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Benjamin Lin
Приєднався 23 кві 2008
Ready Or Not Raid (Single Player) 20220220
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Ready Or Not Raid (Single Player) 20220220
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021 09 05 21 10 38 01
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021 09 05 21 10 38 01
World of Warships CACHALOT (Submarine) Rank Battle 202108 29
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World of Warships CACHALOT (Submarine) Rank Battle 202108 29
DCS World 2 F-16s in Growling Sidewinder server
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DCS World 2 F-16s in Growling Sidewinder server
Digital Combat Simulator BVR practice 20200727
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Digital Combat Simulator BVR practice 20200727
DCS F-14B ACM Practice Part 3/20200627
Переглядів 374 роки тому
DCS F-14B ACM Practice Part 3/20200627
Hornet F/a 18
@@odnajdujacy5969 which part you're talking
Wait, what? You can change the HUD color? It's especially a problem on the block 40 WAR HUD, it's actually physically impossible on that.
Preset key is "Alt+H" and it still works. I think this appies all blocks even F-15Cs.
I just meant it isn't reflecting how it is IRL
@@RocketPropelledGuy I see, sorry for misunderstood
Harris Paul Allen Scott Brown Scott
17:48 - lmao
Its really familiar to call of duty vabguard mission
Yeah I like this one the best, quite intense!
Dude what is your OBS settings can you make a tutorial for OBS?mine is blurry😭
I think there are only some settins that matters, but if you do need the tutorial just let me know. ;) Here are for your reference: Output/Streaming/Encoder Preset/P5: Slow (Good Quality) Video/Output Resolution: 1920*1080(Aspect Ratio 16:9) I also wonder what is your computer spec?
@@benjamin0423 8gb Ram gt 1030 2gb and i7 10th generation
@@benjamin0423 I appreciate if you make a tutorial of OBS
@@ArvinReeves Give me couple days, I'm working on some Gunpla and learning F-4 at the same time.
@@benjamin0423 No problem
haha the 'naaahhh 2 wire'' on 49:24
Yeah I suck on this :/
keep it up bro🎉🎉
Thanks buddy
F-14, the last US Navy combat jet even remotely worth a goddam....
I think it’s better to use AIM-54A Mk 60 to fight AI. AI always know the missile is approaching anyway.
Yeah, that's pain in the butt. I tried A/60 before, still trash.
Howdy, Benjamin Lin. this is a pretty colorful video. thank. :)
What about graphic config in fs2020? Ultra, High, Medium....
Very nice video, Thumbs UP and Subscribed for more 😉. Would be nice when you visit my Channel too. Over and Out. 🎖
Hi Very good Video Thumbs UP and Subscribed fore more ! Visit my Channel too would be nice
how much do you have FPS?
Around 70, my setting isn't very high
fyi "position and hold" means that you can align and wait :)
Pretty sure its 4 wing loose formation, but more the better i guess
combien de fps tes en low?
Hello Benjamin 非常歡迎您們來玩喔! 這樣能看到直播還真不錯^^ 看著看著感覺可以看見自己的缺點,也許會稍微可以有點進步....哈哈,但是我解釋一下這個地圖,這並不是一張對稱的對戰地圖,這是讓我們練習各種作戰方式的練習地圖,所以裡面會有各式各樣的觸發點,提供藍方或者紅方練習各種武器之用,所以這次紅方基地會出現防空飛彈是因為您們進來之前,我們的藍方A-10飛行員對紅方基地附近地面裝甲進行炸射練習,當這個裝甲部隊被清空時就會觸發更加頑強的地面防空部隊,提供藍方更進一步的地面炸射練習之用,相對的其實藍方也有防空陣地喔,只是位置擺放可能跟你們作戰區比較沒有那麼接近,因此還請見諒....這些設施都是原本就有的,並沒有因為您們進來跟我們一起練習而去做改變,請不要誤會啦~~~然後伺服器因為不是很強大的電腦,只是一般的桌機和不是很快的網路,所以有時候Loading會有一些LAG,這部份還請包涵喔^^
好的,小弟也有修一些任務,往後大家可以一同合作練習打空戰(包含對空對地),到時候可以同樂一下 只是小弟在機場上班,休假都是平日,所以上線的時間比較不固定 歡淫到飛虎中隊交流交流 facebook.com/groups/v.flyingtigers/
小弟用玩家社群製作的Through The Inferno任務,不同於原本紅方目標從四面八方匯集的設計,小弟將敵軍部隊(陸海空載具)一率從黑海地圖的西北方出生,往位於Kutasi的我方基地壓進;空中部隊包含了簡單、一般、困難這幾種組合,簡單包含了單機的轟炸機與戰轟機,一般則是隨機出生的俄國戰鬥機,困難是必定有帶BVR飛彈的俄國戰機的雙機組合;地面部隊則是為數眾多的戰車部隊,其中也包含了野戰防空車,讓對地攻擊機有些刺激的挑戰;船艦部隊小弟則是規劃幾艘巡洋艦加驅逐與巡防艦的組合,詳細會等大黃蜂實裝魚叉後再做修正。 以上AI單位都是透過玩家自行呼叫出來,玩家們可以先規劃好今天任務內容,再依任務需求決定AI對手的數量。 比如說今天有雙機的幻象幫雙機A-10C做BARCAP,在簡報時就能決定幻象要在多遠的距離幫A-10做BARCAP;或是來個隨機點的,等A-10升空後再叫敵機出來,讓CAP機玩個緊急攔截也可以。 如果單純只是想跟朋友練練空戰(BVR、ACM或是BFM),小弟也在紅方開了幾個缺,讓大家可以做同機種或異機種對抗;甚至只是想單純飛個VFR看看風景,空中也有加油機為您準備不時之需。 若您們那邊有興趣,這個週五晚上或其他時間我們可以開看看,讓大家體驗一下異機種作戰的感覺。
看起來非常的不錯啊~好像是非常厲害的任務檔! 如果大家時間可以配合的話,再麻煩讓我們體驗看看喔! 感謝^^
bad quality sir
What was that 'datdat" right before they exploded?
Hi Benjamin. R Ctrl + R Shift + H will increase the HUD's brightness in missions where the default setting is too dim after sunrise. Enjoy the rest of the campaign!
feefifofum DCS thanks man, I'll try that later.
講一件很尷尬的事 還好我們都沒丟到東西,因為第二輪我鎖到自己人XDDDDDDD
用原力(喂!) 單機不太可能會知道啦,還是要靠僚機或AWACS幫忙確認;影片中的MiG-23是後來看F10知道他被爆掉了
Benjamin Lin 喔喔,謝謝,所以T倒數到0只是飛彈爆炸並不一定擊中。F10是地圖嗎?
把T想成 "理當" 命中的時間倒數就好,DCS的BVR飛彈帶的燃料都很少... F10是地圖沒錯
Joe Pan 小弟也是為了DCS買了1060,記憶體跟SSD QQ 不過畫質真的優
口袋不夠呀~ 光是買片二手顯卡,我就已經考慮半年了,記憶卡也是想了很久還沒下手擴充😂
其實大大也不用急,特別是現在挖礦潮還沒結束; 但小弟也推薦您可以玩看看BMS,雖然畫面是DX9,但對F-16的航電刻劃卻很細緻,這點我覺得比DCS優秀。
Hi Benjamin. Trigger problems with the campaign should now be fixed! Please download the latest patch from Eagle Dynamics. Thanks and enjoy!
Woohoo~ Thanks!
Lion Magunas 我後來有在討論板跟任務開發團隊聊,他們正在加緊修正中
老外low pass好帥啊
Totally great video and the way you played this game was super too..Thank you so so much for your videos too..
Nice video ..Thank you
Totally incredible job great flying and great moves too..Awesome game too..
Totally incredible..Awesome job on this video too....great job of flying moves too...Thank you so much for your videos and I do greatly appreciate it too...
Totally cool and incredible playing too..Thank you so much
Totally incredible job...Awesome flying great landing too...great shots ....Thank you so much for your videos....I greatly appreciate it too...
Thank you, I'm, really flattered. :D But still not good enough though, I'm still trying to make it perfect. ;)
Benjamin Lin Your welcome still awesome playing I do greatly appreciate it too...
You did a good job on the descent/approach in my opinion :) The only thing you could improve is your rate of descent right before touchdown (your rate of descent is a tiny little too high). It's a really simple to learn if you initiate your final approach 100-200 meters sooner (so go lower before you arrive) so that you are already flying low & slow & leveled before you arrive at the runway. By practicing that only a dozen times or so, I've been able to make some incredibly risky but necessary emergency landings in DCS. Hope it helps you to become a better pilot as well =)
Metal2Mesh mirage?
Yes sir!
+Benjamin Lin The Mirage of M2M is the best :D
+CryptoCat Totally! I'm thinking to buy M2K in DCS, too!
Alex Johnson Yeah... I'm the noob whose flying skill is better than you are ;)
idiot.. You're using ULQ to get unfair advantage against other players.. noob
So, wanna one on one duel to show how good you are?
stick with flying xD
jpwflyfishing yeah... I think that's what I should do. :P
崇誠吳 是阿,又被拿掉了~
.well done
Angelo Christakakis Thanks, should've done better though~
2015 - 1080p or gtfo
Ace Revo Don' care, haters always hate. BTW, make sure turn off the beacon light while in combat. You don't wanna let bandits know where you're going. ;)
Benjamin Lin smh.....
it was a real treat for me to fly like this... wingman style... im kinda an "ace" in arcade mode which dosnt mean shit really; just means im ultra agressive and steal kills xD but Realistic mode is so much better. really tests your skills as a TEAM player and pilot ^_^
omg... i love the "intercom" radio :) i hated this battle... the one we did after this one, or before... cant remember it was... it was great we both got 2 or 3 kills
Nıce game nıce team bravo
Thanks man! Actually I don't know the player who flew Bf-109G-10. But I was really grateful he saved me! XD
dcs 希望你也有玩