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Вернер Херцог, отрывок из док.фильма "Бремя мечты" (1982)
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Проницательная речь Агирре -- х/ф "Aguirre,der Zorn Gottes" (1972)
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«Завоевание Мексики не было иллюзией, - говорит Агирре - Если мы даже отступим, придут другие: их будет ждать успех, а мы потерпим поражение. Даже если на этой земле есть только вода и деревья, мы завоюем её, а остальным останется лишь пустыня. Эти люди жаждут богатства, золота. Но дело даже не в этом. Сила и власть... Я их презираю за это.» - из х/ф «Агирре, гнев божий» (1972).
Расовое равенство среди грабителей? - из х/ф «Жажда смерти» (1974)
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Забавный отрывок из х/ф «Жажда смерти» (1974), где по сюжету мужчина, прозванный «viligante», отлавливает и казнит преступников среди ночи. - Вот что я скажу: этот парень расист, он убивает больше черных, чем белых. - Так среди черных больше грабителей. Ты хочешь увеличить количество белых грабителей ради расового равенства? *другой вмешивается* - Что, расовое равенство среди грабителей? Ха-ха,...
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Начало Второй гражданской войны в США, причиной которой стало несогласие преимущественно белого штата Айдахо с иммиграционной политикой федерального правительства. God bless the National Guard! - из комедийного х/ф «The Second Civil War» (1997)
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«Оказалось, что я в сижу в котле, в котором перемешались все культуры и мне остались одни только обглоданные кости!» - откровение президента США. - из комедийного х/ф «The Second Civil War» (1997) о миграционном кризисе.
Ирландцы и шотландцы в Битве при Фолкерке - из х/ф «Храброе сердце» (1995)
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The Girls of Huntington House (1973) Sissy Spacek, Mercedes McCambridge
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The Girls of Huntington House is a 1973 television film directed by Alf Kjellin. The film is based on the 1972 novel of the same name written by Blossom Elfman. About film: "Anne Baldwin arrives at Huntington House, a maternity home for pregnant minors. The school's principal Doris McKenzie is initially reluctant to hire Baldwin, because she has no degree. In class, Baldwin soon finds out she i...


  • @Rollimggiant
    @Rollimggiant 7 днів тому

    Wow Sissy was so young and you can't help but notice her talent as an actress .

  • @crazyfinn8
    @crazyfinn8 7 днів тому

    Таким способом можно получать ачивки в стим?

    • @die-nacht9260
      @die-nacht9260 7 днів тому

      @@crazyfinn8 какие ачивки, например? Или речь о том, не помешают ли их получать читы?

  • @user-kl4zj1gb5v
    @user-kl4zj1gb5v 12 днів тому

    Could you imagine trying to send girls to homes likes this in today's world?!

  • @donnawanna9833
    @donnawanna9833 14 днів тому

    Sissy's nose was cute back in the day

  • @tarpleyk9352
    @tarpleyk9352 15 днів тому

    I was born in 1972, I find it interesting to watch what movies were like before I ever realized such a thing existed. This was a good movie, and I truly appreciated the ending. I wish movies still existed with substance of reality, if that makes sense. I'm so thankful I was born when I was. Children have no idea what it was like before the world got so extremely corrupted as it seems to be now. Now I'm at the age of 52, times were hard back then for our parents as well, as they are now for us. However, times definitely have changed, and the world is a whole lot different than it once was. ❤

  • @MzGumby02
    @MzGumby02 17 днів тому

    Brilliant movie!

  • @babble2leeza
    @babble2leeza 19 днів тому

    Sarah...if you have a man you'd know 😂😢 that was drilled during this era. I had a great husband but i never needed him to feel or know love. Love surrounds us.

  • @sherrypaproski9564
    @sherrypaproski9564 19 днів тому

    This movie was really good even seen an actress from lit p Katherine mcgregor

  • @zoozoopeddles114
    @zoozoopeddles114 19 днів тому

    I was 2 I totally missed this. 😢

  • @user-pc3ws4mq9s
    @user-pc3ws4mq9s 19 днів тому

    Why dose Sara hate this teacher so much guess I will find out.

  • @lisawentworth6831
    @lisawentworth6831 20 днів тому

    So everyone is mooning over Sissy Spacek and ignoring LEGEND Shirley Jones?? Oklahoma?? Partridge Family? Sissy was a stringy haired nobody then...Shirley could sing like a goddess and act! smh....

  • @lisawentworth6831
    @lisawentworth6831 20 днів тому

    Oh, back when there was homes for unwed mothers. Now we encourage young in their teens to have babies to get benefits. I see them every day; £1000 pram, tattoos, long manicures so they cannot work, false eyelashes...but as long as they crank out babies, they are om easy street! No one gave me spa days being a married young mother!

  • @TheErinV
    @TheErinV 20 днів тому

    OMG!!!! I had no idea this was a TV movie. One of my FAVORITE books in elementary school. I still have a very beaten up copy. Fun fact: the author is Danny Elfman's mom.

  • @ShivaLadiva-sb9nw
    @ShivaLadiva-sb9nw 21 день тому

    What a horrible teacher. She never studied so how could she teach?

  • @jenniferwilcox9759
    @jenniferwilcox9759 21 день тому

    Ha, ha! In 1972, it was FOB. Now, it's "baby daddy".

  • @denisesigns
    @denisesigns 22 дні тому

    i was three when this movie came out

  • @northernbettygirl
    @northernbettygirl 22 дні тому

    Wow. I never knew about this movie. Sissy did this in 73, and then Carrie in 76. Could tell both were done close in years. Shirley Jones looks like she just stepped off the set of the Partridge Family

  • @elainebundy2521
    @elainebundy2521 22 дні тому


  • @elainebundy2521
    @elainebundy2521 22 дні тому


  • @elainebundy2521
    @elainebundy2521 22 дні тому


    • @bigjohn08865
      @bigjohn08865 21 день тому

      Spacek*, looking a lot like Schuyler.

  • @LisaS1
    @LisaS1 22 дні тому

    Great movie and great subject! I've always loved Sissy Spacek!

  • @simonecameron326
    @simonecameron326 23 дні тому

    Iconic...thanku ❤

  • @cindyhimes
    @cindyhimes 23 дні тому

    Wow! Shirley Jones before The Partridge Family. It's going to be a good movie with sissy and her in it

  • @monicamccravey457
    @monicamccravey457 23 дні тому

    My mother was the daughter of alcoholics. She gave birth to me at 16 and wasn't remotely equipped with being a mother. I'm 57 and a college graduate, wife, mother of 3 adult children. More people should choose life!

  • @mikep5335
    @mikep5335 23 дні тому

    This is the same year Mercedes Mccambridge played Pazuzu/The Devil in The Exorcist

  • @WhatDoesMyChannelNameMean
    @WhatDoesMyChannelNameMean 23 дні тому

    I'm surprised at how bad this movie is. I finally found a Sissy Spacek movie that isn't any good!

  • @karenjoslyn4051
    @karenjoslyn4051 24 дні тому

    Paul Williams just nails any movie theme song!!

  • @ShanBowman
    @ShanBowman 25 днів тому

    Man this is crazy my mom was pregnant with me in 1973 She said it was like that she was sent ro a special school when she was 7 months

    • @smc130
      @smc130 3 дні тому

      It was the dark ages back then. Small town church ladies got a lot of mileage from gossiping about the single young girls and women who were “in trouble.” That same mindset is always against abortion for religious reasons. What selfish, lying hypocrites! They still enjoy gossiping when they’re in their 80’s! Disgusting!

  • @bigjohn08865
    @bigjohn08865 25 днів тому

    Sissy looked SO MUCH like Schuyler in this movie!

  • @molliemae6855
    @molliemae6855 25 днів тому

    Omg!! This movie SUCKS! Giving up just before the 30 minute mark.

  • @molliemae6855
    @molliemae6855 25 днів тому

    Sissy Spacek was 24 years old in this movie. She looks so much younger!

    • @northernbettygirl
      @northernbettygirl 20 днів тому

      Sissy was 27 when she played Carrie, three years after this movie. She was petite and had very youthful facial features.

  • @molliemae6855
    @molliemae6855 25 днів тому

    That’s Mrs. Whipple from LHOTP!

  • @suzilindblad5207
    @suzilindblad5207 26 днів тому

    Cool to see "Mrs.Whipple" and "Mrs.Olsen" from Little House on the Prairie in this movie!😃

  • @KevinMacdonald-ux7lk
    @KevinMacdonald-ux7lk 26 днів тому

    Just three years before she played the role of Carrie White in Carrie, Sissy Spacek played the role of Sarah in this wonderful TV movie

  • @sheristewart3940
    @sheristewart3940 26 днів тому

    ❤ At 14:06, as the girls filed out of class, I thought, "That's a lot of hormones gone wild. Those poor ladies looking out for these girls are more than saints ~ they're angels ❤

  • @belleve5709
    @belleve5709 26 днів тому

    I was pregnant.unmarried when this came out ,still in high school and my world was upended my mother tried to putme in a home just like this. But thankfully I turned 18 just a month after I found out and chose to keep baby. Boyfriend was a year younger but we married . It was not easy we worked hard to stay together. Everyone betting we'd lose. We probably would still be married but we lost our third child and we didn't communicate well. But we had 13 years of marriage together, he found someone else or so he thought. I found someone else who loved my kids and we had more! 35 years now! Best thing is I'm close to first husband, we share kids,grandkids and great grand kids, birthdays, holidays. I'm so happy he is doing well, and so am I . If you really love someone fight to keep it,but have fun too! Some days you have to do everything somedays they do, just keep going. Sissy is best Actress ever, she can carry you full circle,she out acted shirley Jones in this one and thats saying something

    • @user-gy1xc4dx4h
      @user-gy1xc4dx4h 22 дні тому


    • @ElizabethPetrucci
      @ElizabethPetrucci 16 днів тому

      @@user-gy1xc4dx4h" 4:21

  • @Arandomperson_online
    @Arandomperson_online 26 днів тому

    Such a good movie 😊

  • @toosiyabrandt8676
    @toosiyabrandt8676 26 днів тому

    Hi I really think us baby boomers thought our parents sold out to the ‘Hum drum’ and turned their backs on their dreams, hence the HUGE ‘generation gap’ in our attitudes to what was an ok lifestyle! And now looking back at least I know I didn’t do that come what may! WHO can ‘Live a life less lived?’ Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua PRINCE OF PEACE returning soon to fulfil the feast of Tabernacles by reigning over His creation on David’s throne from Jerusalem for the seventh millennium to the Glory of God The Father!

  • @mariemadinger4997
    @mariemadinger4997 27 днів тому

    There were a couple that were in little house on the prairie sissy was on the Walton's

  • @HeidiWylde
    @HeidiWylde 27 днів тому

    What a beautiful movie.

  • @gaylehudson7267
    @gaylehudson7267 27 днів тому

    Because in reality and in tis tv special, all he has to do is drop his seed and go off and be by himself on his own.

  • @jerrykeenan1848
    @jerrykeenan1848 27 днів тому

    Good movie

  • @DawnFThis
    @DawnFThis 27 днів тому

    Sissy Spacek is a whiny boring frump.

  • @DawnFThis
    @DawnFThis 27 днів тому

    Keep your legs closed girls.

  • @leem200
    @leem200 28 днів тому

    I was her once. I married my baby father, and everyone said it would not work. To young babies having babies, 47 years now. God was good and I am glad I married him. Been blessed. All those who said not to have been divorced and married some several times. I married a winner. Peace!

    • @lindaalvarez8855
      @lindaalvarez8855 24 дні тому

      My husband & I never had any children by choice because of my Mental illness. But, this movie was so emotional for me. Shirley Jones & Sissy Spaceck did an amazing acting job in this movie.

    • @WhatDoesMyChannelNameMean
      @WhatDoesMyChannelNameMean 23 дні тому

      And your writing skills are just as bad as the writing skills of the girls in the movie. 😂 Stay in school, kids. Get your education BEFORE having babies!

    • @deniece0821
      @deniece0821 19 днів тому

      That's awesome. Congratulations on having such a long marriage. Many times it doesn't work when people get married young but there are couples who DO stand the test of time! You are proof of that. One of my dear friends got pregnant at 17. She and hubby got married and had the baby at age 18. She turns 66 this month and in October they will celebrate their 48th anniversary. They are the cutest thing ever because I think they are MORE in love now than when they first got together. They still flirt with each other, etc. Last week I was at their house for a 4th of July cookout. We all had been out on the patio and I went into the house to find my friend and ask her if she wanted us to fire up the grill and start cooking. There she and her hubby were, slow dancing together in the kitchen. 🥰. I jokingly said "Get a room, you two!"😆. They have a daughter, 3 sons and several grandkids.

    • @arthurnorwood3121
      @arthurnorwood3121 19 днів тому

      Thanks for the free movie

    • @babble2leeza
      @babble2leeza 19 днів тому

      I was lucky too. 30yrs and now a widow. I hate the pressure and what we do because of society. I definitely definitely was and still am a stubborn independent blunt woman. Those attributes are not acceptable then or now. 😊I still live my life in God's grace. Glad you have a wonderful marriage 😊

  • @josanders5435
    @josanders5435 28 днів тому

    This is a good movie! I haven't seen it for a long time!

  • @pinecone1321
    @pinecone1321 28 днів тому

    I wasn't allowed to watch this on the first run. I was 10. All of my budding fangirl stars in one place, including my favorite TV mom, Shirley Jones Partridge.

  • @paulj0557tonehead
    @paulj0557tonehead 28 днів тому

    In 1973 my sisters were 15 and 12. I was 8, but remember the whole era like it was yesterday...sometimes more than 30 years ago feeling like yesterday. Mercedes McCambridge always seemed so butch in her movie roles, but it was a lacking element in Hollywood. Her son John Lawrence Fifield filled headlines in 1987 for murdering his family. A youtuber did a video on it and can be seen when you Google his name.

  • @charlenebercillio8065
    @charlenebercillio8065 28 днів тому

    Thank u for putting this movie 🎥👍

  • @charlenebercillio8065
    @charlenebercillio8065 28 днів тому

    What a great movie. Wish there was more movies like this in the world ❤