Fixes & Tutorials
Fixes & Tutorials
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Create a Login Page in Xamarin.Forms
Login Page created in Xamarin Forms with C# and XAML. Xamarin.Forms
Login Page Xamarin Login Form Xamarin Forms
Music by orangiromusik from Pixabay
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels
Image I used as the background in the login Page -
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Make a Soccer Ball in Blender 2.9
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Soccer Ball or Football in Blender 2.9 . Easy tutorial on how to make blender soccer ball or football. Download the model form here - *DO NOT TRY TO CLICK THIS* - My Website - Timestamps- Don't Exist. Hashtags- #DontUseThisHashTag #Blender My C# tutorial playlist - My fixes playlist - ua-cam.c...
How to Make Earth in Blender
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Earth animation in Blender 2.9 rendered in Eevee . This tutorial showed you how to make earth in Blender. Subscribe Subscribe. Fixes and tutorials My Website - *DO NOT TRY TO CLICK THIS* - Timestamps- Didn't made or find them :D Hashtags- #DontUseThisHashTag My C# tutorial playlist - My fixes playlist - ua-c...
How to make Themes in C#
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Fixes and tutorials Hello You can find the documented tutorial here - My Website - Subscribe to my channel from here Timestamps- 00:00 - Preview 00:40 - Intro 00:49 - Coding Starts 12:04 - Final App Hashtags- #fixesTutorials #csharp #programming My C# tu...
How to make a piano in C# (Part - 2)
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Fixes and tutorials Piano C# how to make a piano in C# virtual piano C# digital piano in C# how to play piano notes in C# Hello guys this my second upload on "How to make a piano in C#" I showed you how to code your own piano in C# winforms. In the last tutorial I showed you the UI(User Interface) for your very own piano -!AjqgjDP3qd5NgTdUSZO6hlhsUBeB?e=rXSgvq link to my last tutori...
How to make a Piano in C#
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Fixes and tutorials Piano C# how to make a piano in C# virtual piano C# digital piano in C# how to play piano notes in C# Hello friends in this video I showed you how to make a virtual piano in C# winforms so this was the UI (User Interface) of my application. I'll show you the coding part of this project in next tutorial. You can download the audio for notes in from here -!AjqgjDP3...
How to open a form in a panel in C#
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panel in form in C# how to show a form in to a panel in C# form in panel C# How to Load Form inside panel other form in win app c# form inside a panel c# load form inside panel open new form inside panel c# how to load a form inside another form in c# Load a form in a panel C# tutorial Hello friends in this video I taught you how you can show a form in a panel in C# winforms. My C# tutorial pla...
How to make a transparent background form in C#
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Fixes and tutorials how to make a transparent form in C# winforms C# transparent form C# winforms transparent fully transparent form in C# Subscribe to my channel from here - Hello friends welcome back in this video I showed you how to make transparent form in C# winforms , you can use it any of your project . It was easy for me to make this video...
How to make a speech to text application in C#
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How to make a speech to text application in C# 100% working how to make a voice to text application in C# C# speech.recognition tutorial how to speech to text in C# how to make speech to text in C# speech to text examples C# speech to text speech to text C# voice to text Fixes and tutorials Ḑ̸̵͔̳̮ͪ͂ͯ̀O͇̙̙̫̺̮̣͗̈̚͞͞ N̨͉̺̱ͤ̈́OTͣ T̩̜̲̙͂̍̓͡RY̷͉̞ͥ͌͑͑̚͝ T̢̩̠̒O̠̫̾҉͓͚͉̟̚ Ĉ̵̷̨̨̨͉̦͖͂̔̕͜L̡̢̡̛̗͓̗̈ͧ̉ͤ̕͜I̽̉͡...
How to fix microphone not working in windows 10
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How to fix microphone not working in windows 10 How to fix background noise in windows 10 recording How to fix all microphone problems in windows 10 Fixes & Tutorials Hello viewers , I am back to with my second fix of this channel. So, in this video I taught you , how to fix few (almost all) microphone problems or issues in windows 10, but I think 🤔 it will work with windows 7 I am not sure but...
How to make a login form in C#
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Hello, this is a simple tutorial on Making a Login Form (Modern UI) in C# with Visual Studio. If you enjoyed this tutorial then please subscribe. This is the link to the image -!AjqgjDP3qd5NeN5CqRf7GcR8dmU?e=cQsdCp. If you just don't want to watch this 30 minutes long video then these timestamps may help 00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Designing layout 14:43 - Preview of our UI 15:35 - Coding...
How to make a login form in C#
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login form c# easy login form in C# c# tutorials How to make a login form in C# how to make a login screen in C# winforms C# login form C# login form in winforms Fixes and tutorials fixes&tutorials Hello everyone I am back with another great video If you liked this video then please subscribe to my channel and like my videos In this tutorials i showed you how to make a login form in C# windows ...
How to send an email in C#
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How to send a e-mail in C# Fixes&Tutorials Create a simple application in C# to send email Please like this video and subscribe to my channel add 1 more line of code that I forget to write- client.port = 587 *👆 this works with gmail only For gmail users you have enable less secure app login from your Google account settings if you use any other email than gma...
how to fix processing abandoned video is too long
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How to create a text file in C#
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Create a new text file reader in C#. #2 Text file reader in C#. Simple C# tutorials. I am working on my previous project. The link to my previous tutorial is . This is a simple tutorial to create a new text file in c sharp. Please like this video and subscribe to my channel.
How to read text file in C#
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How to read text file in C#
How to add two numbers in C#
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How to add two numbers in C#


  • @VA_YVL
    @VA_YVL 7 місяців тому

    i figured it out you have to verify your account with a phone number to upload videos longer than 15 mins

  • @hamidaqaw
    @hamidaqaw 7 місяців тому

    I just spent 8 hours to upload a 6GB video with horribly slow upload speed and limited data that i had, only for UA-cam to tell me "Processing abandoned Video is too long." and i have to upload it again after verifying my phone number (which was already verified with google previously). It must've been impossible or irrational for UA-cam to ask for verification BEFORE uploading 6GB and using up my data. Thank you UA-cam.

    • @shenmailaoshi
      @shenmailaoshi Місяць тому

      Hi, did you figure this out? I have the same problem

  • @sergiorojas3985
    @sergiorojas3985 11 місяців тому

    Excellent and simple. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.

  • @devteammm3563
    @devteammm3563 Рік тому

    please sourc code

  • @PrinzMidas
    @PrinzMidas Рік тому

    Hey hello, can you show that with several ChildForms? I mean more than one? I tried it, but I can always only show one, the Childform1 or the Childform2. After clicking one of the Buttons, the other button don't work. Only for the first time after starting the application. 😞

    • @cultist4194
      @cultist4194 Рік тому

      What do you mean with several ChildForms. Do you want to show them side by side? If yes, i consider using multiple panels

  • @g1ldman
    @g1ldman Рік тому

    Super! Thanks bro!

  • @c0stinhaaa
    @c0stinhaaa Рік тому

    Nice tutorial! But what do i need to do if I want the rest of the program in Black theme for example?

  • @deepaksharmaus
    @deepaksharmaus 2 роки тому

    Good work. Keep it up and share more such things. Imagine your program being used by a blind. You add a image recognition of a picture and speaks tou are about 1 meter from a wall. Take left. Just saying. Lots of use cases.

  • @Random-yq1yd
    @Random-yq1yd 2 роки тому


  • @Galactic-l3b
    @Galactic-l3b 2 роки тому

    there is a like a small border how to i make that go away.

  • @thearsonist3686
    @thearsonist3686 2 роки тому

    You deserve like for this one pal. Good video, keep the good work mate :Dd

  • @BehnoudNakhostin
    @BehnoudNakhostin 2 роки тому


  • @LordErnie
    @LordErnie 2 роки тому

    Please use maui instead

  • @maryamtayeb283
    @maryamtayeb283 2 роки тому

    how can i get the piano music notes?

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 2 роки тому

      If you want to get the notes for what you play then in each method of the button click you can set text of a label(you can add it somewhere in the form) the note you played. You can also use a text file for this purpose. Hope this helps.

  • @flamelog3652
    @flamelog3652 2 роки тому

    Really great 😁👍🏻😇

  • @flamelog3652
    @flamelog3652 2 роки тому

    Cool bro

  • @danijassm1399
    @danijassm1399 2 роки тому

    I can add programs in the share button and how with my greetings to you

  • @justsomeguy4580
    @justsomeguy4580 2 роки тому

    bro how do i get system.speech

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 2 роки тому

      You add it by right clicking your project name in Solution Explorer and select Add Reference then find system.speech and add it.

    • @justsomeguy4580
      @justsomeguy4580 2 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 thank you so much

  • @YigalBZ
    @YigalBZ 2 роки тому

    Thank you. Very nice video. I tried on VS2022 - working well. I have 2 questions if I may: 1) Suppose I want to use 3 words only, like (cat, dog, house). Easy to recognize. Yet if I say another word (like horse, or football) - the software would output it is not one of the 3 words? 2) Can it work with another language?

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 2 роки тому

      Thank you. It does not work with another language and it will not recognize other words except the three words specified.

    • @YigalBZ
      @YigalBZ 2 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 Can it say: "Not recognized" for a word not in the list?

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 2 роки тому

      Yes, using the System.Speech.Synthesis library, you can define a speech synthesizer and call the Speak method.

    • @YigalBZ
      @YigalBZ 2 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 Thanks. How can the software recognize a word that is not in the list?

  • @otakutheanimelover1598
    @otakutheanimelover1598 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the great video!! But can u plz tell me what the codes Top most and top level do? Its still my first week in winform so indont realy get it... thanks

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 2 роки тому

      The 'usings' mean that you are using a particular library. For example, the 'using System' means you are using the System library in your project, it allows the use of classes or members in the System library.

  • @rooniegggg
    @rooniegggg 3 роки тому

    how to do on websites any tips

  • @mambaman2007
    @mambaman2007 3 роки тому

    Nice one there. well done!

  • @dioforever
    @dioforever 3 роки тому

    Hello, I dont know why, but custom grammar doesnt work for me, even when I lowered the number of words to mere 3 thousands

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      3 thousands is still a very huge number of words. Try using few or some other speech to text services.

    • @dioforever
      @dioforever 3 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 I tried even just 1 Word, IT still didnt work. Wdym by other servives ? Like Google Speech Recognition ?

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      Yes, like Google's or Microsoft Azure. UWP (Universal Windows Platform) also has better speech service. By the way make sure your mic works properly.

    • @dioforever
      @dioforever 3 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 okey, I dont think my mic Is at fault cuz it works with the Dictionary grammar, but if I want to add other words Like Discord, Spotify which arent in grammar I can't, So I tried the file grammar And it didnt show any text So I dont think mic Is at fault, thx for advices :D

    • @dioforever
      @dioforever 3 роки тому

      never mind, I finally found how to fix it for me, thx for help

  • @ahmedzeno8591
    @ahmedzeno8591 3 роки тому

    Can I source the program, please?

  • @minhnguyenquocnhat3796
    @minhnguyenquocnhat3796 3 роки тому

    could you show me the link to download the grammer.txt file, please?

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      Here you go, They also have some other lists.

    • @minhnguyenquocnhat3796
      @minhnguyenquocnhat3796 3 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 thank you

  • @ammarstash5884
    @ammarstash5884 3 роки тому

    Thanks mate, I've a question; I've created a form contains "Title - Text", on submit; How to make them appear in another form? You here did the opposite of my idea.. Can you help please? The whole plane is to put a little window in the mine page "News" and make them moving from down to up...

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      I did not get what you want to do. Can you explain it clearly.

    • @ammarstash5884
      @ammarstash5884 3 роки тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 So, I have a news form contains only the (Title field & Text Fields). When pressing submit I want them to appears on the homepage ""Without transferring me to homepage because I might add another news to the database"".

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      @@ammarstash5884 You can pass strings from the news form to your homepage. Here is the link to other video where I did something like passing text from one form to another that may help you

  • @minicikoyunda3630
    @minicikoyunda3630 3 роки тому

    Thank you Very Much:)

  • @Quran62114
    @Quran62114 3 роки тому

    I have 466MB video but I am getting this error.

  • @fixestutorials7330
    @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

    Tell me how was the video in the comments

  • @hayden7148
    @hayden7148 3 роки тому

    I have already done this and it didnt work

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      Try reducing size of your video and then upload it . Hope it works :)

    • @shenmailaoshi
      @shenmailaoshi Місяць тому

      @@fixestutorials7330 That's not really an answer

  • @BahawalTV
    @BahawalTV 3 роки тому

    Good! How to do text to speech?

    • @fixestutorials7330
      @fixestutorials7330 3 роки тому

      Thanks. You may wait for my next video in which I will tell you"how to make text to speech" and don't forget to subscribe to my channel