Pure Land Buddhism USA 淨土宗美國
Pure Land Buddhism USA 淨土宗美國
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The Conviction Behind Master Purna’s Preaching By Master Huijing
The Conviction Behind Master Purna’s Preaching
By Master Huijing
Among the ten distinguished disciples of the World-Honoured One, Venerable Purna, who was famed for his exceptional ability to preach the Dharma, stood out. He was a passionate Dharma speaker and noted for his eloquence and adroit use of apt analogies.
One day, Purna requested the Buddha’s permission to spread the Dharma in the western country of Suruna. This was a small, frontier country devoid of Buddhist teachings. The people there were known to be fierce, uncouth, and brutish.
Worried, the World-Honoured One asked, “Purna! What will you do if the people there insult and humiliate you?”
Without hesitation, Purna replied, “I would think: ‘The people of Suruna are quite good, they haven’t physically harmed me.’ ”
When the Buddha further asked, "What if they beat you?"
Purna replied: “World Honoured One! Regardless of whether they hit me with their fists, rocks or sticks, I would think: ‘The people of Suruna are not that bad; they haven’t killed me with a knife’.”
“What if they kill you?” asked the compassionate Buddha, his concern for his disciple palpable in his question.
Purna responded cheerfully, “There are countless ways to die - old age, illness, drowning, burning, accidents. Death is inevitable. If my death enables one more person to understand the true Dharma, to eliminate their afflictions and attain Nirvana, I could wish for nothing more.”
The World Honoured One then smiled and granted his request.
Venerable Purna set off, accepting alms along his journey until he reached Suruna. There, he continued to diligently study and spread the Dharma, leading many locals to embrace the Buddha’s teachings. By the time the rainy season arrived the following year, he had attracted 500 lay followers and had established a centre that could accommodate them to practise the Dharma.
In fact, without a blazing conviction, akin to a fire that could burn one’s life without regrets, it would be impossible to disseminate the true Dharma.
As the saying goes, “Wealth is the treasure of one generation, but the Dharma is the treasure of countless generations.” The expression “countless generations” refers to the infinite number of lifetimes to come. Money may bring happiness, but only a transient and relative happiness in this life, not absolute happiness. The salvation offered by Amituofo’s vow not only allows one to attain peace and happiness in this life, it also assures rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss when this life ends, granting us peace and joy for eternity.
In the dance of decades, lost in five desires’ trance,
When life’s breath ceases, what can one still cling to in advance?
Descending alone to depths of hell, unspeakable pain,
Beyond mortal grasp, suffering’s unending rain.
Without a mentor’s guiding hand, how to break the chain,
Of birth and death, this cyclical, eternal refrain?
Master Shandao said, “Only when a person suffers in hell does he recall the wise mentor from his human life.
For us Amitabha-reciters, as long as we have the will, we can become the wise mentors for all sentient beings.
(Translated by the Pure Land School Translation Team; edited by Householder Fojin)
Переглядів: 36


The Path to Inner Peace with Amitabha Buddha By Master Huijing
Переглядів 514 години тому
Good evening to all the Dharma masters and lotus friends. Tonight’s Dharma sharing’s title is called: The Path to Inner Peace with Amitabha Buddha By Master Huijing If we can feel the compassionate heart of Amitabha Buddha's deliverance, we'll fully accept his rescue, bowing at his feet and finding solace in his embrace. This deep respect will make us humble and gentle, filled with Amitabha’s c...
What is the Foundation of the Pure Land Dharma Path? By Master Huijing
Переглядів 6212 годин тому
What is the Foundation of the Pure Land Dharma Path? By Master Huijing What is the foundation of the Pure Land Dharma Path? It is the power of Amituofo’s vows to deliver sentient beings of the ten directions and the Buddha’s accumulation of the merits and provisions for their rebirth in his Land of Ultimate Bliss. Where are these merits and provisions? They are in the six-character name of Amit...
選擇念佛 (第一講) |淨開法師 2022年 淨土宗美國念佛群組線上開示
Переглядів 85914 годин тому
諸位法師慈悲、諸位蓮友:南無阿彌陀佛 今天我們所處的時代是末法時期,距離釋迦牟尼佛入滅已經有二千五百多年了,生活在這個時代的人,煩惱厚重,修行也沒有力量,以我們現在的狀態,要出離三界六道的輪迴,淨土宗「念佛法門」就是不可不探究的法。 以宗派的思想來說,都是想要找到釋迦牟尼佛的「出世本懷」。本懷一定和成佛有關係,如果不能成佛,就不是佛出世的本懷了。在淨土宗,「淨土三部經」完全在講阿彌陀佛如何成佛、如何把他成佛的功德布施給眾生,所以這三部經,當然是釋迦牟尼佛一生說法的本懷,而其他的經典就是為了輔助這個真實法而成立的方便教。 宗派佛教常常提到「廢立」的概念,也就是「廢方便法,立真實法」。得到了真實法,方便就可以捨掉了,這就是一種「選擇」。在淨土宗,首先就是由「佛」來幫我們「選擇」的,免去了我們摸索的困難。佛法廣大無邊,如茫茫大海,什麼都要學,力量是不夠的;而且如果不知道淨土宗的宗旨,不知道...
Forty and Beyond By Master Zongdao
Переглядів 5419 годин тому
“All Dharma Masters and Lotus Friends, please allow me your attention while I share this piece titled” Forty and Beyond By Master Zongdao …. Confucius had a quote: “[Having] turned forty and being disliked, [one will] also remain like this to the end.” What Confucius was saying is that once a man turns forty and is seen as detestable or disliked by everyone else, this is how he will remain for ...
學佛人到底應該是什麼樣子的?|摘錄:淨宗之聲問答集 淨宗法師 開示
Переглядів 56114 днів тому
問:阿彌陀佛,學佛的人到底應該是什麼樣?什麼心態?我們究竟要學佛的什麼呢? 聽說學佛的最終目的是要求解脫,可我就是不想解脫,這是什麼原因?是病嗎?要不要治?該怎麼治? 答:一下問了一連串的問題,應該是初學者,很真實。這個問題是個大問題,很難回答得好,只是提供我的參考意見。 《學佛的人到底應該是什麼樣子呢?》 以我的回答,就是【念佛必生淨土,隨緣勸化他人,以安心、愛心過好日子,就是這種心態。】 《學佛人到底什麼樣子?》 各人不一樣,可能有的人打坐,有的人行布施、行菩薩道,都是他認定的樣子。【那我覺得一切學佛都是從[歸依三寶]開始,從始至終都不離念佛,我們心中知道念佛就是要往生 阿彌陀佛的淨土,嚮往佛的境界,學佛總是嚮往佛的境界,然後最終達到成佛】。 如果念佛具足信願,那必定往生淨土,必定可以成佛。 所以我認為[學佛的第一個樣子就是念佛,必生淨土]。 [第二個樣子就是要隨緣利他],隨緣勸...
Amitabha Buddha cured my acute disease and saved my life Authored By Master Jingyuan
Переглядів 10314 днів тому
An eyewitness account of Amitabha recitation By Master Jingyuan, Amitabha Buddha cured my acute disease and saved my life I was born into a Buddhist family in November 1998 and became a monk on Buddha's Birthday in 2014. I have been learning Buddhist Dharma from my grandmother since I was a child. Every day I joined in the five lessons and the rest of the time I studied on my own. However, I di...
【二和•二謙】的重要 | 摘錄自:慧淨法師2013年於台北念佛會為僧眾開示
Переглядів 38514 днів тому
尊敬的淨和法師、 諸位法師及敬愛的諸位蓮友:南無阿彌陀佛 現在我們一起來學習:【二和•二謙】的重要 摘錄自:慧淨法師2013年於台北念佛會為僧眾開示 二 和──說話和氣,態度和藹 佛門最重視「和」,這一個字看起來不起眼,很平常,但它的境界、涵義,卻非常的好、非常的高。佛教所講的最高的境界──涅槃寂靜,其實也可以用「和」這個字來詮釋。 涅槃有種種角度的詮釋,譬如以「滅度」來詮釋的話,就是滅除貪瞋癡,脫離六道輪迴的生死苦海;也因為沒有貪瞋癡火的燃燒,也可以說是「寂靜」。佛陀說:「三界無安,猶如火宅,眾苦充滿,甚可怖畏。」這個火宅就是六道輪迴,根源來自於貪瞋癡。 涅槃也可以說是不生不滅,也就是說,心境都處在一種平和、寧靜、穩定的狀態,是不增加也不減少、不生起也不消滅、不被八風所動的。所謂「八風」,就是指稱、譏、樂、苦、衰、利、譽、毀這四順四逆八事。若這八風都不能影響行者的心,行者心如同寒潭...
The Two Kinds of Harmony and Humility By Master Huijing
Переглядів 9521 день тому
Good Evening, Venerable Master Jing He, all Dharma Masters, and all lotus friends. Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo Tonight I would like to share an article titled: The Two Kinds of Harmony and Humility By Master Huijing The “two kinds of harmony”-speaking kindly and being gentle in demeanor; and the “two kinds of humility”-being humble at heart, and yielding to each other. The Two Kinds of Harmony In Buddhis...
Amitabha’s Perfect Enlightenment and Sentient Beings’ Rebirth are Interdependent by Master Jingzong.
Переглядів 9221 день тому
Good evening to all the Dharma masters and lotus friends. Tonight, Jing Chen would like to share an excerpt from “Master Shandao’s Thoughts on the Pure Land Dharma” by Master Jingzong. The excerpt is titled: Amitabha’s Perfect Enlightenment and Sentient Beings’ Rebirth are Interdependent Amitabha Buddha’s Primal Vow states: “If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions w...
我們念佛的時候佛知道嗎?|摘錄: 淨宗法師《楷定記講記》
Переглядів 65221 день тому
我們念佛的時候佛知道嗎? 摘錄: 淨宗法師《楷定記講記》   如果我們念佛念一輩子,結果從現在念到臨終,這三十年、四十年佛都不理我們,我們看不見也感受不到,佛的攝受功能當中沒有這個設定,我們心中就不踏實了。我們現在念佛就知道,「雖然我沒有看見,這是『煩惱障眼雖不能見,大悲無倦常照我身』。我雖然業障深重,煩惱重重,但是阿彌陀佛神力無礙;我雖然抓也抓不到佛,看也看不見佛,愚鈍眼盲,但是阿彌陀佛以無礙光明對我常親常近,日夜不相捨離;我雖然有時候甚至經常忘記了佛,但是佛絲絲毫毫心心念念一點兒也沒離開我」,這不就感到安心了嗎?「我每一聲念佛的當下,在我念佛的每一個念頭當中,阿彌陀佛的無礙光明都攝取我,保護我,從來沒有跟我分開。到臨終的時候,自在安然回歸淨土」。   所以,我們乘此願為緣,不是到臨終的時候就乘那麼一下子,是從現在一直乘到臨終,是聲聲念念都乘上這個大願,是聲聲念念之間與阿彌陀佛都有...
The Pure Mind According to the Pure Land Path by Master JingZong
Переглядів 10328 днів тому
Good evening to all the Dharma masters and lotus friends. Namo Amituofo. We iniquitous beings don’t have a pure mind, so how can we recite the Buddha’s name with a pure mind? This is like a million dollar question that is being asked by many Buddhists. Let’s find out from Master Jingzong’s short explanation on The Pure Mind According to the Pure Land Path Master Jingzong said: Aspirants wishing...
淨土宗「迴向偈」大意|文: 慧淨法師
Переглядів 684Місяць тому
願以此功德,平等施一切, 同發菩提心,往生安樂國。   首先,「願以此功德,平等施一切」的意思,就是願以我們念佛的功德,平等迴向給十方世界一切的眾生。   我們都是學佛的人,不可以自私自利,尤其是學大乘法門的人,一定要發菩提心。大乘的定義,簡單來講,就是不但自己要解脫,也要別人和我們一起解脫,和小乘不一樣,學小乘法門的人,只是求個人的解脫而已。   然而,大乘的菩提心,是建立在小乘的出離心之上的。學大乘法門的人,如果沒有出離的心,那麼也就談不上發菩提心,不算是學大乘法門的人了,為什麼?因為自己都不願出離了,怎麼幫助人家解脫呢?   發了菩提心,一定要實踐,這叫做行菩薩道。所謂行菩薩道,最典型的就是「六度」,最方便的就是「四攝」,要有「四無量心」,然後還要發「四弘誓願」。但是,如果我們只是動動嘴巴,跟著人家念一念而已,心做不到,逢緣遇境,就大發脾氣,和人家討價還價、斤斤計較,這樣的話,...
The Name Alone Delivers: Simply Reciting it Leads to Rebirth - by Master Huijing
Переглядів 163Місяць тому
The Name Alone Delivers: Simply Reciting it Leads to Rebirth - by Master Huijing
我們要怎麼樣面對病苦? - 淨誠法師
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Місяць тому
我們要怎麼樣面對病苦? - 淨誠法師
一幅圖讓你看清人生的真相|文 : 宗道法師
Переглядів 596Місяць тому
一幅圖讓你看清人生的真相|文 : 宗道法師
Amitabha-recitation Transforms Ordinary Beings into Buddhas By Master Jueyue
Переглядів 175Місяць тому
Amitabha-recitation Transforms Ordinary Beings into Buddhas By Master Jueyue
36次呼唤你的名字 | 智随法师
Переглядів 1 тис.Місяць тому
36次呼唤你的名字 | 智随法师
淨土宗德州念佛會 2024中元念佛暨念佛消災超薦法會回顧
Переглядів 243Місяць тому
淨土宗德州念佛會 2024中元念佛暨念佛消災超薦法會回顧
The Virtue of Lotus Like Friendship | Master JingZong
Переглядів 49Місяць тому
The Virtue of Lotus Like Friendship | Master JingZong
平等普救的法門 |文: 淨宗法師
Переглядів 440Місяць тому
平等普救的法門 |文: 淨宗法師
I am the Cultivator of Sentient Hearts By Master Huijing
Переглядів 54Місяць тому
I am the Cultivator of Sentient Hearts By Master Huijing
‘Wake Up Call: Your Name Spoken Thirty-six Times’ by Master Zhisui
Переглядів 1002 місяці тому
‘Wake Up Call: Your Name Spoken Thirty-six Times’ by Master Zhisui
最後| 摘錄:淨宗法師著作《再笨也要學著去愛》
Переглядів 4252 місяці тому
最後| 摘錄:淨宗法師著作《再笨也要學著去愛》
Month of Ghosts? No, A Month of Auspiciousness! | by Master Huijing.
Переглядів 782 місяці тому
Month of Ghosts? No, A Month of Auspiciousness! | by Master Huijing.
我為你多活了二十年 | 摘錄自「淨土宗念佛感應事蹟」
Переглядів 2,2 тис.2 місяці тому
我為你多活了二十年 | 摘錄自「淨土宗念佛感應事蹟」
The Buddha Awaits You in His Name by Master Jue Yue & The Sound of the Bell by Master Jing Zong
Переглядів 812 місяці тому
The Buddha Awaits You in His Name by Master Jue Yue & The Sound of the Bell by Master Jing Zong
真正的孝行─託父母於阿彌陀佛 |恭錄自:淨土宗官網 慧淨法師《法談開示》
Переглядів 1,1 тис.2 місяці тому
真正的孝行─託父母於阿彌陀佛 |恭錄自:淨土宗官網 慧淨法師《法談開示》
A Dharma gate is practical when traversable | By Master Jingzong
Переглядів 1552 місяці тому
A Dharma gate is practical when traversable | By Master Jingzong
你准备好面对死亡了吗? -- 净诚法师
Переглядів 4 тис.2 місяці тому
你准备好面对死亡了吗? 净诚法师


  • @釋淨彰
    @釋淨彰 10 годин тому


  • @teyhoonboon5853
    @teyhoonboon5853 14 годин тому

    Humans in nature are good, the bad behavior due to the ability of people to become greed, angry and ignorance. The truth Buddha teaching can make them more aware the meaningful of life , before and after.

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 19 годин тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @gkkong1651
    @gkkong1651 20 годин тому

    Namo Amitābha Buddha 🙏

  • @gkkong1651
    @gkkong1651 20 годин тому

    Namo Amitābha Buddha 🙏

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 2 дні тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @teyhoonboon5853
    @teyhoonboon5853 2 дні тому

    I like to recite Namo Amitoufo, it makes my mind peace and harmony . I always share my beliefs with my friends, although many of them cultivate variety of beliefs . I strongly believe that they will accept my advice and change their mindset by reciting Namo Amitoufo only.

  • @釋淨彰
    @釋淨彰 2 дні тому

    南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛

  • @jennychua3882
    @jennychua3882 3 дні тому


  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 4 дні тому


  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 4 дні тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 4 дні тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @辜雪梅
    @辜雪梅 4 дні тому


  • @辜雪梅
    @辜雪梅 5 днів тому

    南無阿彌陀佛 合十感恩

  • @辜雪梅
    @辜雪梅 5 днів тому

    南無阿彌陀佛 隨喜讚歎

  • @釋淨彰
    @釋淨彰 5 днів тому

    南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛

  • @ceciliayap9686
    @ceciliayap9686 6 днів тому

    感恩师父慈悲开示-南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏 顺心如意🙏🙏🙏

  • @ceciliayap9686
    @ceciliayap9686 6 днів тому

    南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏 南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏 南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 5 днів тому


  • @K54443Y
    @K54443Y 6 днів тому

    ❤念佛最為殊胜🙏 南無阿彌陀佛❤❤❤

  • @K54443Y
    @K54443Y 6 днів тому

    🙏🙏🙏 感恩分享 ❤ 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 ❤ 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 ❤ 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏

    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 5 днів тому


  • @teyhoonboon5853
    @teyhoonboon5853 6 днів тому


    • @K54443Y
      @K54443Y 6 днів тому

      🙏🙏🙏 感恩分享 ❤ 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 ❤ 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 ❤ 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏

    • @K54443Y
      @K54443Y 6 днів тому

      ❤念佛最為殊胜🙏 南無阿彌陀佛❤❤❤

    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 5 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 5 днів тому


  • @涵虛茶人
    @涵虛茶人 6 днів тому

    念佛~ 在世的,親人好友幸福, 去世的,親人好友成佛。 不用花錢,CP值這麼高,這麼好康,不用想,趕快來念佛。

  • @jennychua3882
    @jennychua3882 6 днів тому


  • @翁明玲-t1f
    @翁明玲-t1f 6 днів тому

    🙇‍♀️感恩法師慈悲開示 🙏🏻南無阿彌陀佛🪷 🙏🏻南無阿彌陀佛🪷 🙏🏻南無阿彌陀佛🪷

    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 5 днів тому


  • @jennychua3882
    @jennychua3882 7 днів тому


  • @teyhoonboon5853
    @teyhoonboon5853 8 днів тому

    When the people are getting older, most of the growing hormones in the bodies become subsided, the appearance may change and immunity become weaker. However, older people who always recite Namo Amitoufo, can improve their immunity, and plant based diet can improve their mental and physical health. Thus, good habits of life give additional advantage for old people to survive longer and healthy.

  • @釋淨彰
    @釋淨彰 8 днів тому

    南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛 南無阿彌陀佛

  • @teyhoonboon5853
    @teyhoonboon5853 9 днів тому


  • @zuzu7198
    @zuzu7198 10 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @許玉林-f9u
    @許玉林-f9u 10 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @teyhoonboon5853
    @teyhoonboon5853 10 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 10 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @K54443Y
    @K54443Y 10 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @kengteecheah9716
    @kengteecheah9716 10 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @seahsamhong1990
    @seahsamhong1990 13 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @lifongma4623
    @lifongma4623 13 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤

  • @wah-lanchan-vp3fg
    @wah-lanchan-vp3fg 13 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @jennychua3882
    @jennychua3882 13 днів тому


    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @gkkong1651
    @gkkong1651 13 днів тому

    🙏感恩法師開示 🙌南無阿彌陀佛 🙆南無阿彌陀佛 🙇南無阿彌陀佛 🙏感恩分享

    • @PLB-USA
      @PLB-USA 7 днів тому


  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo ❤❤❤❤

  • @Namo-Amituofo
    @Namo-Amituofo 13 днів тому

    Namo Amituofo 🙏🙏😊