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Champions League 11/12 preview
Twitter: AntonAlfy
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Song: Arcade Fire: Ready To Start
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Twitter: AntonAlfy Vk: antonalfyvids Facebook: TheAntonAlfy


  • @rodneyquinn2528
    @rodneyquinn2528 10 місяців тому

    Your music was gay af 😂

  • @RdamWest
    @RdamWest 11 місяців тому

    Only faults….💀😂

  • @drownem2920
    @drownem2920 Рік тому

    The first 2 challenges are 2 foot challenges 🤣🤣

  • @hieunguyenthi2185
    @hieunguyenthi2185 Рік тому

    Welcome back home 🤗🇻🇳🐐🇵🇹

  • @Ayaankhan0110
    @Ayaankhan0110 Рік тому


  • @crazyexplorer7202
    @crazyexplorer7202 Рік тому

    Did he save anything?

  • @adolfryan1930
    @adolfryan1930 Рік тому

    He was a great player very underrated. Had a great right foot on him

  • @mark4045
    @mark4045 Рік тому

    How many years did Ferguson have to win all those trophies? I don’t doubt that he is a great manager, but he isn’t the best ever! Bob paisley had only 9 years and he won 20 trophies including 3 European cups! Ferguson won 2 European cups in 25 years. Yes he won more but he had more than twice the length of time to do it! Pro rata bob paisley is by far the most successful manager ever. And amongst proper Liverpool fans it’s not even him who is regarded as the best manager for us! We see bill shankley as the best ever and that is because it was him who took us from a second division team to the pinnacle of the English league and a powerhouse in Europe! He was the footprint for what is now Liverpool football club. Everyone else has followed on from his lead and then it was bob paisley who won such a lot of trophies in such a concentrated amount of time! Per trophy per season, then Alex Ferguson can not compete with bob paisley!

  • @likeicare300
    @likeicare300 2 роки тому

    All bad tackles. Players like him can't last in 2020s

  • @arfurdaley6399
    @arfurdaley6399 2 роки тому

    Fkg music on the background !! 🤬

  • @nickybutt9733
    @nickybutt9733 2 роки тому

    Gorgeous Gaz

  • @xyloto8
    @xyloto8 2 роки тому

    Underrated 🙌🏻

  • @akajeremy
    @akajeremy 2 роки тому

    dafuq is this song choice

  • @FF-oo8nz
    @FF-oo8nz 2 роки тому

    Shouldve shown his celebration when Rio scored against Liverpool, shows his great passion for the club

  • @amcds2867
    @amcds2867 2 роки тому

    fouls galore!

  • @Lim_Korea
    @Lim_Korea 3 роки тому

    What is the ‘bgm’ title??

  • @martintg94
    @martintg94 3 роки тому

    I truly miss his warrior mentality. Not one in the team is even close to his level.

  • @krisreece7729
    @krisreece7729 3 роки тому

    Had to instantly go off the video because of the music lmao

  • @kavirajnegi
    @kavirajnegi 3 роки тому

    I thought it was a parody

  • @lil_babycodm7072
    @lil_babycodm7072 3 роки тому


  • @delmanpronto9374
    @delmanpronto9374 3 роки тому

    i thought this was a parody lol

  • @hartzldn
    @hartzldn 3 роки тому

    Devastatingly AVERAGE player. No better then Carragher, literally.

    • @L_Martin
      @L_Martin 2 роки тому

      soldiers, no generals. An army needs both.

  • @zephyrblade6238
    @zephyrblade6238 3 роки тому

    i dont know much about football. but i made it to this video on purpose. Im going to play football someday, and I have gary to thank for that. gg cheers. I love you all

  • @SuperTrojan64
    @SuperTrojan64 3 роки тому


  • @pahrimnc6764
    @pahrimnc6764 3 роки тому


  • @harshitmishra2143
    @harshitmishra2143 3 роки тому

    I miss those days . Crying while watching

  • @El-Mac795
    @El-Mac795 3 роки тому

    Shit player 😂🤦‍♂️

  • @alexdavis2925
    @alexdavis2925 3 роки тому

    The fuck is this music

  • @yk6bangy400
    @yk6bangy400 3 роки тому

    Whos here after the European super league dispute

  • @dogussahin
    @dogussahin 3 роки тому

    Greatest truck on football. Is this really the best skills you got for a defender?

  • @faisalifitness
    @faisalifitness 3 роки тому

    Mr consistent

  • @theoldschool730
    @theoldschool730 3 роки тому

    I crying, i miss this cristiano ronaldo 😢😔

  • @wannasupapporn3978
    @wannasupapporn3978 3 роки тому

    The lejend of Manchester United for ever

  • @tzuyuhypetrain9791
    @tzuyuhypetrain9791 3 роки тому

    The most underrated players in the history of Premier League. Look at Gary Neville, Phil Neville, John O'Shea, Vidic, Anderson, Rafael,Carrick, Fletcher, Paul Scholes (my favourite midfielder), Ji Sung Park and so on. You name it. They used to play football not fame but for the love of the Game. And our genius beloved Coach Sir Alex. ❤❤❤

  • @panarabityt5579
    @panarabityt5579 3 роки тому


  • @choochoobe
    @choochoobe 3 роки тому

    Like an amalgamated Chuckle Brother and Sporty Spice. Legend

  • @EdzKK93
    @EdzKK93 3 роки тому

    This guy is like the old aurier🤣🤣😂😂🤣

  • @HH-oz9pf
    @HH-oz9pf 3 роки тому

    Kids these days think Neville is just a fun talker...

  • @predictivetextisforaunts
    @predictivetextisforaunts 4 роки тому

    Nice to see a soccer video without that dreadful music. Decent choice.

  • @cloudvoid0
    @cloudvoid0 4 роки тому

    One of my all-time favorite players.

    @PAARYNAKAKKU-xd2fv 4 роки тому

    one of my idols

  • @andreygalkin8870
    @andreygalkin8870 4 роки тому

    Back when players were actually scared of defenders..god I awfully miss this style of football

  • @radithyamajdi8888
    @radithyamajdi8888 4 роки тому

    This Captainnn

  • @geothermal
    @geothermal 4 роки тому

    2:14 Gotta make out with teammates. #lockerroomlove

  • @RajSingh-ik3og
    @RajSingh-ik3og 4 роки тому

    ji sung park

  • @laser1923
    @laser1923 4 роки тому

    What an awful video man

  • @josedavidalvarado22
    @josedavidalvarado22 4 роки тому

    A true legend.

  • @0000miga
    @0000miga 4 роки тому

    Capitanazo, en mi equipo siempre

  • @otherhumans6171
    @otherhumans6171 4 роки тому

    Find me a more boring bog standard footballer

  • @MultiZeek
    @MultiZeek 4 роки тому
