Kristin Flood
Kristin Flood
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Filosof Einar Øverenget i samtale med Kristin Flood om boken 'Intoleransens inntog' 23. aug. 2022
Boklansering på Litteraturhuset i Oslo 23.august 2022: 'Intoleransens inntog - når sosiale medier truer friheten' (Manuskript forlag). Einar Øverenget inviterer oss til å være mer uenige, mer ærlige, mindre lydige, mer tolerante. Han skriver: 'Sosiale medier er i ferd med å endre vårt fellesskap. Flere kan ta ordet, men under ytringsfrihetens overflate truer en understrøm av konformitet, lydighet og selvsensur.' Hør den spennede samtalen mellom journalist/forfatter Kristin Flood og professor i filosofi Einar Øverenget. Ønsker du å kjøpe boken klikk her:
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DANTE INFERNO easyread. Lettlest skrekk & gru klassiker for alle aldre.
Переглядів 663 роки тому
Forfatter Kristin Flood har komprimert verdenslitteraturen største verk Dantes 'Inferno' fra ca.1500 vers i originalen til 576 vers på folkelig norsk. Resultatet er en spennende skrekkhistorie illustrert av verdensberømte Gustave Doré. Passer som høytlesing for alle aldre og kan bestilles her:
DANTE INFERNO easyread. New book by Kristin Flood.
Переглядів 633 роки тому
Hva sier en av Norges største Dante-eksperter om Kristin Floods lettleste gjenfortelling av Dantes Inferno? Kristin Floods bok ble utgitt i 2021 i forbindelse med Dantes 700 års jubileum og har fått omtaler både i norske og italienske medier. Mer info og boksalg her:
Dante Inferno lettlest norsk Kristin Flood del 3
Переглядів 1383 роки тому
Norwegian author Kristin Flood: Listen carefully - the masterpeace 'Inferno' by Dante has important messages for you today. Forfatter Kristin Flood fra forestillingen på Litteraturhuset i Oslo høsten 2021. Sammen med didjeridoo spilleren Zotora framfører hun utdrag fra sin gjenfortelling 'Dantes Inferno, for de late, grådige og syndige' - utgitt i forbindelse med Dantes 700 års jubileum i 2021....
Dante Inferno lettlest norsk Kristin Flood del 2 intro
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Norwegian author Kristin Flood: why read the masterpeace 'Inferno' by Dante today. Visste du at Dantes Inferno, klassikeren fra 1300-tallet, har aktuelle budskap og er en spennende skrekkhistorie? I Kristin Floods bok 'Dantes Inferno, for de late, grådige og syndige' - utgitt i forbindelse med Dantes 700 års jubileum i 2021 - gjenforteller hun klassikeren på folkelig norsk og på rim. Her er kli...
Dantes Inferno, Norges første popularisering
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Forfatter Kristin Flood har gjenfortalt det verdenskjente verket fra 1300-tallet 'Inferno' av Dante Alighieri på enkelt bokmål - og på rim. Her forteller hun kort om bakgrunnen og arbeidet. I en lengre video forteller hun om hvorfor hun mener innholdet fortsatt er aktuelt i dag, 700 år etter det ble skrevet.
Dantes Inferno - Kristin Flood om hvorfor verket er aktuelt
Переглядів 4423 роки тому
Norsk-italienske Kristin Flood forteller i det 12 minutter lange intervjuet med journalist Hilde Ljøen hvorfor hun har popularisert et av verdenslitteraturens mest berømte verk: Dantes Alighieris 'Inferno'. I det ti år lange arbeidet oppdaget hun hvor aktuelle temaene i historien er, selv om verket ble skrevet for 700 år siden.
Corona Meditation, Oslo forest, March 2020
Переглядів 3804 роки тому
Dear watchers. A sunny day in March 2020 - in a special period when I feel a special connection with all of you through the global Corona Virus - I took a walk in the forest, half an hour from Oslo city center. The peace and the natural flow of nature inspired me to reconnect with my own true peace and nature. I sat down on a stone, listened to the birds and the silence, closed my eyes and drop...
YOGA - FOR SINNET mental trening
Переглядів 2216 років тому
Ønsker du å komme ut av gamle tankemønstre eller oppnå bedre mental fleksibilitet? Forskningen er klar: ved å trene sinnet kan du oppnå dette, men også god helse, velvære og nærvær. Dessuten, et sunt sinn reduserer aldringsprosessen! I denne flunkende nye lydfil-serien får du 7 enkle guidede øvelser på norsk i ulike lengder som er gode å lytte til for bare kr.299. Serien er bygget opp som en tr...
Kristin Flood on Vimeo
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Libro sul destino AMOR FATI Kristin Flood RADIO TV VENEZIA
Переглядів 1426 років тому
After the success of her book AMOR FATI in Norway, Kristin Flood's book has now been published in Italy. In this TV-interview in LIVESOCIAL TV-RADIOVENEZIA she talks about how we can look at our life and destiny from a new perspective. She talks about the MYSTERY OF SILENCE, and her POWERFUL silent retreats that she organizes in Italian monasteries.
Norvegia costa del sud - da una amica a Stavern
Переглядів 4947 років тому
Kristin Flood, giornalista norvegese e scrittrice, residente in Italia, ha lavorato per anni come inviata per la stampa norvegese. Ha il suo canale su You Tube. Di questo filmato scrive: L'estate in Norvegia è breve. Ma quando c'è, è bella. Come in questa giornata di sole dell'estate 2017, sulla costa del sud, vicino al paesino Stavern, famoso per la sua architettura di legno tutta dipinta di b...
Переглядів 938 років тому
Dalle queste meravigliose isole di Oslo si arriva in pochi minuti al porto della capitale norvegese con un vaporetto. Alcune isole hanno delle case mignon e vengono abitate nel periodo estivo. A poca distanza da un centro urbano si trova una dimensione unica di pace e di natura. E d'estate si fanno dei bei bagni.
THE BIG NOW - NÆRVÆR klipp fra lydbok
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Boken 'Nærvær' (CappelenDamm 2015) er nå utgitt som lydbok. Forfatteren Kristin Flood leser boken selv. I dette lydklippet kan du høre et utdrag av lydboken der hun leser kapittel 3 og 4. De to første kapitlene ble lagt ut på nettet da boken ble lansert i september 2015. Klikk på denne linken så kan du lese kap.1 og 2 her: rv r?e=0/15111183
NÆRVÆR - Kristin Flood i studio opptak av lydboken
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NÆRVÆR - Kristin Flood i studio opptak av lydboken
FILMER I BOKEN. Klipp fra øvelse nr. 2 i boken 'Nærvær', 2015.
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FILMER I BOKEN. Klipp fra øvelse nr. 2 i boken 'Nærvær', 2015.
FILMER I BOKEN. Et lite klipp fra øvelse nr.1 i boken 'Nærvær' 2015.
Переглядів 7219 років тому
FILMER I BOKEN. Et lite klipp fra øvelse nr.1 i boken 'Nærvær' 2015.
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Kristin Flood VENICE Neale Donald Walsch about God's voice
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Kristin Flood VENICE Neale Donald Walsch about God's voice
Kristin Flood & Neale Donald Walsch i God morgen Norge
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Kristin Flood & Neale Donald Walsch i God morgen Norge
Redentore Ave Maria - magic celebration in Venice
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Redentore Ave Maria - magic celebration in Venice
Anmeldelse av Kristin Floods bok 'I Frans av Assisis fotspor' NRK
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Anmeldelse av Kristin Floods bok 'I Frans av Assisis fotspor' NRK
Kristin Flood intervju om stillhet NRK P2
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Kristin Flood intervju om stillhet NRK P2
Kristin Flood Stillhetens verdi Verdibørsen NRK P2
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Kristin Flood Stillhetens verdi Verdibørsen NRK P2
Et nytt portrett av Gud. Kristin Flood, Oslo konserthus, 2009.
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Et nytt portrett av Gud. Kristin Flood, Oslo konserthus, 2009.
Venice author's walk with Kristin Flood part 2
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Venice author's walk with Kristin Flood part 2
Venice author's walk with Kristin Flood part 1
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Venice author's walk with Kristin Flood part 1
Kristin Flood i Venezia forfatterens byvandring del 2
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Kristin Flood i Venezia forfatterens byvandring del 2
Kristin Flood i Venezia forfatterens byvandring del 1
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Kristin Flood i Venezia forfatterens byvandring del 1


  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Iam from Wakefield Yorkshire

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    I got in his head❤

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Sorry Queen 😂😂😂😂

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Worker bee live 12 years worker 35 days

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    No sleeping and no toilets ❤🎉

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    No apples🎉

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Royal jelly not rocket science ❤

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Sun gazing

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Hemp seeds will tell the world every thing soon❤

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Please thanks ❤

  • @Johnsimon-d7z
    @Johnsimon-d7z Місяць тому

    Can you tell him i will see him soon❤

  • @revivalquest
    @revivalquest Місяць тому

    Think about all the short cuts you took in trying to learn anything profound (e.g. cheating in calculous in high school, or cliff notes in college), thinking you could achieve mastery of the subject without putting in the recommended time to do so. Now, be honest, did you beat time and effort or did time and effort withhold that which only it could convey? While this gentleman is seemingly well meaning, he is not the short cut anyone committed to ultimate truth would want to take. Instead, may I suggest you put in the time and effort (and soul searching, and wrestling with God) to read the Bible (My research and experience indicates the New American Standard has the highest fidelity in translations, get one with study or commentary notes) from cover to cover, including commentary exposition when helpful. The accuracy of your source of truth must be impeccable--you see i don't just trust any translation of the Bible, I do my due diligence to ensure I have the most accurate one to convey information from the original ancient languages into todays modern English language. Contrary to what people who don't bother fact checking those who repeat the widespread myth that only the King James Version is acceptable, it is Not the KJV. Do you see that when the stakes involved are your entire eternity, not just a month's vacation, making sure your ultimate decisions are based on rock solid accurate information is priceless? Only fools would bet their life on a half-baked unproven theory not supported by rigorous methodical evaluation and analysis. Which brings me to my point here. I urge you not to take what you believe to be a short-cut in developing a relationship with the Almighty Living God by listening to this gentleman. As someone who has heard from God myself and read the entire Bible many times over, this seemingly nice man is, in fact, deceived by the evil one in disguise. Yes, perhaps 95% of what he says is in fact true, but it is that 5 % of demonic deception that is enough to derail your life and destroy your eternity! If you knew the Bible you would have learned that the devil is too smart to come as himself, he comes disguised as an angel of light. A con man doesn't tell you he is about to con you. So, as someone who has had conversations with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit myself, each individually, who are together God Almighty, not just "God", trust me when I urge you to read the Bible. There are no short-cuts to divine relationship and divine revelation, and an eternity with the Almighty Living God in paradise. I guarantee you will thank me eternally for this advice once you follow it and have your eyes opened.

  • @sushildhakal4218
    @sushildhakal4218 3 місяці тому


  • @jakihall7015
    @jakihall7015 5 місяців тому

    The best of all Neale 😊

  • @pantherpiss500
    @pantherpiss500 5 місяців тому

    She said how can I know that this voice is not my fantasy. Neal responded it is your fantasy. He said this is the problem, people keep trying to separate themselves from god but @12:45 he said he was told that this would one day become a book. So a voice told him that, not a fantasy. Of course everything is one so in a sense it was himself who told him this would one day become a book but what she is asking is was it a conscious dialogue or was he getting answers without himself consciously answering himself. He must know what she meant as he himself was bewildered by the conversation he was having with god to start with but he chose to be mysterious in his answer, a bit like god was when talking to him.

  • @kevinfarrell523
    @kevinfarrell523 7 місяців тому

    We will only know at death. Bit late then.

  • @heavenandheavenonly562
    @heavenandheavenonly562 9 місяців тому

    Thank you Neale.. God bless

  • @kevinfarrell523
    @kevinfarrell523 Рік тому

    Suspicious man . . .

  • @jinehbachavez28
    @jinehbachavez28 Рік тому

    She was not thrilled about the picture. I was like, wow! you are right! We are in sync!

  • @tajammal40
    @tajammal40 Рік тому

    This Man is telling the truth. I doubt he has not seen God. He is just stopping short of telling the whole reality of his relationship with the Almighty. He is beautiful.

  • @viviankankam9704
    @viviankankam9704 Рік тому

    Neal Donald Walsh has been & to this day talking to the kind of God I just LOVE!!! 💞 ♾️💞

  • @thomasnorman4221
    @thomasnorman4221 Рік тому may have been talking to the ego god..the God of the tiny mad idea..the God whom some believe made the world and the bodies in it...this is not the real God..

  • @lencoller6477
    @lencoller6477 Рік тому

    Thanks Donald,so honest,so true,and also funny as all great teachers are.Gods working though you, articulated perfectly for 21st century,the age of enlightenment. Once again thank you ❤️☺️☺️

  • @uranenkh8168
    @uranenkh8168 2 роки тому

    He is a real messenger from God ❤️

  • @javietrodriguez492
    @javietrodriguez492 2 роки тому

    Amo a este Dios de amor que Neale me ayudó a conocer , gracias .

  • @happierabroad
    @happierabroad 2 роки тому

    The audiobooks of CWG are much better. The narrators in them have soothing and comforting voices that are very pleasant to listen to. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind everyone, when reading CWG do not label each teaching as True or False. Just ask yourself if the world would be better if everyone believed in its teachings, and the answer is a definite YES! Also keep in mind that just because some of it doesn't fit your beliefs doesn't mean it's false. And just because some of it sounds like New Age claptrap doesn't mean that it is untrue. It could be that your beliefs are wrong or not comprehensive enough. If you ponder or reflect on its teachings, often you will realize that the teachings you thought were wrong have some truth in them after all, if not mostly true then semi-true at least. Regardless, there are a ton of gems and golden nuggets of wisdom and truth in CWG. So don't dismiss it all just because you disagree with some of it. I don't claim all of it is correct or that I agree with all of is, but much of it probably is true in some sense. Btw, there are 7 books in the series now, not just 3.

    • @garychartrand7378
      @garychartrand7378 2 роки тому

      I DO agree with ALL of it. I have worked directly for God for 14+years now and I KNOW that all of the material IS valid. In January 2008 God gave me a job description that says " I am sending you out by the Power of my Spirit to Release those bound by Fear, to Proclaim Forgiveness, and to Show Love to ALL men". Ironically, I don't have to like you but it is necessary that I love you. The blueprint for Heaven on Earth is contained in CWG. It's just a matter of a decision between Love (God) and Fear (Ego). No effort required nor money, nor power, nor education, or anything else. It's just a CHOICE - Love or Fear. If you are a non-believer, then you are NOT part of the problem - YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!

  • @2msvalkyrie529
    @2msvalkyrie529 2 роки тому

    Why do creeps like him and Eckhart Tolle always speak in that fake , insidious serial killer voice ?

  • @2msvalkyrie529
    @2msvalkyrie529 2 роки тому

    " I hate to be so trite ".......Why ! It's earned you a fortune !! Based on plagiarizing the works of earlier thinkers.

  • @christinam8854
    @christinam8854 3 роки тому

    I love him I relate to everything

  • @gorettemonizmelo1756
    @gorettemonizmelo1756 3 роки тому

    Neale u are good homme personne Sprite Just like me think of God friend botter father Jeuse deviner Spritely Truthly thèse belive or on belive u can not déni what see belive i for one DO belive God Jeuse triste in him pary for truth soûl and heart is belive see belive what see not aussi it so réal i am changed belive what u see and beautful God aroud alwayys were we go

  • @gorettemonizmelo1756
    @gorettemonizmelo1756 3 роки тому

    God is devine In Sprite and turth

  • @gorettemonizmelo1756
    @gorettemonizmelo1756 3 роки тому

    I shell remmber comment respectful and falloir

  • @gorettemonizmelo1756
    @gorettemonizmelo1756 3 роки тому

    I only one book my life my famille me but it d'identifier sell but give docters nurses familles 50 books i would like give u Neale à book of my thx u Neale

    • @gorettemonizmelo1756
      @gorettemonizmelo1756 3 роки тому

      God Bless u Bless u Neale your freind MariaGorette MonizMelo thx u God Jeuse i not arfied any more Neale make understand May God Jeuse pray for Neale God Jeuse I DO to Neale God Jeuse I DO see in see him in person

  • @buck_maize111
    @buck_maize111 3 роки тому

    Interesting that he says listen to your internal voice.. mine is saying to me this is BS.. it's pretty convenient that God is silent to all people on earth.. but just happens to start a conversation with a journalist.. 😏.. and no one is bothered by this? Alarm bells are ringing here.. He seems like a beautiful man.. and I've listened to his books and interviews.. but my internal voice is warning me about something wrong.. who knows.. maybe my internal voice is a dick 😆

  • @adamjona98
    @adamjona98 3 роки тому

    I recieved some of the clearest messages by Neale's contribution. I'm very thankful for that.

  • @kathleenturner7138
    @kathleenturner7138 3 роки тому

    Each person responds based on their present level of consciousness. Sometimes they don’t get it...then later they will. Don’t worry about reaching only one out of every five.

    • @garychartrand7378
      @garychartrand7378 2 роки тому

      It's more like 1 in a 1000. I'm not worried though because I understand God's Perfect System and, in the end, ALL souls WILL evolve back to God's Presence. His/Her/It's Will shall be done - BUT He will NEVER force you or anyone. Wether you know it or not, or like it or not, WE ARE in the most capable 'hands' in all existence. Bless you.

  • @declancrawford6552
    @declancrawford6552 3 роки тому

    Is it not easy to say people wont wake up when u have been blessed with and answered. I want to wake up and let go of my badge more than anything

  • @sergeysednew1366
    @sergeysednew1366 3 роки тому

    Здравствуйте, я хочу предать Нилу послание, да я знаю у него есть сайт и не один, но я сейчас не об этом. Я, прочитал, все вышедшие книги на данный момент Нила, мощно. не спорю, есть ответы на многие вопросы, но вот как я понял, Нил решил устроить некую революцию-эволюцию сознания... Поверьте это очень смешно, его революция как и все революции потерпит крах, хотя кое-чего она безусловно добьётся. Города Мандалы, город Солнца и др. и пр... Прекрасно, замечательно, но... Как и все революционеры реформаторы Нил не учитывает одной маленькой, но очень существенной детали... Какой?!? ИДЕАЛЬНЫЙ МИР СТРОИТСЯ НЕ ИЗ ИДЕАЛЬНЫХ ИДЕЙ, А ИЗ ИДЕАЛЬНЫХ ЛЮДЕЙ/СУЩЕСТВ... М-да... Что говорить, что если даже Отец основатель Нил, не очень идеален. Конечно, всё зависит от уровня сознания людей и ваша критическая масса не поможет... Давайте, с вами заключим джентельменское пари, что вы не преобразуете общество так как вы его видите и описываете, общество само преобразует и интегрирует ваши идеи под себя, если они ему будут нужны. Как писал, Эрик Бёрн, в целом у человечества как вида нет никаких шансов, у отдельных людей есть. И от себя добавлю, нельзя спасти тех, кто не хочет спасаться. Насильно мил не будешь! Седнев С.В.

  • @nanjappakuttaiah870
    @nanjappakuttaiah870 4 роки тому

    Neil, am really happy the universal energy chose an articulate person like you to give his message to us, you've freed me from unnecessary ritualisim to connect to God who resides within us, and operates through us. Now we're best friends. Thanks a million. Love Priya and Nanju, Bangalore India

  • @sechabadiphoko6465
    @sechabadiphoko6465 4 роки тому

    God is our highest fantasy. Neale

  • @silvialindley6188
    @silvialindley6188 4 роки тому

    I love and appreciate all you do, write and say. It really kick in the most beautiful way my consciousness of who I always knew that I was and that I AM. Thank you so much for transmitting Gods massage in a perfect way💓💓💓 I feel and understand you perfectly 🤗

  • @mariannenekky2948
    @mariannenekky2948 4 роки тому

    Tusen takk ❤️

  • @Ashs-mini-vlogs
    @Ashs-mini-vlogs 4 роки тому

    Jus started reading his first book

  • @danutar.8558
    @danutar.8558 5 років тому

    Je veux cherche a la librairie !!! C'est a la librairie je veux commande , si il le la en français , je comprends pas tout en anglais !!!

  • @danutar.8558
    @danutar.8558 5 років тому

    Je vais voir le reste demain !!! Bon nuit , d'orme bien !!! B.

  • @hannievandereep279
    @hannievandereep279 5 років тому

    Very intriguing conversation. I would only want to advice Neale on focussing on his development of compassion as compassion is a high worthy part of Love. That’s the remark I want to make after his words on self responsibility, whereby in the way, he corrects himself. The divine Love, and as we are all one, has a high dose of compassion, as we can learn from by example the Dalai Lama. You can’t teach a child the stuff that the child is not capable to learn, as his consciousness isn’t enough developed yet. In my work as a psychiatric nurse, once a colleague called a mental handicapped client ‘stupid’. Then I told that mental handicapped client “ ‘she who says you are stupid, is even more stupid than you’, thats what you should say to her”. I don’t think she understood, but she had to chuckle a bit. But this is what its all about: It doesn’t make sense to be so harsh on people who don’t get it. People get it when their consciousnesses gets a certain level and then the light gets through the crack in the wall and the “Aha-Erlebnis ” follows. Instantly they catch it. And then that leads to another level in their spiritual consciousness. But that can only be taught by loving awareness and in a compassionate way. The new testament has lots of phrases on this compassionate loving awareness. Read for example 1 Corinthians 13:13 about love: I would like a conversation on this topic, compassion. Thanks for all, but I will surely read (a part of ) Neale’s books. Thanks for sharing this knowledge.

  • @google12greekmythsthatprove.
    @google12greekmythsthatprove. 5 років тому

    IF the Bible WAS only GOD ELOHIM'S WORDS and not also MIXED with MAN'S words called RELIGION in an attempt to control the MASSES with their lies then the MUSLIMS would be FORCED to swear on ONLY THE BIBLE IN COURT yes? BUT the Muslim only swears on the Quran Book because religion is NOT a GOD thing but of a MAN - HUMAN-KIND thing ONLY pushing their OWN BELIEF SYSTEM.

  • @nikkic83
    @nikkic83 5 років тому

    There is something about legal pads. Eckart Tolle, Wayne Dyer and Neal Walsch all used one during their awakening and for their writings which then became a book.

    • @2msvalkyrie529
      @2msvalkyrie529 2 роки тому

      Also they have in common : they are all con artists . !!

    • @garychartrand7378
      @garychartrand7378 2 роки тому

      @@2msvalkyrie529 I work directly for God for 14 years now and I can testify that they are legitimate. The problem here (and it's not really a problem) is that you need more evolving. YOU need to have a higher consciousness than you presently display. It's not a problem because, thanks to God's Perfect System, one day (or lifetime) you WILL 'GET IT'. Of this you have no choice - but God will NEVER force you. We are ALL going to return to Him/Her/It (God - Source). It's just that there's a faster way than you are currently aware of. Wether you know it or not or like it or not - WE are in the most capable and Loving 'hands' in all existence. Bless you.

  • @natashajacobs7685
    @natashajacobs7685 5 років тому

    love vs fear* i choose love

  • @kyotosal
    @kyotosal 5 років тому

    You are the Universe Kristin........Sal : )