John de Lancie
John de Lancie
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Mayday for Humanity Introduction
On Thursday, May 6, 2021, please join the Freethought Society, Recovering From Religion, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the Secular Student Alliance and the Secular Coalition for America as we celebrate The National Day of Reason by hosting a Zoom entertainment extravaganza entitled “Mayday for Humanity.” The event will begin at 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST.
Comedians Leighann Lord and Ian Harris will co-host this 3-hour event. They will usher in an array of comedians, poets, and musical performers. All funds donated during the event will benefit homeless shelters and food banks selected by the co-sponsors. Beneficiary organizations operate in a nondiscriminatory and secular manner.
This entertaining and enlightening program will interweave messages from co-sponsors, celebrity supporters, and people who are conducting grassroots community service projects during the 2021 Secular Week of Action (April 30-May 9).
An online auction will also take place with items donated by renowned-sculptor Zenos Frudakis, award-winning science writer Ann Druyan, illusionist Curt Anderson, the Humanist Society of Santa Barbara and many others.
Register for the Zoom event at:
Pre-event donations can be made at:
You can also donate via text! Just text the code:
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Pizza in the Continuum - Join John de Lancie and special guests for a pizza making extravaganza
Переглядів 56 тис.3 роки тому
John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek) shows how he makes pizza in this one part cooking show one part party. Featuring Bob Picardo (The Doctor -Star Trek Voyager) as Italian pizza master extraordinaire and a very special guest. Join the party and share in the laughs and sometime crude humor of these three best friends and former co-actors as they make way more pizza than any one can finish in one n...


  • @danielpowers5891
    @danielpowers5891 17 годин тому

    God bless you all, John, Robert and Kate.

  • @jonahjohnsen6519
    @jonahjohnsen6519 6 днів тому

    A familiar flash of light broke the stillness of the room. Picard didn’t turn, though his lips pressed into a thin line, as if anticipating this very moment. “Always so serious, Jean-Luc. I thought you’d be more… relieved, given the circumstances.” Q’s voice, casual as ever, broke the silence. Picard closed his eyes for a brief moment before speaking, his voice steady. “Relieved, Q? I’ve just watched my son wield a power I barely understand to stop a threat that could have ended not just this universe, but all of them. And I’m supposed to feel *relief*?” Q stepped forward, his tone softening. “Ah, Jean-Luc, always so melodramatic. But, let’s not pretend you haven’t been through worse. You’re still here, aren’t you? And so is Jack. Quite the accomplishment, I’d say.” Picard turned to face him, his expression hard but searching. “Why now, Q? After all these years, all the tests, why did you choose *now* to involve Jack? And don’t give me your usual cryptic nonsense. I want the truth.” Q raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “The truth? Oh, Jean-Luc, I thought you of all people would’ve figured it out by now.” He sighed, pacing slightly, his tone shifting to something more reflective. “It was never just about *you*. From the moment I introduced you to the Borg, this was all about what was coming. About Jack.” Picard’s eyes narrowed, suspicion clear. “Jack? What does he have to do with the Borg? Or the Multiverse Borg Queen?” “The Borg were never the real threat,” Q replied, his voice growing quieter, more deliberate. “They were a warning, a test. You see, Jean-Luc, the universe-and the multiverse-has a way of evolving. Of preparing itself for larger threats. The Multiverse Queen? She wasn’t going to stop at assimilating technology or even planets. She would’ve taken entire realities, consumed them. But you, and more importantly, Jack, were key to stopping her.” Picard shook his head slightly, trying to piece it together. “Jack… He’s not just human, is he?” Q’s grin returned, more genuine this time. “Ah, you’re finally catching on. Jack is… special. His power-his ability to connect with his multiverse counterparts-that didn’t come from nowhere. It’s a combination, really. Part you, part the Borg, and, well… part *me*.” Picard’s expression hardened, the realization settling in. “Part… *you*?” Q folded his arms, leaning against the wall casually as if the conversation were of little consequence, though his words carried weight. “You see, when I first pushed your Federation into the path of the Borg, it wasn’t just about testing humanity’s resolve. It was about preparing you, inoculating you, for what was to come. The Borg? They were a small taste of the larger infection-one that could have destroyed everything if humanity wasn’t ready.” “Inoculating us?” Picard’s voice was tight. “The lives lost at Wolf 359… all the destruction. You call that *preparation*?” Q nodded, uncharacteristically serious. “It was painful, yes. But look at what came of it. Your Federation adapted. You developed defenses, strategies, technology-antibodies, if you will. That first encounter with the Borg, it was necessary. Without it, humanity would’ve been obliterated by the first true multiversal threat. You had to be tested.” Picard’s voice was tense. “Tested… or manipulated?” Q shrugged. “What’s the difference, really? The point is, Jean-Luc, everything I did, every nudge, every test-it was all leading to this. To Jack.” Picard’s face softened as he absorbed the words, understanding but not fully accepting. “Jack’s powers… his connection to the multiverse, how much of this is you?” Q straightened, his eyes sharp but distant. “Not as much as you think. His powers stem from a unique combination-your time as Locutus, the Borg technology embedded in your genetic code, and, well, a bit of… unexpected evolution. Call it a delightful twist of fate. Jack’s Q lineage allowed him to access those abilities, amplifying them in ways even the Borg couldn’t have predicted.” Picard’s brow furrowed, confusion seeping into his voice. “Q lineage?” Q smiled, an almost fond expression crossing his face. “Oh, did I forget to mention that? There’s a reason I’ve taken such a… personal interest in you, Jean-Luc. You’re family.” Picard blinked, thrown by the unexpected statement. “Family?” “Yes, family,” Q replied, with a teasing smirk. “A long time ago, your great, great, great… oh, so many *greats*… grandmother had a rather *intimate* relationship with a member of the Continuum. Namely, *me*. The result was a rather unique bloodline, one that carried just the faintest spark of Q. I’ve been watching over you and your line ever since.” Picard was stunned, the implications swirling in his mind. “You’re saying you’re my ancestor?” Q grinned, leaning closer. “I prefer to think of myself as your *great-great-great-*something, yes. But it’s true. A part of the Continuum runs through your veins, which is why Jack’s powers manifested as they did. It wasn’t just the Borg’s genetic tampering. It was the combination of my legacy and the technology that created something… more.” Picard stood in stunned silence, the full weight of what Q was saying settling in. “So Jack was… engineered for this?” “Not engineered. Evolved,” Q corrected, smiling faintly. “Jack’s powers, his ability to connect with his multiversal selves, made him the one thing the Multiverse Borg Queen couldn’t predict. A variable she couldn’t control. And that’s why he was the key to stopping her. Where others would have been assimilated, Jack was immune. His mind, his essence-it transcended the boundaries she relied on.” Picard shook his head, still grappling with the enormity of it all. “Why him? Why not me?” Q’s tone softened, almost kind. “Because, Jean-Luc, your role was never to be the savior. It was to prepare the way. Jack was always going to be the one to face this threat, but without you… without everything you endured, he wouldn’t have stood a chance.” Picard looked out the window again, his expression heavy, reflective. “You’ve tested me so many times, Q. And now I see, it was never really about me.” “Oh, Jean-Luc, don’t sell yourself short,” Q stepped closer, his voice sincere. “You’ve played your part beautifully. You’re still as stubborn, noble, and infuriating as ever. But no, this was never just about you. It was about ensuring that when the real threat came, humanity-and your legacy-would be ready.” Picard turned to Q, his gaze softened, not with anger, but with understanding. For so long, he had believed he was the center of Q’s games. But now, he saw the larger picture. “And what now? Is Jack still in danger?” Q smiled, that old spark returning to his eyes. “Danger? Oh, there’s always danger, Jean-Luc. But Jack? He’s more than ready. He’s evolved in ways none of us could have predicted-even me. He’ll be fine.” Picard nodded slowly, the weight of his son’s legacy heavy but no longer crushing. He understood now. Jack’s path was his own, but it was born from the trials he had faced. The future was uncertain, but for the first time, Picard felt a sense of peace. “Thank you, Q.” Q grinned, his playful charm returning in full force. “Oh, don’t get all sentimental on me, Jean-Luc. There’s still so much fun to be had. But I’ll leave you to it… for now.”

  • @jonahjohnsen6519
    @jonahjohnsen6519 6 днів тому

    The circle shifted slightly, the figures moving in closer. They seemed to be considering him, weighing him. Then, at last, Q stepped forward, his face unreadable. Unlike the others, Q had remained silent, watching, listening, until now. "Ah, Jean-Luc," Q began, his voice soft, uncharacteristically subdued. "Always so sure of yourself, even when you have no idea what’s going on." Picard turned sharply to face him, a flicker of anger in his eyes. "Q, if this is one of your games-" But Q held up a hand, stopping him. "Oh no, this isn’t my doing. I’m just here to... observe." His eyes gleamed with amusement, but there was something different-something deeper-beneath the usual sarcasm. "You see, the Prophets are curious about you." "Prophets?" Picard repeated, frowning. "What do you mean?" "Ah," Q said, tilting his head, his tone turning playful again, "There it is. You still don’t get it, do you? All these lovely faces you know so well-" He gestured grandly to the circle around them. "-but they’re not really *them*, Jean-Luc. No, they’re just... representations." Picard’s gaze flicked back to Tasha, to René, to Worf. The realization began to dawn on him. "You... you’re not real. You’re-" "Correct," Q said, clapping his hands once, the sound echoing through the void. "You’re not speaking to your old friends, Jean-Luc. You’re speaking to something much... bigger." Picard’s throat tightened as he spoke. "The Prophets..." The others-Guinan, Tasha, Robert, René, Worf, Janeway-watched him silently, their expressions unreadable. "The Prophets," Q repeated, his voice almost reverent now, "are wondering if you’re ready. If you can handle what’s to come." Picard’s mind spun. The Bajoran Prophets. The celestial beings who lived outside of time, who didn’t experience the universe in the linear way humans did. He’d heard of them, of course, through Sisko’s role as the Emissary, but he had never imagined... "Why me?" Picard asked quietly, his voice almost trembling with the weight of realization. "Why now?" "Ah, there’s the million-credit question," Q mused, circling him slowly. "Why *you*? Why now?" He leaned in closer, his eyes flashing with a hint of something darker. "The Prophets don’t choose people based on convenience, Jean-Luc. They choose based on purpose." Sisko’s voice, calm and steady, broke through the void. "The Prophets see beyond time. They see everything at once-your past, your present, your future. They’ve seen all that you are, and all that you could be." Picard turned to Sisko, his eyes wide with disbelief. "And they want me to be the Emissary?" Sisko’s gaze was steady, his voice low. "They believe you can be. But they need to know if you believe it." The circle tightened, and the weight of their judgment pressed down on Picard, heavier than before. "Do you?" Tasha asked, her voice soft but firm. "Do you believe you can carry this?" Picard’s mind raced, searching for answers, for clarity, but all he found was the weight of uncertainty. Could he bear this responsibility? Could he take on the role of Emissary, a bridge between beings who saw time as nothing more than an illusion? "I..." Picard hesitated, his voice faltering. "I don’t know." "You don’t *know*?" Q taunted, stepping closer, his voice sharp. "That’s not like you, Jean-Luc. Always so certain, always so... *in control*." Picard’s eyes flashed with frustration. "I’ve always been guided by my principles. But this... this is beyond me." Guinan’s voice, softer now, cut through the tension. "That’s what the Prophets want to know. Can you let go of control, Jean-Luc? Can you trust something greater than yourself?" Picard’s heart pounded as he looked around the circle, their faces calm, waiting, watching. "Do you accept this?" Sisko asked, his voice low and steady. "Do you accept the role of Emissary?" Picard’s breath hitched, his mind swirling. This wasn’t a choice he had ever imagined making. But he had been judged-he had been chosen. And if there was one thing Picard had always known, it was that he never backed down from responsibility. "I... I accept," Picard said quietly, his voice steadying as he spoke. "If this is my purpose, then I will accept it." The figures shimmered in the light, their forms flickering as if they were mere reflections of something far more vast and incomprehensible. As they began to dissolve into the whiteness, one figure remained, his form solid, grounded-Benjamin Sisko. He stepped forward, his presence commanding yet calm, carrying the weight of his own experiences as the former Emissary. His gaze was steady as he looked Picard in the eye, a quiet understanding passing between them. "You’ve taken the first step," Sisko said, his voice deep, resonating through the void. "But the path of the Emissary is not an easy one. It’s not about power or rank. It’s about trust-in the Prophets, in the choices they show you, and in the uncertain path ahead." Picard listened, his mind still whirling, but he forced himself to focus. Sisko was speaking from experience, and Picard knew the gravity of the role Sisko had borne. "You didn’t ask for this," Sisko continued, stepping closer, "but neither did I. The Prophets don’t choose based on what we *want*. They choose based on what’s needed." Picard met Sisko’s gaze, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "And what do they need from me?" Sisko’s expression softened, though the intensity never left his eyes. "They need you to be the bridge between them and the world you know. To guide the living, while understanding the infinite. It’s not just about Bajor. It’s about the connection between all things-past, present, future." Sisko extended his hand, and Picard hesitated for just a moment before reaching out to clasp it. As their hands connected, a surge of energy passed through Picard-not painful, but powerful, as though the very essence of the Prophets flowed between them. "The torch is passed," Sisko said, his voice low and filled with meaning. "I walked this path, Jean-Luc. Now it’s your turn. The Prophets have chosen, and you will be their Emissary." Picard felt the weight of those words settle over him like a mantle. The light around them seemed to pulse, responding to the shift in energy, as though the Prophets themselves acknowledged the transfer. Sisko’s grip tightened for a moment before he let go, stepping back. "You’ll find your way," Sisko added, his voice quiet but certain. "Just as I did."

  • @zane_aftermath33
    @zane_aftermath33 13 днів тому

    is it bad that if I close my eyes I hear discord?

  • @-M0LE
    @-M0LE 19 днів тому

    The pizza was cooked by janeways intimidation 😂

  • @ilttpvvm
    @ilttpvvm 19 днів тому

    Never knew that Kate could be so raunchy…

  • @blazer666del
    @blazer666del 21 день тому

    Lol.. Wish i was there!

  • @alyssaroberts7364
    @alyssaroberts7364 Місяць тому

    And I don't mean to seem rude but I just want you to be in heaven

  • @alyssaroberts7364
    @alyssaroberts7364 Місяць тому

    John delancey I'm one of your biggest fans please give church another chance I'm praying for you🙏🙏

  • @bob23young
    @bob23young Місяць тому

    Kate, Robert and John are all excellent actors amongst the many other excellent actors in Star Trek.

  • @tobinosler
    @tobinosler 2 місяці тому

    This is great... I'd love to see more content on John de Lancie's channel...

  • @piano1500
    @piano1500 2 місяці тому

    No one's gonna mention his other guest was Captain Janeway???

  • @Starrynightita
    @Starrynightita 2 місяці тому

    Missed this for 3 whole years :( Love to see you guys hanging out, but as an Italian, I have to say I’m aching to see all those ingredients for pizza and not an ounce of mozzarella, the real only cheese you’d need!

  • @BenvanBroekhuijsen
    @BenvanBroekhuijsen 2 місяці тому

    John, I would to see more of this. Can you create more videos like this?

  • @dailyqwikbytes
    @dailyqwikbytes 2 місяці тому

    Q is a foodie!?

  • @nointegritydotorg
    @nointegritydotorg 2 місяці тому

    You need to bring some more Cooking In The Continuum to your channel. :)

  • @glenngriffon8032
    @glenngriffon8032 2 місяці тому

    There's something hilarious in the thought of Q chastising Janeway for talking too much. Warms my heart to Kate Mulgrew on here though. My favorite captain. If not for Voyager I wouldn't have gotten into Trek.

  • @Eremon1
    @Eremon1 3 місяці тому

    I really want to called Q-zza. This truly is a video I didn't even know I needed in my life. Well done.

  • @paulhammons7077
    @paulhammons7077 3 місяці тому

    So jealous of the pizza pit its amazing 👏

  • @paulhammons7077
    @paulhammons7077 3 місяці тому

    That picture killed me, ty😊

  • @joey86bu1
    @joey86bu1 4 місяці тому

    Love it.

  • @wittenstienspavlov3699
    @wittenstienspavlov3699 4 місяці тому


  • @mariannebraun8206
    @mariannebraun8206 4 місяці тому

    OMG - the captain and the doctor. That makes me smile today. "Cooking with Q" can be repeated. 🥰

  • @slvtnanddscplshparedifferent
    @slvtnanddscplshparedifferent 4 місяці тому

    With WW3 and the Rapture closer than ever, I pray that John de Lancie comes to his senses before it's too late and gets saved. And make no mistake. End times Bible prophecy is coming alive like never before. After the Jewish people were scattered all over the world, they returned to their homeland and the nation of Israel was reborn in a single day, just as the Old Testament foretold would happen, in May of 1948. So many prophecies in the Bible are coming to pass right in front of us, but so many people are asleep. The time to repent of your unbelief and put your trust in Christ, in His shed blood at the cross to pay for all your sins, if you have not already done so, is now. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us and nothing is more important than knowing where you stand with God and where you'll be spending eternity. I'm not trying to make anybody upset or angry by saying this. I really am saying this because I care and I want all who see this comment to be safe for all eternity. Hell is forever, and nothing is worth suffering for all eternity. May Jesus abundantly bless you all (John 10)

  • @frankhoffman3566
    @frankhoffman3566 5 місяців тому

    I smiled at these folks coming together for food and friendship

  • @U2WB
    @U2WB 5 місяців тому

    So can’t Q simply think a pizza into existence ? 🤣😂 Awesome fun to watch. Thank you for this ! 👍🏻

  • @gu9838
    @gu9838 5 місяців тому

    its a shame you only have two videos!!!!!!!!

  • @tryscience
    @tryscience 5 місяців тому

    it's fun to imagine there are an unknown number of people alive today, because they took John's advice and vaccinated when they otherwise wouldn't have. See? Q saves lives !

  • @Legacy-cs3nf
    @Legacy-cs3nf 6 місяців тому

    Golden! And I'm not talking about the golden years. That moment was Golden! They're still cool after all these years!

  • @Legacy-cs3nf
    @Legacy-cs3nf 6 місяців тому

    Golden! And I'm not talking about the golden years. That moment was Golden!

  • @Legacy-cs3nf
    @Legacy-cs3nf 6 місяців тому


  • @noisepuppet
    @noisepuppet 6 місяців тому

    I love it, but after what you added to that dough, you may not be able to show your face in New York until the heat dies down

  • @stevegabbert9626
    @stevegabbert9626 6 місяців тому

    3 years later, I can't help it if it's the first time seeing it. That was an awesome little "home movie." By the way, that big plastic bowl looked like a perfect bowl for popcorn.👍

  • @jws1948ja
    @jws1948ja 7 місяців тому

    An intersting man. He was always picard's conscience.

  • @OnafetsEnovap
    @OnafetsEnovap 7 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday, John! :)

  • @RandolphBlake
    @RandolphBlake 8 місяців тому

    Wonder if he’s still alive?

  • @JoeSmith-cy9wj
    @JoeSmith-cy9wj 9 місяців тому

    Dear Sir, I've just seen your Clarence Darrow award speech in 2018. I've been feeling the same all my life and the last Presidential term has tried me greatly. I too was in one of my customer's restaurant when I glanced over and saw a hundred dollar bill leaning up against the shoe of a woman purchasing seafood. I told her she dropped something. After she left the owner was a little PO'd , he asked " How did you know it was hers, I might have dropped it ?". I replied " well, I knew It wasn't mine." I've been fighting for truth with MAGA for years in these comment sections, and have seen many videographers make excellent productions , but nothing has come close to the words you spoke that night, in showing the reason and fundamental importance of speaking it. I grew up with Star Trek. Spock was my mentor and life guide. Love your work, and now especially, your integrity and example. ❤

  • @HawksDiesel
    @HawksDiesel 11 місяців тому


  • @TheresaReichley
    @TheresaReichley 11 місяців тому

    See all this time I thought you just called dominos. I was way off.

  • @stonebaxter
    @stonebaxter 11 місяців тому

    This show needed more Q. Of course, that little cherry at the end of S3....I would LOVE a new series about Jack Crusher's "trials".

  • @tryscience
    @tryscience 11 місяців тому

    Also, I must say that is quite the amazing pizza oven set up you have there John. Might it be possible to do this again, maybe every quarter or if we're lucky every month? Enjoy a nice gathering with some of your other friends? We can hope. Regardless, wishing you long life, health and always good friends.

  • @tryscience
    @tryscience 11 місяців тому

    What a pleasant evening among friends! So kind of you to bring us along. ❤

  • @tryscience
    @tryscience 11 місяців тому

    Sound advice, sir! And also I must say, very well done on your return and exit from the Star Trek universe. That was quite the touching send-off and cements your legacy as one of the most beloved characters in Star Trek. 😎🤙

  • @draytonreed8984
    @draytonreed8984 11 місяців тому

    I think it's great that Q has pizza making as a hobby at his home.

  • @zaz4667
    @zaz4667 11 місяців тому

    I got a picture of Q at a convention! He signed it! I should have asked him to turn me into a Borg! I want to join the collective! YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED!

  • @frank234561
    @frank234561 11 місяців тому

    Q is a lot taller in real life than they made him appear on the show.

  • @SullySadface
    @SullySadface Рік тому

    I've never even seen a Darkrai and this magic man is just throwing em into food discs

  • @jamillefrancisco564
    @jamillefrancisco564 Рік тому

    I havent made pizza in my oven in 2 plus years. I think im ready now

  • @ConcreteReminder
    @ConcreteReminder Рік тому

    Smoke meth with aaron paul

  • @guitarvocs
    @guitarvocs Рік тому

    I'll admit it. I clicked on this just to hear Q's voice again. John could do a video of reading a bus schedule and I can't say I wouldn't watch it.