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Outside Richie
Приєднався 17 бер 2012
Hello guys, I'm Richie.
I love to travel deeply and experience local life in various countries.
This world is truly vast, come along with me on the journey!
✈️ I've ever been to...
🇭🇰Hong Kong
I love to travel deeply and experience local life in various countries.
This world is truly vast, come along with me on the journey!
✈️ I've ever been to...
🇭🇰Hong Kong
Witnessing the Heartbreaking Wealth Gap in India's Capital, Delhi 🇮🇳
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I originally planned to end my trip in the capital, Delhi, thinking it would provide a relatively comfortable environment before leaving India. However, it turned out to be the city where I felt the least comfortable.
Aside from the "landmine" hotel mentioned in the video, the people in Delhi felt noticeably less genuine compared to other places, especially the aggressive way the street vendors tried to attract customers, which was truly off-putting... I understand this doesn't represent everyone, but that was my real feeling during my few days in Delhi.
And those people living on the traffic islands right in front of department stores-seeing all their belongings scattered across the islands, with their dirty clothes hanging on the railings by the roadside-was a sight that left me speechless with a lump in my throat... In the video, that was the only time I rolled down my car window to give money. On one hand, I wanted to show everyone the reality of this place, but on the other, I could only do this small thing for them...
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#india #印度 #भरत #दिल्ली #德里 #delhi
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I originally planned to end my trip in the capital, Delhi, thinking it would provide a relatively comfortable environment before leaving India. However, it turned out to be the city where I felt the least comfortable.
Aside from the "landmine" hotel mentioned in the video, the people in Delhi felt noticeably less genuine compared to other places, especially the aggressive way the street vendors tried to attract customers, which was truly off-putting... I understand this doesn't represent everyone, but that was my real feeling during my few days in Delhi.
And those people living on the traffic islands right in front of department stores-seeing all their belongings scattered across the islands, with their dirty clothes hanging on the railings by the roadside-was a sight that left me speechless with a lump in my throat... In the video, that was the only time I rolled down my car window to give money. On one hand, I wanted to show everyone the reality of this place, but on the other, I could only do this small thing for them...
If you like my videos, you can support me using "Super Thanks"!
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#india #印度 #भरत #दिल्ली #德里 #delhi
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Bathing in the Ganges River in Varanasi, India🇮🇳
Переглядів 59 тис.День тому
🌟請開啟【CC】字幕 Turn on the【CC】subtitles. 離開瓦拉納西前,再到恆河邊觀賞一次沐浴的人們, 沒想到竟然能見到更“沈浸“的沐浴方式; 待在瓦拉納西的這幾天,我的心態已經由看戲變為心懷尊敬, 這裡的文化色彩真的特別的濃厚, 就連沒有宗教信仰的我都能感受到一股非常強大的影響力。 很幸運在離開前能遇到來自瑞士的Simon, 他在印度首都德里的瑞士大使館擔 外交官員。 我非常欣賞Simon認識這個世界的方式, 看得出來他以開放且包容的心去看待不同的文化, 也難怪他可以在印度待3年。 謝謝Simon請我喝Lassi! Before leaving Varanasi, I went to the Ganges one last time to watch people bathing. To my surprise, I witnessed an even more...
Amazing Rickshaw Driver in Varanasi, India! 🇮🇳
Переглядів 73 тис.14 днів тому
🌟請開啟【CC】字幕 Turn on the【CC】subtitles. 今天難得離開旅店的附近,往另一個神壇的方向過去, 結果竟然走上一條自從到印度以來聞過最臭的街道... 我對味道很能忍受,但這條街真的是太五味雜陳了。 Assi Ghat的周邊環境清幽很多,也安靜很多, 但相對的也比較無聊啦,畢竟很少外國人,所以連商家都沒幾間。 不過我比較不解的是,Assi Ghat看起來竟然像是一個荒廢或者沒在使用的神壇, 它的門口被圍了起來,周遭還堆了超多垃圾...所以我才沒有多拍神壇的影片。 回程路上遇到的瓦拉納西直升機阿伯實在太可愛, 這麼艱苦的生活和工作條件下還可以如此樂觀開朗, 這就是一個值得尊敬的態度! 如果當地的車伕都可以有這樣的素質那該有多好, 這才是應該有的“做生意”方式,你說對不對? 這種車伕給500盧比自己都還覺得太少!! Today, I finally venture...
Visiting the Cremation Grounds of Varanasi, India🇮🇳
Переглядів 140 тис.21 день тому
🌟開啟【CC】字幕 Turn on the【CC】subtitles. 瓦拉納西是印度教最神聖的城市之一,被認為是世界上最古老的居住城市之一。對印度教徒而言,瓦拉納西是濕婆神的城市,被視為通往解脫(摩訶涅槃,Moksha)的重要門戶。他們相信,如果能在這裡去世並進行火葬,其靈魂便能擺脫輪迴的束縛,直達天堂。 瓦拉納西的恆河是印度教徒眼中最神聖的河流,許多人遠道而來,只為了在恆河中沐浴,洗滌罪孽,或將先人的骨灰撒入河中,認為這樣可以保證逝者的靈魂得以安息。 瓦拉納西的焚屍場無論如何都日夜不停運作,象徵著生與死的循環永無止息。不過有一些特定的人群被認為不適合火葬,例如孕婦、被蛇咬致死的人、孩童、修行中的苦行僧以及患有痲瘋病的人。他們的遺體通常被直接投入恆河,以不同的方式完成對生命的送別(所以會在恆河看到屍體漂過去是真的!) 濕婆金廟(Kashi Vishwanath Temple)也是瓦...
I met an Indian wild guy In Varanasi, India🇮🇳
Переглядів 101 тис.Місяць тому
🌟請開啟【CC】字幕 Turn on the【CC】subtitles. 一開始我還以為Tanuj喝醉了所以才這樣瘋瘋癲癲的, 很快我就發現他本來就瘋瘋癲癲的... 他一路帶我探險很多地方,也和我分享非常多印度的文化和趣事, 不過礙於片長以及他特殊的口音,很可惜沒有辦法全部放上來。 雖然說像個瘋子,但我很喜歡也欣賞Tanuj, 這樣一個隨性、不在乎小事、與世無爭、卻又熱情大方的外向仔, 完全無法想像他眼中的這個世界是多麽的狂放又精彩。 不過後來我又在附近街道遇到他,和他留下了聯絡方式; 他說或許有一天我們可以來個超酷的“交換計畫”- 他帶我探索孟買,我帶他探索台灣。 欸欸好像很酷耶,大家有興趣看嗎? At first, I thought Tanuj was drunk, which is why he was acting so crazy. But soon I realized...
Annoying Indian Street Vendors In Varanasi, India🇮🇳
Переглядів 151 тис.Місяць тому
🌟開啟【CC】字幕 Turn on the【CC】subtitles. 你一定知道「恆河」, 但大部分的人都不知道恆河所在的城市叫做「瓦拉納西(Varanasi)」。 瓦拉納西對印度教徒來說,是「天堂的入口」, 因此一生中一定要來到這裡一次。 這個城市帶給了我非常不同的感覺, 尤其走在最熱鬧的那條大街上, 會明顯感受到每個人都是為了心中信仰而來, 沒有人是無聊在這邊閒晃的、沒有人是來這裡遊樂的, 也沒有人是漫無目的走馬看花的。 瓦拉納西是我至今走過最吵雜的城市, 那喇叭真的是往死裡按...我的媽啊~~ 推銷的商人滿街遍佈,走到哪黏到哪, 無止盡的那種!! 這大概是我在瓦拉納西感覺最差的一件事情了... 但這裡也是目前走過最有文化色彩的地方, 我只能說,這個地方很令人覺得受虐, 但又同時神秘得很令人著迷。 You must have heard of the "Ganges River...
🇮🇳The Incredible Indian Sleeper Train
Переглядів 183 тис.Місяць тому
#印度 #旅遊 #india #travel #भारत #indiatrain 🌟請開啟【CC】字幕 Turn on the【CC】subtitles. 印度人完全把陸地上的人生整套搬到火車上來 真的是太驚人了! 原本以為火車就是休息睡覺等著下車而已, 沒想到印度人可以在火車上做那麼多事情。 這趟旅程真的是讓我印象太深刻了, 見識到了另外一個等級的印度文化, 也讓我又認識好多超友善又可愛的印度朋友。 Indians have completely brought their way of life from the land onto the train-it's truly astonishing! I originally thought trains were just for resting, sleeping, and waiting to get off. But I ...
Meeting Friendly Indians in Kolkata: Experiencing the Indian Metro🇮🇳
Переглядів 166 тис.Місяць тому
🌟開啟右上角的【CC】字幕🌟 Turn on the【CC】subtitles! 這是我在印度加爾各答的最後一天, 前一天身體狀況不是很好,所以躺到晚上才出門找些東西吃, 沒想到今早又狂拉... 加爾各答的新市場(New Market)我覺得很值得逛, 可以很貼近的看到印度人的日常生活, 也可以買到各種生活用品或特色小吃(如果你敢吃的話)。 我很開心能夠遇到那幾位熱情的學生們, 看得出來他們打從心底的想要給我這個外國人一個難忘的回憶, 同時也讓觀眾知道印度是個友善的地方。 謝謝你們! This is my last day in Kolkata, India. I wasn’t feeling well the day before, so I only went out last night to grab something to eat, but unexpectedly, I...
Beware of Scams in India: Disappointing Side of Human Nature
Переглядів 127 тис.2 місяці тому
🌟開啟右上角的【CC】字幕🌟 Turn on the【CC】subtitles! 印度的加爾各答是個很有特色的城市, 但今天遇到的人力車司機卻讓我非常的不爽! 他跟我要的錢其實不多,但問題並不是金額,而是誠信。 我並不是個小氣的人,大家看我其他影片就會知道, 我時常在下車之後給超過原本談好的價錢,因為我覺得他們很辛苦。 原本我也可能在下車之後直接給這位司機500盧比,也就是原本談好價錢的5倍車資; 但他這種行為只會讓人覺得很狡猾、很惡劣、、很下流、很不要臉, 就是有這樣的人、這樣的風氣,讓外國人對印度的觀感更差! 最後多給他20盧比我都嫌多,我只是看他可憐,加上不想再浪費時間... 不然我都很想叫他Shut the fuck up(他媽的閉嘴)了!! Kolkata in India is a very unique city, but today, I had a frustrat...
Taking the Bus in Kolkata, India - Actually, It's Really Fun!🇮🇳
Переглядів 157 тис.2 місяці тому
🌟開啟右上角的【CC】字幕🌟 Turn on the【CC】subtitles! 加爾各答是印度僅次於德里和孟買的第三大都會城市,大家應該比較少聽過: 這裡給我的感覺是比較純樸,卻有著更強烈的當地風情,所以比起孟買我更喜歡加爾各答。 今天達成了搭印度公車的成就,說實話我覺得很好玩~ 雖然自己都不知道在搭個什麼東西,反正有車就上...但就是很有趣的體驗。 很可惜,依然不太敢嘗試街邊小吃, 因為第一天在孟買吃到讓自己不舒服的食物, 那個心理的壓力還沒消散.... 而且我還在拉肚子啦😭 不過至少我又認識了熱情的印度人, 而且餐廳對我真的超好的!! Kolkata is India’s third-largest metropolitan city after Delhi and Mumbai, but it’s probably less known to most people. To ...
India | Mumbai 🇮🇳 $0.3 Street Food?! I Nearly Got Scammed in Mumbai...It's GROSS!
Переглядів 295 тис.2 місяці тому
India | Mumbai 🇮🇳 $0.3 Street Food?! I Nearly Got Scammed in Mumbai...It's GROSS!
India | Mumbai 🇮🇳 India Doesn’t Suck That Much, OKAY? Though I got food poisoning on my 1st day...
Переглядів 397 тис.2 місяці тому
India | Mumbai 🇮🇳 India Doesn’t Suck That Much, OKAY? Though I got food poisoning on my 1st day...
🇰🇭Cambodia | Battambang #1 - Avoid This Scam Restaurant!
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Battambang #1 - Avoid This Scam Restaurant!
🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh - The Entrepreneurial Story of a Young Taiwanese in Cambodia
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh - The Entrepreneurial Story of a Young Taiwanese in Cambodia
🇰🇭Cambodia | Siem Reap - The Most Tragic Floating Village on Tonle Sap Lake | Kampong Khleang
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Siem Reap - The Most Tragic Floating Village on Tonle Sap Lake | Kampong Khleang
🇰🇭Cambodia | Koh Rong Sanloem - Enjoying Fishing Time on a Paradise Island
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Koh Rong Sanloem - Enjoying Fishing Time on a Paradise Island
🇰🇭Cambodia | Koh Rong & Koh Rong Sonloem - Something You May Want To Know
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Koh Rong & Koh Rong Sonloem - Something You May Want To Know
🇰🇭Cambodia | Sihanoukville - A City You SERIOUSLY Misunderstood. It's Unbelievably Beautiful!
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Sihanoukville - A City You SERIOUSLY Misunderstood. It's Unbelievably Beautiful!
🇰🇭Cambodia | Kep - Places You Must Visit! Crab Market, Seaside Lunch & Rabbit Island (Koh Tunsay)
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Kep - Places You Must Visit! Crab Market, Seaside Lunch & Rabbit Island (Koh Tunsay)
🇰🇭Cambodia | Kampot #2 - Bokor Mountain, Kayak & Foods. Places You Must Visit! Best Stay in Kampot.
Переглядів 36 тис.6 місяців тому
🇰🇭Cambodia | Kampot #2 - Bokor Mountain, Kayak & Foods. Places You Must Visit! Best Stay in Kampot.
🇰🇭Cambodia | Kampot#1 - Train Adventures, Riverside Sunset, Crab Fried Rice, and Thatched Guesthouse
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Kampot#1 - Train Adventures, Riverside Sunset, Crab Fried Rice, and Thatched Guesthouse
🇰🇭Cambodia | Battambang #2 - Places You Wouldn't Want to Miss - Hotels & Foods & Attractions
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Battambang #2 - Places You Wouldn't Want to Miss - Hotels & Foods & Attractions
🇰🇭Cambodia | Siem Reap #2 - Celebrating Songkran: Joy, Culture, and Water Madness
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Siem Reap #2 - Celebrating Songkran: Joy, Culture, and Water Madness
🇰🇭Cambodia | Siem Reap #1 - Sleeper Bus to Siem Reap & Dreamy Sunrise at Angkor Wat
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Siem Reap #1 - Sleeper Bus to Siem Reap & Dreamy Sunrise at Angkor Wat
🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh #3 - Visit The Home of a Genocide Survivor
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh #3 - Visit The Home of a Genocide Survivor
🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh #2 - Street Haircuts , You Should Give It A Try!
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh #2 - Street Haircuts , You Should Give It A Try!
🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh #1 - One-Month Immersive Travel in Cambodia
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🇰🇭Cambodia | Phnom Penh #1 - One-Month Immersive Travel in Cambodia
[EP.2] Taiwan Kinmen - Best Travel Itinerary Recommendation / 4-Day Trip / Taiwan Beautiful Places
Переглядів 31 тис.Рік тому
[EP.2] Taiwan Kinmen - Best Travel Itinerary Recommendation / 4-Day Trip / Taiwan Beautiful Places
[EP.1] Taiwan Kinmen - Best Travel Itinerary Recommendation / 4-Day Trip / Taiwan Beautiful Places
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[EP.1] Taiwan Kinmen - Best Travel Itinerary Recommendation / 4-Day Trip / Taiwan Beautiful Places