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Country Club Road Church of Christ - Tucson
United States
Приєднався 9 кві 2017
A Handy Guide To Personal Work
December 15, 2024 -- Sunday Morning
Brenden Ashby
Country Club Road Church of Christ
145 N Country Club Road
Tucson, Arizona 85716
Brenden Ashby
Country Club Road Church of Christ
145 N Country Club Road
Tucson, Arizona 85716
Переглядів: 12
The Word of The Year
Переглядів 21День тому
December 8, 2024 Sunday Evening Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
A Growing Church
Переглядів 15День тому
December 8, 2024 Sunday Morning Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Seeking A Deeper Devotion
Переглядів 3114 днів тому
December 1, 2024 Sunday Morning Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
The Sabbath Day
Переглядів 4421 день тому
November 24, 2024 Sunday Evening Bill Robinson Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Witnesses of Jesus
Переглядів 2621 день тому
November 24, 2024 Sunday Morning Hugh DeLong Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
November 17, 2024 Sunday Evening Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Sound Doctrine
Переглядів 16Місяць тому
November 17, 2024 Sunday Morning Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Did We Forget?
Переглядів 17Місяць тому
November 10, 2024 Sunday Evening Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
The Other Side of Repentance
Переглядів 17Місяць тому
November 10, 2024 Sunday Morning Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Be Strong in the Lord
Переглядів 30Місяць тому
November 3, 2024 Sunday Evening Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Cross Shaped Relationships
Переглядів 292 місяці тому
October 6, 2024 Sunday Evening Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Переглядів 392 місяці тому
October 6, 2024 Sunday Morning Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
King Jesus
Переглядів 332 місяці тому
September 22, 2024 Sunday Evening Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Faith Is...
Переглядів 242 місяці тому
September 22, 2024 Sunday Morning Brenden Ashby Country Club Road Church of Christ 145 N Country Club Road Tucson, Arizona 85716 churchofchristtucson.org
Oh country song is Tim McGraw live like you were dying.
Thanks for finding that!
I am watching listening and see a new visitor flying around? Is that a glitch in the Matrix?
He was definitely an unexpected visitor!
Greetings brother!
We're glad you found our videos. We hope they are encouraging to you!
Outstanding Sermon.
Thank you!
I am learning the Lord's prayers teaching. How to pray to my father God. Your sermon was very informative. It broke it down , and it did so much to make it clearer to me. The Word Hallow , Your Kingdom, an example for instruction. Head and heart engaged Training wheels for growing Christian Write out your prayer Prayer does not need to be complicated. Direct from the heart. Quality vs. quantity Thank you. I also read that the Holy Spirit will help me where I am weak God knows my heart Again, thank you. Thank you
We are so glad you found this sermon to be helpful to you as you grow in prayer!
When I saw brother Dave was preaching, I had to watch. Thank you for preaching to me in my youth. Lori from Strawberry. :)
We will make sure Dave get's your message. We're glad you enjoyed the sermon!
Good Sermon
Glad you enjoyed it!
"More is caught than taught." Amen, brother! Kids watch what you do, which tells them loud and clear what's important or not.
Thank you!
It's nice to hear a presentation based on sound hermeneutics. Today's version of "tithing" has no biblical precedent but yes, we should give as we can, money or otherwise, to a church or otherwise. Giving is front and center in the Christian worldview but we are free to give, not bound to pay.
Thank you Mark, we are glad you were encouraged by the sermon!
I was baptized at your church almost 17 yrs ago. God bless.
Great to hear, thank you!
Thank you.
You're welcome!
Great lesson. Anxious to hear the others. Thank you for doing work for the Lord.
Thanks for listening!
I’m still thrown off by verse 30 and 31, especially 31
Thank you for your comment and question. vv.29-31 Jesus is using the same kind of judgement language as the Old Testament Prophets did when they announced judgement upon Israel (cf.Isa. 13:9-13; Exek. 32:7; Joel 2:10; 3:15). The language about gathering the people of God together is also, similar to other Old Testament passages (cf. Deut. 30:3-4; Isa. 43:6; Jer. 32:37). In short Jesus is using the same kind of language here as the Old Testament prophets to announce the end of the covenant with Israel (Cf. Matt. 23:13-39; Jer. 31:31-34). Hope this helps!
Excellent as always. Thanks Brenden 👍
You're welcome. We are glad you got a lot out of the lesson!
I like the word of God
So glad you enjoy God's Word!
👍Excellent teaching!
Glad it was helpful!
I'm enlightened, honestly!
We're very glad that you were encouraged by the teaching!
Excellent sermon, thank you so much! Debra Jones
You're very welcome. Glad you were encouraged by the teaching!
Wow very sad just 4 comments to a beautiful sermon like that. Very good sermon brother
We're glad you were encouraged by the teaching!
To know him, to love him, to obey him, to abide in him and to bear fruit. So powerful and unforgettable.
Soul stirring. Thank you for taking this beautiful message beyond Country Club Road, beyond Tucson and Arizona.
Our pleasure! Glad you were encouraged by the teaching!
Inspiring message.
Thank you and we agree!
Uplifting lesson.
Thank you for sharing God;'s Word.
You are very welcome, Rae. We're glad you are watching!
Amen sir. I’m thankful for this era of America. It will wake a lot of people up.
Thanks for watching!
“No prayer is wasted.” How wonderful. That put a smile on my face and heart.
Thank you, we're glad you were encouraged by the lesson!
How can I get a study guide?
You can either email us or contact us through our website and request a physical or digital copy. Thank you for your interest in spiritual things! preacher@churchofchristtucson.org website churchofchristtucson.org/contact
I just wanted you to know that I really appreciated the complete reading of Philippians in the class tonight. There are aspects of books of the Bible that are only readily seen when all of a text is read at once. Thanks for doing that!
You're very welcome James!
Class begins at 17:25
Excellent sermon! I really appreciated the talk of two extremes. It is tempting to lose heart in this world and be really discouraged. I am glad that Brenden acknowledged those concepts. We shouldn't ignore them. The encouragement to not be indifferent was helpful too. Thanks to you all for your labor for the Lord.
Thank you James, we're glad you found the sermon to be helpful!
I have a much better understanding of Baptism
So glad to hear that Ann!
The Story of David referenced in class comes from 2 Samuel 24:18-25 (not 1 Kings) and the mans name was Araunah the Jebusite (not Uriah the Hittite). Misremembered the name and the Scripture reference and wanted to be sure it was corrected. - Brenden A.
Enjoyed learning more of the Gospel of Luke.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
I've never read Mark but you sure have catured my interest. Thank you God Bless
You are very welcome!
Very informative and helpful. You have a great way of conveying.
Glad you think so!
Is your church in Tucson AZ?
Hi Rusty! Yes, we are in Tucson AZ. Our address in 145 N. Country Club Road. We are meeting right now on Sunday's at 10 AM. We also livestream our services on our channel. Hope to see you soon!
@@churchofchristtucson my plan is to come back to a church by the first of the year. I'm looking for a new church! FYI I have cerebral palsy and I'm in a wheelchair.
That's great to hear Rusty. You would be welcomed! If you'd like to communicate further you can email us directly at churchofchristtucson.org/contact
Thank you. Ive read 1st John many times. You have a way with clarifying what I seem to miss. Appreciate.
You're very welcome!
Thank you
You're welcome!
"Do the work of an Evangelist" could be a lesson in and of itself.
Not only was I better informed on the Book of Titus but I was also very uplifted.
So glad to hear that!
Also many feel that the main qualification is that an elder "desires" the job. All are important
Good preaching! Thank-you! It was encouraging-
You are welcome!
Thank you I've learned a lot.
Thanks for letting us know, we are glad these videos are helpful!
Thank you for your good survey of the book, and directly quoting the sources you used (instead of just going by memory or hearsay), that are outside of the Word of God!
You're very welcome!
All throughout the New Testament the internal problem that came from within the church was either Judaism teachers trying to go back to the old law, or Gentiles trying to incorporate their teaching into church doctrine.
Absolutely right. Sadly, it didn't stop with the Judaism teachers or the Gentiles.