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Dwarvious Dies (Caught on Video)
Dwarvious' channel:
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Multifandom // Open Your Eyes
Переглядів 1,4 тис.7 років тому
Tv Shows included: Supergirl The Originals Dexter Arrow Dead of Summer The Vampire Diaries Criminal Minds Chuck Castle 13 Reasons Why Chicago Fire Grey's Anatomy Containment One Tree Hill Lucifer Teen Wolf Song: Open Your Eyes - Andrew Belle
Hill Family Vacation
Переглядів 957 років тому
This is a short video I filmed when I was in Majorca earlier this year.
Dexter // Mercy
Переглядів 4297 років тому
Please like and subscribe! Song: Mercy - Shawn Mendes
Amy Hughes // Home Sweet Home
Переглядів 1,1 тис.7 років тому
This has to be one of my favorite videos I have ever made! Amy is 100% my favorite character from the series even though she was evil! Song: Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue I purely make these videos for my enjoyment and to practice my editing skills. I do not make any money from these videos.
Criminal Minds // Turning Page
Переглядів 3647 років тому
Binged watched all 12 seasons of Criminal Minds. I love it.
Grey's Anatomy // Breathe in Breathe out
Переглядів 9 тис.7 років тому
Grey's Anatomy // Breathe in Breathe out
Wake Up! - Give Me Love (cover)
Переглядів 5037 років тому
This music video was filmed and edited by me at college. Thanks to the band for letting me upload.
Multicouples // Everything
Переглядів 2,9 тис.7 років тому
Tv Show Couple: One Tree Hill - Nathan & Haley Containment - Jake & Katie Arrow - Oliver & Laurel Lucifer - Lucifer & Chloe Teen Wolf - Scott & Allison Dexter - Dexter & Hannah The Vampire Diaries - Damon & Elena Castle - Castle & Beckett Chuck - Chuck & Sarah Grey's Anatomy - Derek & Meredith Beauty & the Beast - Kat & Vincent One Tree Hill - Lucas & Peyton Song: Everything - Boyce Avenue
Slow Motion - Water Drops
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Slow Motion - Water Drops
Jake & Katie || That Home
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Containment was one of the most heartbreaking tv series I have ever watched.. Song: That Home - Cinematic Orchestra
Chuck & Sarah // Life of the Party
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Chuck & Sarah // Life of the Party
Castle & Beckett {Series Tribute}
Переглядів 5858 років тому
I'm going to miss watching a new episode each week.. I'll just re-watch the 8 seasons.
Grey's Anatomy || To Build A Home
Переглядів 617 тис.8 років тому
Grey's Anatomy || To Build A Home
Baby hiccup cure, goes wrong
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Baby hiccup cure, goes wrong
MerDer || We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off
Переглядів 6 тис.9 років тому
MerDer || We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off
Grey's Anatomy || Demons
Переглядів 709 тис.9 років тому
Grey's Anatomy || Demons
Grey's Anatomy || The Funeral
Переглядів 393 тис.9 років тому
Grey's Anatomy || The Funeral
Callie & Arizona || A Drop In The Ocean
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Callie & Arizona || A Drop In The Ocean
Grey's Anatomy || Good Life
Переглядів 481 тис.9 років тому
Grey's Anatomy || Good Life
Mark & Lexie - In My Veins
Переглядів 42 тис.9 років тому
Mark & Lexie - In My Veins
Scott & Allison - Belong
Переглядів 8309 років тому
Scott & Allison - Belong


  • @catherinefievet5560
    @catherinefievet5560 15 годин тому

    Yang and Burke. I miss them. The golden era of GREY’S ❤

  • @parsarazi6871
    @parsarazi6871 Місяць тому

    To lose as much as Meredith did, I have nothing but immense respect for her. She loved so deeply and unconditionally, and always wanted the best for those she gave her heart to; Derek, her children, Lexie, Cristina, Alex, Izzy, George, Dr Webber, Dr Bailey, her sister Maggie, I know I'm missing other names too...even Mark she had a great bond with. She had a dysfunctional relationship with her parents but she loved them too. I know these characters are fictional, but I know there are many Meredith's out there. And I salute all of you. You're brave and beautiful and wonderful. Keep going, there is much more that awaits you - there is plenty of good to experience too.

  • @michaellegelin1822
    @michaellegelin1822 3 місяці тому

    In Jesus-Christ life is beautiful ! Amen ! Mercredi 18 septembre 2024!😂❤🎉😊

  • @liliahernandez8940
    @liliahernandez8940 3 місяці тому

    Ahwvw dbsbshwbbwbvbshsbhsvhswbhqb

  • @reenajukhoo7911
    @reenajukhoo7911 3 місяці тому

    G compris

  • @坂本富士子-j9m
    @坂本富士子-j9m 3 місяці тому


  • @kimberleym9880
    @kimberleym9880 4 місяці тому

    Aww I always bawl my eyes out watching this 😭😭 Poor Mark!! 💔💔

  • @rmj1336
    @rmj1336 4 місяці тому


  • @anaraquelurzeda5457
    @anaraquelurzeda5457 6 місяців тому

    Alguém sabe de qual episódio é a foto da capa do vídeo?

  • @wendyedwards1440
    @wendyedwards1440 6 місяців тому

    I heard alot of great music that started on Grey's Anatomy.

  • @MeanderingMikesManCave
    @MeanderingMikesManCave 8 місяців тому

    One of the best songs on all of the Grey's Anatomy soundtrack compilations.

  • @angiehappyday4580
    @angiehappyday4580 8 місяців тому

    Mark te amo❤😂😊

  • @julie6259
    @julie6259 10 місяців тому

    2:21 Quel épisode c’est ?

  • @Deriv44
    @Deriv44 11 місяців тому

    I got admit it was one of yhe craziest twists that she was the leader of the cult and doing all the murders

  • @JordanSales-pi5vr
    @JordanSales-pi5vr Рік тому

    This is the perfect soundtrack for Grey’s Anatomy! Perfectly sums up everyone’s romances ❤

  • @ZainaSs-ul2de
    @ZainaSs-ul2de Рік тому

    Lz puniznoiulozjn oumo8nvizbizno

  • @ZainaSs-ul2de
    @ZainaSs-ul2de Рік тому

    Ld ot ornor oebie ornorb pr ld pr oe 9e ir prbor ot i5kt otir i6bot iur ozooodz ibutir otboz oz 8r kz ku of ot kz it iib o5bi6 oiz i6b97n

  • @marlindaabad1620
    @marlindaabad1620 Рік тому

    Seasons 1-11 are the precious gems for me of Grey's. After that, I stopped watching. I did not care for the rest of the seasos. I am one of the miilions of viewers who stopped watching. The ratings dropped from its high of 36 million during the Bomb episode, now it is hovering between 9 mil - to about 12 million. The reason - Derek was killed, it was the end of Meredith and Derek - a great love story.

  • @olaabdulrassol3370
    @olaabdulrassol3370 Рік тому

    It gets away from the old lovely stories of past seasons... It changed to show lot of sex scenes... and concentrating more on such scenes.

  • @vaniaaparecidadasilva4633

    Olha essa série nunca sairá da minha mente e do meu coração. ..Amei demais ...personagens mais que perfeitos, essa série mexeu demais comigo ...e foi daí que meu filho está entrando numa faculdade de medicina , ele ama isso tudo, é lógico que ele sabe que não é bem assim, mas não tira da mente que vai ser um cardiotoraxico, e isso me faz muito feliz , já está no caminho ...

  • @AshleyGray-di9uk
    @AshleyGray-di9uk Рік тому

    I loved Meredith & Derek together they were just perfect for each other!! I love what Arizona says about how they were together. Because it's so true Meredith will never love anyone like she loved Derek. Even if she does get with someone again she will never love them like she loved Derek! because he was the love of her life. The father to her children. she Will never love again like that. he was her one! And you only get one love in this life. Well at least the one you will always carry with you wherever you go you will always think of them. your heart will refuse to let them go! That's how Derek was for Mer. and it's heartbreaking how she lost him so suddenly because of crappy doctors that didn't do their damn job in the right way!! They should have taken every step to save his life but they rushed and skipped steps and that cost a man his life that should eat at them for the rest of their lives knowing they could have done more and didn't! because they had time for that simple ct scan!!! i would have sued the doctors and the hospital. Because that's outrageous!

  • @AshleyGray-di9uk
    @AshleyGray-di9uk Рік тому

    Man I have watched greys for so long now. And it's never boring!! my favorites were Meredith, Derek, Cristiana, George o malley, Callie Torres, mark Sloan, Lexie grey. Just so many great characters on this show! and shonda rhimes always has to kill them off the show. they could have just left on their own. if they weren't happy cooking for each other. Owen loved to cook food. Cristina wasn't a good cook! Owen wanted a child with Cristina. But she didn't want that. And he couldn't even respect her wishes!!! Owen forced a baby onto her that she didn't want to care about. that doesn't make her a monster either! Some people just don't want kids. it doesn't make them evil or cold hearted. I have a 5 year old child that I wasn't ready for. my significant other wanted a child so badly but I didn't! I'm still young. I didn't want to be responsible for another person. I didn't want to resent my child in the future. Because that would damage my child's entire world knowing her mother never wanted her. so Cristina did a good thing!

  • @liliahernandez8940
    @liliahernandez8940 Рік тому

    Arsonists 10th dffe.

  • @liliahernandez8940
    @liliahernandez8940 Рік тому

    Hsbgsvvevve vv3v

  • @liliahernandez8940
    @liliahernandez8940 Рік тому

    Snsnbsbsbshhshshbsb shhsbbsb

  • @LorraineSpence-n5t
    @LorraineSpence-n5t Рік тому

    April was useless 😂😂😂😂

  • @LorraineSpence-n5t
    @LorraineSpence-n5t Рік тому

    Way too many characters killed off 😢

  • @fabiolaquiceno3042
    @fabiolaquiceno3042 Рік тому

    Las mejores temporadas lástima que ya no están

  • @SofiaMartinez-bd4du
    @SofiaMartinez-bd4du Рік тому


  • @anne-sophiebazile7580
    @anne-sophiebazile7580 Рік тому

    Ça fait bizarre de regarder la vidéo sachant tous les personnages qui sont morts à la date d'aujourd'hui 😢

  • @liliahernandez8940
    @liliahernandez8940 Рік тому

    Wwwsx gyyyfc

  • @michaellegelin1822
    @michaellegelin1822 Рік тому

    You and me it's to be follow if God want !

  • @michaellegelin1822
    @michaellegelin1822 Рік тому

    You are my type of Roméo! In Cha'Allah!

  • @fin_wcu
    @fin_wcu Рік тому

    Bro grays mom like just crushing on Richard I swear not even a good fit- then she just dies like- but I miss Christina and mark- and Derek

  • @Orandoporvoce4741
    @Orandoporvoce4741 Рік тому

    Está é a série ki mais amo em minha vida❤️❤️

  • @marthaloy7228
    @marthaloy7228 2 роки тому

    Omg anything with Derek Shepherd's face on camera is the best possible thing that we can possibly see. What a dream we can wake up to

  • @bonnieabston4854
    @bonnieabston4854 2 роки тому

    When they burn merith grey house down that was it for this fan that house was great they could let the new doctors live there merith grey moving to Boston I just watched it to watch merith grey and her kid be ok I don't see it much lasting much longer

  • @parissantillana4192
    @parissantillana4192 2 роки тому

    Todo fue hermoso hasta la muerte de derek de para adelante perdio esa esencia hermosa y los temas eran originales de cantantes propios pero despues de la temporada 12 para adelante solo cover para mi gusto se arruino la serie pero solo me quedare com las 11temporadas bellas y hermosas🥺🥺🥺🥺

  • @lucylangley8027
    @lucylangley8027 2 роки тому

    I want Calzona, merder, jolex and slexie backkkk

  • @bonnieabston4854
    @bonnieabston4854 2 роки тому

    Miss the old grey's so much

  • @liliahernandez8940
    @liliahernandez8940 2 роки тому

    D6gtdgbgdb bbdbbbsbbj. Gd. B caffeine bgx. Nxn nnnn xnh snh

  • @trishbaugh3377
    @trishbaugh3377 2 роки тому


  • @cindyhobson3084
    @cindyhobson3084 2 роки тому

    Best show on TV ever - I’ve restarted for the 20th time ❤

  • @bonnieabston4854
    @bonnieabston4854 2 роки тому

    Fans of Derick there not bringing back together with Meredith grey so are dreams are not coming true she is going to marry nick and iam not watching it nomore no more

  • @bonnieabston4854
    @bonnieabston4854 2 роки тому

    Why Derek please 🙏 come back to Meredith grey and your kids don't let it end like this you and Meredith made grey edemy just look at the fans and how much you're missed I know you wanted something else but stars make there fans happy and you here us

  • @RobFer12381
    @RobFer12381 2 роки тому

    só acontece desgraça nessa série, mds 😭 (mas eu amo KKKHELP)

  • @shannonedwards9098
    @shannonedwards9098 2 роки тому

    P parental advisory with this feed please some of it is for kids some of it not teenagers this is all for you you're almost adults now Daniel Mommy loves you big brother

  • @Butterfly16able
    @Butterfly16able 2 роки тому

    nunca canso desse vídeo !

  • @kristinamosqueda3133
    @kristinamosqueda3133 2 роки тому

    I am a long time coming for grey I just don’t think they should push away, I strongly believe that their should be another tribute, on the season 8 knowledge and platform.

  • @kashishpower7872
    @kashishpower7872 2 роки тому

    It was a different era of greys 2009-2012.. my heart is still there