While restaurant tycoon 2 is a solid (quality not SOM) choice, I personally find pizza factory tycoon to be the more overall enjoyable experience. It quickly lets you automate the process of giving orders to customers very quickly in comparison to the throwing mechanics that you're meant to rely on for the early portions of this game (not that I hate those mechanics). I also find the customizability of the pizzas to rival that of the kinds of food given to you in restaurant tycoon, especially when you unlock the dessert and alien options which add a whole new layer of depth and allow you collect diamonds which is a big innovation for these kinds of games. Figuring out the topping combinations that give the most money I found to be much more engaging than experiencing the fairly grounded selection of treats to serve that are found in restaurant tycoon 2. And like I said previously, the late-game toppings employ so much more creativity than the standard menu items this game offers. Overall not a bad experience, but I simply am of the opinion there are significantly better "food type" games that you can find on the Roblox game client (play pizza factory tycoon with me please my Roblox @ is BungusBungusBungus. ty
watch this video on 2x speed
28:20 might be the nastiest play i have ever seen in league of legends
Daniel is a victim and he's ace and he's autistic (the video)
holy shit tajht lee sin kick was nastryyu
저는 이 비디오 좋아해요
better than better head
Good jbo
While restaurant tycoon 2 is a solid (quality not SOM) choice, I personally find pizza factory tycoon to be the more overall enjoyable experience. It quickly lets you automate the process of giving orders to customers very quickly in comparison to the throwing mechanics that you're meant to rely on for the early portions of this game (not that I hate those mechanics). I also find the customizability of the pizzas to rival that of the kinds of food given to you in restaurant tycoon, especially when you unlock the dessert and alien options which add a whole new layer of depth and allow you collect diamonds which is a big innovation for these kinds of games. Figuring out the topping combinations that give the most money I found to be much more engaging than experiencing the fairly grounded selection of treats to serve that are found in restaurant tycoon 2. And like I said previously, the late-game toppings employ so much more creativity than the standard menu items this game offers. Overall not a bad experience, but I simply am of the opinion there are significantly better "food type" games that you can find on the Roblox game client (play pizza factory tycoon with me please my Roblox @ is BungusBungusBungus. ty
Am i a Sqiuirrel
wwtYEa sd
Gud bid
Least gay Daniel moments
when your brain goes numb you can call that mental freak
when your brain goes numb you can call that mental freak
what phone do you have?
I am B.L.M
i love animals that dance
first just after the first first
I hope he never gets his XP
Sroy for party rockin
bee nis
let me hop out the mfn porsche