thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho !
Thanks! I am sharing it.
I got puzzled at first then intrigued, the nose and the expression clarified for me. Haha nicely done!
Well, not kknowing how to speak mandrain that's the best I can do.
That's really good in fact. I admire your effort making it available for Mandarin speakers. I am stilling learning much from you, especially your passion of preaching God’s word.
thanks Rev Ho!
哈巴谷書那有說亞伯拉罕之約的問題?那有說律法沒了?耶利米豈不說,上主必另立新約,且把律法放人心裡?羅馬書寫給聖徒嗎(1:7)?若寫給信徒,為何保羅又說,要把福音傳給他們(1:15)?到底何謂福音?為何上主所傳的福音卻是:天國近了 當悔改?
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho !
Thanks! I am sharing it.
I got puzzled at first then intrigued, the nose and the expression clarified for me. Haha nicely done!
Well, not kknowing how to speak mandrain that's the best I can do.
That's really good in fact. I admire your effort making it available for Mandarin speakers. I am stilling learning much from you, especially your passion of preaching God’s word.
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho!
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho 😊
thanks Rev Ho 😊
哈巴谷書那有說亞伯拉罕之約的問題?那有說律法沒了?耶利米豈不說,上主必另立新約,且把律法放人心裡?羅馬書寫給聖徒嗎(1:7)?若寫給信徒,為何保羅又說,要把福音傳給他們(1:15)?到底何謂福音?為何上主所傳的福音卻是:天國近了 當悔改?