  • 39
  • 366 543
I tried blinking in Morse code to get the waiter’s attention
Another shit post 😌
Переглядів: 53


Ashley..Look at me
Переглядів 7Рік тому
I needed something to post ;-; Sorry for leaving you dry all summer! Have a great day!
Luigi x Bowser -silly goofy ahhh-
Переглядів 398Рік тому
Obviously not original Song from Hamilton (mostly from what I’ve seen) Enjoy!
Not so innocent… •not original•
Переглядів 71Рік тому
Thank you to Aesthetic Music for making the following video which is no-copyright (so I layer it over the other music) ua-cam.com/video/La9IzR_m6rs/v-deo.html ¡Have a great day! 😙
Queen of the Castle •idk if original•
Переглядів 84Рік тому
Inspired by: Hollynn Ragland Link to their channel: youtube.com/@HollynnRagland Ok so I have an idea for a video, but I need to see what you would like so ima make a poll. The music: Get Down- Six Have a great new year! 😁
Black Butler Reacts
Переглядів 73 тис.2 роки тому
Credits in video! I am tired from making it tarts lol. Have a nice day/night! 😊
Obey me reacts @silverray_weird1630
Переглядів 3882 роки тому
Credits to SilverRay_weird Ship: Mammon x Mc Have a nice day/night!
Obey Me reacts •Mammon Angst• Part 4 @silverray_weird1630
Переглядів 2,8 тис.2 роки тому
Obey Me reacts •Mammon Angst• Part 4 @silverray_weird1630
Obey Me reacts •Mammon Angst• Part 3 @silverray_weird1630
Переглядів 2,6 тис.2 роки тому
Obey Me reacts •Mammon Angst• Part 3 @silverray_weird1630
Obey Me reacts •Mammon Angst• Part 2 @silverray_weird1630
Переглядів 3,3 тис.2 роки тому
Obey Me reacts •Mammon Angst• Part 2 @silverray_weird1630
Obey me reacts to •Mammon Angst• Part 1 @silverray_weird1630
Переглядів 4,3 тис.2 роки тому
Obey me reacts to •Mammon Angst• Part 1 @silverray_weird1630
Black Butler reacts •Short•
Переглядів 13 тис.2 роки тому
Black Butler reacts •Short•
Technoblade has died
Переглядів 792 роки тому
Technoblade has died
Roe v Wade
Переглядів 402 роки тому
Roe v Wade
Michael Afton disappears •Part 1•
Переглядів 762 роки тому
Michael Afton disappears •Part 1•
Fixing oc for new vid (don’t think I’m gonna upload Black Butler for a bit)
Переглядів 402 роки тому
Fixing oc for new vid (don’t think I’m gonna upload Black Butler for a bit)
Переглядів 322 роки тому
Переглядів 302 роки тому
Black Butler reacts
Переглядів 48 тис.2 роки тому
Black Butler reacts
||Dress up as your parents/parental figure || Meme •Not Original•
Переглядів 992 роки тому
||Dress up as your parents/parental figure || Meme •Not Original•
Untitled video
Переглядів 252 роки тому
Untitled video
//The Lion King\\\\ Meme •Not Original•
Переглядів 342 роки тому
//The Lion King\\\\ Meme •Not Original•
//Your favorite song will become your life meme\\\\•Not Original•
Переглядів 192 роки тому
//Your favorite song will become your life meme\\\\•Not Original•
Making a new oc
Переглядів 112 роки тому
Making a new oc
You peeps
Переглядів 72 роки тому
You peeps
Bruno dancing
Переглядів 152 роки тому
Bruno dancing


  • @RoxeyDarling
    @RoxeyDarling 11 годин тому

    Ciel's like "he has a face?"

  • @bamboosocks99
    @bamboosocks99 Місяць тому

    5:24 i have respect those look like stilettos

  • @Sabito86591
    @Sabito86591 4 місяці тому

    Claude was like "A spider🥹🥹🥹" And Sebastian was all "a another spider 😭😭"

  • @Purple_heart_12340
    @Purple_heart_12340 6 місяців тому

    This is the first time I see ash in a black butler reaction ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mariaarenas-gw4qi
    @mariaarenas-gw4qi 6 місяців тому

    sebastian: nother spider lclaude': fellow spider hahahaha xdd

  • @Kaiser-np2rd
    @Kaiser-np2rd 7 місяців тому

    I have a request, can you make the characters of the black Butler season 4 /Public School Arc react to ciel Phantomhive 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 7 місяців тому

      Ooo I can try, I haven’t watched it yet, is it out already?

    • @Aqulixy
      @Aqulixy 7 місяців тому

      @@Butterfly15229yep! 5 epa

  • @AlinaGarcia.
    @AlinaGarcia. 8 місяців тому

    Loved the video!!!❤❤ can they react to Nezuko part 2? Like Nezuko vs Daki? PS: Love your video's so i Subscribed.

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 7 місяців тому

      Awww thank you, I haven’t watched that episode yet, can you give me details on which episode(s) it is? so I can get an accurate idea of what’s happening

    • @AlinaGarcia.
      @AlinaGarcia. 7 місяців тому

      @@Butterfly15229 ok so part of it is in like the last maybe like 3 5 minutes on episode 6 and the rest in episode 7.

    • @AlinaGarcia.
      @AlinaGarcia. 7 місяців тому

      The reason she fights Daki is because Tanjiro wasn't breathing when he was fighting Daki first, (wich is like episode 4 and 5) so while he's coughing he obviously can't protect himself, Daki was going to kill him so Nezuko came and saved him,Nezuko charges Towards Daki but Daki chopped her leg and then slices her in half and slings her toward some buildings,Daki was about to absorb her into her Scarves? Or is it ribbons? One of the too but then she notices Nezuko standing and is in shock, Nezuko regenerates her arm and bites into her bamboo and grows and I guess goes through puberty? But then she charges towards Daki again but Daki cuts her left arm and leg but then is pierced in the back with Nezuko's right leg (basically Nezuko regenerated faster than the eyes could see) and slams her to the ground Daki is so shocked about her regeneration cause it's greater than her own, but then Nezuko removes her leg from her back and steps !or stomps I guess) on her left arm and breaks it Daki screams in pain but then Nezuko keeps stepping /stomping on her arm then her face Daki had enough of that so then with her ribbons/scarves slices Nezuko counting her head,then she jumps back and slices her limbs again, then she's going to slice some more I think nut Nezuko grabs the ribbons/scarves and then Daki's face starts lighting up where Nezuko's blood spattered across her face and then catches fire, oh forgot to say when Nezuko steps/stomps on Daki she lost control,and then Daki gets flashbacks to her past and then starts screaming,meanwhile Nezuko's blood hardened that was before Daki gets on fire when her blood hardens she gives a creepy stare to Daki,ok when Daki starts screaming Nezuko reconnects her limbs with her blood,and then when the fire fades Daki is still in shock I think Nezuko slams Daki to the ground but i don't remember.you can also search on you tube Nezuko vs Daki and I'm 99% sure it will appear and you can watch it. There's still more to the fight but I don't remember right now but I do remember Nezuko almost attacks a human girl/woman but Tanjjro stops her.

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 7 місяців тому

      @@AlinaGarcia. thank you! I’ll watch the episode where the battle happens!

    • @AlinaGarcia.
      @AlinaGarcia. 7 місяців тому

      @@Butterfly15229 YOU'RE WELCOME HAPPY TO HELP🥰

  • @ChristiBrownrigg-jd9qt
    @ChristiBrownrigg-jd9qt 9 місяців тому

    Grell pronounce are they/them okay people

  • @sheryltan3354
    @sheryltan3354 Рік тому

    Ahh music to my ears😂 specially the funeral by the way, I’m wearing my headphones at high volume😂

  • @ahs_gacha
    @ahs_gacha Рік тому

    Grelle and I had the same reaction to the voice change were siblings now ❤

  • @jessicadavies5368
    @jessicadavies5368 Рік тому

    Sabastion ciel and undertaker is the best and they are so hot😅😊❤

  • @Lol-ir7qj
    @Lol-ir7qj Рік тому

    Poor sebastian 🤧

  • @Lol-ir7qj
    @Lol-ir7qj Рік тому

    Poor sebastian 😭 how even did grell force him on a date tho

  • @Pal_127
    @Pal_127 Рік тому

    What’s mammon doing there?

  • @Bloody__painter
    @Bloody__painter Рік тому

    Мысли гробовщика в конце: до до до до до

  • @theanimeweebjazz969
    @theanimeweebjazz969 Рік тому

    Sabastian was out of pocket- Grell: im so badass! Sabastian: homestly, more like flat ass. 😂

  • @Netsuki.kitty.ofc.
    @Netsuki.kitty.ofc. Рік тому


  • @hibye-die
    @hibye-die Рік тому

    Pretty sure some of the bubbles went to the wrong people specifically ash and sebastian for the most part

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 Рік тому

      Oh shoot, could you tell me what time stamp?

    • @hibye-die
      @hibye-die Рік тому

      ​@@Butterfly15229 it happens constantly but the first time something goes wrong is at the 00:49 second mark alues or whatever was above lizzy and he had no bubble

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 Рік тому

      ⁠ah yea Ciel (I assume your talking about) had no idea that Lizzy could fight since she wanted the cuter things in life. And (you mentioned Ash and Sebastian) if they did know she could do that well conveniently they forgot lol

    • @hibye-die
      @hibye-die Рік тому

      @@Butterfly15229 I told you who I was talking about and when it wasn't ciel

    • @hibye-die
      @hibye-die Рік тому

      @@Butterfly15229 I'm honestly baffled at how you thought I was talking about ciel there with zero mention of him

  • @adamarmstrongwrightson9258

    Okay I am late I know, but ever time I see that were they in lord Kelvins secret room ,and he's calling Sebastian name, it always looks so weird without context

  • @TheVengefulSoul66
    @TheVengefulSoul66 Рік тому

    Tf is this

  • @DominickDoggo
    @DominickDoggo Рік тому

    Wut da haaaaiiiiiil

  • @jamy_pajamy
    @jamy_pajamy Рік тому

    Can there be a Nezuko vs Daki one like part 2?

  • @Dani-qy8oy
    @Dani-qy8oy Рік тому

    Amazing❤ can them react to tanjiro

  • @mariamaroshidze9381
    @mariamaroshidze9381 Рік тому


  • @chanhelen_tun5195
    @chanhelen_tun5195 Рік тому

    o °o your videos is very good also interesting too✨

  • @Stephany240
    @Stephany240 Рік тому

    Faz eles reagindo ao tanjirooooo

  • @ObeyMeF.MCOfficial
    @ObeyMeF.MCOfficial Рік тому


  • @gulzhanmurat4779
    @gulzhanmurat4779 Рік тому


  • @Helalito3
    @Helalito3 Рік тому

    Is Sebastian ! Not Sabastian !

  • @Marieskeez
    @Marieskeez Рік тому

    Love this. I can’t wait to see if you do another one. I kinda how they’ll react to Alois and Grell. Anyways love the video. ❤

  • @nicolehaas412
    @nicolehaas412 Рік тому

    What episode is Ciels trauma

  • @muniswaran22
    @muniswaran22 Рік тому

    I I U have want any me

  • @muniswaran22
    @muniswaran22 Рік тому

    I I U want want can have

  • @chanhelen_tun5195
    @chanhelen_tun5195 Рік тому

    nice video 👁️👄👁️:😊

  • @Mamawantsherdietcoke
    @Mamawantsherdietcoke Рік тому

    Alois turned into a emo boy when grell got thrown and still said farewell my love😭

  • @Fyodor_kinnie
    @Fyodor_kinnie Рік тому

    This is so nice

  • @mianeighbour-king6742
    @mianeighbour-king6742 Рік тому

    If you don't know the song is called get down

  • @Alexx_the_coolest
    @Alexx_the_coolest 2 роки тому


  • @rinnxz_7
    @rinnxz_7 2 роки тому

    Ur vids are so good! ur so underrated too!!! One thing is when the video first started, there was so much commotion :0 And i had to pause a couple of times to read but besides that you did amazing!!!

  • @rinnxz_7
    @rinnxz_7 2 роки тому

    Ur vids are so good! ur so underrated too!!! One thing is when the video first started, there was so much commotion :0 And i had to pause a couple of times to read but besides that you did amazing!!!

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 2 роки тому

      Thank you! I posted the fast part like a month before and some people commented on how fast it was so I tried my best to slow down

  • @darkday006
    @darkday006 2 роки тому

    It might mean more screenshots but don’t have so many text bubbles in the same screenshot please

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 2 роки тому

      Yea I fixed it in one of my later vids, I’m with these there were so many things to put in that I sorta overloaded 😅

  • @kayla-pe2iy
    @kayla-pe2iy 2 роки тому

    I accidentally disliked it but I meant to like it I’m so sorry !!😭

  • @Kayla-Kat.
    @Kayla-Kat. 2 роки тому

    That, was a work of art XD

  • @peachtea2526
    @peachtea2526 2 роки тому

    Your videos are so underrated! The dialogue is so accurate and entertaining!! :D

  • @Stephany240
    @Stephany240 2 роки тому

    Faz eles reagirem a tanjiro porfavor

  • @chanhelen_tun5195
    @chanhelen_tun5195 2 роки тому

    your react video is good i like it😀

  • @roxannehalbleib2694
    @roxannehalbleib2694 2 роки тому

    I've never seen the Book of the Alantic where might I find it?

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 2 роки тому

      I found it on Prime Video, it's been a few months tho so they might have taken it off

  • @roxannehalbleib2694
    @roxannehalbleib2694 2 роки тому

    Some of the scenes I've never seen before where are they from? I've seen every episode of seasons 1-3.

    • @Butterfly15229
      @Butterfly15229 2 роки тому

      I believe they are all from Black Bufler : Book of the Atlantic

  • @roxannehalbleib2694
    @roxannehalbleib2694 2 роки тому

    Your characters are cute. Thank you for all of your hard work.

  • @roxannehalbleib2694
    @roxannehalbleib2694 2 роки тому

    That was fun. Thank you. It brightened up my day.