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《连鸡胸肉都贼好吃!》今晚烤鸡,大吉大利!原来烤全鸡要这样烤啊!表皮金黄诱人!肉质软嫩多汁!香味十足吃不腻!Roast whole chicken with vegetable! Juicy!
今晚烤鸡 | Tonight Roast Chicken
Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙)
Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙)
材料 Ingredients
一只鸡1.8公克 - Whole Chicken 1.8kg
(腌制酱 Marinate Sauce)
40克酱油 - 40g Soy Sauce
20克蚝油 - 20g Oyster Sauce
20克糖 - 20g Sugar
5克生芫茜 - 5g Coriander
4克白胡椒 - 4g White Pepper
2克迷迭香 - 2g Rosemary
9克蒜粉 - 9g Garlic Powder
12克盐巴 - 12g Salt
10克食油 - 10g Cooking Oil
50克蜂蜜 - 50g Honey
40克融化牛油 - 40g Melted Butter
4粒马铃薯 - 4pcs Potatoes
1条玉米 - 1pc Corn
1颗西兰花 - 1pc Broccoli
1条胡萝卜 - 1pc Carrot
1粒红灯笼椒 - 1pc Red Capsicum
16粒小番茄 - 16pcs Cherry tomatoes
10条扁豆 - 10pcs Lentils
1茶匙盐焗粉 - 1tsp Salt-bake Powder
1茶匙蒜粉 - 1tsp Garlic Powder
胡椒粉 - Pepper
1汤匙食油 - 1tbsp Cooking oil
01.将整只鸡里外清洗干净, 用纸吸干水份
Clean the whole chicken, dry the skin with kitchen towel
02.调制腌鸡料, 均匀涂抹整只鸡
Make marination sauce, spread evenly on the whole chicken
03.把鸡装袋, 放冰箱腌制一个晚上
Put chicken into plastic bag and chill for 1 night
Cut potatoes and fry until slightly golden
05.预热烤箱220℃, 苹果切成4块塞鸡肚里
Preheat oven to 220℃, cut apple into 4 and put inside chicken
06.用竹签把鸡封起来, 草绳绑鸡腿定形
Seal the chicken with bamboo stick, Tie the drumstick with rope
07.烤鸡分4次烤25分钟, 然后调蜂蜜牛油酱
Bake the chicken 4 time 25mins each, make honey-butter sauce
08.将玉米, 西兰花, 萝卜汆烫调味捞匀
Boil corn, broccoli and carrot, then apply seasoning
09.第1次烤好后刷蜂蜜酱, 鸡翻面烤第2次
First bake done, brush honey-butter sauce,
flip over the chicken and bake for 2nd time
10.红灯笼椒, 扁豆, 小番茄加入食油捞匀
Pour some oil on red capsicum, lentils and
cherry tomatoes and mix them
11.将蔬菜放新烤盘上, 烤鸡翻面刷蜂蜜酱和菜一起烤第3次
Put veges on new tray, flip over the chicken and put on top of veges,
brush honey-butter sauce and bake for 3rd time (dont put broccoli)
12. 25分钟后, 烤鸡刷酱, 鸡腿 & 鸡翅膀包上锡纸避免烤焦,
After 25mins, brush sauce again, drumstick &
chicken wing wrap aluminum foil, add broccoli and bake for 4th time
13.第4次25分钟后, 烤鸡就可以出炉了
When the timer rings, roast chicken is beautifully done
Переглядів: 199


《Hao Hao Sit》客家游子心心念念的经典小吃算盘子!好芋头年年有得算!软糯Q弹!裹满酱汁一口一个爽!加了秘密武器味道更鲜香浓郁!Malaysian Hakka Yam Abacus!
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轻松学会马来西亚客家经典小吃算盘子!How to cook Hakka Yam Abacus! Malaysia Flavor! Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 430克芋头 (还没去皮) - 430g Yam (havent remove skin) 150克鸡肉碎 - 150g Minced Chicken 150克木薯粉 - 150g Tapioca Starch 60克食水 - 60g Water 40克澄粉 - 40g Wheat Starch 6粒小葱头 - 6 pcs Shallots 30克虾米 - 30g Dry Shrimps 30克鱿鱼丝 - 30g Dry Shredded Squid 5瓣蒜头 - 5 cloves Garlic 6粒香菇 - 6 pcs Mushrooms 6条蒜苗...
汤圆Q弹的秘诀!下锅完全不会裂那么神奇?!花生黑芝麻鸳鸯汤圆!馅料面皮全部自己做才好吃!赶快学起来让家人有口福!Secret of Nice Chewy Glutinous Rice ball!
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花生黑芝麻汤圆 | Peanut & Black Sesame Glutinous Rice Ball Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients (花生馅料 Peanut Filling) 100克花生 - 100g Peanuts 15克白 - 15g Sugar 2汤匙融化牛油 - 2 tbsp Melted Butter 1汤匙蜂蜜 - 1 tbsp Honey (黑芝麻馅料 Black Sesame Filling) 40克黑芝麻 - 40g Black Sesame 20克白 - 20g Sugar 1汤匙融化牛油 - 1 tbsp Melted Butter 1汤匙蜂蜜 - 1 tbsp Honey (面皮 Dough) (青色 Green) 150克糯米粉 - 150g Glutinous Flour 1...
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冰花煎饺 | Fried Skirt Dumpling Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients (馅料 Filling) 350克猪肉碎 - 300g Minced Pork 1颗蛋 - 1 Egg 5克老抽 - 5g Dark Soy Sauce 10克姜末 - 10g Ginger Paste 150克虾仁 - 150g Shrimp 2汤匙蚝油 - 2 tbsp Oyster Sauce 1/4茶匙盐巴 - 1/4 tsp Salt 200克韭菜 - 200g Leek 1汤匙食油 - 1 tbsp Cooking Oil 1汤匙麻油 - 1 tbsp Sesame Oil 适量胡椒粉 - Pepper (面皮 Dough) 300克中筋面粉 - 300g All Purpose Flour 1/4茶匙盐巴 -...
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放凉也Q弹软糯的Kuih Koci?!香兰三角椰丝粿!娘惹经典糕点!Secret of Kuih Koci remain chewy after sat cold revealed! Nyonya Delicacy Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 馅料 | Filling 120克椰 - 120g gula melaka 200克嫩椰丝 - 200g shredded coconut 50毫升水 - 50ml water 1/4盐巴 - 1/4 tbsp of salt 2片班兰叶打结 - 2pcs pandan leaves tied 玉米淀粉水= 1汤匙玉米粉 2汤匙水 Cornstarch water = 1tbsp corn starch powder 2tbsp water 面皮 | Dough 8...
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营养好吃容易煮?!香甜软糯南瓜饭!不懂要煮什么时就来个古早味一锅熟!Dont know what to cook?Pumpkin rice!Nutricious and Simplicious Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 2杯米 - 2cups Rice 500毫升水 - 500ml Water 200克猪肉 - 200g Pork 2个蒜瓣 - 2 cloves Garlic 400克南瓜 - 400g pumpkin 40克虾米 - 40g Dry shrimp 8粒蚝干 - 8pcs Dry oyster 8粒小葱头 - 8pcs Shallots 4粒香·菇 - 4pcs Mushroom 调味 | Seasoning 适量酱油 - moderate Soy sauce 一汤匙蚝油 - Osyte...
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当南洋叁峇邂逅印度香料的完美结合!马来嘛嘛鸡!身在异乡最怀念的mamak档风味!一口鸡一口饭!真香!How to cook Ayam mamak at home!Sedap! Mamak在马来语是指印裔回教徒,他们开的餐馆叫mamak档,每间mamak档都会有这道招牌菜 Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 1条青辣椒 -1pcs Red chili 1条红辣椒 - 1pcs Green chili 2粒番茄 - 2pcs tomatoes 3条辣椒叶 - 3pcs Curry leaves 1条香茅 - 1pcs Lemon grass 2片班兰叶 - 2pcs Pandan leaves 2个肉桂 - 2pcs Cinnamon 1个八角 - 1pcs Star anise 叁峇料 | Sambal tumis...
《小娘惹》里的香辣虾糯米卷!菊香传承的经典娘惹美食文化!新马地道食谱!Rempah Udang nyonya culture! Makanan tradisi peranakan!
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《小娘惹》里的香辣虾糯米卷!菊香传承的经典娘惹美食文化!Rempah Udang nyonya culture! Makanan tradisi peranakan! Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 香蕉叶 - Banana Leaf 适量兰花水 - Butterfly Pea Water 500克糯米饭 - 500g Glutinous Rice (椰浆水 Coconut milk water) 250克清水 - 250g Water 100克椰浆 - 100g Coconut milk 2汤匙白 - 2tbsp Sugar 1茶匙盐巴 - 1tsp Salt (馅料 Filling) 4支香茅 - 4 stalk Lemongrass 1颗洋葱 - 1pc Onion 6粒小葱头 - 6pcs Shall...
《今晚不懂要煮什么?》尝试做简单又好吃的长豆饭!一锅熟轻松在家搞定!温暖一家人的胃!怀念的古早味! How to cook long bean rice at home! Easy & tasty!
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长豆饭?豆角饭?菜豆饭?咸饭?一个饭锅轻松在家做!一锅熟!温暖一家人的胃!怀念的古早味! How to cook long bean rice at home! 长豆饭 | Long Bean Rice (4pax) Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 300克长豆 - 300g Long Bean 330克白米 - 300g Rice 540克清水 - 540g Water 4朵香菇 - 4pcs Mushroom 9粒小葱头 - 9pcs Shallot 4瓣蒜头 - 4 cloves Garlic 45克虾米 - 45g Dried Shrimp 150克五花肉 - 150g Pork Belly 01.将小葱头&香菇切片,蒜头切碎 Sliced shallots & mushrooms, minced g...
游子最想念的家乡味道!马来西亚暹罗米粉!石舂叁峇原汁原味!做法有点麻烦但超级好吃!How to cook Mee Siam! Malaysia flavour! Sambal Tumis!Sedap!
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轻松学会马来西亚人最爱吃的暹罗米粉!祖传石樁研磨的叁峇特别香!马来风味结合娘惹特色!How to cook Mee Siam! Malaysia flavour! 暹罗米粉 | Mee Siam (4-5 pax) Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 300克米粉 - 300g Meehoon 300克豆芽 - 300g Bean Sprouts 100克韭菜 - 100g Chives 3块豆腐 - 3pcs Tofu 300克小虾 - 300g Prawns 叁峇 Sambal 4条小辣椒 - 4pcs Chili Padi 8粒小葱头 - 8pcs Shallot 3瓣蒜头 - 3 cloves Garlic 15条辣椒干 - 15pcs Dry Chili 3汤匙虾米 - 3 tbsp Dry Shrim...
哇佬!厚脸皮班兰曼煎糕竟然可以用家里的电饭煲做?!全部馅料纯手工制作!再也不用去pasar买大块面了!You can do APAM BALIK at home with RICECOOKER!
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哇佬!厚脸皮班兰曼煎糕竟然可以用家里的电饭煲做?!全部馅料纯手工制作!再也不用去pasar买大块面了!Now you can do APAM BALIK at home with RICECOOKER! Peanut pancake in da house! 厚脸皮班兰曼煎糕 | Pandan Apam Balik Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) 材料 Ingredients 面糊 BATTER 20片班兰叶 - 20pcs Pandan Leaf 420克清水 - 420g Water 330克面粉 - 330g Flour 2颗鸡蛋 - 2pcs Egg 70克白 - 70g Sugar 1茶匙酵母粉 - 1tsp Yeast 1/2茶匙小苏打 - 1/2 Baking Soda 馅料STUFFING 350克花生 - 350g Pe...
欢迎来到晶晶有味!Welcome!Selamat Datang!स्वागत हे!
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欢迎来到晶晶有味!谢谢你们的关注&支持! Welcome to Aunty Kim home cook, thanks for your support! Subscribe for more HUAT!
《PIZZA HUAT》什么!孩子再也不想吃pizza hut了?!天天吵着要吃Pizza Huat?!还是料多多那种!满足他!
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《SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE HUAT》 Why eat pizza hut when you can bake Pizza Huat?! 大发面包比萨 | Pizza Huat 一起和面,一起炒料,一口吃到家的味道,外面买不到!下次打算做薄皮比萨试试~ Tbsp=Tablespoon (汤匙) Tsp=Teaspoon (茶匙) 材料 Ingredients 烫种 PREFERMENT DOUGH 20克面粉 - 20g Flour 100克清水 - 100 Water 比萨料 TOPPINGS 250克三色豆 - 250g 3 Color Peas 3瓣蒜米 - 3 Cloves Garlic 1颗大洋葱 - 1pcs Onion (Chicken Marination) 350克鸡肉 - 350g Chicken 1汤匙蚝油 - 1Tablespoon Oyster ...
《做100次也不会失手》可可爱爱简简单单的巧克力迷你玛芬!100% Success way to bake Mini Choco Muffin!
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《做100次也不会失手》可可爱爱简简单单的巧克力迷你玛芬!100% Success way to bake Mini Choco Muffin!
《听声音都知道很香脆》什么?咸的木薯糕?!还要是蒸了再煎的那种?! 马来古早风味! 咸香虾米木薯糕!Traditional flavour! Savoury Tapioca Cake!
Переглядів 2,6 тис.2 роки тому
《听声音都知道很香脆》什么?咸的木薯糕?!还要是蒸了再煎的那种?! 马来古早风味! 咸香虾米木薯糕!Traditional flavour! Savoury Tapioca Cake!


  • @alberttsang1584
    @alberttsang1584 2 місяці тому


  • @AnnTan-s9q
    @AnnTan-s9q 6 місяців тому


  • @janicesaw6442
    @janicesaw6442 8 місяців тому


  • @feastfortwo
    @feastfortwo 9 місяців тому


  • @wendyyap7852
    @wendyyap7852 9 місяців тому

    Voice like Dudu ....Peter nephew

  • @danielwong6022
    @danielwong6022 Рік тому


  • @kslsavedvideonainai1657
    @kslsavedvideonainai1657 Рік тому


  • @kslsavedvideonainai1657
    @kslsavedvideonainai1657 Рік тому


  • @OngAiGeok
    @OngAiGeok Рік тому

    4:34 4:37 4:37

  • @silverhawk566
    @silverhawk566 Рік тому

    How long can we keep in the Fridge? Can we also freeze it?

  • @raymondteoh2147
    @raymondteoh2147 Рік тому

    Very nice and yummy, kuih Kochi

  • @杨大英
    @杨大英 Рік тому


  • @yinyinkew5391
    @yinyinkew5391 Рік тому


  • @raymondteoh2147
    @raymondteoh2147 Рік тому

    Very nice and yummy kuih Kochi, thanks for sharing

  • @WangFu-jj4xm
    @WangFu-jj4xm Рік тому


    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook Рік тому


  • @WangFu-jj4xm
    @WangFu-jj4xm Рік тому


    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook Рік тому


  • @lenga_a3464
    @lenga_a3464 Рік тому

    Ho ho ho🎅🏻🎄🎉☃️ Merry Christmas✨

  • @jingjing329
    @jingjing329 Рік тому

    Merry Christmas & HaPpy NeW YeAr.🎊🎄

  • @happychang93
    @happychang93 Рік тому

    merry christmas🎉

  • @janeng7615
    @janeng7615 Рік тому

    I love dumpling😍

  • @huwemingphoto
    @huwemingphoto Рік тому

    i love dumpling too

  • @jingjing329
    @jingjing329 Рік тому


  • @happychang93
    @happychang93 Рік тому

    i love dumpling

  • @lenga_a3464
    @lenga_a3464 Рік тому

    I love dumpling😋

  • @leeveonthing4532
    @leeveonthing4532 2 роки тому

    macam sedap saja , kena cuba cuti weekend ni .

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Must try it at home! Try add a splash of lime juice to enhance the Mee Siam flavor! Dont forget to share your result to aunty Kim too😊😊

  • @leeveonthing4532
    @leeveonthing4532 2 роки тому

    Miss my mom when see popo prepare the kuih exactly like my mom prepare kuih

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      You have a lovely mum for sure💖💖Hope u are doing well😊😊

  • @rebeccafoo
    @rebeccafoo 2 роки тому

    OMG! You cooked the bean sprouts until soft, not nice anymore. Chive can be eaten raw, so is better to add in towards the end. Next time try to blanch the bean sprouts for 30 seconds and drain. Add it towards the end of frying so that the bean sprouts will be crunchy.

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Hi Rebecca, thanks for the inspiring idea! will try it next time! Have a nice day😊

  • @dodgygoose3054
    @dodgygoose3054 2 роки тому

    A nice side of rice & I'm done ... looks lovely, thank you.

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Voilà~ Your words mean a lot to Aunty Kim! Have a nice day😊

  • @NGVideos
    @NGVideos 2 роки тому

    Just finished watching your Chicken Mak Mak 🐔 cooking video 📸 Looks so Yummy and Delicious 😋🤤 Already gave you a LIKE

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Glad that u like it! This means a lot to Aunty Kim! Thank you and have a nice day☺️

  • @susanng7298
    @susanng7298 2 роки тому

    Always love dried meesiam. There is no need for tamarind and small lime? Thanks.

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Greetings Susan! Good question! Aunty Kim never add tamarind in her Mee Siam but sometimes with a splash of lime juice on top. This time lime is running out so we did without it. Have a nice day😊

  • @bupo506
    @bupo506 2 роки тому


  • @banumathisuppiah2663
    @banumathisuppiah2663 2 роки тому

    Hello folks,interesting but will be more helpful with English subtitles

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Good suggestion! Actually we did have English subtitle. Try click setting > subtitles > english. Hope it helps! 👌

  • @marielim1519
    @marielim1519 2 роки тому

    My favourite tea time goodies ..

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Glad that you like it! Nyonya kuih the best😊

  • @bupo506
    @bupo506 2 роки тому


    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому


    • @madamchan68
      @madamchan68 2 роки тому

      @@auntykimhomecook okkkkkk你们那么我摸到底层次感觉得这个月份默默默默默默哦!

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      @@madamchan68 感受到你的热情,谢谢支持😊

  • @Pauline_cheong
    @Pauline_cheong 2 роки тому

    thanks chef for posting your step by step instructions... its so joyful to watch

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Glad that it helps That motivates us! Thank you

  • @bupo506
    @bupo506 2 роки тому


    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому


  • @lenga_a3464
    @lenga_a3464 2 роки тому

    Kon hee loi hao hao sit

    • @jingjing329
      @jingjing329 2 роки тому


  • @vuthy1092
    @vuthy1092 2 роки тому

    Thank you forsharing

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому

      Thank you for support our channel, have a nice day!😁

    • @ireneanlee
      @ireneanlee 2 роки тому

      不想出鏡 保持隱私

    • @auntykimhomecook
      @auntykimhomecook 2 роки тому


  • @Pauline_cheong
    @Pauline_cheong 2 роки тому

    delicious 😋.. thanks chef for sharing... post more cantonese simple dishes

  • @lenga_a3464
    @lenga_a3464 2 роки тому

    Ngai oi sit cheong tiu fan

  • @kimkoolee8579
    @kimkoolee8579 2 роки тому

    I like manjiang kueh👍

  • @jingjing329
    @jingjing329 2 роки тому


  • @happychang93
    @happychang93 2 роки тому


  • @kimkoolee8579
    @kimkoolee8579 2 роки тому

    Nice video! Jiayou👍

  • @kimkoolee8579
    @kimkoolee8579 2 роки тому

    Looks good! Keep it up👍

  • @lenga_a3464
    @lenga_a3464 2 роки тому


  • @happychang93
    @happychang93 2 роки тому


  • @happychang93
    @happychang93 2 роки тому


  • @lenga_a3464
    @lenga_a3464 2 роки тому


  • @richardlee4413
    @richardlee4413 2 роки тому
