Jonathon Thompson
Jonathon Thompson
  • 1
  • 50 004
3m Stamark Pavement Marking Tape vs. Thermoplastic
We compare application time of 3m Stamark with ES adhesive, vs. Thermoplastic.
3m Stamark - 5 min
Thermoplastic- 33 min
Переглядів: 50 005



  • @chelladeepa9905
    @chelladeepa9905 3 роки тому

    Where does bought this material in india country

  • @bzzzzz6666
    @bzzzzz6666 6 років тому

    Not all thermoplastic requires preheating.

  • @SamYoungRadio
    @SamYoungRadio 7 років тому

    Thermo is better than 3M tape.

  • @anthonybrown6579
    @anthonybrown6579 11 років тому

    who does a crosswalk in tape do it with a handliner

    • @SamYoungRadio
      @SamYoungRadio 7 років тому

      Anthony Brown there aren't a million line stripers out there. some times you gotta use tape.