and lumbar bones are stretched and the pain disappears. This is a proof that the root cause of back pain is 'gravity'. I was relieved from the pain by doing muscle strengthening exercises to overcome such action of the gravity. People are obsessed with the stereotypical thinking that they would get sick as they get older. To be precise, if you don't exercise, your muscles will lose strength and you will suffer from disease. As you get older, your body basically becomes weaker. But just because you're old it will not necessarily mean your back will hurt. If so, young people shouldn't have back pain. However, there are many young people who suffer from back pain. On the other hand, there are many people who are older than eighty and maintain an healthy back. That is why I emphasize the importance of a proper understanding of back pain. I learned to go to the hospital when my back hurts. It is fortunate if you can recover from the back pain by visiting the hospitals to receive treatment when your back hurts. However, if there is no effect of treatment at the hospital even though you go to hospital for years and the pain persists even after one or two surgeries, you’d better try to get correct understanding about the back pain. You need to get an insight into back pain, understand its cause, observe the process of pain relief, and take the path to practice the way of pain relief. In other words, it can be said that you have correctly understood back pain when you remove the cause of back pain and live comfortably. Prevention and Correction Anyone can strengthen his or her back. Everyone can live an active life free from pack pain by strengthening the muscles around the back so as to withstand the gravity of his or her own weight through diligently doing exercises such as walking, sit-up, running, pull-up bar, climbing, or weightlifting. Human beings lived as hunters or gatherers before the settlement of an agricultural society. Hunting life means mountain climbing. If they killed an animal, they would carry it, put it on their shoulder, and bring it to the village. This means weightlifting. As other people can't do exercise for your body, you need to learn the right amount and strength of exercises for your body and keep doing it. Hie-Sook Lee Author of the book “Why do people have neck, back, and knee pain?” 사람은 왜 목.허리.무릎이 아플까? 저자 이 희숙 서초동
글로벌 게이의 데뷔작 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
다음편 보세여!! ㅎㅎ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 304호
다음편이 있어야지... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아우 애덜 정신사납네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
다시봐도 레전드 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다음편도 리액션 ㄱㄱㄱ
이제 다음편을 보셔야겠네요ㅋㅋ
재밌게 보니까 기분 좋아요
이화외고에서 전학 가신건가요? 부러워용🥹
와 트럼본 잘 부시네요
와 부럽다
이화외고 가고 싶은 학생입니다! 궁금한 게 있는데, 작년과 재작년처럼 신입생 모집물이 0.7처럼 1이하라면, 지원한 학생들이 다 입학 가능하고 면접도 없나요? 이화외고 진짜 진짜 가고 싶어요ㅠㅠ
학교에서 버스킹도 하셨나요??
외고가고 싶은 10년생 인데요, 중등때 어떤거 해야해요? 일단 그냥 성적만 올A 유지하면 되나요?? 그리구 혹시 면접볼때 영어회화도 하는건가요오..? 혹시라도 답변해주시명 감사하겟습니다아💓
외고는 일단 영어 국어 사회만 A이면 1차에 합격할 수 있기 때문에, 그 괴목들을 가장 중요시하며 공부하는걸 추천해요~ 그리고 수학도 열심히 해 놓으면 외고 와서 높은 성적 받기 정말 쉬워요~~ 꼭 외고 갈수 있을거에요 화이팅~!
Hi, i am from Turkey. İ am motivated to study because of you❤️
저도 고2인데 존경합니다ㅏ.. 같이 힘내봐요!!!! 화이탱
저 내년에 목운중 가는데 댄스부있나여ㅕㅕ?
네 있어요~! 엄청 잘하고 엄청 유명한 댄스부 있어용 ㅎㅎ
내년에 졸업하시거나 그런거아니시면 나중에 기억나면 인사 드릴게요❤
안녕하세요오 선배님!
아. 스승의 날 안찍었네....
혹시 대여비 얼마정도 들었나요?
안녕하세요 ^^ 목운중 공부분위기나 학생들 분위기가 어떤가요?
공부 분위기 아주 괜찮습니다! 확실히 동네 친구들 영향이 큰것 같아요! 열심히 공부할 수 있지만 그렇다고 경쟁이 너무 심하거나 과도하게 힘들지 않아서 다들 즐기면서 공부하고 학교생활 했던것 같아요! 나중에 고등학교 올라가서 목운중 출신이라고 하면 여기저기서 알아줄 정도로 명문 학교라고 생각합니다ㅎㅎ
Causes, Prevention and Correction of Neck and Back Pain What are the root causes of back pain? It is because of the gravity acting on our body. It is physical exercises which can help overcome that gravity. That is why the healthier you are, the more you need to do exercises. From time immemorial, fruits on earth have fallen to the ground. Despite seeing all objects, not just fruits, fall to the ground, the culture of living according to scientific knowledge have not rooted down on people’s lives. Therefore, I think, people are suffering from back pain. That experience was painful to me also for a long time. Here's a quick re-statement of my experience. The cause of chronic neck and back pain is a reaction of the body that occurs when the weakened muscles around the waist cannot support the gravity (weight) that is pressed by one's own body weight. The neck hurts because of the pressure from the head, and the back and knees hurt because of the gravity (weight) by which the upper body presses. I had been suffering a lot of pain until I realized this principle. To overcome this, I conducted various experiments on my body. I came to know that pain is a phenomenon which occurs in the body because the body cannot overcome gravity (pressure) and the weakened muscles around the lower back cannot withstand it. I found out the cause and started doing muscle-strengthening exercises. It was an exercise I did when my neck and back hurt - performing parallel bars or hanging upside down on the bar. When we return our body to the anti-gravity state, the compressed neck and lumbar bones are stretched and the pain disappears. This is a proof that the root cause of back pain is 'gravity'. I was relieved from the pain by doing muscle strengthening exercises to overcome such action of the gravity. People are obsessed with the stereotypical thinking that they would get sick as they get older. To be precise, if you don't exercise, your muscles will lose strength and you will suffer from disease. As you get older, your body basically becomes weaker. But just because you're old it will not necessarily mean your back will hurt. If so, young people shouldn't have back pain. However, there are many young people who suffer from back pain. On the other hand, there are many people who are older than eighty and maintain an healthy back. That is why I emphasize the importance of a proper understanding of back pain. I learned to go to the hospital when my back hurts. It is fortunate if you can recover from the back pain by visiting the hospitals to receive treatment when your back hurts. However, if there is no effect of treatment at the hospital even though you go to hospital for years and the pain persists even after one or two surgeries, you’d better try to get correct understanding about the back pain. You need to get an insight into back pain, understand its cause, observe the process of pain relief, and take the path to practice the way of pain relief. In other words, it can be said that you have correctly understood back pain when you remove the cause of back pain and live comfortably. Prevention and Correction Anyone can strengthen his or her back. Everyone can live an active life free from pack pain by strengthening the muscles around the back so as to withstand the gravity of his or her own weight through diligently doing exercises such as walking, sit-up, running, pull-up bar, climbing, or weightlifting. Human beings lived as hunters or gatherers before the settlement of an agricultural society. Hunting life means mountain climbing. If they killed an animal, they would carry it, put it on their shoulder, and bring it to the village. This means weightlifting. As other people can't do exercise for your body, you need to learn the right amount and strength of exercises for your body and keep doing it. Hie-Sook Lee Author of the book “Why do people have neck, back, and knee pain?” 사람은 왜 목.허리.무릎이 아플까? 저자 이 희숙 서초동
어쩌다 지나가게 된 27기 졸업생이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ 학교생활 굉장히 재밌지만 힘든일도 많을거에요 그때 마다 힘내서 꼭 잘 되길 바래요 ~ 화이팅
헐 기술쌤이다 이제 막들어온 목운중학교 1학년입니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
저 국선도 영상 봤어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
애들아 놀땐 확실하게 놀고 공부도 욜심히 ~~
혹시 의상대여 어디서하셨나요?
늦어서 죄송합니다ㅜ! '키센스'에서 대여했어용!!
입학 축하해요 🥰🥰
너무 재밌게 잘 봤어요!! 저도 웃으면서 ㅋㅋㅋ 앞으로 재밌는 영상 많이 올려주세요 구독하고 갈게요 ❤️
않이 저도 곱셈공식 안외워져서 미치겠어요;;
짝짝이슬리퍼신고 영상찍어주세영
어느 학교임?
나 왜 알고리즘에 이게 뜨냐 ㅋㅋㅋ
@@길가던사람-m8z 목운중 예ㅖ
3:16 이분 에이쎕 너무 잘부르시는데..
ㅋㅋㅋ ㄹㅈㄷ
아… 이게 뭔가요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
목운중 대표귀요미 넘 귀여운거가타여
출연료 주세요
@@Remi_Kim730 ㅇㅋ