DEAR 0622Christine appreciate that this always watches a gentle answer and this animation, and you are my important friend! The supernova must play a further role in future! I will get along well to support so them together!
Thanks for your kindly reply. Yeah~We will all get together as family to support Supernova. It is said that Suprenova will make a Korea comeback at the third week of April. I think this comeback means a lot to all the Supernova members. Hope all their fans could buy the album to support them!! I love you!! I love Milkyway family.
@0622Christine Hehe I'm a Milkyway in my heart. I live far away from Asia so I can't be a part of the events ... but one day I'll be there for sure. For now, I'm an inconditional fan from the distance. Long live Choshisei! :D
@0622Christine OMG thank you I will look it up. That scene really impresed me because the guys don't really do the crossdressing frequently (unlike suju for example) Thanks for your help :D
@tsubura If hormigui88 mean Kwangsoo、Sungmo & Jihyuk in woman's dress part, I think that's special performance on Choshinsei's 1st live tour which held in Sep. 2009. I can't give you the link here, please search on youtube for the key words "1stLiveTour - Kwangsu cute cut". Just for your reference, hope that can help! ^_^
@hormigui88 You mean Kwangsoo、Sungmo & Jihyuk in woman's dress? That's special performance on Choshinsei's 1st live tour which held in Sep. 2009. I can't give you the link here, please search on youtube for the key words "1stLiveTour - Kwangsu cute cut". Just for your reference, hope that can help! ^_^
They managed to make Lupin III gay and corny...congrats!
ダンスが歌に凄く合っています! 凄くカッコ良くて惚れちゃいます(>_<)
発音の練習の時間じゃないんだからさ ってのが、日本語きちんと理解してるツッコミだわ! 感動!!
СУПЕР !!!!
Haha Lee Changsun!!! XD
oh joonie ;)
1.12 microphone is falling 555555555555555555555555555555555555 joon oppa u so cute><
kaepeee12さま こちらこそ観ていただきありがとうございます! 彼らの面白い一面をもっと探って、これぞえんぶれ!な動画をもっと作れたら… と思います!またよろしくデス!
ERU0MGさま ありがとうございます! 身近に感じてもっと好きになってもらえたらなー、 と思いながら作りました! また何か作ったら観に来てくださいね♡
これ見て笑い転げました!(笑) 元の動画を見ても面白かったのですが各メンバーの視点からなど、 色々と編集されてて面白いし、なんせメンバーが本当に言いそうな言葉が書いてあったりするので本当に面白かったです!! 良かったらまた作ってください♪♪
とても仲良しの超新星ですよね。共有ありがとうございます。ブログです。紹介させてくださいね。アメバ ユナクンLOVE ありがとうございます。
すばらしい・・・・ブログで紹介させてくださいね。。。 毎回見るたび 微笑んでしまいます。。 突っ込みどころ満載ね。。。 ameba ユナクンLOVE 動画共有ありがとうございます。
shaining starのダンスで TV画面すべてにグァンスorジヒョクの 腰振りダンス映った時はビビリましたwwww
@sashinattsumi さま 楽しんでいただけてうれしいです♥ もっともっと超新星を好きになってくださいね!!
Yes!! me too!!
merimerifar さま ホンマですか!!ありがとごじゃいます!励みになります!!
skuanogrmio さま いえいえ!こちらこそありがとごじゃいます! たま~に他の人のツイッターに現れる感じはプレミアですよね(笑)。
sashinattsumi さま ありがとごじゃいます! これからもっともっと超新星を好きになっていただければ嬉しいです!
dalmatian091225 さま ありがとごじゃいます☆
i love all of them !!
DEAR 0622Christine appreciate that this always watches a gentle answer and this animation, and you are my important friend! The supernova must play a further role in future! I will get along well to support so them together!
Thanks for your kindly reply. Yeah~We will all get together as family to support Supernova. It is said that Suprenova will make a Korea comeback at the third week of April. I think this comeback means a lot to all the Supernova members. Hope all their fans could buy the album to support them!! I love you!! I love Milkyway family.
@704kimi さま おぉぉお!ありがとごじゃいます! こういうのでよろしければ使ってくださいまし!!
ってか、使わせていただきますm(_ _)m。(笑)
@0622Christine All the nova fans will get along well from now on! I love you! thank you!
@kuu103 さま あーりがとごじゃいます! またツイッターであるあるネタ再燃してくれたらなぁ! って思います!
@tsubura @hormigui88 Yes, Choshinsei are the one in our heart. We'll as one & by their side forever!
@itoyama0801waka さま ありがとごじゃいます! 口パクとセリフが合うと達成感出ます^^;
@itoyama0801waka さま コメントありがとごじゃいます! 意外とつっこみ役がハマるソンジェです!
@tsubura Yes, we are! ñ_ñ
@hormigui88 @0622Christine Oh, I'm sorry, and thank you! but we are one. we will support a supernova forever!
@uknowyoonhak さま ありがとごじゃいます! そう言ってくださるuknowyoonhak さんが大好きです!
@0622Christine Hehe I'm a Milkyway in my heart. I live far away from Asia so I can't be a part of the events ... but one day I'll be there for sure. For now, I'm an inconditional fan from the distance. Long live Choshisei! :D
@hormigui88 You're welcome! ^_^ Are you Milkways? Wish more & more people will know & love Choshinsei (Supernova)!!
@0622Christine OMG thank you I will look it up. That scene really impresed me because the guys don't really do the crossdressing frequently (unlike suju for example) Thanks for your help :D
@tsubura If hormigui88 mean Kwangsoo、Sungmo & Jihyuk in woman's dress part, I think that's special performance on Choshinsei's 1st live tour which held in Sep. 2009. I can't give you the link here, please search on youtube for the key words "1stLiveTour - Kwangsu cute cut". Just for your reference, hope that can help! ^_^
@hormigui88 You mean Kwangsoo、Sungmo & Jihyuk in woman's dress? That's special performance on Choshinsei's 1st live tour which held in Sep. 2009. I can't give you the link here, please search on youtube for the key words "1stLiveTour - Kwangsu cute cut". Just for your reference, hope that can help! ^_^
@tsubura Haha thanks, I'll try to look it up but I don't really the language ;)
@hormigui88 Thank you for a message. Probably I think that it is 「超新星☆博2」.
2:06 when did that happen? I wanna know
@erika5058 さま みんな日本語で会話してるのが面白いですよね!