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[ADOFAI] Cursed Levels by Yangsy56302 Part Four (XS, MO, XI, T5)
the levels are not cursed in order (my T3-X cursed level was made much later than T5-X cursed level)
T5-X also has a old version named "Divide By Infinity" made around April 2024 avaliable on workshop, it is not included in this zip file
Download: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vqifde1mbb9f25aiifcez/curstr_4.zip?rlkey=z6eklayzihzxrns6ncn3w93xn&st=7cudeofj&dl=0
Переглядів: 108


[ADOFAI] Cursed Levels by Yangsy56302 Part Three (xtralevels)
Переглядів 19614 годин тому
download: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vavneiqr8s7ap7hz9dj4u/curstr_3.zip?rlkey=38v9nml13uf465zdy7kckhx3v&st=vcdq068x&dl=0
[ADOFAI] Cursed Levels by Yangsy56302 Part Two (7~12, XC, XH)
Переглядів 34316 годин тому
i have a bad feeling about this... also why is this video bigger than 1gb :( www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bhus2126i2uus8f4bejlu/curstr_2.zip?rlkey=21z0ihbpj3wcfnyyr4ftilkvw&st=o06mvhjz&dl=0
[ADOFAI] Cursed Levels by Yangsy56302 Part One (1~6, B, XR)
Переглядів 10019 годин тому
o th is^2 not my first vid, but nvm Download: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t7cwznebwamqgnvii1xbn/curstr_1.zip?rlkey=dlwtby96vsnuf2crtgjb1nmgi&st=6pn5h0qe&dl=0


  • @rigelstarz6032
    @rigelstarz6032 12 годин тому


  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog День тому

    I am guessing T1's holds are doubled in length

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog День тому

    I just realized that your cursed 8-X is Firestix's cursed 8-X exept it affects angled segments instead of the offbeat segments

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog День тому

    As soon as i saw the text in cursed T5 say "formed level is done" i knew it was a baba is you reference

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog День тому

    W dlc bit on emomomo

  • @calebbillions1720
    @calebbillions1720 День тому

    You really like that literature club, huh lol No wait never mind it's something else, I have no clue what that is lol

    • @Jacko_hedgehog
      @Jacko_hedgehog День тому

      If you are taalking aaaboouutt T5-X, ttthe bboootttttttttoooom oooooff tttttthhee scrreeeeeeenn ccaaaalllllss ttttttthhhiisss _cccuuurrrsssseeeee_ "NEEEDY GIIRL OVEEEERDDOOSEEEEE"". (III DDDOOONN'TT KNNOOOOW IIIIF TTTHIIIIISS WWIIIIIILLLLL *_HHEEEEEELLLLP)_* Waaaaaiiitttttttt aaaaaa mmiiiinnnuuuuttttttttteeeeee,, sssssoooooommmeeeeeeetttttttttthhhhiiiiinnnngg doooooooeeeeeeeessssssnnnnn''ttttttttttt fffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellll rrrriiiiiiggghhhhhtttttttttttt… IIssssss fiiiiiiirrrrreeeeeeeeeessssssstttttttttttttiiiiiiiix'''sssssss 12--XX hhhhhhaaaaaaapppeeeeeeeeeeennnnnniiiiiiiiinnnnnngggg ttttttttttttttoooooooo mmmmeeeeeeeeeeee?

  • @ms_win_and_mc
    @ms_win_and_mc День тому

    Well Done!

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog 4 дні тому

    I previously played the cursed 8-x level before seeing this wonderful video

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog 4 дні тому

    Ten-X translation: Butterfly planet but each tile that is more than one hundred eighty degrees in angle adds a swirl on and after it

    • @Eduard_gd359
      @Eduard_gd359 4 дні тому

      12-X tranlation: Artificial Chrariot but the tresillos/lion tails and right triangles are swapped.

    • @Jacko_hedgehog
      @Jacko_hedgehog День тому

      Nine-X translation: Classic Pursuit but each tile that isn't a right angle, a U-turn or straight has a twirl

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog 4 дні тому

    forgot the right angles on XR's original triangles

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog 4 дні тому

    I actually didn't notice 4-x's effect until it slowed down

  • @Jacko_hedgehog
    @Jacko_hedgehog 4 дні тому

    14:45 Crazy transition

  • @calebbillions1720
    @calebbillions1720 4 дні тому

    As these courses are independent from the Firestix ones, what would be the icons if there was a combination level?

    • @Jacko_hedgehog
      @Jacko_hedgehog 4 дні тому

      I seeing the third video, one forgotten night was given a combination of these curses and it seems that no crabs appear There's just text at the bottom telling which level the curse is from

    • @yangsy56302
      @yangsy56302 2 дні тому

      a benefit of using text decoration for hint is that i dont need to draw a picture for every curse

  • @calebbillions1720
    @calebbillions1720 4 дні тому

    Oh god B-X seems like hell lol

  • @Eduard_gd359
    @Eduard_gd359 5 днів тому

    The new firestick

  • @ms_win_and_mc
    @ms_win_and_mc 5 днів тому

    So nice!!!!

  • @Grafrustix-b2e
    @Grafrustix-b2e 5 днів тому

    i like it

  • @Grafrustix-b2e
    @Grafrustix-b2e 5 днів тому

    Good job

  • @EdwinTan2666backup
    @EdwinTan2666backup 6 днів тому

    Something is wrong with World XM

    • @EdwinTan2666backup
      @EdwinTan2666backup 6 днів тому

      All I receive is Error loading level file at C:\Users\65943\Downloads\curstr_3\XM-X\main.adofai: Input string was not in a correct format., Stacktrace: at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException (System.Boolean overflow, System.String overflowResourceKey) [0x0001a] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0 at System.Number.ParseInt32 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles styles, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x00016] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0 at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x0001d] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0 at System.Convert.ToInt32 (System.String value, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00005] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0 at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0 at System.Convert.ToInt32 (System.Object value) [0x00003] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0 at ADOFAI.LevelEvent.Decode (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] dict, System.String explicitEventType, System.Boolean isGlobal) [0x00491] in <33cff8636d9c4154bc464d734a42461e>:0 at ADOFAI.LevelEvent..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] dict) [0x00026] in <33cff8636d9c4154bc464d734a42461e>:0 at ADOFAI.LevelData.Decode (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] dict, ADOFAI.LoadResult& status) [0x002c8] in <33cff8636d9c4154bc464d734a42461e>:0 at ADOFAI.LevelData.LoadLevel (System.String levelPath, ADOFAI.LoadResult& status) [0x000bf] in <33cff8636d9c4154bc464d734a42461e>:0 at scnGame.LoadLevel (System.String levelPath, ADOFAI.LoadResult& status) [0x0001d] in <33cff8636d9c4154bc464d734a42461e>:0 at scnEditor+<OpenLevelCo>d__571.MoveNext () [0x00252] in <33cff8636d9c4154bc464d734a42461e>:0

  • @badkittendmk
    @badkittendmk 6 днів тому

    Finally someone actually did the XC-X curse like I've been wondering. Also, That XH-X level tho 😭😭😭

  • @ms_win_and_mc
    @ms_win_and_mc 7 днів тому


  • @凌风白给施炎
    @凌风白给施炎 7 днів тому

    Good job!

  • @凌风白给施炎
    @凌风白给施炎 7 днів тому

    Well done!