Lean to Peak - Private Pilot
Lean to Peak - Private Pilot
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  • 21 783


A Day in the Life of AFIS - Aerodrome Flight Information Services
Переглядів 2,1 тис.Рік тому
DISCLAIMER: This video is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. If you are to provide AFIS, make sure you inform yourself about all local laws and procedures. Radio communications in Germany are private and protected by law, as such I did a voice-over on all communications, with the added benefit of translating from German to English. As part of being member of a flight club, it is common to provide...
Pilots, START Your ENGINES! Starting Carbureted vs. Fuel-Injected Engines
Переглядів 7122 роки тому
DISCLAIMER: I'm not an instructor or a mechanic. These are some tips I want to share that seem to work for me, but do your own due diligence and check with your instructor or A&P if you have any questions. There are some mistakes that should be avoided when starting piston engines and I learned about them the hard way. Having had some trouble starting the engine of an airplane, I did some resea...
RUSTY Pilot - Getting Back on the Plane After a Long Break
Переглядів 3822 роки тому
Disclaimer: I'm not an instructor, just a private pilot who likes to share his knowledge and hear the opinions of other pilots. Double check with your instructor if you have any doubts. After a long break I have a routine I like to do to feel proficient again. 30 degree turns, steep turns, minimum controllable airspeed, stall recovery and some touch and gos. What would you add to this list? Don...
Flying on TOP - The First Time I Flew Above the Clouds in General Aviation
Переглядів 993 роки тому
DISCLAIMER - I'm not an instructor. This video has been edited removing context, and it's for entertainment purposes only. If you'd like to understand the few German parts, I have added subtitles, just turn them on. Thanks to Ana for inviting me on this trip and allowing me to film it. A couple of "firsts" on this flight. A first flying on top, and also a first contacting FIS to ask for help ab...
Crossing Frankfurt Airport's Control Zone with a Cessna 172
Переглядів 5573 роки тому
DISCLAIMER - I'm not an instructor. This video has been edited removing context, and it's for entertainment purposes only. First of all, huge thanks to Ana for inviting me on this flight. It was just awesome, I can't wait to cross more control zones from international airports. I apologize for the poor audio quality from Frankfurt's tower, not sure why that was. It was also bad in the plane, it...
How to PROPERLY lean the MIXTURE on a light, simple aircraft
Переглядів 2,2 тис.3 роки тому
DISCLAIMER - I'm not an instructor NOR a mechanic. Please follow the links to the reference material I share in this video and make your own interpretation. I'm not liable if you destroy your engine or get divorced or anything. First of all, huge thanks to Stefan for helping with this video. His participation made a huge difference on the result, really much appreciated. As you can see from the...
Levei a família a passear novamente num Cessna 172
Переглядів 2913 роки тому
Um ano após o primeiro voo com a minha família, levei-as novamente a dar uma volta aqui pelas redondezas. A Sophie não teve tanta paciência desta vez, se calhar por já não ser novidade, então acabámos por ter de fazer uma volta mais curta que o previsto e não vimos Bamberg, que era o objectivo. Não obstante, foi uma voltinha agradável, e fica aqui o registo. 0:00 - Intro 2:00 - Runup 3:20 - Des...
ONE Exercise to IMPROVE Your Landings!
Переглядів 8 тис.3 роки тому
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a flight instructor. Please follow the links I mention in the video, which are also shared below, and make your own interpretation. I know the title of this video is very "clickbait-ish", but if you haven't heard about this exercise before, I do believe you will get a lot of value from it. Make sure to let me know in the comments section below if and what improvements you f...
Troia by plane - Sightseeing on a Cessna 152
Переглядів 6774 роки тому
No Verão não consegui visitar Tróia como queria, mas agora no Natal foi de vez. Vem comigo apreciar esta paisagem lindíssima. Vamos ter de oportunidade de ver novamente a Costa da Caparica, Lagoa de Albufeira, Sesimbra e Tróia. Obrigado ao Rodrigo por me fazer companhia, grande amigo meu de infância que, embora distante neste momento, é daqueles amigos que quando nos encontramos é como se nunca...
Cascais - Costa da Caparica sightseeing
Переглядів 6094 роки тому
Este Verão tive a oportunidade de alugar um Cessna 152 durante as minhas férias em Portugal. Foi a minha primeira vez a voar em Portugal e após tantos anos a simular na IVAO e VATSIM, foi uma experiência brutal. Infelizmente as condições meteorológicas não nos permitiram concretizar o nosso plano de voo na sua totalidade mas ainda tivémos a possibilidade de apreciar a beleza da Costa da Caparic...
Landing at Faro LPFR - runway 28 - wingview a321neo
Переглядів 1,4 тис.4 роки тому
For the first time, I had opportunity to get perfect footage from an approach for runway 28 at Faro. Definitely one of the most beautiful approaches of my life. Kind of a hard landing though :)
Can Carsten Find Home?
Переглядів 1384 роки тому
One of the biggest challenges for me during flight training was to recognize places and towns from up above. Can someone without training find their way? Let's have a look! On the way back we also had kind of a close encounter with another colleague. We flew basically 300 feet above another airplane. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:55 - Takeoff 1:56 - Route and cruise 6:07 - Turning back and near miss...
First flight with my family
Переглядів 4324 роки тому
Finalmente levei pela primeira vez a minha família a voar comigo. Embora as condições não estivessem perfeitas, com algum vento cruzado e uma turbulência ligeira, acabou por ser uma experiência fantástica que as minhas passageiras adoraram e mal podem esperar por voar outra vez. Este vídeo acaba por ser mais uma recordação que outra coisa, mas tem um par de pontos interessantes para quem gostar...
STALL - What it is and how to recover - Cessna F 152
Переглядів 4454 роки тому
STALL - What it is and how to recover - Cessna F 152
Some solo touch-and-go - Cessna F 152
Переглядів 2004 роки тому
Some solo touch-and-go - Cessna F 152
O meu último voo de 2019 - Cessna F 152
Переглядів 3315 років тому
O meu último voo de 2019 - Cessna F 152
My First Flight as Pilot in Command - Cessna F 152
Переглядів 2195 років тому
My First Flight as Pilot in Command - Cessna F 152
VFR from Hettstadt, low-pass at Mainbullau, on a Cessna 172
Переглядів 2425 років тому
VFR from Hettstadt, low-pass at Mainbullau, on a Cessna 172
My first cross-country solo flight, on a Cessna F 152
Переглядів 7005 років тому
My first cross-country solo flight, on a Cessna F 152


  • @LeonardoValente_
    @LeonardoValente_ Місяць тому

    Ahahah o que me ri 15:53

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@LeonardoValente_ finalmente alguém com sentido de humor 🤭

  • @LeonardoValente_
    @LeonardoValente_ Місяць тому

    Que vistas incriveis !

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@LeonardoValente_ Portugal é muito bonito, sem dúvida 😊

  • @afonsoavila2177
    @afonsoavila2177 Місяць тому

    Great video! Keep up the good work!

  • @gluon81
    @gluon81 Місяць тому

    Exactly like my "default flight" in MSFS, except much much better. :)

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@gluon81 you could join next time if you'd like 🤗

  • @marciongolo
    @marciongolo Місяць тому

    Estes Cessna têm AP?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@marciongolo nunca 🤭🤭 vai mesmo na mão o tempo todo!

    • @gluon81
      @gluon81 Місяць тому

      @@LeantoPeak Só mesmo o poor man's AP usando o trim... 🤣

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@gluon81 por acaso é um ponto interessante que tu tocas. Um aileron trim tinha sido muito agradável!

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@gluon81 por acaso é um ponto interessante que tu tocas. Um aileron trim tinha sido muito agradável!

  • @a330turbinex7
    @a330turbinex7 Місяць тому


    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 28 днів тому

      obrigado Turbinex 😊

  • @The-Flying-Günni
    @The-Flying-Günni Місяць тому

    Beautifull lanscape in Porugal! Editing / Cutting was fine btw fact abou me: In spring I am allowed to mow EDGH with the tractor!😁 You think I shoul make a PPL when I´m older?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Місяць тому

      @@The-Flying-Günni Of course you should, why not? Thank for your help at EDGH 🤭 (I don't know why the reply was not to your comment sorry)

  • @The-Flying-Günni
    @The-Flying-Günni 4 місяці тому

    Have you flown with the your 6zylinder cessna in Hettstadt?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 4 місяці тому

      If you mean the ZH, yes, I have flown it quite a few times. Why do you ask?

    • @The-Flying-Günni
      @The-Flying-Günni 4 місяці тому

      @@LeantoPeak Because it´s alittle more expensive to run. So I was intersted

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 4 місяці тому

      @@The-Flying-Günni indeed, it's 10 euros per hour more expensive to rent as well. But it's also slightly faster than the others. When traveling somewhere, it makes sense to rent it. Only for training or local flights, I would prefer one of the other planes. Cheers!

    • @The-Flying-Günni
      @The-Flying-Günni 4 місяці тому

      @@LeantoPeak Was just a Question becau I flew with it around wertheim and Lohr, bekazs the KW was broken and the LJ in Spain. thanks for the Reply👍 cheers!!

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 4 місяці тому

      @@The-Flying-Günni gerne 😊 cheers!

  • @SIM-Günni-zwei
    @SIM-Günni-zwei 5 місяців тому

    Bist du schonmal die Treppe zum turm goch runtergefallen😂

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 5 місяців тому

      Noch nicht, ich pass immer sehr auf 😋😋 es würde blöd, verletzt zu sein, direkt vor ein Flug 😊😊

  • @laranja9921
    @laranja9921 11 місяців тому

    Grande vídeo, sou aluno e tenho de ir a Évora e este vídeo deu me ideia do que esperar de um serviço AFIS.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 11 місяців тому

      Fico contente que ajude. O manual VFR normalmente também tem a fraseologia para aeródromo não controlado. Abraço e bom voo. Depois conta como foi ☺

    • @laranja9921
      @laranja9921 11 місяців тому

      @@LeantoPeak Obrigado 🙏. Depois comento aqui!!

    • @laranja9921
      @laranja9921 10 місяців тому

      Boas, já fiz o voo há algum tempo, correu bem e falar com o AFIS foi natural

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 10 місяців тому

      @@laranja9921 óptimo 😊 alguma diferença significativa para o que viste aqui neste vídeo? Abraço!

    • @laranja9921
      @laranja9921 10 місяців тому

      @@LeantoPeakNão, estava curioso de como era o serviço AFIS e como responder a coisas que não são clearances se tinha de dar readback ou não, mas foi tudo muito fluido e normal, é só dar os reports e dois cliques no ptt ou roger ou outra forma de indicar "entendido" quando ele nos dá informações como na final.

  • @beausbargarage6213
    @beausbargarage6213 Рік тому

    isnt running just rich of peak the way to go

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      Apparently not! If you check the link I shared in the description and read carefully Lycoming's instructions, their recommendation is now to either set the mixture "quite rich" (circa 150ºF rich of peak) for "best power" setting (basically, max RPM for fixed pitch prop), or slightly lean of peak (circa 20ºF lean of peak) for "best efficiency", or max range, so to say. It's funny because indeed for many years the POH would recommend 50ºF rich of peak, which is kind of a bad area to run the engine at, as it leads to highest CHT. Cheers!

  • @scottysansone5884
    @scottysansone5884 Рік тому

    This was a perfect video for learning the procedures for them.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      Thank you, much appreciated.

  • @andrewplumb6544
    @andrewplumb6544 Рік тому

    UK Ppl here. Most of my flying was from uncontrolled airfields. Early in my flying I was authorised in ground to air coms. Having a good mental picture of the aerodrome activity takes concentration and practice. Thank you for this video.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      It does take concentration and practice indeed, and it can make a world of difference in terms of safety. At the end of the day, it can save people's lives. Cheers and thanks for chiming in!

  • @scandinavianaviator8141
    @scandinavianaviator8141 Рік тому

    Interesting 😀 In my country (Denmark) AFIS/FIC is a 1 year Education, including the ATC Basic and simulator course, and 6 months on the job training, to obtain a FISO license

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      Also in G (non-controlled) airspace?

    • @scandinavianaviator8141
      @scandinavianaviator8141 Рік тому

      @@LeantoPeak Yes Class G Airspace, but there is at TIZ (Traffic Information Zone) established around the Aerodrome, which also is a Radio Mandatory Zone, you must establish 2 way radio communication with the AFIS inside. The purpose is primarily to service commercial IFR Traffic, which can’t operate in or out of an Airport unless it’s at least AFIS

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      @@scandinavianaviator8141 interesting! I know them as ATZ (aerodrome traffic zones), but in Germany the small VFR uncontrolled airfields don't even have that. In Portugal on the other, pretty much all airfields are within an ATZ. And even if they are not RMZ, normally on the AIP it is indicated that 2-way communication is mandatory. Very interesting these small differences within Europe.

    • @alphafox2521
      @alphafox2521 3 місяці тому

      AFISO Training is the same in germany. The title of the video is just wrong/can't really be well translated since this is a german national speciality at small airfields. Basically it can be called "(Flight-)Operations Manager" (it was "Flugleiter" and now is "Betriebsleiter" in german). AFISO in germany is at uncontrolled Airfields with IFR Procedures, and is pretty new here.

  • @Mattblackaviation787
    @Mattblackaviation787 Рік тому

    Why do carbureted engines require full mixture when cranking vs direct injection that only requires mixture to be full rich when engine starts?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      Here's my non expert opinion on your question. For the carbureted version, it's simple. When you start the engine with the engine cold, you need extra fuel in the mixture as some of the fuel will condensate on the cilinder walls. As the engine warms up and the fuel will enter the cilinders in vaporized form, the extra fuel is not needed anymore. My understanding from fuel injected engines is that the injectors do a much better job at vaporizing fuel compared to carbureted versions. When starting a fuel-injected engine, we use the electric fuel pump so the injectors vaporize some fuel into the intake just before the intake valves prior to cranking, and when cranking we wait for the engine to "catch" and then go rich on the mixture so the injectors start spraying fuel again and get into normal operation. I hope this makes sense, let me know your opinion. Cheers!

    • @Mattblackaviation787
      @Mattblackaviation787 Рік тому

      @@LeantoPeak Thanks!! This makes sense and is what I was thinking!!

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      @@Mattblackaviation787 cheers bud, my pleasure. Blue skies!

  • @BreadStick6
    @BreadStick6 Рік тому

    Sehr gutes Video!

  • @guilherme3537
    @guilherme3537 Рік тому

    Grande bruno caralho

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      Lol 😅 obrigado. Vê o video de Troia 😊

  • @chloethewritingcoach9644
    @chloethewritingcoach9644 Рік тому

    Great video! And did I hear you speak in Hebrew with ATC? Sababa! Thank you for this vid, and Chag Purim Sameach =)

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak Рік тому

      Thanks a lot ☺ and I'm afraid not, it's German. I don't understand a word you said 😅

  • @Artoconnell
    @Artoconnell 2 роки тому

    Learning rrequires a very controlled environment, in other words, wtf is with that noise. for fks sake man have some decency.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Can you be more specific?

  • @GingerThePlane
    @GingerThePlane 2 роки тому

    Great video! I lived in Köln mit mein Frau and always wanted to fly there, love seeing your countryside, subscribed! 👍👍

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Köln is definitely on my list to fly over. If not this year, next year for sure! Thanks and cheers!

    @LEMONADAS100 2 роки тому

    Great Video !!! Now i can start an engine of an airplane and steal it 😊

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Don't forget to pick me up when you do! 😜

    @LEMONADAS100 2 роки тому

    Gosto dos oculos quero uns iguais ! great video

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Tens aí uma obsessão pelos meus óculos... vou-te contar! LOL! Obrigado mano, abraço.

  • @elliottnyland8473
    @elliottnyland8473 2 роки тому

    Nice video! What knee board are you using?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Thanks Elliott! I think my videos are quite "simple" compared to other popular aviation channels, but at least I hope they are helpful :) This is the kneeboard I'm using... maybe I should create a video with the gear I use? :) aeroshop.eu/en/pilot-supplies/profi-kneeboard.html

  • @Flinsch77
    @Flinsch77 2 роки тому

    Which airfield did you do touch-n-go and full-stop landing on? Liebe Grüße

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Servus! The video was recorded on my "home airfield" of Hettstadt - EDGH.

  • @joaofranca7494
    @joaofranca7494 2 роки тому


  • @a330turbinex7
    @a330turbinex7 2 роки тому

    wow... great stall recovery!

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Este C172 é muito dócil, ainda por cima levezinho, difícil é metê-lo a cair 😊

  • @a330turbinex7
    @a330turbinex7 2 роки тому

    The most important thing is the camera. Don´t forget. lololol

  • @rogerioferreira6773
    @rogerioferreira6773 2 роки тому

    Grande Bravo Echo e grande a Cessna que máquina Parabéns por + um magnífico vídeo como sempre é 5* Forças aí grande abraço 🤗

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Obrigado mano, abraço!!

  • @leonardolima388
    @leonardolima388 2 роки тому

    “I love you babe”. Did you really said that on the frequency? 😂

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Hehe of course not 😋 but she was so friendly and doing such a great job, hard not to fall in love! 😜

    • @leonardolima388
      @leonardolima388 2 роки тому

      @@LeantoPeak yeah, she was very friendly indeed! Adorei os vídeos Bruno 👌

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      @@leonardolima388 grato, bem-vindo ao canal, já tenho mais uns quantos na calha 😊 se tiveres alguma ideia pa video, diz!

    • @leonardolima388
      @leonardolima388 2 роки тому

      @@LeantoPeak epah esses vídeos VFR são tops, recentemente comprei o flight simulator e tenho me divertido muito com voos VFR, e ver como funciona a comunicação com o ATC é muito bom pra depois por em prática na VATSIM 😄

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      @@leonardolima388 é, não sei porque é que 99% da malta só faz IFR na simulação... VFR também tem que se lhe diga e é bem bacano 😊 a ver se nos encontramos então pela VATSIM! 👍

  • @rogerioferreira6773
    @rogerioferreira6773 2 роки тому

    Grande a Bravo Echo, mais uma vez e como sempre alto vídeo e belas imagens parabéns 😉 Grande abraço 🤗

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Grato! Agora vai recomeçar a "festa". Em Março os aviões estão disponíveis novamente :)

    • @rogerioferreira6773
      @rogerioferreira6773 2 роки тому

      @@LeantoPeak Ahah boa, isso é que são notícias boas :) Vamos a isso. Abraço 🤗

  • @lukasaltenhofer7250
    @lukasaltenhofer7250 2 роки тому

    Awesome Video😍

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Thanks man, Johannes did a really great job with the editing. Cheers!

  • @marciongolo
    @marciongolo 2 роки тому

    Cada vez mais experiente, bom voo, o fio que vai do leme para a parte da frente é um fio de guarda?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 2 роки тому

      Obrigado Márcio! Não, é a antena para o ADF :) Grande abraço!

  • @flare242
    @flare242 3 роки тому

    I trust that this can help people get more comfortable during landings, but isn't flying right on the verge of losing the maneuverability too dangerous, especially for brand new pilots?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      I do mention in the description that if one does not feel comfortable with their skills to try this on their own, take their CFI. On the other hand, would you say it's much different to what we do on each landing? In my mind, that's why it improves landings that much. Instead of spending only a few seconds in "landing configuration", we spend a few minutes.

  • @andysedgley
    @andysedgley 3 роки тому

    Found you from the Air Safety channel. Lovely to see your family having fun. 👍

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Cheers Andy, thanks so much, welcome to the channel. If you have some feedback on the videos let me know 😊

  • @igor-orzhevskii
    @igor-orzhevskii 3 роки тому

    This is an ongoing debate for decades (LOP vs ROP), like apples or oranges 🙂 From what I've heard and read, you'd better not practice LOP unless: A) your engine has a fuel injection system (preferably with aftermarket installment of GAMIjectors or alike, which are more precise compared to stock ones) and B) your airplane has an engine monitor. Everything else would be a guessing game just like measuring a temperature with your finger. My personal preference is ROP as the old adage goes "fuel is cheaper than an engine". Besides that, you fly faster and also save a significant amount of hours of personal time and TBO (time between overhaul as it also counts in total savings).

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      To each his own, but the instructions of the engine manufacturer (in this case, Lycoming) are clear. Without an engine monitor, lean till the onset of roughness, and then enrichen just enough for the roughness to go away. If you run the engine ROP make sure it's 150°F ROP instead of the 50°F mentioned in the POH, otherwise you'll run the engine where it's most stressful. However, if you're running 100LL, by having too much fuel and an engine which is too cool you're setting yourself up for sticky valves and exhaust valve failure, as Mike Busch mentions in the respective videos. I'd be happy to read from other sources if you'd care to share them, I'm very interested in this topic! Thanks!

  • @igor-orzhevskii
    @igor-orzhevskii 3 роки тому

    I would say that slow flight is actually the only exercise that can improve your landings, especially short field landings where you have to avoid any float down the runway due to excessive speed. That's also what recommends Backcountry182, probably the most-known bush-pilot on UA-cam: ua-cam.com/video/E_AQweC-xAk/v-deo.html

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Jason from the finer points has another cool exercise which I haven't tried yet which seems good also, but yeah slow flight has made the biggest impact on my landings by far. I like Backcountry182 channel also, some cool videos with good value. I particularly liked the one about flaps on takeoff. Cheers!

  • @Zack-ky7qf
    @Zack-ky7qf 3 роки тому

    Constructive criticism: in my opinion you shouldn’t have both hands on the yolk, especially during final and touchdown. Your right hand should be on power. Good landings otherwise :)

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Agreed. Believe it or not, this was a bad habit drilled into me during training. I have to force myself out of it. Cheers and thanks for watching and commenting!

    • @fishplug10
      @fishplug10 2 роки тому

      I strongly concur

  • @SafakSahin
    @SafakSahin 3 роки тому

    I remember some thing like this, if your egt (exhaust gas temp) is high then you are wasting energy. keep the hot air still in the piston pushing it and let it out only when it cools down, in short keep it leaning until egt drops a bit

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Right, that's one of the reasons why constant speed props are so much better - we can adjust the prop's pitch to lower RPM's, and give more time for the air to cool down while pushing the piston. I'm flying a constant speed prop C172 now where I make use of this as much as possible :)

  • @SafakSahin
    @SafakSahin 3 роки тому

    from savvy aviation?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      That was indeed my main source for this video, among a couple others. Cheers!

  • @rogerioferreira6773
    @rogerioferreira6773 3 роки тому

    Grande a Bravo Echo, mais uma vez um vídeo 👌🔝 essa aterragem foi 5☆ e sempre com a roda nariz no ar eheh 👏👌 Abraço

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Gracias Romeo Foxtrot! Ainda não tinhas visto este? Já tem algum tempo e acho que deve ser o meu melhor video... já tenho saudades de gravar qualquer coisa mas está escasso de tempo... abraço!!

    • @rogerioferreira6773
      @rogerioferreira6773 3 роки тому

      @@LeantoPeak Bravo Echo grande a pinta pá 👌 por acaso esse ñ tinha visto, ui o tempo isso é que é lixado como entendo isso. Mas quando abrir lá vais tu se Deus quiser. Muito obrigado bro, Abração 🤗

  • @kenneth5412
    @kenneth5412 3 роки тому

    Great channel!! You’ve got a new subscriber! Why aren’t you using promosm!!? You should use it to help your videos rank better in the search.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Thanks so much! Maybe I will once I build up a bigger portfolio (of videos) 😊 cheers!

  • @rogerioferreira6773
    @rogerioferreira6773 3 роки тому

    Bruno é pá parabéns como sempre mais um vídeo espetacular e com vistas magníficas do airport ✌👌🔝 Nessa pista aterrava uns 10 desses todos a seguir 🤣 Abração 🤗

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Obrigado pelo teu apoio 😊 foi uma grande experiência, quero cruzar mais uma data delas! Abraço!

    • @rogerioferreira6773
      @rogerioferreira6773 3 роки тому

      @@LeantoPeak Ora essa man sempre às ordens 🤗 um abraço para aí 😉

  • @MontrealMan1970
    @MontrealMan1970 3 роки тому

    nasa hoodie flying in cessna jajaja btw, good vid & love the plane

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Hehehe they are not enemies, are they? 😋 thanks man, appareciated!

  • @posconportugal4448
    @posconportugal4448 3 роки тому

    Keep the good flights :)

  • @peteralan5557
    @peteralan5557 3 роки тому

    Thank you...! By the way pilots rather hear you talk than the music. Even if it's just pilot chatter. The music sucks...LOL

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      I have reduced the amount of music in my latest video and will probably keep it that way. It's also easier for me, choosing tracks is time consuming 😊

  • @yalladiego5606
    @yalladiego5606 3 роки тому

    Nice video, and you did a great job with research. But still, the point we were discussing is not being dealt with. It doesn't really contradict what I told you. Let me explain. If you are on the ground the air is much denser, meaning that there are more oxygen molecules per a defined volume of air. Ifyou go up the number of these oxygen molecules decrease. Now, by starting to regulate the mixture you bascially decide how much fuel you want to add to the air being sucked in. If there are more oxygen molecules the bruning capability of the engine is going to be higher, if there are less oxygen molecules, the burning capabiltiy will be lower. Therefor in the first case more fuel can be added, and in the second amount fuel amount needs to be reduced. So, by going up in the air and leaning the mixture, you are basicaly adapting the amount of fuel to the amount of oxygen. If you enrich too much, there will too much fuel, and the combustion will be incomplete. If you lean too much the ratio will change towards the oxygen, therefor you will have a better or maybe too high combustion.(Note that at some the amount of fuel will be so little that the enigne will shut off.) This is reason why the rpm ,as shown in your video, rises with leaning of the mixture: Combustion becomes more effective. And as also mentioned in the video the EGT will rise, and yet the CHT will rise. The difference is with the rise in the CHT you damage the cylinder. The rise in EGT dmages e.g. the turbo engine, because the hot air has to go through the turbine which produces electricity to run the compressor for the air.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Hey, thanks so much! I think the chart @ 7:00 is key. You will see that when we start leaning, the first interesting point we reach is max power (peak RPM). However, for Mike Busch and many other people, this is not the most interesting engine regime. If you continue to lean, you will indeed get to the point of peak CHT, and then peak EGT. If you continue leaning, then finally you get to the *best economy* point. In this area, CHT is again low and not harmful for the engine. This, however, also depends on the power output of the engine. If you are at 65% or less, you can choose whatever setting you want for the mixture, you will never harm your engine. You can check this on the following video from Continental - ua-cam.com/video/iwwKn-gLDvY/v-deo.html This is why I said I think the pilots you mentioned did not lean enough. In fact, if they followed the POH, they would have flown very near to the most harmful area. The POH of the C172 normally mentions that we should lean to 50ºF on the rich side of peak EGT, which is close to peak CHT unfortunately. But if you lean further, you get to the best economy area, which is the preferred area of many mechanics and pilots! Does this make sense?

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      On the video from continental, check @ 3:39, where they mention at or below 65% power nothing that we can do with the "red knob" will be harmful for the engine. So, I don't know how the pilots you mentioned were running the engines. I'd be surprised if they were running the engines much above 65% power and setting the mixture at the worst point regularly. Personally, I like the idea of *best economy* . It is exactly what Mike Busch recommends, both for saving fuel, *and* saving the engine. Cheers!

  • @denispoustovgar7633
    @denispoustovgar7633 3 роки тому

    Muito bom comandante!

  • @stxer
    @stxer 3 роки тому

    Interesting video. I wish that pilots would eliminate having to put music on their videos. It's always distracting to view those videos and adds nothing but unnecessary noise.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      You're not the first to say that, maybe I'll reduce the amount of music. I hope at least the video was helpful for you, cheers.

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Hey John, new video has less music. Let me know what you think.

  • @Orientalgirl1
    @Orientalgirl1 3 роки тому

    Brutal 😃 adorei com amor Mariana , Beijinhos❤️

    • @LeantoPeak
      @LeantoPeak 3 роки тому

      Temos de ir também 😊 beijinhos!

  • @Orientalgirl1
    @Orientalgirl1 3 роки тому
