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Learn to Know
Приєднався 6 лис 2011
इस चैनल का उद्देश्य - शिक्षा के द्वारा अपने समाज की सेवा करना । यदि आप किसी विषय से संबंधित किसी समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं और आप चाहते हैं कि मैं उस पर वीडियो बनाऊं तो आप नीचे दिए हुए ईमेल के माध्यम से मुझसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं।
The purpose of this channel is to serve our society through education. If you are facing any problem related to any topic and you want me to make a video on it then you can contact me through the email given below.
Email: learntoknow.pawan@gmail.com
इस चैनल का उद्देश्य - शिक्षा के द्वारा अपने समाज की सेवा करना । यदि आप किसी विषय से संबंधित किसी समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं और आप चाहते हैं कि मैं उस पर वीडियो बनाऊं तो आप नीचे दिए हुए ईमेल के माध्यम से मुझसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं।
The purpose of this channel is to serve our society through education. If you are facing any problem related to any topic and you want me to make a video on it then you can contact me through the email given below.
Email: learntoknow.pawan@gmail.com
Previous Year Question Paper | School Organization & Management | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan
#pyq #previousyearquestions #schoolorganizationandmanagement #bed1stsemester #learntoknow
Channel Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhXrnrZ67BziQWt3V10vsk4P.html
Channel Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhXrnrZ67BziQWt3V10vsk4P.html
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Previous Year Question Paper | Critical Understanding of ICT | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan
Переглядів 4110 годин тому
#pyq #previousyearquestions #criticalunderstandingofict #bed1stsemester #learntoknow Channel Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhU00KCuR3xatVDDBfJW6iCk.html
Previous Year Question Paper | Understanding Disciplines & Subjects | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan
Переглядів 4923 години тому
#pyq #previousyearquestions #understandingdisciplinesandsubjects #bed1stsemester #learntoknow Channel Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhXUBetFaRg57_wuON-09e67.html
Exam writing tips for B.Ed. | How to get good marks? B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 5469 годин тому
#bedexam #bed1stsemester #bedfirstyear #learntoknow #examwritingtips #howtogetgoodmarks #howtowriteinexams #bedexam2024 #endtermexam
Previous Year Question Paper | Language Across The Curriculum | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan
Переглядів 64021 годину тому
#pyq #previousyearquestions #languageacrossthecurriculum #bed1stsemester #learntoknow Channel Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.html
Previous Year Question Paper | Philosophical Foundation of Education | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan
Переглядів 1,4 тис.День тому
#pyq #previousyearquestions #philosophicalfoundationofeducation #bed1stsemester #learntoknow Channel Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhUcIJ8AmuTjit2DLkIsoI2j.html
Previous Year Question Paper | Childhood & Growing Up | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 1,2 тис.День тому
#pyq #previousyearquestions #childhoodandgrowingup #bed1stsemester #learntoknow Video Link ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhW0PT6nJu-jT7cZyFSdY0_O.html childhood and growing up childhood and growing up important questions childhood and growing up b.ed in english Childhood and growing up b.ed in hindi growth and development Childhood and growing up b.ed in english childhood and growing up b.ed in hin...
B.Ed. 1st Semester Exam Preparation | Content for All Subjects | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 394День тому
#bed1stsemester #exampreparation #ggsipu #bedfirstyear #learntoknow BED 101 - Childhood and Growing Up Video Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhW0PT6nJu-jT7cZyFSdY0_O.html BED 103 - Philosophical Foundation of Education Video Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhUcIJ8AmuTjit2DLkIsoI2j.html BED 105 - Language Across The Curriculum Video Link - ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.htm...
Language Across The Curriculum | All Units | B.Ed. First Semester | B.Ed. Exam | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 59021 день тому
#languageacrossthecurriculum #allunits #bed1stsemester #bedexam #learntoknow Video Link Language Across The Curriculum ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.html Unit I: Understanding Language and Communication 1. Meaning, Concept, Features, Structure & Functions of Language… 00:00 - 14:01 2. Meaning & Concept of Communication… 14:02 - 20:38 3. Types of Communication… 20:39 - 22:32...
Language Across The Curriculum | Unit 4 | B.Ed. First Semester | B.Ed. Exam | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 42121 день тому
#unit4 #unit4videos #languageacrossthecurriculum #bed1stsemester #bedexam #learntoknow Video Link Language Across The Curriculum ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.html Unit IV: Role of Language in Teaching- Learning Process Language and teaching-learning process: concept, principles and goals, advantages and limitations... 00:00 - 16:44 Role of Language teachers and subject...
Language and Teaching Learning Process | B.Ed. | Language Across The Curriculum | By Pawan Mishra |
Переглядів 51321 день тому
#language #teachinglearningprocess #languageacrossthecurriculum #bed1stsemester #bedexam #learntoknow Video Link Language Across The Curriculum ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.html Language and Teaching-Learning Process Concept, Principles, Goals, Advantages & Limitations Language and Teaching-Learning Process भाषा और शिक्षण-अधिगम प्रक्रिया Teaching-Learning Process शिक्षण-अध...
How to prepare philosophy for B.Ed. Exam? Philosophical Foundation of Education | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 42521 день тому
#bedexam #tipsandtricks #bed1stsemester #philosophicalfoundationofeducation #philosophy #learntoknow Philosophical Foundation of Education (शिक्षा के दार्शनिक आधार) ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhUcIJ8AmuTjit2DLkIsoI2j.html
Content Based Instruction in Humanities, Science & Mathematics | B.Ed. LAC | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 33221 день тому
#contentbasedinstruction #languageacrossthecurriculum #bed1stsemester #bedexam #learntoknow Video Link Language Across The Curriculum ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.html Content-Based Instruction सामग्री-आधारित निर्देश Content-Based Instruction in Humanities, Science & Mathematics मानविकी, विज्ञान और गणित में विषय-वस्तु आधारित निर्देश Relationship to Content Based Instructio...
Classroom Discourse: Purpose, Types and Importance | Language Across The Curriculum | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 42228 днів тому
#classroomdiscourse #discourse #languageacrossthecurriculum #bed1stsemester #bedexam #learntoknow Video Link Language Across The Curriculum ua-cam.com/play/PLtP1hwc4CuhWbY-RY_67_5S0Eh4gvGyfq.html Concept of Classroom Discourse कक्षा कक्ष बातचीत की अवधारणा Purpose of Classroom Discourse कक्षा-कक्ष बातचीत के उद्देश्य Types of Classroom Discourse कक्षा-कक्ष बातचीत के प्रकार Importance of Classroom...
School Internship 1 | VIVA Questions | B.Ed. Semester 3 Exam | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 389Місяць тому
#schoolinternship1 #schoolinternship #bed3rdsemester #bed3rdsem #schoolteaching #teachingpractice #ggsipu #learntoknow
Philosophical Foundation of Education | All Units | B.Ed. Semester 1 | GGSIPU | By Pawan Mishra |
Переглядів 1 тис.Місяць тому
Philosophical Foundation of Education | All Units | B.Ed. Semester 1 | GGSIPU | By Pawan Mishra |
School Organization and Management | SOM | All Units | B.Ed. Semester 1 | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 281Місяць тому
School Organization and Management | SOM | All Units | B.Ed. Semester 1 | By Pawan Mishra
Critical Understanding of ICT | BED 109 | Complete Syllabus | B.Ed. Semester 1 | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 148Місяць тому
Critical Understanding of ICT | BED 109 | Complete Syllabus | B.Ed. Semester 1 | By Pawan Mishra
Childhood and Growing Up | BED 101 | Complete Syllabus | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 929Місяць тому
Childhood and Growing Up | BED 101 | Complete Syllabus | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
School Organization and Management | Unit 4 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 219Місяць тому
School Organization and Management | Unit 4 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Role and function of different agencies in School Education | B.Ed.1st Semester -SOM | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 250Місяць тому
Role and function of different agencies in School Education | B.Ed.1st Semester -SOM | Pawan Mishra
School Organization and Management | Unit 3 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 341Місяць тому
School Organization and Management | Unit 3 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Self Discipline: Concept & Relevance in a School | School Organization & Management | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 158Місяць тому
Self Discipline: Concept & Relevance in a School | School Organization & Management | Pawan Mishra
Concept of Discipline | अनुशासन की अवधारणा | School Organization & Management | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 212Місяць тому
Concept of Discipline | अनुशासन की अवधारणा | School Organization & Management | By Pawan Mishra
Understanding Disciplines and Subjects | Unit 4 | B.Ed. Semester 1 | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 253Місяць тому
Understanding Disciplines and Subjects | Unit 4 | B.Ed. Semester 1 | Pawan Mishra
Understanding Disciplines and Subjects | Unit 3 | B.Ed. Semester 1 | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 293Місяць тому
Understanding Disciplines and Subjects | Unit 3 | B.Ed. Semester 1 | Pawan Mishra
Language Across the Curriculum | Unit 3 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 612Місяць тому
Language Across the Curriculum | Unit 3 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Philosophical Foundation of Education | Unit 4 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 618Місяць тому
Philosophical Foundation of Education | Unit 4 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Philosophical Foundation of Education | Unit 3 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 745Місяць тому
Philosophical Foundation of Education | Unit 3 | B.Ed. 1st Semester | By Pawan Mishra
Childhood and Growing Up | Unit 4 - Childhood & Adolescence: Issue & Concerns | B.Ed. | Pawan Mishra
Переглядів 1,3 тис.Місяць тому
Childhood and Growing Up | Unit 4 - Childhood & Adolescence: Issue & Concerns | B.Ed. | Pawan Mishra
Thankyou so much sir. Bahut helpful vedio hai ❤
Thank you sir ❤
Great explanation
Where are theories
Sar aapke example sabse jyada acche hote hain jisse topic ko samajhna bahut hi jyada aasan ho jata hai thank u so Mach
Thank you so much very helpful video
Thank you so much sir your video very helpful 😊
All the very best👍🙏🙏
Sir I want to khow something I am pursuing bed from Delhi teacher treating college My course in graduation was politics science honours So I took social science in b.ed But I have heard that your one subject should be same but I didn't had any one subject same in 3 years of graduation to become a social science teacher What shall I do
Aapka graduation me Political Science honours hai to aap B.Ed. me Social Science Pedagogy aur English/Hindi me se koi ek language opt kar skte ho.. After B.Ed. aap private school me to as a social science teacher padhane ke liye eligible ho.. Lekin govt school me aap TGT Social Science (6th to 10th class) ke liye eligible nahi ho.. Aap After MA Political Science hi.. govt school me 11th-12th class me PGT Political ke liye apply kar skte ho..
Sir BEd semester 4 ka health and physical education ka video bna dijiye 😊
Very clear concept about multiculturalism
Many blessings 🙏
Thank you very much sir 🙏
Many blessings 🙏
So excited....... Thanks so much sir your video very helpful 😊
Many blessings 🙏
Sir aapki video bahot achii heii
Many blessings 🙏
Sr apne b ed 107 ka previous year question paper nhi kraya... please krwa dijiy
Upload kar diya hai
ap bhut hi easy language main samjate hai😊
Many blessings 🙏
Thankyou so much sir ❤
Many blessings 🙏
Thank you sir
All the best
Thank you so much sir ....
All the best
Very helpful
Best wishes 🙏
Best wishes 🙏
Nice sir
Best wishes 🙏
Sir mujhe pdf chiye
Sorry. Pdf facilities are not available on this channel. Make your own notes for better understanding
Sir plzz 4th semester ki bhi video banayo last moment me bhut jayda ho jata h overall syllabus cover krna
Due to lack of time.. Next month se hi start ho payega
Thank you sir
Best wishes 🙏
I like your videos ❤
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏 Many blessings 🙏
Thank you so much sir aapne bahut achchhe tarike se poin bna ke samjhane ke liye thank you very much 😊
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏 Many blessings 🙏
Very nice 👍
Best wishes 🙏
Sir please pdf bhi dediya kro 🙏🏻
Sorry. Pdf facilities are not available on this channel. Make your own notes for better understanding
Very well explained, Thank you so much sir.
Many blessings 🙏
Please provide pdf
Sorry. Pdf facilities are not available on this channel. Make your own notes for better understanding
Thank u so Much topic pura clear Ho Gaya
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏
Thankyou so much sir ❤
All the best
boht achhi lagi video sir....
Best wishes 🙏
Sir❤❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻..... Ivan illich ka educational philosophy chahie... Please uspar vdo banaie
Sure. Will make soon
@LearntoKnow thank you sir... Love from odisha❤️
Thank u sir
Best wishes 🙏
Very good explanation
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏
What is the role of teacher in social change..?
School ko miniature of society kahte h.. Aur school social change ki ek agency bhi hai.. School me baccho ko alag alag subjects padhane.. unko acchi chije sikhane.. samjhane, change ki need, usko apnane.. Ye sab sikhane ka kaam teachers ka hi hota hai.. aap yahi sab points apne answers me likh skte ho..
Sir plz 4 semester ka video bana do 🙏
Will start from January
Thank you sir video bahut acchi hai
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏
Two features cognitive learning ka Kiya hoga
Video dekho.. isme characteristics wale points features me likh skte ho ..
Thank you your video is very helpful for all❤
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏
Jiwaji ji university ka pyq chahiye tha
Sir 4 semester ka bhi syllabus start kara dijiye please. Aapke video se padhakar Maine first aur second semester bahut acche numberon se pass kar liya hai. thanks sir 🙏🙏
Thank you for your feedback. Abhi kaafi busy hoon. Will start from January.
Ok sir pl thoda jaldi kar dijiyga aap pl.🙏🙏
Nice video sir 😊🙏☺️
Best wishes 🙏
Thnku sir
Best wishes 🙏
Your videos are very informative. God bless you.
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏 Best wishes 🙏
Thank you very much sir ji 🙏😊
Best wishes 🙏
Thanks for making my exam preparation easy in short time period.. 👍
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback 🙏 Best wishes 🙏