Habtamu Ayalew, you are not better than those bandas who infiltrated fano by the government agents, you are trying your best to divide Fano forces and disintegrate it and finally fulfil the mission that you have taken from fascist Abiy Ahmed, by doing this, you will be awarded millions of dollars and other gifts from the fascist Abiy government. It's a well known and documented proof that you used to work with fascist Woyanes by selling your soul for money, you are the cause for many Amhara people's death during the Fascist Woyane time, you are not gonna be different at this time too. Banda is always Banda.
I used to hear your program. But no more after I observed that you are Banda working hard to reverse the Amhara revolution by working together with pp. I do not even want to hear your voice.
Yilikal sitil min tiz alegn meselek ene abachewon batanibet magist ena amara bazenebet seat ena woyanim le torinet dar dar eyalechi yihon woyim endejemerechi bicha yilikal ena lelochi betemeretubet seat ato debire siwon amara ahun gena le amara yemitekim woyim muhur yetemare sewo meretu bilo be midya 24 seat sayimola tenager yih ababalu newo 1 le zari ye gecho memeret ena ye esu megelel yametawo siketil amara yatahiwo sewochi atizen lela yetemare metolikal eyale neber yih malet ke bilisigina gar tilanit tetalitewo zarem tewadewo andi endeneberu enditawok
እጅ እጅ ይላል ሁሌ ነገር መደጋገም
ሀብተሙ በፈጣሪ ሰም ልለምን ህ የለ ተጨባጭ መረጃ ህዝብ አታፋጅ ሌላ ስራ ብትሰራ ይሻልሀል አንሰማህም!!!!!!!!!!
Habtamu Ayalew, you are not better than those bandas who infiltrated fano by the government agents, you are trying your best to divide Fano forces and disintegrate it and finally fulfil the mission that you have taken from fascist Abiy Ahmed, by doing this, you will be awarded millions of dollars and other gifts from the fascist Abiy government. It's a well known and documented proof that you used to work with fascist Woyanes by selling your soul for money, you are the cause for many Amhara people's death during the Fascist Woyane time, you are not gonna be different at this time too. Banda is always Banda.
360"እጅ እጅ አለኝ
"Game of Thrones"
አማራ መቸ መሪ አለው?
በየነ ከሞቱ ቆየኮ ምነው የምታወረ
ወደል ነው ነው ሰውየው ደመቀን ሰው ብላችሁ ነው ሆዳም
ጃል ሀብታሙ ፀረ አማራ የአብይ እስኮድ😅😅😅
Leba...Yematerbu. wushoch afer bilu (Ethio360)
Wushet yenegesebet gize
Habtamu beshita yisbereh. Ethiopian kemidir getse lematfat qorteh hetenesah gug mangug neh
በሙሉ ጦር መደምስስ አለበት ጦርነቱን ፋኖ መጨረስ አለበት
የእስክንድር ዲቃሎች
Invade the cities
Please have Fano complete this war asap
እሰይ ከብልፅግና በላይ ለአማራጥላት 360 መሆናችሁን አውቆል😅😅😅😅
በጉዲፈቻ ካደግክ ችግር የለውም,ግንሌላው ላይ ጥላቻ ከየት መጣ,,አማራው ባበላ,እጁን ተነክሷል ባኖረ,,ጭራሽ ተባሯል,ሥራሰጥቶ ሥራ አልባተደረጓል,,ወረቅ,ለበደረ ጠጠር,አይ ደል,,ፍርዱ የኢትዮጵያኖች ነው,💚💛❤👍
Af alegn bilew yaqereshalu. Gedayoch, arajoch hula. Fanom hone scene tebiyewoch yetelatochachin telieko asfetsamiyoch. Hilinachihun yeshetachu aremenewoch nachew. Kif at wetatochen asfejetachew new genzeb yemitagegnut. HAGEREMA ALFERSE alechachew. Ethiopia min gizem atfersim. Lijochun yemitascherisut amaran lemetkem sayhon le hulet never neww.1. Yegebtsen teleeko masfetsem. 2. Ye youtuben genzeb lemesebseb. Mengaw Jil jilajil gin wusheten begef siyagetuatew Zim yemilu afziz adengiz yihon?
Tikikil. 360 ene habtamu ayalew amaran kemidir lematfat iyeseru neww. Bewetatu dem genzeb yemiseru azabanachew.
የስኮኮ የፀረ አማራው ሚዲያ😅😅😅
ይሄ ትክክለኛ የኢትዮ 360 ቻናል ነው?
አረ ጥርነት በቃ ህዝብ አለቃ
ጥርነትን ማንምእይፈልግም አማራው ግፍ እየወረደበት ነው ግድነው ራሡንመከላከል!!!ለብልፅግናዎች ምከሯቸው እጨብጫቢዎች
I used to hear your program. But no more after I observed that you are Banda working hard to reverse the Amhara revolution by working together with pp. I do not even want to hear your voice.
I know very well Enfraze Maksegnit , Gondar Fano is Tsere-Muslim
Fano Tsere-Muslim New
Fano Bezih Akahede Ayashenifim
LeBa nachuh. Yihe Lemuslim Yalachuh Telacha New
Esachew, Atibel. Esu belew yihen kibrebis
Atrmetmet. Abiy sir gebiteh. Sile fano zegib sira
Adepa. Motoal. Yeminabak adepa new
አማራ ዩቲዩበሮች፣ ቲክቶክሮች እንዲሁም ከፒፒ የለቀቃችሁ ባለሥልጣናት (የተለመደውን የውጊያ ዜናና ትንታኔ ከማቅረብ ተሻግራችሁ)፣ በሁለት ወገን ተከፍሎ እርስ በርስ የመገዳደል ልዩነቱን ለማጥበብ፣ በአካልም በሚዲያም፣ ምን እያደረጋችሁ ነው? ዬትስ ደርሳችኋል? በልልኝ፡፡
አሩዋሩጦ እንጂባራ አስገባው አሁን ይሄ ድል ነው
Erasun mesidebi ayidelem megidel kalebet yigelal wanawo bilisigina yiketil hizibu degimo yidenager yih hulem sirachewo newo kefelege ke hulet ayidelem ke arat eradun yikefilal keza yetekefelut wochi be tureta eyetekefelachewo bilisigina endiketil newo yemifeligut yihin woyanim siyaregewo neber woyani ke hulet tekefele bilewo tegedadari endayimeta mazenagiya neber enji woyani aliwodekem silezih ahun degimo end dani boy yale bilisigina yiketil enji 10000000 sewo bimot chigir yelewom yemil sewo bezih be 21 cenitury sitisema yih sewo ke yet newo yemetawo yasibilalwodaji
Yilikal sitil min tiz alegn meselek ene abachewon batanibet magist ena amara bazenebet seat ena woyanim le torinet dar dar eyalechi yihon woyim endejemerechi bicha yilikal ena lelochi betemeretubet seat ato debire siwon amara ahun gena le amara yemitekim woyim muhur yetemare sewo meretu bilo be midya 24 seat sayimola tenager yih ababalu newo 1 le zari ye gecho memeret ena ye esu megelel yametawo siketil amara yatahiwo sewochi atizen lela yetemare metolikal eyale neber yih malet ke bilisigina gar tilanit tetalitewo zarem tewadewo andi endeneberu enditawok
እስክድር ዩአሜሪካ እጎብዲጅ ኑው ኢትዮጵያ በአሜሪካ ፍላጎት እንድትሄድ ሚፈልግ ነው
ኪሳራ ሚዲያ
ፋኖን አትበጥብጡ እርካሽ ሚዲያ😂😢😮
ከፋኖ የበለጠ የሚዋሽማ በዓለም ላይም የለም
በውሸት ሪከርድ የሰበረው ፋንዶ ኢትዮ 360 የሚባለው የውሸት ፋብሪካ ነው ማለት ነው?
በፋኖኛ አንድ ክፍለ ጦር ምን ያህል የሰው ኃይል ይይዛል? 20 ፡ 30፡ 40 ሰው?
መከላከያ የሁሉም ብሔር ብሔረሰቦች ወኪል ነው ፋንዶ ሲመታ አማራ ተጠቃ የሚባል ቀልድ አይነፋም
መከላከያ የሁሉም ብሔር ብሔረሰቦች ወኪል ነው ፋንዶ ሲመታ አማራ ተጠቃ የሚባል ቀልድ አይነፋም
ሰላም መስበክ ይሻላል ሰው የሚሞት
Where have you been for the last 40 and 50 years when Amhara people were slaughtered?
ሰበረ ዜነ
ድል ለአማራፋኖ