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  • 306 422
Dee 1 - Win Today!
Dee-1 Win Today
Psalms of Davids Mixtape
Download for FREE @ LiveMixtapes.Com
Переглядів: 19 262


Dee-1 - You Stupid Fool [Prod. By DJ Scrim]
Переглядів 12 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - You Stupid Fool [Prod. By DJ Scrim] Psalms of David Mixtape - Numb! 7hyueEFxS Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Attention (Feat. Sunni Patterson)
Переглядів 7 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - Attention (Feat. Sunni Patterson) Psalms of David Mixtape - Numb! 7hyueEFxS Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 Numb!
Переглядів 15 тис.11 років тому
Psalms of David Mixtape - Numb! 7hyueEFxS Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Attention (Feat. Sunni Patterson)
Переглядів 41 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - Attention (Feat. Sunni Patterson) Psalms of David Mixtape - Numb! 7hyueEFxS Dee-1 Mixtape
Sequence 01_1
Переглядів 9511 років тому
Sequence 01_1
Dee-1 - The Garden Of Eden (Feat. Kennedi Rayne)
Переглядів 7 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - One Man Army Remix (Feat. Tre Virdure) Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Work (Feat. Lecrae) [Prod. By B Corder]
Переглядів 113 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - Work (Feat. Lecrae) [Prod. By B Corder] Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Jay, 50 And Weezy!
Переглядів 3,4 тис.11 років тому
09. Dee-1 - Jay, 50 And Weezy! Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Lord Help Me (Feat. Jor'dan Armstrong)
Переглядів 58 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - Lord Help Me (Feat. Jor'dan Armstrong) Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 Shut Up and Grind
Переглядів 8 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 Shut Up and Grind Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - D.a.v.i.d.A.n.d.G.o.l.i.a.t.h. '13
Переглядів 8 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - D.a.v.i.d.A.n.d.G.o.l.i.a.t.h. '13 Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Writer's Block
Переглядів 7 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - Writer's Block! Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee-1 - Only God Can Judge Me
Переглядів 4,9 тис.11 років тому
Dee-1 - Only God Can Judge Me Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape
Dee 1 3's Up [Prod. By Phurnace)
Переглядів 4 тис.11 років тому
Dee 1 3's Up [Prod. By Phurnace) Psalms of David Mixtape Dee 1 3's Up [Prod. By Phurnace) Psalms of David Mixtape Dee-1 Mixtape


  • @growngrownman5950
    @growngrownman5950 10 днів тому

    Some people are in the comments asking why it's not on Spotify. You can click the link and download the mixtape for free. Since streaming platforms have came out is seems like no one wants to purchase albums or even download free projects. Why is that?

  • @yohannesbulcho
    @yohannesbulcho 2 місяці тому

    Had to come back to this gem after Kendrick gave a s/o to Dee-1 & Lecrae acknowledging their character! Would love a pt.2 to this track

  • @thegoat3153
    @thegoat3153 3 місяці тому


  • @kenawaktadele3466
    @kenawaktadele3466 3 місяці тому

    Why is this song or album on Spotify 😭😭

  • @Horvat04
    @Horvat04 3 місяці тому


  • @Horvat04
    @Horvat04 3 місяці тому

    Song is dedicated to all the insta fb and tiktok victims too

  • @chilumarshall1049
    @chilumarshall1049 3 місяці тому

    great jam from the CHH factory, CHRIST up

  • @cmebans35
    @cmebans35 3 місяці тому

    All Jesus 🙌🙌🙌 Blessed children and prayer warriors August 23 2024

  • @cmebans35
    @cmebans35 4 місяці тому

    For Jesus!!! My children blessed August 1 2024

  • @StephanieEdelman-oe6bw
    @StephanieEdelman-oe6bw 10 місяців тому

    Cry to this song 😭

  • @StephanieEdelman-oe6bw
    @StephanieEdelman-oe6bw 10 місяців тому


  • @Sherashera.
    @Sherashera. 11 місяців тому

    This song is fire especially the ending. Felt that. When you just can't say yet💪

  • @ODee1995
    @ODee1995 11 місяців тому

    Lecrae got exposed in this song.

    • @the5gguru
      @the5gguru 10 місяців тому

      Exposed what. Let the two CHH legends shine in peace man.

    • @ODee1995
      @ODee1995 10 місяців тому

      @@the5gguru Have you checked out the Lyrics? Lecrae seems to want to expose himself in this song..... "Poison in his cup". That's a reference to the Bible. his cup is filled with poison. Which means he is a fraud, or it seems that he wanted people to believe that in this song..........

  • @ryanmathis8286
    @ryanmathis8286 Рік тому

    This song couldn’t be made today

  • @frankprotokowicz5762
    @frankprotokowicz5762 Рік тому

    Why is this not on Spotify?

  • @dwaynewilliamson1419
    @dwaynewilliamson1419 Рік тому

    This man is the truth we need to promote his music more. This is what these young Kats need to listen to

  • @dreknowss
    @dreknowss Рік тому


  • @tiz116
    @tiz116 Рік тому

    10 years on still a banger. Sad to see these two beefing.

    • @RoyBeaugardJr
      @RoyBeaugardJr Рік тому

      It's not beef bro, the culture and hip-hop is at a spot were it needs clarity and this is one of the many conversations that's bringing clarification. Clarification on what are the things of God and what aren't.

    • @emptytombprod
      @emptytombprod Рік тому


    • @RoyBeaugardJr
      @RoyBeaugardJr Рік тому

      @@emptytombprod 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💯🙏🏽

  • @christinata4737
    @christinata4737 Рік тому

    🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

  • @JudySonnier-kg2he
    @JudySonnier-kg2he Рік тому

    My neighbor asked for my WiFi I gave it to him. I'm dumb 😞

  • @chos3nzw407
    @chos3nzw407 Рік тому

    10 years later still on repeat🔥🔥

  • @judithsonnnier253
    @judithsonnnier253 Рік тому

    God created mankind in his image male and female to do the works of the promise...Much-Love.

  • @susedgedahedge
    @susedgedahedge Рік тому

    Do you want to grab the public's attention? Do you want to put that real music in the ears of the hopeless? Do you want to make a big reach, grabbing for as many people as possible? ___ Without a doubt, your answer is yes. Therefore, I have an idea. This is so crazy that it just might work. ___ CDs are going out of style, thanks to me, and a hateful, evil hearted white man. No big deal. There is still a little life left in CDs. ___ Get your hardest songs. Get your most informational songs. Get your most Heavenly enriched songs. Get your most street songs. Get the best songs that you have, that you have ever put out from this point to the past. ___ Fill up your CD to a complete 80 minutes and hit the streets hard. ___ You have friends and family in many states, so, send them as many CDs as possible, with specific instructions. That's like sending your cousin 500 CDs to project a mission. Then your cousin gives his fellow friends in his state 75 CDs, to divide and conquer. Therefore, 500 CDs seems like it won't be enough. ___ Make an advanced, outstanding, easy to read, straight to the point flyer that would be attached to or inside your CD case. Something like, The End of The World. Jesus is Almost Here. Heaven is Watching. What Is a Real Nigga. What War Are You Fighting. The Lake of Fire. The New Universe. Time Is Almost Up. Is God Happy With You or Angry With You. Something of that nature with a Bible Scripture or two. ___ Of course, put your music location pages on the flyer as well, so they won't become thirsty, needing more content. ___ The instructions your out of state associates would need is. Try to avoid contact with anyone for safety reasons. Go to a mall, a shopping outlet, a hood grocery store, or anywhere there is a big parking lot full of hood people and (simply) put the CD case on the driver side windshield. ___ Obviously, this is a free giveaway, and there is no charge for the CD product. ___ If it comes down to it, if they really need to pass the CDs out from hand to hand, the message is simple. {{Here is a free CD, I want you to check it out.}} Limit as much talking as (politely) possible. ___ We all should know the protocol about standing in front of stores and even doing public self promotion in public parking lots, so there should already be a head start on the do's and don'ts. ___ It's like a stick up. In and out. As quickly as possible. As quick as you get there, should be as quick as you are leaving.

  • @judithsonnnier253
    @judithsonnnier253 Рік тому

    The book of Daniel: In every generation, some people feel radically threatened. They seek encouragement and hope. They want to know if God still hears their prayers and is concerned about their Plight's future. Much-Love.

  • @DayStarShadow
    @DayStarShadow Рік тому

    I came back here, because the stupid tiktok ads plagiarize this song.

  • @7spellz
    @7spellz 2 роки тому

    Chopped + screwed, 2022 style

  • @judithsonnnier253
    @judithsonnnier253 2 роки тому

    I put it on for the city of Gods. Much-Love.

  • @MrZukada
    @MrZukada 2 роки тому

    2022 Work

  • @uiresmiguel
    @uiresmiguel 2 роки тому

    Spotify????? 😭

  • @judithsonnnier253
    @judithsonnnier253 2 роки тому

    One of my favorites...Ty. Much-Love.

  • @judithsonnier4000
    @judithsonnier4000 2 роки тому

    I like the look... Much 💕

  • @judithsonnier4000
    @judithsonnier4000 2 роки тому

    David Augustine handsome

  • @johnp.2979
    @johnp.2979 2 роки тому

    Bought this on a burned CD in a Wal-Mart parking lot for 5 dollars years ago. Liked it then. Love it now. Was truly ahead of it's time.

  • @Blue77Blue
    @Blue77Blue 2 роки тому

    2022 DEE1

  • @Vurnex
    @Vurnex 3 роки тому

    know some folk who break they neck, and not for a check...

  • @joshuagodsaves6542
    @joshuagodsaves6542 3 роки тому

    Lord can you help me I got a lot of problems

  • @beachlife4993
    @beachlife4993 3 роки тому

    2021 🙌

  • @joecole7607
    @joecole7607 3 роки тому

    bro this track is fire

  • @chiyuni9252
    @chiyuni9252 3 роки тому

    Realest song

  • @belemajosiah9147
    @belemajosiah9147 4 роки тому

    Somebody killed me for my shoes now I’m fresh to death

  • @mcponblack116
    @mcponblack116 4 роки тому

    2020 anyone??? Almost forgot about this one

  • @laaguila92
    @laaguila92 4 роки тому

    Where is this bear from I swear I heard it before

  • @fazekiran2227
    @fazekiran2227 4 роки тому

    Yess sir

  • @rhondabrown7455
    @rhondabrown7455 4 роки тому


  • @RockBadgerChristianity
    @RockBadgerChristianity 4 роки тому

    Song is super underrated. Dee-1 and Lecrae both killed it. And their flows blended so well.

  • @BRB123
    @BRB123 4 роки тому


  • @candicelilyolton585
    @candicelilyolton585 5 років тому


  • @johnlazard8599
    @johnlazard8599 5 років тому

    And Lecrae youve just been impressin me more and more so keep it up please sir, and youve inspired me not to sin.

  • @johnlazard8599
    @johnlazard8599 5 років тому

    Son you punished this brah! 504, 225, 337, yah heard me?

  • @juliavargas4904
    @juliavargas4904 5 років тому

    Alwayz respect thyself iz the best attention.