Audiobook Passion
Audiobook Passion
  • 14 592
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Robert Southey Collection
00:00:00 A Duel Giant
00:00:47 Alva
00:01:06 Amphibious Fish
00:03:12 An heptastic Vocable
00:04:04 Anglesea Beef
00:04:39 Anguinum
00:06:02 Animals in Paradise
00:06:45 Aqua Vitae
00:08:38 Arrow headed Letters
00:09:08 Biography
00:10:01 Bishop Berkley
00:10:21 Bishop Kenn
00:11:54 Book Covers
00:12:59 Bunyan s Holy War
00:13:37 Burial Grounds
00:15:02 Carp
00:16:25 Cauda Diaboli
00:17:12 Chess
00:18:39 Christianus Franciscus Paullinus
00:21:18 Citoyenne
00:21:45 Classification of Novels
00:22:28 Clock Mill
00:23:05 Cocoa Cordage
00:23:43 Cold Bathing in Fevers
00:24:27 Colour of the Autumnal Leaves
00:25:30 Columbus
00:27:37 Cortes
00:29:56 Coup de Soleil
00:31:12 Criticism
00:31:34 Dey
00:32:04 Dogs at Court
00:33:58 Dogs
00:35:37 Early English Metre
00:37:16 Earth Bathing
00:38:10 Effect of Domestication upon the Skin of Animals
00:38:53 Effect of Music upon Animals
00:40:35 Elinor
00:44:17 English Eclogues
00:45:29 Fair is the Rising Morn
00:46:06 Feasts
00:46:57 Filtering Apparatus
00:47:25 Foot Racing
00:48:35 For a Cavern that overlooks the River Avon
00:49:29 For a Column at Newbury
00:50:00 For a Monument at Silbury Hill
00:50:35 For a Monument in the New Forest
00:51:18 For a Tablet on the Banks of a Stream
00:52:00 For the Apartment in Chepstone Castle
00:52:42 For the Cenotaph at Ermenonville
00:53:19 Fredric
00:56:39 French English
00:57:39 Frith the Martyr
00:58:59 Garden of Banstead
01:00:36 Gift of Tongues
01:01:00 Glover s Leonidas
01:02:08 Glow Beast
01:04:23 Go Valentine
01:05:00 Goldsmith
01:05:22 Government of Norcia
01:06:57 Greek Erudition
01:07:27 Ground Fires
01:09:43 Hard by the Road
01:10:22 Hats
01:12:23 Hell
01:15:14 Henrietta Maria
01:16:12 Henry the Hermit
01:18:26 Hereticks of the early ages
01:20:17 High in the Air Exposed
01:20:55 His Books
01:21:40 Hold your Mad Hands
01:22:19 Hole s Arthur
01:24:20 How darkly o er yon far off Mountain Frowns
01:24:58 If
01:27:32 Image Worship
01:28:38 Instinct
01:29:38 Invention for the Blind
01:30:56 James I
01:33:33 Jeremy Taylor
01:34:02 Joachim du Bellay
01:35:28 Juan de Esquivel Navarro
01:38:14 Judas
01:41:28 Locke
01:41:45 Lord Chief Justice Holt
01:42:53 Medical Poets
01:43:16 Meditation and Contemplation
01:45:43 Menageries
01:46:09 Meteorolithes
01:48:00 Metrical Letter
01:50:33 Mexican Tennis
01:51:02 Mistranslations
01:53:13 Mode of Ventilating a Town
01:55:11 Mosquitos
01:55:40 Mostansir Billah
01:57:09 Motteux
01:57:28 Munchhausen
01:58:48 Nebuchadnezzar
01:59:35 Not to thee Bedford
02:00:14 Obour of Heresy
02:03:06 Ode written on the First of December
02:04:26 These Chapters are in the Comments.
The Amount of Chapters is Limited to 100,
the Following are Listed in the Comments.
Other Collections:
Переглядів: 4


The Hound and the Hare - Aesop
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Hound and the Hare - Aesop A HOUND after long chasing a Hare at length came up to her, and kept first biting and then licking her. The Hare, not knowing what to make of him, said: "If you are a friend, why do you bite me?-but if a foe, why caress me?" A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy. Let a man be one thing or the other, and we then know how to meet him. Other Works by Aesop:...
The Eagle and the Jackdaw - Aesop
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The Eagle and the Jackdaw - Aesop AN Eagle made a swoop from a high rock, and carried off a lamb. A Jackdaw, who saw the exploit, thinking that he could do the like, bore down with all the force he could muster upon a ram, intending to bear him off as a prize. But his claws becoming entangled in the wool, he made such a fluttering in his efforts to escape, that the shepherd, seeing through the ...
The Leopard and the Fox - Aesop
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The Leopard and the Fox - Aesop A LEOPARD and a Fox had a contest which was the finer creature of the two. The Leopard put forward the beauty of its numberless spots; but the Fox replied-"It is better to have a versatile mind than a variegated body." Other Works by Aesop: #aesop
The Heifer and the Ox - Aesop
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The Heifer and the Ox - Aesop A HEIFER that ran wild in the fields and had never felt the yoke, upbraided an Ox at plough for submitting to such labour and drudgery. The Ox said nothing, but went on with his work. Not long after, there was a great festival. The Ox got his holiday: but the Heifer was led off to be sacrificed at the altar. "If this be the end of your idleness," said the Ox, "I th...
The Lion and the Goat - Aesop
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The Lion and the Goat - Aesop ON a summer's day, when everything was suffering from extreme heat, a Lion and a Goat came at the same time to quench their thirst at a small fountain. They at once fell to quarrelling which should first drink of the water, till at length it seemed that each was determined to resist the other even to death. But, ceasing from the strife for a moment, to recover brea...
The Hart and the Vine - Aesop
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The Hart and the Vine - Aesop A HART, pursued by hunters, concealed himself among the branches of a Vine. The hunters passed by without discovering him, and when he thought that all was safe, he began browsing upon the leaves that had concealed him. But one of the hunters, attracted by the rustling, turned round, and guessing that their prey was there, shot into the bush and killed him. As he w...
The Bald Knight - Aesop
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The Bald Knight - Aesop A CERTAIN Knight growing old, his hair fell off, and he became bald; to hide which imperfection, he wore a periwig. But as he was riding out with some others a-hunting a sudden gust of wind blew off the periwig, and exposed his bald pate. The company could not forbear laughing at the accident; and he himself laughed as loud as anybody, saying, "How was it to be expected ...
The Brazier and his Dog - Aesop
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The Brazier and his Dog - Aesop THERE was a certain Brazier who had a little Dog. While he hammered away at his metal, the Dog slept; but whenever he sat down to his dinner the Dog woke up. "Sluggard cur!" said the Brazier, throwing him a bone; "you sleep through the noise of the anvil, but wake up at the first clatter of my teeth." Men are awake enough to their own interests, who turn a deaf e...
The Farmer and the Lion - Aesop
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Farmer and the Lion - Aesop A LION entered one day into a farm-yard, and the Farmer, wishing to catch him, shut the gate. When the Lion found that he could not get out, he began at once to attack the sheep, and then betook himself to the oxen. So the Farmer, afraid for himself, now opened the gate, and the Lion made off as fast as he could. His wife, who had observed it all, when she saw he...
The Monkey and the Fishermen - Aesop
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Monkey and the Fishermen - Aesop A MONKEY was sitting up in a high tree, when, seeing some Fishermen laying their nets in a river, he watched what they were doing. The Men had no sooner set their nets, and retired a short distance to their dinner, than the Monkey came down from the tree, thinking that he would try his hand at the same sport. But in attempting to lay the nets he got so entan...
The Kid and the Wolf - Aesop
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Kid and the Wolf - Aesop A KID being mounted on the roof of a lofty house and seeing a Wolf pass below, began to revile him. The Wolf merely stopped to reply, "Coward! It is not you who revile me, but the place on which you are standing." Time and place often give the advantage to the weak over the strong. Other Works by Aesop: #aesop
The Wolf and the Shepherd - Aesop
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Wolf and the Shepherd - Aesop A WOLF looking into a hut and seeing some Shepherds comfortably regaling themselves on a joint of mutton-"A pretty row," said he, "would these men have made if they had caught me at such a supper!" Men are too apt to condemn in others the very things that they practise themselves. Other Works by Aesop: #aesop
The Rivers and the Sea - Aesop
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Rivers and the Sea - Aesop ONCE upon a time the Rivers combined against the Sea, and, going in a body, accused her, saying: "Why is it that when we Rivers pour our waters into you so fresh and sweet, you straightway render them salt and unpalatable?" The Sea, observing the temper in which they came, merely answered: "If you do not wish to become salt, please keep away from me altogether." T...
Venus and the Cat - Aesop
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Venus and the Cat - Aesop
The Quack Frog - Aesop
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The Quack Frog - Aesop A FROG emerging from the mud of a swamp, proclaimed to all the world that he was come to cure all diseases. "Here!" he cried, "come and see a doctor, the proprietor of medicines such as man never heard of before; no, not Æsculapius himself, Jove's court-physician!" "And how," said the Fox, "dare you set up to heal others, who are not able to cure your own limping gait, an...
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The Vine and the Goat - Aesop
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The Travellers and the Hatchet - Aesop
The Farmer and the Two Daughters - Aesop
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The Farmer and the Two Daughters - Aesop
The Bull and the Goat - Aesop
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The Bull and the Goat - Aesop
The Wolf and the Lion - Aesop
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The Wolf and the Lion - Aesop
The Ant and the Dove - Aesop
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The Ant and the Dove - Aesop
The Wolf and the Goat - Aesop
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The Wolf and the Goat - Aesop
The Farmer and the Dogs - Aesop
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The Farmer and the Dogs - Aesop
The Falconer and the Partridge - Aesop
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The Falconer and the Partridge - Aesop
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  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 14 годин тому

    00:00:00 A Duel Giant 00:00:47 Alva 00:01:06 Amphibious Fish 00:03:12 An heptastic Vocable 00:04:04 Anglesea Beef 00:04:39 Anguinum 00:06:02 Animals in Paradise 00:06:45 Aqua Vitae 00:08:38 Arrow headed Letters 00:09:08 Biography 00:10:01 Bishop Berkley 00:10:21 Bishop Kenn 00:11:54 Book Covers 00:12:59 Bunyan s Holy War 00:13:37 Burial Grounds 00:15:02 Carp 00:16:25 Cauda Diaboli 00:17:12 Chess 00:18:39 Christianus Franciscus Paullinus 00:21:18 Citoyenne 00:21:45 Classification of Novels 00:22:28 Clock Mill 00:23:05 Cocoa Cordage 00:23:43 Cold Bathing in Fevers 00:24:27 Colour of the Autumnal Leaves 00:25:30 Columbus 00:27:37 Cortes 00:29:56 Coup de Soleil 00:31:12 Criticism 00:31:34 Dey 00:32:04 Dogs at Court 00:33:58 Dogs 00:35:37 Early English Metre 00:37:16 Earth Bathing 00:38:10 Effect of Domestication upon the Skin of Animals 00:38:53 Effect of Music upon Animals 00:40:35 Elinor 00:44:17 English Eclogues 00:45:29 Fair is the Rising Morn 00:46:06 Feasts 00:46:57 Filtering Apparatus 00:47:25 Foot Racing 00:48:35 For a Cavern that overlooks the River Avon 00:49:29 For a Column at Newbury 00:50:00 For a Monument at Silbury Hill 00:50:35 For a Monument in the New Forest 00:51:18 For a Tablet on the Banks of a Stream 00:52:00 For the Apartment in Chepstone Castle 00:52:42 For the Cenotaph at Ermenonville 00:53:19 Fredric 00:56:39 French English 00:57:39 Frith the Martyr 00:58:59 Garden of Banstead 01:00:36 Gift of Tongues 01:01:00 Glover s Leonidas 01:02:08 Glow Beast 01:04:23 Go Valentine 01:05:00 Goldsmith 01:05:22 Government of Norcia 01:06:57 Greek Erudition 01:07:27 Ground Fires 01:09:43 Hard by the Road 01:10:22 Hats 01:12:23 Hell 01:15:14 Henrietta Maria 01:16:12 Henry the Hermit 01:18:26 Hereticks of the early ages 01:20:17 High in the Air Exposed 01:20:55 His Books 01:21:40 Hold your Mad Hands 01:22:19 Hole s Arthur 01:24:20 How darkly o er yon far off Mountain Frowns 01:24:58 If 01:27:32 Image Worship 01:28:38 Instinct 01:29:38 Invention for the Blind 01:30:56 James I 01:33:33 Jeremy Taylor 01:34:02 Joachim du Bellay 01:35:28 Juan de Esquivel Navarro 01:38:14 Judas 01:41:28 Locke 01:41:45 Lord Chief Justice Holt 01:42:53 Medical Poets 01:43:16 Meditation and Contemplation 01:45:43 Menageries 01:46:09 Meteorolithes 01:48:00 Metrical Letter 01:50:33 Mexican Tennis 01:51:02 Mistranslations 01:53:13 Mode of Ventilating a Town 01:55:11 Mosquitos 01:55:40 Mostansir Billah 01:57:09 Motteux 01:57:28 Munchhausen 01:58:48 Nebuchadnezzar 01:59:35 Not to thee Bedford 02:00:14 Obour of Heresy 02:03:06 Ode written on the First of December 02:04:26 Oh he is worn with Toil 02:05:04 Omens 02:06:47 On a Landscape of Gaspar Poussin 02:09:50 On my Own Miniature Picture 02:11:15 On the Death of a Favourite Old Spaniel 02:12:47 Ophites 02:15:27 Opinion of the Edinburgh Review 02:17:28 Ottar of Roses 02:18:04 Palestine 02:19:51 Payment of a Copyer of Books 02:20:48 Philosophy of the Bramins 02:21:54 Poetical Moods and Tenses 02:22:29 Propagation of Sound 02:23:35 Public Accommodations 02:26:09 Queen Mary s Funeral 02:26:44 Religious Epigram 02:27:22 Ride and Tie 02:28:29 Rondelle 02:30:07 Sappho 02:32:55 Sea Fires 02:35:22 Seat of Courage 02:36:03 Service for Prisoners 02:37:15 Ship Bottoms preserved by Charring 02:37:29 Ship s Names 02:38:48 Sindbad 02:41:16 Sir Thomas Overbury 02:43:28 Small Wit 02:44:22 Snails 02:45:27 Souls of Brutes 02:47:02 St Andrew s Cross 02:47:44 St Romuald 02:50:00 St Vitus 02:52:39 Stationers in Spain 02:54:26 Steam Engines 02:55:15 Stone Ships 02:56:15 Tarring and Feathering 02:56:46 Taudry Lace 02:57:28 Te Franciscum 02:59:40 The Carpenter Bird 03:00:20 The Complaints of the Poor 03:01:41 The Devil s Walk On Earth 1827 03:13:40 The Emperor Maximilian 03:14:52 The French Decade 03:17:37 The Funeral 03:19:59 The Glib 03:21:23 The Gossamer 03:21:50 The Holy Fire 03:22:45 The Needle 03:24:20 The Night Mare 03:25:38 The Old Man s Comforts and How he Gained Them 03:26:36 The Pauper s Funeral 03:27:45 The Rose 03:31:28 The Soldier s Wife 03:32:07 The Squid Hound 03:33:02 The Stigmata 03:34:40 The Victory 03:36:40 The Wafer 03:41:00 The Widow 03:42:07 The Worst of All Puns 03:43:16 Think Valentine as speeding on thy Way 03:43:58 Three Methods of Lessening the Number of Rats 03:45:34 Tinder from Wormwood 03:45:49 Tis Night the Mercenary Tyrants sleep 03:46:24 To a Brook near the Village of Corston 03:47:03 To a Friend 03:48:52 To Contemplation 03:51:31 To Horror 03:53:57 To Mary Wollstonecraft 03:54:30 To the Chapel Bell 03:56:42 To the Evening Rainbow 03:57:19 To the Genius of Africa 03:59:04 Toleration 03:59:34 Tostatus 04:01:18 Tractors 04:02:02 Translations 04:02:32 Transplanting Trees 04:03:17 Troilus and Credseide 04:03:52 Two Modes of Atheism 04:04:53 What tho no sculptured Monument Proclaim 04:05:31 Why dost thou beat thy Brest and rend thine Hair 04:06:10 Winter 04:06:49 With many a weary Step 04:07:30 Writing Tables 04:08:55 Written on 1st December 04:10:25 Written on Sunday Morning 04:11:48 Written on the 1st January Other Collections:

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 День тому

    00:00:00 1861 00:01:12 A Boston Ballad 00:03:48 A Child s Amaze 00:04:02 A Child Said What is the Grass 00:05:52 A Clear Midnight 00:06:12 A Farm Picture 00:06:25 A Glimpse 00:06:57 A Noiseless Patient Spider 00:07:36 A Promise to California 00:07:58 A Sight in Camp 00:08:59 A Song 00:09:37 Abraham Lincoln Born February 12 1809 00:09:49 Adieu to a Soldier 00:10:35 After the Sea Ship 00:11:29 All is Truth 00:12:46 An Army Corps on the March 00:13:13 An Old Man s Thought of School 00:14:15 Are you the New Person drawn toward Me 00:14:53 As at the Portals also Death 00:15:33 As I Ponder d in Silence 00:16:32 As if a Phantom Caress d Me 00:16:52 As the Time Draws Nigh 00:17:22 As Toilsome I Wander d 00:18:11 Assurances 00:19:42 Beginners 00:20:10 Beginning My Studies 00:20:34 Behavior 00:21:13 City of Ships 00:22:12 Come up from the Fields Father 00:24:22 Darest Thou Now O Soul 00:25:08 Despairing Cries 00:25:45 Earth My Likeness 00:26:07 Facing West from California s Shores 00:26:47 For Him I Sing 00:27:03 From my Last Years 00:27:21 Full of Life Now 00:27:52 Gliding O er All 00:28:04 Had I the Choice 00:28:38 Hast Never Come to thee an Hour 00:28:53 Here Sailor 00:29:11 Here the Frailest Leaves of Me 00:29:24 How Solemn as one by one 00:30:06 Hush d be the Camps To day 00:30:39 I Hear America Singing 00:31:26 I Hear it was Charged Against Me 00:31:58 I Hear You Solemn Sweep Pipes of the Organ 00:32:29 I Saw in Lousiana a Live Oak Growing 00:33:24 I Saw Old General at Bay 00:33:54 I Sit and Look Out 00:34:52 I Thought I was not Alone 00:35:08 I was Looking a Long While 00:35:45 I will take an Egg out of the Robin s Nest 00:36:07 In Former Songs 00:36:42 In Midnight Sleep 00:37:24 In the New Garden in All the Parts 00:37:58 Inscription 00:38:41 Italian Music in Dakota 00:39:33 Joy Shipmate Joy 00:39:50 Laws for Creations 00:40:35 Lessons 00:40:48 Locations and Times 00:41:04 Long Too Long O Land 00:41:30 Look Down Fair Moon 00:41:47 My Picture Gallery 00:42:10 Not my Enemies ever Invade Me 00:42:28 Not the Pilot 00:42:54 Now Final to the Shore 00:43:25 O Captain My Captain 00:44:26 O Living Always Always Dying 00:44:54 O Me O Life 00:45:38 O Star of France 00:47:35 O Sun of Real Peace 00:48:28 Of him I Love Day and Night 00:49:29 Offerings 00:49:38 Old Ireland 00:50:37 On the Beach at Night 00:52:05 One s Self I Sing 00:52:32 One Song America Before I Go 00:53:05 One Sweeps By 00:53:34 Or from that Sea of Time 00:54:41 Others may Praise what they Like 00:54:58 Out of the Rolling Ocean the Crowd 00:55:45 Perfections 00:55:53 Poets to Come 00:56:29 Portals 00:56:37 Prayer of Columbus 00:59:48 Reconciliation 01:00:14 Roots and Leaves Themselves Alone 01:01:03 Shut not your Doors 01:01:38 So Far and So Far and On Toward the End 01:02:17 Sometimes with One I Love 01:02:36 Song for All Seas All Ships 01:03:59 Sparkles from the Wheel 01:04:54 Spirit that Form d this Scene 01:05:34 Spirit whose Work is Done 01:06:44 States 01:08:36 Still Though the One I Sing 01:08:51 That Last Invocation 01:09:17 That Music Always Round Me 01:10:03 That Shadow my Likeness 01:10:24 The City Dead House 01:11:33 The Runner 01:11:47 The Ship Starting 01:12:08 The Sobbing of the Bells 01:12:30 These Carols 01:12:40 Think of the Soul 01:13:57 This Day o Soul 01:14:15 This Dust was Once the Man 01:14:30 This Moment Yearning and Thoughtful 01:15:00 Thou Reader 01:15:08 To a Certain Civilian 01:15:49 To a Historian 01:16:21 To a Locomotive in Winter 01:17:58 To a President 01:18:19 To a Stranger 01:19:05 To a Western Boy 01:19:24 To Foreign Lands 01:19:38 To Him that was Crucified 01:20:47 To Old Age 01:20:56 To One Shortly to Die 01:21:58 To Rich Givers 01:22:23 To the East and to the West 01:22:49 To the Garden the World 01:23:27 To the Man of War Bird 01:24:26 To the Reader at Parting 01:24:41 To the States 01:25:16 To thee Old Cause 01:26:04 Virginia the West 01:26:45 Voices 01:27:34 Wandering at Morn 01:28:25 We two how Long we were Fool d 01:29:44 What am I after all 01:30:04 What Best I See in Thee 01:30:49 What General Has a Good Army 01:31:07 What Place is Besieged 01:31:22 What Think You I take my Pen in Hand 01:31:56 What Weeping Face 01:32:10 When I Heard at the Close of the Day 01:33:17 When I Persue the Conquer d Fame 01:33:45 When I Read the Book 01:34:16 Whispers of Heavenly Death 01:34:57 Who Is Now Reading This 01:35:34 With All thy Gifts America 01:36:05 World take Good Notice 01:36:22 Year that Trembled 01:36:43 Years of the Modern 01:38:58 Yet Yet Ye Downcast Hours 01:39:45 You Felons on Trial in Courts Other Collections:

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 3 дні тому

    00:00:00 A Fairy Song 00:00:29 Against my Love shall be as I am Now 00:01:05 Against that Time If ever that Time Come 00:01:46 Ah Wherefore with Infection Should He Live 00:02:21 Alas Tis True I have gone Here and There 00:03:01 All the World s a Stage 00:04:12 As an Unperfect Actor on the Stage 00:04:52 Be Wise as thou art Cruel 00:05:34 Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind 00:06:16 But so thy Worst to Steal Thyself Away 00:06:54 But Wherefore do not you a Mightier Way 00:07:33 Canst thou o Cruel Say I Love thee Not 00:08:10 Farewell Thou art too dear for my Possessing 00:08:51 Fear no More 00:09:40 For Shame Deny that thou Bear st Love to any 00:10:19 From Fairest Creatures we Desire Increase 00:10:58 From you have I been Absent in the Spring 00:11:35 Full Fathom Five 00:11:56 Full Many a Glorious Morning Have I Seen 00:12:34 Hark Hark the Lark 00:12:54 How can my Muse want Subject to Invent 00:13:31 How Careful was I When I took my Way 00:14:10 How Heavy do I Journey on the Way 00:14:46 How Like a Winter Hath my Absence Been 00:15:25 How oft When Thou My Music Music Play st 00:16:04 How Sweet and Lovely dost thou Make the Shame 00:16:44 If the Dull Substance of my Flesh Were Thought 00:17:24 If there be Noothing New But that which Is 00:18:01 If Thou Survive my Well Contended Day 00:18:37 Is it For Fear to Wet a Widow s Eye 00:19:17 Is it thy Will thy Image Should Keep Open 00:19:57 Let me Confess that we two must be Twain 00:20:38 Let not my Love be called Idolatry 00:21:17 Let those who are in Favour with their Stars 00:21:57 Like as to make our Appetite more Keen 00:22:33 Love is my Sin and thy Dear Virtue Hate 00:23:17 Love is to Young to know what Conscience is 00:23:58 Mine Eye and Heart are at a Mortal War 00:24:36 Music to Hear Why Hear st Thou Music Sadly 00:25:17 My Love is as a fever Longing Still 00:25:57 My Love is Strengthened though more Weak in Seeming 00:26:37 My Mistress Eyes are Nothing like the Sun 00:27:16 No Longer Mourn for me when I am Dead 00:27:51 No more be Grieved at that which thou hast Done 00:28:33 No Time Thou Shalt not Boast that I do Change 00:29:10 Not from the Stars do I my Judgement Pluck 00:29:45 Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments 00:30:24 Not mine Own Fears nor the Prophetic Soul 00:31:04 O Call not me to Justify the Wrong 00:31:46 O From what Power hast thou this Powerful Might 00:32:24 O How I Faint when I of You do Write 00:33:03 O How thy Worth with Manners may I Sing 00:33:42 O Me What Eyes hath Love put in my Head 00:34:24 O Never Say that I was False of Heart 00:35:04 O That you were Your Self But Love You Are 00:35:45 Poor Soul the Centre of my Sinful Earth 00:36:26 Sall I Compare thee too a Summer s Day 00:37:02 Say that thou didst Forsake me for some Fault 00:37:43 Sigh no More 00:38:15 Sin of Self Love Possesseth All Mine Eye 00:38:54 Since I left You Mine Eye is in my Mind 00:39:35 So are you to my Thoughts as Food to Life 00:40:18 So Now I have Confessed that he is Thine 00:41:00 So Shall I Live Supossing Thou Art True 00:41:40 Some Glory in their Birth Some in Their Skill 00:42:22 Song of the Witches 00:42:52 Spring and Winter 00:43:33 Sweet Love Renew thy Force 00:44:13 Take All My Loves My Love Yea Take Them All 00:44:55 Th Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame 00:45:34 That thou art Blamed shall not be thy Defect 00:46:13 That thou hast Her It is not all my Grief 00:46:57 That Time of Year thou mayst in me Behold 00:47:36 That You were Once Unkind Befriends me Now 00:48:15 The Blossom 00:48:54 The Little Love God Lying Once Asleep 00:49:33 The Other Two Slight Air and Purging Fire 00:50:14 The Quality of Mercy 00:50:52 Then Hate me When Thou Wilt 00:51:32 They that have Power to Hurt and Will Do None 00:52:14 Those Hours that with Gentle Work Did Frame 00:52:52 Those Lines that I before have writ do Lie 00:53:35 Those Pretty Wrongs that Liberty Commits 00:54:14 Thou Blind Fool Love What Dost thou to Mine Eyes 00:54:59 Thus Can My Love Excuse the Slow Offence 00:55:40 Tired with all These For Restful Death I Cry 00:56:20 Tis Better to be Vile than Vile Esteemed 00:57:01 To Be or Not to Be 00:58:27 To me Fair Friend You never can be Old 00:59:06 Twelve O Clock 00:59:21 Under the Greenwood Tree 00:59:46 Weary with Toil I Haste me to my Bed 01:00:24 What is Your Substance Wherof are you Made 01:01:00 What s in the Brain that Ink May Character 01:01:38 When Forty Winters Shall Besiege thy Brow 01:02:20 When I Consider Every Thing that Grows 01:03:01 When I do Count the Clock that tells the Time 01:03:38 When in the Chronicle of Wasted Time 01:04:18 When most I Wink Then do mine Eyes Best See 01:04:58 When thou Shalt be Disposed to set me Light 01:05:38 Whilest I Alone did call upon thy Aid 01:06:17 Who Is it that says Most Which can say More 01:06:55 Who will Believe my Verse in Time to Come 01:07:36 Whoever hath her Wish Thou hast thy Will 01:08:16 Why Didst Thou Promise such a Beauteous Day 01:08:55 William Shakespeare Epitaph Other Collections:

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 4 дні тому

    00:00:00 A Baby s Cradle with no Baby in it 00:00:13 A Better Resurrection 00:01:03 A Bird Song 00:01:27 A Birthday 00:02:01 A Bride Song 00:03:02 A Bruised Reed Shall he not Break 00:04:07 A Chill 00:04:27 A Christmas Carol 00:05:24 A City Plum is not a Plum 00:05:40 A Daughter of Eve 00:06:17 A Diamond or a Coal 00:06:33 A Dirge 00:06:57 A Dream 00:07:35 A Farm Walk 00:09:55 A Fisher Wife 00:10:27 A Frisky Lamb 00:10:40 A Frog s Fate 00:12:06 A Green Cornfield 00:12:45 A Hope Carol 00:13:31 A House of Cards 00:13:45 A Linnet in a Gilded Cage 00:14:03 A Motherless soft Lambkin 00:14:19 A Pause 00:14:56 A Pause of Thought 00:15:46 A Pocket Handkerchief to Hem 00:16:03 A Portrait 00:17:17 A Riddle 00:17:30 A Ring Posy 00:18:06 A Ring Upon Her Finger 00:18:26 A Rose has Thorns as well as Honey 00:19:05 A Royal Princess 1863 00:26:05 A Smile and a Sigh 00:26:29 A Song of Flight 00:26:56 A Study 00:27:33 A Summer Wish 00:28:22 A Toadstool comes up in a Night 00:28:34 A Triad 00:29:10 A White Hen Sitting 00:29:26 After Death 00:30:02 All the Bells were Ringing 00:30:17 Amor Mundi 00:31:24 An Apple Gathering 00:32:29 An Easter Carol 00:33:15 An Echo from Willowood 00:33:53 An Emerald is as Green as Grass 00:34:13 An End 00:35:00 An October Garden 00:35:35 Angels at the Foot 00:35:44 Another Spring 00:36:31 At Home 00:37:46 At Last 00:38:27 Autumn Violets 00:39:06 Baby Lies so Fast Asleep 00:39:23 Beauty is Vain 00:39:50 Behold the Man 00:40:29 Beneath thy Cross 00:41:05 Bird or Beast 00:41:39 Bird Raptures 00:42:11 Bitter for Sweet 00:42:34 Blind from my Birth 00:42:54 Boats Sail on the Rivers 00:43:15 Boy Johnny 00:43:41 Brown and Furry 00:43:58 By the Sea 00:44:35 Child s Talk in April 00:46:01 Christmas Eve 00:46:30 Clever Little Willie Wee 00:46:44 Clouds 00:46:58 Cobwebs 00:47:33 Color 00:48:02 Come Unto Me 00:48:40 Conference Between Christ The Saints and the Soul 00:50:08 Consider 00:51:23 Consider the Lilies of the Field 00:52:04 Cousin Kate 00:53:23 Crimson Curtains Round my Mother s Bed 00:53:35 Crying my Little One Footsore and Weary 00:54:00 Dancing on the Hill Tops 00:54:23 Days of Vanity 00:55:08 De Profundis 00:55:37 Dead Before Death 00:56:17 Dead Hope 00:56:47 Death s Chill Between 00:58:10 Death Watches 00:58:36 Despised and Rejected 01:00:22 Ding a Ding 01:00:36 Dost thou not Care 01:01:28 Dream Land 01:02:21 Dream Love 01:03:54 Easter Even 01:05:13 Echo 01:05:55 Eight O Clock 01:06:05 Endure Hardness 01:06:23 Fata Morgana 01:06:47 Ferry Me Across the Water 01:07:07 Fluttered Wings 01:07:48 Fly Away Fly Away Over the Sea 01:08:05 From Sunset to Star Rise 01:08:41 From the Antique 01:09:17 Give me Holly 01:09:28 Goblin Market 1862 01:28:59 Golden Glories 01:29:24 Golden Silence 01:29:59 Gone Forever 01:30:37 Good Friday 01:31:17 Goodbye in Fear Goodbye in Sorrow 01:31:36 Growing in the Vale 01:31:52 Grown and Flown 01:32:28 Hear what the Mournful Linnets Say 01:32:49 Heart s Chill Between 01:34:15 Heartsease in my Garden Bed 01:34:31 Herself a Rose who Bore the Rose 01:35:13 Holy Innocents 01:35:42 Hop O My Thumb and Little Jack Horner 01:35:55 Hope is like a Harebell Trembling from its Birth 01:36:15 Hopping Frog Hop here and be Seen 01:36:37 How many Seconds in a Minute 01:37:08 Hurt No Living Thing 01:37:23 I am a King 01:37:47 I Caught a Little Ladybird 01:38:03 I Dreamt I caught a Little Owl 01:38:19 I Dug and Dug amongst the Snow 01:38:39 I have a Poll Parrot 01:38:52 I have but one Rose in the World 01:39:04 I Know You Not 01:40:29 I loved you first but afterwards your Love 01:41:14 I Planted a Hand 01:41:27 I Will Arise 01:42:32 I will lift up mine Eyes unto the Hills 01:43:57 If a Mouse could Fly 01:44:15 If a Pig wore a Wig 01:44:28 If all were Rain and Never Sun 01:44:41 If 01:45:34 If I were a Queen 01:45:45 If Only 01:46:24 If Stars Dropped out of Heaven 01:46:41 If the Moon Came from Heaven 01:46:57 If the Sun Could tell us Half 01:47:14 In a Dream 01:48:46 In a Symbol 01:49:44 In an Artist s Studio 01:50:22 In Bleak Midwinter 01:51:15 In Progress 01:51:53 In the Meadow 01:52:10 Introspective 01:52:56 Is the Moon Tired 01:53:12 It is Finished 01:54:31 January Cold Desolate 01:55:01 Jesus Do I Love Thee 01:56:02 Johnny 01:58:29 Last Night 01:59:59 Later Life 02:00:39 Let me Go 02:01:35 Life and Death 02:02:20 Long Barren 02:02:48 Lord Jesus Who would think that I am Thine 02:03:08 Love came down at Christmas 02:03:34 Love from the North 02:04:47 Love is Strong as Death 02:05:16 Love Lies Bleeding 02:05:57 Love Me I Love You 02:06:14 Lullaby Oh Lullaby 02:06:42 Maggie a Lady 02:08:55 May 02:09:22 May 02:09:51 Memory 02:11:07 Minnie and Mattie 02:11:53 Minnie Bakes Oaten Cakes 02:12:07 Mirage 02:12:38 Mix a Pancake 02:12:47 Mother Country 02:14:27 Mother Shake the Cherry Tree 02:14:42 Motherless Baby and Babyless Mother 02:14:51 My Baby has a Father and a Mother 02:15:03 My Dream 02:17:14 My Friend 02:17:48 My Secret 02:19:06 No Thank You John 02:20:12 Noble Sisters 02:22:05 None Other Lamb 02:22:31 O Lady Moon 02:22:44 O Sailor Come Ashore 02:22:59 O Wind Where have you Been 02:23:14 O Wind why do you never Rest 02:23:26 Oh Fair to See 02:23:43 On the Death of a Cat 02:24:40 On the Grassy Banks 02:24:52 On the Wing 02:25:32 Once For All 02:26:10 One and One are Two 02:26:56 One Day 02:27:46 One Foot on Sea and One on Shore 02:28:39 One Sea Side Grave 02:28:59 Our Little Baby Fell Asleep 02:29:13 Passing Away Saith the World 02:30:21 Pastime 02:30:51 Patience of Hope 02:31:25 Playing at Bob Cherry 02:31:43 Promises Like Pie Crust 02:32:27 Remember 02:32:58 Roses Blushing Red and White 02:33:20 Rosy Maiden Winifred 02:33:42 Rushes in a Watery Place 02:33:55 Sappho 02:34:25 Seasons 02:35:29 Seldom Can t 02:35:37 Shall I Forget 02:36:00 She s such a Senseless Wooden Thing 02:36:09 Shut Out 02:37:09 Sing me a Song 02:37:27 Sleep at Sea 02:39:29 Sleeping at Last 02:40:01 Somewhere or Other 02:40:32 Sonnets are Full of Love 02:41:09 Sound Sleep 02:41:54 Spring 02:43:09 Spring Quiet 02:43:43 Summer 02:44:26 Summer is Ended 02:44:55 Sweet Death 02:45:49 Symbols 02:46:40 Take Care of Him 02:47:44 The Bourne 02:48:08 The Caterpillar 02:48:22 The City Mouse and the Garden Mouse 02:48:41 The Days are Clear 02:48:53 The Dear Old Woman in the Lane 02:49:11 The First Day 02:49:46 The First Spring Day 02:50:31 The Horses of the Sea 02:50:44 The Key Note 02:51:17 The Lily has an Air 02:51:29 The Love of Christ which Passeth Knowledge 02:52:39 The Lowest Place 02:53:00 The Master is Come and Calleth for Thee 02:53:48 The Offering of a New Law 02:55:06 The One Certainty 02:55:39 The Peach Tree on the Southern Wall 02:55:57 The Peacock has a Score of Eyes 02:56:15 The Poor Ghost 02:57:40 The Queen of Hearts 02:58:43 The Rose that Blushes Rosy Red 02:58:58 The Rose with such a Bonny Blush 02:59:09 The Skylark 02:59:43 The Summer Nights are Short 02:59:59 The Thread of Life 03:02:06 The Three Enemies 03:03:36 The Wind has such a Rainy Sound 03:03:52 The World 03:04:31 There is but one May in the Year 03:04:50 There is one that has a Head without an Eye 03:05:05 There s Snow on the Fields 03:05:19 They Desire a Better Country 03:06:58 Three Little Children 03:07:15 Three Plum Buns 03:07:30 Three Seasons 03:08:03 Till To Morrow 03:08:36 To Day For Me 03:09:40 To Day s Burden 03:10:20 To my Mother 03:10:33 Touching Never 03:11:11 Twice 03:12:27 Twilight Calm 03:14:22 Twilight Night 03:15:32 Twist me a Crown of Wind Flowers 03:15:54 Under the Ivy Bush 03:16:07 Until the Day Break 03:17:10 Up Hill 03:17:48 Vanity of Vanities 03:18:35 Venus s Looking Glass 03:19:17 Weary in Well Doing 03:19:50 Wee Wee Husband 03:20:04 What are Heavy 03:20:20 What do the Stars Do 03:20:35 What does the Bee do 03:20:48 What s in a Name 03:21:52 What will you give me for my Pound 03:22:09 What would I give 03:22:42 When a Mountain Skylark Sings 03:22:59 When Fishes set Umbrellas up 03:23:09 When I am Dead My Dearest 03:23:35 When Innocent Bright Eyed Daisies Are 03:23:47 Who has Seen the Wind 03:24:01 Who hath Despised the Day of Small Things 03:24:23 Who Shall Deliver Me 03:25:30 Why 03:26:07 Why Did Baby Die 03:26:19 Winter Rain 03:27:14 Within the Veil 03:27:42 Wrens and Robins in the Hedge 03:27:53 Yet a Little While 03:28:28 Your Brother has a Falcon Other Collections:

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 5 днів тому

    00:00:00 A Back Log Song 00:01:36 A Banjo Song 00:03:29 A Border Ballad 00:04:22 A Boy s Summer Song 00:04:54 A Bridal Measure 00:05:48 A Cabin Tale 00:09:09 A Career 00:10:05 A Choice 00:10:23 A Christmas Folksong 00:11:42 A Confidence 00:14:18 A Conquerors 00:15:12 A Death Song 00:15:55 A Drowsy Day 00:16:58 A Florida Night 00:18:04 A Frolic 00:18:39 A Golden Day 00:19:04 A Grievance 00:20:02 A Lazy Day 00:20:41 A Little Christmas Basket 00:21:52 A Lost Dream 00:23:24 A Love Letter 00:24:14 A Love Song 00:24:54 A Lyric 00:25:46 A Madrigal 00:26:38 A Misty Day 00:27:15 A Musical 00:27:31 A Plantation Melody 00:28:14 A Plantation Portrait 00:29:08 A Plea 00:29:45 A Prayer 00:30:08 A Preference 00:31:00 A Roadway 00:31:22 A Sailor s Song 00:32:14 A Spiritual 00:33:03 A Spring Wooing 00:34:33 A Starry Night 00:34:50 A Summer Night 00:35:39 A Summer Pastoral 00:37:32 A Summer s Night 00:37:54 A Thanksgiving Poem 00:39:01 A Winter s Day 00:39:39 Accountability 00:40:43 Advice 00:41:36 After a Visit 00:42:29 After Many Days 00:43:08 After the Quarrel 00:44:13 After While 00:45:10 Alexander Crummell Dead 00:45:48 Alice 00:46:22 An Ante Bellum Sermon 00:49:12 An Easy Goin Feller 00:49:52 An Old Memory 00:51:07 Anchored 00:51:30 Angelina 00:53:20 Appreciation 00:54:20 At Candle Lightin Time 00:55:44 At Cheshire Cheese 00:56:26 At Loafing Holt 00:57:35 At Night 00:59:16 At Sunset Time 00:59:58 At the Tavern 01:00:20 Behind the Arras 01:01:01 Bein Back Home 01:02:33 Beyond the Years 01:03:12 Blue 01:04:01 Booker T Washington 01:04:39 Breaking the Charm 01:06:48 By Rugged Ways 01:07:53 By the Stream 01:08:25 Changing Time 01:08:45 Christmas 01:09:40 Christmas Carol 01:10:33 Christmas in the Heart 01:11:48 Christmas is a Comin 01:12:59 Circumstances alter Cases 01:14:10 Columbian Ode 01:15:39 Comparison 01:16:02 Compensation 01:16:19 Confessional 01:16:46 Conscience and Remorse 01:17:11 Curiosity 01:18:34 Curtain 01:18:53 Dat Ol Mare O Mine 01:20:54 Dawn 01:21:08 Day 01:21:24 De Critters Dance 01:23:41 De Way T ings come 01:24:54 Deacon Jones Grievance 01:26:59 Dead 01:27:38 Death 01:27:59 Despair 01:28:17 Differences 01:28:56 Dinah Kneading Dough 01:29:43 Diplomacy 01:30:04 Dirge 01:31:16 Disappointed 01:31:59 Distinction 01:32:10 Douglass 01:32:44 Dreamin Town 01:33:36 Drizzle 01:34:36 Encouraged 01:34:49 Encouragement 01:36:21 Equipment 01:37:02 Ere Sleep comes down to soothe the Weary Eyes 01:39:15 Evening 01:39:39 Expectation 01:40:47 Faith 01:42:04 Farewell to Arcady 01:42:46 Fishing 01:44:54 For the Man Who Fails 01:46:00 Forever 01:46:30 Fredrick Douglass 01:49:06 From the Porch at Runnymede 01:49:50 Good Night 01:50:20 Growing Gray 01:51:21 Harriet Beecher Stowe 01:52:01 He Had His Dream 01:52:38 Her Thought and His 01:53:10 Hope 01:54:02 How shall I woo Thee 01:54:49 Howdy Honey Howdy 01:55:47 Hunting Song 01:57:19 In an English Garden 01:57:59 In August 01:58:48 In May 01:59:11 In Summer 02:00:14 In Summer Time 02:01:45 In the Morning 02:03:04 Inspiration 02:03:30 Invitation to Love 02:04:08 Itching Heels 02:05:01 James Whitcomb Riley 02:06:02 Jealous 02:06:49 Jilted 02:07:29 Jogging Erlong 02:08:30 Johnny Speaks 02:08:54 Kidnaped 02:09:26 Li l Gal 02:10:18 Life 02:10:42 Life s Tragedy 02:11:23 Limitations 02:12:14 Lincoln 02:13:03 Little Lucy Landman 02:14:14 Liza May 02:15:40 Lonesome 02:17:13 Longing 02:17:46 Love 02:18:23 Love and Grief 02:18:45 Love Despoiled 02:19:20 Love s Apotheosis 02:20:05 Love s Castle 02:20:37 Love s Draft 02:20:53 Love s Humility 02:21:06 Love s Phases 02:21:55 Love s Pictures 02:22:36 Love s Seasons 02:23:23 Love Song 02:24:07 Lover s Lane 02:25:12 Lullaby 02:26:20 Melancholia 02:27:56 Merry Autumn 02:29:12 Misapprehension 02:29:34 Morning 02:30:10 Morning Song of Love 02:30:59 Mortality 02:31:32 My Corn Cob Pipe 02:32:24 My Heart to thy Heart 02:32:47 My Little March Girl 02:33:48 Night 02:34:06 Night Dim Night 02:34:32 Night of Love 02:35:26 Noddin by de Fire 02:36:20 Noon 02:37:04 Not they who Soar 02:37:37 Ode For Memorial Day 02:39:07 Ode to Ethiopia 02:40:39 On the Death of W C 02:41:18 On the River 02:41:52 On the Road 02:42:51 On the Sea Wall 02:43:59 One Life 02:45:00 Opportunity 02:46:03 Over the Hills 02:46:22 Passion and Love 02:47:01 Philosophy 02:47:55 Phyllis 02:48:36 Poor Withered Rose 02:49:42 Possum 02:50:37 Precedent 02:50:49 Premonition 02:51:41 Preparation 02:52:02 Prometheus 02:52:55 Promise 02:53:32 Rain Songs 02:53:46 Religion 02:54:17 Reluctance 02:55:34 Remembered 02:56:27 Response 02:56:55 Retort 02:57:19 Retrospection 02:59:06 Right s Security 02:59:55 Robert Gould Shaw 03:00:33 Roses 03:01:13 Roses and Pearls 03:01:36 She Gave me a Rose 03:02:02 Silence 03:02:15 Slow Through the Dark 03:02:54 Snowin 03:04:42 Speakin O Christmas 03:06:31 Spring Fever 03:07:26 Spring Song 03:08:07 Sunset 03:08:36 Suppose 03:09:05 Sympathy 03:09:54 Temptation 03:11:19 The Awakening 03:11:41 The Barrier 03:12:22 The Bohemian 03:12:42 The Capture 03:13:24 The Change 03:13:57 The Change has Come 03:14:25 The Chase 03:14:43 The Corn Stalk Fiddle 03:16:19 The Crisis 03:17:22 The Dance 03:18:11 The Death of the First Born 03:19:04 The Debt 03:19:25 The Delinquent 03:20:17 The Deserted Plantation 03:21:56 The Dilettante A Modern Type 03:22:26 The Discovery 03:23:24 The Disturber 03:24:42 The Dove 03:25:03 The Dreamer 03:25:38 The End of the Chapter 03:26:38 The Farm Child s Lullaby 03:27:43 The Fisher Child s Lullaby 03:28:35 The Forest Greeting 03:29:16 The Garret 03:30:13 The Gourd 03:31:21 The King is Dead 03:32:10 The Knight 03:32:47 The Lapse 03:33:50 The Lawyer s Ways 03:34:42 The Lesson 03:35:35 The Lily of the Valley 03:36:26 The Looking Glass 03:37:06 The Master Player 03:37:31 The Meadow Lark 03:38:11 The Monk s Walk 03:39:37 The Murdered Lover 03:40:57 The Mystery 03:41:47 The Mystic Sea 03:42:20 The Ol Tunes 03:43:49 The Old Apple Tree 03:45:52 The Old Cabin 03:47:15 The Old Front Gate 03:48:28 The Old Homestead 03:49:37 The Paradox 03:50:33 The Path 03:51:10 The Phantom Kiss 03:52:04 The Photograph 03:52:43 The Place where the Rainbow Ends 03:53:45 The Plantation Child s Lullaby 03:54:43 The Poet 03:55:03 The Poet and his Song 03:56:07 The Pool 03:56:38 The Quilting 03:56:59 The Real Question 03:57:47 The Right to Die 03:58:35 The Rising of the Storm 03:59:54 The Rivals 04:03:07 The River of Ruin 04:03:50 The Sand Man 04:04:17 The Secret 04:04:57 The Seedling 04:05:55 The Song 04:07:06 The Sparrow 04:07:39 The Sum 04:08:13 The Tryst 04:09:11 The Unlucky Apple 04:09:27 The Unsung Heroes 04:11:18 The Valse 04:12:22 The Veteran 04:13:38 The Visitor 04:14:29 The Voice of the Banjo 04:15:48 The Warrior s Prayer 04:16:40 The Wooing 04:17:51 The Wraith 04:18:41 Then and Now 04:19:18 Theology 04:19:32 Thou Art My Lute 04:20:08 Till the Wind Gets Right 04:20:50 To a Dead Friend 04:21:24 To a Lady Playing the Harp 04:22:07 To Dan 04:23:03 To Louise 04:24:29 To Pfrimmer 04:24:53 To the Memory of Mary Young 04:26:20 To the Road 04:27:08 Twell de Night is Pas 04:27:43 Twilight 04:27:57 Two Songs 04:29:14 Unexpressed 04:29:45 Vagrants 04:30:26 Vengeance is Sweet 04:31:01 W en I gits Home 04:31:47 We Wear the Mask 04:32:21 Weltschmertz 04:33:49 What s The Use 04:34:18 When All is Done 04:35:02 When de Con n Pone s Hot 04:36:18 When dey Listed Colored Soldiers 04:38:29 When Malindy Sings 04:40:30 When Sam l Sings 04:41:49 When the Old Man Smokes 04:43:28 When Winter Darkening All Around 04:44:02 Whistling Sam 04:46:04 Whittier 04:46:39 Why Fades a Dream 04:47:09 Winter s Approach 04:47:41 Winter Song 04:48:14 Worn Out 04:48:56 Yesterday and To Morrow Other Collections:

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 7 днів тому

    00:00:00 A Bird Came down the Walk 00:00:34 A Cap of Lead across the Sky 00:00:52 A Clock stopped 00:01:22 A Counterfeit 00:01:38 A Day 00:02:06 A Death blow is a Life blow to Some 00:02:20 A Deed knocks first at Thought 00:02:36 A Dew sufficed itself 00:03:02 A Diamond on the Hand 00:03:17 A Dimpel in the Tomb 00:03:25 A Door just opened on a Street 00:03:46 A Face devoid of Love or Grace 00:04:01 A Field of Stubble lying sere 00:04:19 A Flower will not Trouble her it has so small a Foot 00:04:31 A full fed Rose on meals of Tint 00:04:49 A Lady red amid the Hill 00:05:22 A lane of Yellow led the Eye 00:05:39 A Letter is a joy of Earth 00:05:46 A Light exists in Spring 00:06:19 A little Bread a Crust a Crumb 00:06:46 A Little East of Jordan 00:07:14 A Little Madness in the Spring 00:07:27 A Little overflowing Word 00:07:42 A Little Road not made of Man 00:07:59 A long long Sleep a Famous Sleep 00:08:20 A Mine there is no Man would own 00:08:37 A Murmer in the Trees 00:09:15 A narrow Fellow in the Grass 00:09:53 A Poor Torn Heart a Tattered Heart 00:10:24 A Prayer 00:11:16 A prompt executive Bird is the Jay 00:11:33 A Rose 00:11:47 A Route of Evanescence 00:12:03 A Sepal Petal and a Thorn 00:12:15 A Sickness of this World is most occasions 00:12:30 A Sloop of Amber slips away 00:12:40 A Snake 00:12:55 A solemn thing it was I said 00:13:27 A Spider sewed at Night 00:13:43 A Thought Went Up my Mind To Day 00:14:06 A throe upon the Features 00:14:21 A Thunder Storm 00:14:56 A Toad can die of Light 00:15:17 A Wind that Rose 00:15:34 A Word 00:15:42 Adrift A Little Boad Adrift 00:16:09 Advance is Life s condition 00:16:24 After a hundred Years 00:16:42 After the Sun comes Out 00:16:59 Ah Teneriffe 00:17:20 All Circumstances are the Frame 00:17:37 All I may if small 00:17:52 All overgrown by cunning Moss 00:18:17 All things swept Sole away 00:18:24 Almost 00:18:40 Ambition cannot find him 00:18:54 Ample make this Bed 00:19:09 An altered look about the Hills 00:19:41 An awful Tempest mashed the Air 00:20:07 And with what Body do they come 00:20:27 Angels in the Early Morning 00:20:46 Apocalypse 00:21:04 Arcturus is his other Name 00:22:00 Are Friends Delight or Pain 00:22:12 As by the Dead we Love to Sit 00:22:28 As Everywhere of Silver 00:22:37 As far from Pity as complaint 00:23:01 As imperceptibly as Grief 00:23:30 As Summer into Autumn slips 00:23:53 As we pass Houses musing slow 00:24:03 Ashes denote that Fire was 00:24:21 At Half past Three a Single Bird 00:24:43 At Home 00:25:17 At least to Pray is Left is Left 00:25:37 Beauty crowds me till I die 00:25:47 Before the Ice is in the Pools 00:26:12 Before you thought of Spring 00:26:39 Bereved of All I went Abraod 00:27:06 Besides the Autumn Poets sing 00:27:37 Best Witchcraft is Geometry 00:27:47 Birthday of but a Single Pang 00:27:58 Blazing in Gold and quenching in Purple 00:28:17 Bless God he went as Soldiers 00:28:34 Bloom upon the Mountain 00:29:11 Blossoms will run away 00:29:21 Bring me the Sunset in a Cup 00:30:04 By Homely Gift and hindered Words 00:30:15 By the Sea 00:30:53 Candor my tepid Friend 00:31:03 Choice 00:31:27 Climbing to reach the costly Hearts 00:31:38 Come show thy Durham Breast 00:31:57 Conferring with Myself 00:32:13 Confirming all who Analyze 00:32:23 Contrast 00:32:40 Could I but ride Indefinite 00:33:12 Could mortal Lip Divine 00:33:21 Could that sweet Darkness where they Dwell 00:33:32 Count not that far that can be had 00:33:43 Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart 00:34:00 Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat 00:34:32 Dead 00:34:56 Dear March Come in 00:35:38 Death 00:35:57 Death and Life 00:36:12 Death is a Dialogue Between 00:36:29 Death is like the Insect 00:36:48 Death sets a Thing Significant 00:37:24 Declaiming Waters none may Dread 00:37:35 Delight becomes pictorial 00:37:50 Desire 00:38:06 Dew 00:38:29 Did the Harebell loose her Girdle 00:38:46 Distance is not the Realm of Fox 00:38:56 Down Time s quaint Stream 00:39:12 Drab Habitation of Whom 00:39:22 Dreams 00:39:32 Dropped into the Ether Acre 00:39:49 Drowning is not so pitiful 00:40:10 Dust is the only Secret 00:40:35 Each Life Converges to some Centre 00:41:06 Each that we Lose takes Part of Us 00:41:17 Eden is that old fashioned House 00:41:32 Elijah s Wagon knew no thrill 00:41:48 Endanger it and the Demand 00:42:03 Ended ere it begun 00:42:19 Ending 00:42:35 Escape 00:42:50 Eternity 00:43:10 Except the Heaven had come so near 00:43:26 Except the smaller Size 00:43:40 Exclusion 00:43:59 Exhilaration is the Breeze 00:44:13 Expanse cannot be lost 00:44:38 Experience 00:44:53 Experiment to me 00:45:08 Faith is a fine Invention 00:45:18 Fame is a Bee 00:45:27 Fame is a fickle Food 00:45:43 Far from Love the Heavenly Father 00:45:58 Fate slew him but he did not drop 00:46:17 Finite to Fail but Infinite to Venture 00:46:29 Fire 00:46:47 Flowers Well if anybody 00:47:13 Follow wise Orion 00:47:23 Following 00:47:58 For Death or rather 00:48:16 For each ecstatic instant 00:48:31 Forbidden Fruit a Flavor has 00:48:42 Forever honored by the Tree 00:48:59 Forgotten 00:49:29 Frequently the Woods are Pink 00:49:50 Friends 00:50:02 From all the Jails Boys and Girls 00:50:18 From Cocoon forth a Butterfly 00:51:00 From us she wandered now a Year 00:51:16 Further in Summer than the Birds 00:52:00 Ghosts 00:52:33 Given in Marriage unto Thee 00:52:49 Glory is that bright tragic thing 00:53:02 Glowing is her Bonnet 00:53:20 Go not too near a House of Rose 00:53:37 Go slow my Soul to feed Thyself 00:53:55 Go thy Great Way 00:54:06 Go travelling with us 00:54:14 God gave a Loaf to every Bird 00:54:46 God made a little Gentian 00:55:07 God made no Act without a Cause 00:55:18 Going to Heaven 00:56:00 Going to him Happy Letter 00:56:53 Good Night Which put the Candle out 00:57:16 Great Streets of Silence led Away 00:57:36 Guest am I to Have 00:57:49 Had this one Day not Been 00:58:06 He fumbles at your Soul 00:58:31 He is alive this Morning 00:58:49 He preached upon Breadth till it argued him Narrow 00:59:12 He Put the Belt around my Life 00:59:38 He went by sleep that drowsy Route 00:59:49 Heart not so Heavy as Mine 01:00:23 Heart We will forget him 01:00:38 Heaven is what I cannot Reach 01:01:03 Heavenly Father take to thee 01:01:19 Her final Summer was it 01:01:48 Her Grace is all she Has 01:02:00 Her losses make our Gains ashamed 01:02:16 Her sovereign People 01:02:24 Her Spirit Rose to such a Height 01:02:39 High from the Earth I Heard a Bird 01:03:10 His Bill an Auger is 01:03:19 His little Hearse like Figure 01:03:33 His Mind of Man a Secret Makes 01:03:49 Hope is a strange Invention 01:04:05 Hope is a subtle Glutton 01:04:20 Hope is the Thing with Feathers 01:04:43 How Brittle are the Piers 01:04:59 How dare the Robin sing 01:05:26 How destitute is he 01:05:40 How happy is the Little Stone 01:06:01 How know it from a Summer s Day 01:06:16 How much of Source escapes with Thee 01:06:27 How slow the Wind 01:06:35 How soft this Prison is 01:06:52 How still the Bells in Steeples stand 01:07:03 How the old Mountain drip with Sunset 01:07:44 Hunger 01:08:19 I Asked No Other Thing 01:08:34 I bet with every Wind that Blew 01:08:44 I breathed enough to take the Trick 01:09:01 I bring an unaccustomed Wine 01:09:40 I can t tell you but you feel it 01:10:14 I can wade Grief 01:10:37 I cannot see my Soul but Know tis There 01:11:00 I cried at Pity not at Pain 01:11:44 I did not reach Thee 01:12:39 I dreaded that first Robin so 01:13:28 I envy Seas wheron he rides 01:14:08 I felt a Cleaving in my Mind 01:14:24 I Felt a Funeral in my Brain 01:14:57 I fit for them 01:15:12 I Found the Phrase to Every Thought 01:15:28 I found the Words to every Thought 01:15:44 I Gained it So 01:16:07 I gave myself to Him 01:16:33 I had a Daily Bliss 01:16:47 I had a guinea golden 01:17:44 I had been hungry all the Years 01:18:18 I had no Cause to be awake 01:18:51 I had no Time to Hate 01:19:08 I Have a King who does not Speak 01:19:43 I Have No Life but This 01:19:58 I Have not Told my Garden Yet 01:20:26 I heard a Fly buzz when I died 01:20:59 I held a Jewel in my Fingers 01:21:14 I Know a Place where Summer Strives 01:21:39 I know of People in the Grave 01:21:57 I Know that he Exists 01:22:20 I like to see it Lap the Miles 01:22:47 I live Him I see his Face 01:23:16 I lived on Dread 01:23:31 I m Nobody 01:23:46 I m Nobody Who are You 01:24:04 I many Times thought Peace had Come 01:24:20 I Meant to find Her when I came 01:24:43 I meant to have but modest needs 01:25:32 I measure every Grief I meet 01:26:39 I never hear the Word Escape 01:26:54 I Never Lost as much but Twice 01:27:12 I never told the buried Gold 01:27:47 I Noticed People Disappeared 01:28:04 I read my sentence steadily 01:28:32 I saw that the Flake was on it 01:28:49 I saw the Wind within her 01:28:58 I see thee better in the Dark 01:29:26 I see thee clearer for the Grave 01:29:42 I send Two Sunsets 01:29:58 I Shall know Why When Time is Over 01:30:18 I should have been too glad 01:31:05 I should not dare to leave my Friend 01:31:35 I showed her Heights she never saw 01:32:00 I sing to use the Waiting 01:32:16 I started Early Took my Dog 01:32:56 I stepped from Plank to Plank 01:33:11 I sued the News yet feared the News 01:33:23 I Think just how my Shape will Rise 01:33:55 I think that the Root of the Wind is Water (1/3)

    • @audiobookpassion245
      @audiobookpassion245 7 днів тому

      01:34:13 I took my Power in my Hand 01:34:30 I ve Got an Arrow Here 01:34:45 I ve Seen a Dying Eye 01:35:02 I watcher her face to see which Way 01:35:21 I went to Heaven 01:35:43 I Went to Thank Her 01:36:01 I Wish I Knew that Woman s Name 01:36:20 I worked for Chaff and earning Wheat 01:36:38 I Years had been from Home 01:37:16 If Anybody s Friend be Dead 01:38:03 If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking 01:38:18 If I could tell how glad I was 01:38:33 If I may have it when it s Dead 01:39:00 If I Should Die 01:39:29 If I Should nt be Alive 01:39:42 If Pain for Peace prepares 01:40:03 If recollecting were forgetting 01:40:19 If the Foolish call them Flowers 01:40:55 If what we Could were what we would 01:41:07 Immortal is an ample Word 01:41:23 Immortality 01:41:38 Immured in Heaven 01:41:48 In a Library 01:42:39 In Lands I Never Saw They Say 01:42:56 In Snow thou comest 01:43:13 In the Garden 01:43:51 In Vain 01:44:58 In Winter in my Room 01:45:51 Is Bliss then such Abyss 01:46:15 Is Heaven a Physician 01:46:28 It can t be Summer 01:46:47 It dropped so low in my Reagard 01:47:05 It is an honorable Thought 01:47:20 It might be lonelier 01:47:46 It s all I have to bring today 01:48:02 It s like the Light 01:48:19 It s such a little Thing to Weep 01:48:30 It sifts from Leaden Sieves 01:49:08 It Sounded as if the Streets were Runnign 01:49:28 It stole along so stealthy 01:49:38 It struck me every Day 01:50:02 It tossed and tossed 01:50:24 It was not Death for I stood up 01:51:11 It will be Summer eventually 01:51:48 Judgment is justest 01:52:05 Just lost when I was saved 01:52:39 Just so Jesus raps 01:53:02 Lad of Athens faithful be 01:53:11 Lay this Laurel on the One 01:53:22 Lest any Doubt that we are glad 01:53:35 Let down the Bars Oh Death 01:53:53 Let me not mar that perfect Dream 01:54:10 Let others show this Surry s Grace 01:54:17 Life and Death and Giants 01:54:32 Lightly stepped a yellow Star 01:54:49 Like Brooms of Steel 01:55:08 Like Men and Women Shadows walk 01:55:24 Like Mighty Foot Lights burned the Red 01:55:43 Like some Old fashioned Miracle 01:56:11 Look back on Time with kindly Eyes 01:56:24 Lost 01:56:41 Lost Joy 01:56:58 Love is anterior to Life 01:57:08 Love is done when Love s begun 01:57:20 Love reckons by itself alone 01:57:32 Love s stricken why 01:57:42 Low at my Problem bending 01:58:01 Loyalty 01:58:23 March 01:58:47 March is the Month of Expectation 01:59:04 May Flower 01:59:20 Me come My dazzled Face 01:59:39 Memorials 02:00:14 Mine 02:00:33 Mine Enemy is growing Old 02:00:50 Morning is due to all 02:00:58 Morning is the Place for Dew 02:01:09 Morns like these we parted 02:01:30 Mother Nature 02:02:08 Musicians wrestle everywhere 02:02:49 My Country need not change her gown 02:03:07 My Friend must be a Bird 02:03:19 My God he sees thee 02:03:37 My life closed twice before its close 02:03:55 My Maker let me be 02:04:03 My nosegays are for Captives 02:04:20 My Rose 02:04:51 My Wheel is in the Dark 02:05:15 My Worthiness is all my Doubt 02:05:43 Nature assigns the Sun 02:05:52 Nature can do no more 02:06:07 Nature is what we see 02:06:27 Nature the Gentlest Mother is 02:07:08 New Feet Within My Garden Go 02:07:25 No Autumn s intercepting Chill 02:07:35 No Brigadier throughout the Year 02:08:17 No ladder needs the Bird but Skies 02:08:36 No Life can pompless pass away 02:08:53 No matter where the Saints abide 02:09:03 No Other can reduce 02:09:18 No Romance sold unto 02:09:30 Nobody knows this little Rose 02:09:51 Not any higher stands the Grave 02:10:09 Not any Sunny Tone 02:10:23 Not at Home to Callers 02:10:33 Not knowing when the Dawn will Come 02:10:42 Not One by Heaven defrauded stay 02:10:53 Not seeing still we know 02:11:08 Not Sickness stains the Brave 02:11:18 Not that he goes 02:11:29 Not with a Club the Heart is broken 02:11:55 November 02:12:26 Now I lay thee down to Sleep 02:12:39 Obtaining but our own Extent 02:12:49 Of all the Souls that stand create 02:13:13 Of Bronze and Blaze 02:13:47 Of Glory not a Beam is left 02:13:59 Of God we ask one Favor 02:14:16 Of Life to own 02:14:22 Of so divine a Loss 02:14:31 Of the Peculiar Light 02:14:39 Of this is Day composed 02:14:53 Of tolling Bell I ask the Cause 02:15:11 Of Tribulation these are They 02:15:41 Oh what a Grace is this 02:15:52 Old Fashioned 02:16:43 On my Volcano grows the Grass 02:17:00 On such a Night or such a Night 02:17:43 On This Long Storm the Rainbow Rose 02:18:08 On this wondrous Sea 02:18:31 One Blessing had I than the Rest 02:19:11 One need not be a Chamber to be Haunted 02:19:49 One of the Ones that Midas touched 02:20:35 One Sister have I in our House 02:21:16 One Thing of it we Borrow 02:21:30 Opinion is a Flitting Thing 02:21:41 Our Lives are Swiss 02:21:56 Our own Possessions though our Own 02:22:07 Ourselves we do inter with sweet derision 02:22:20 Papa above 02:22:36 Parting with Thee reluctantly 02:22:46 Pass to they Rendezvous of Light 02:22:56 Perception of an Object costs 02:23:14 Perhaps they do not go so far 02:23:31 Peril as a Possession 02:23:44 Philosophy 02:23:54 Poor Little Heart 02:24:15 Power 02:24:32 Prayer is the little Implement 02:24:47 Problems 02:25:43 Proof 02:26:05 Proud of my Broken Heart since thou didst break it 02:26:32 Pursuing you in your Transitions 02:26:45 Quite empty quite at Rest 02:27:04 Rather arid Delight 02:27:19 Real 02:27:35 Remember me implored the Thief 02:27:59 Remembrance has a Rear and Front 02:28:14 Remorse is Memory Awake 02:28:38 Resurrection 02:29:06 Returning 02:29:57 Reverse cannot befall 02:30:12 Safe Despair it is that Raves 02:30:28 Saturday Afternoon 02:30:45 Saved 02:31:17 Savior I ve no one else to Tell 02:31:41 Secrets 02:32:10 She died at Play 02:32:28 She dies this was the Way she Died 02:32:44 She laid her docile Crescent down 02:33:02 She slept beneath a Tree 02:33:15 She sweeps with many colored Brooms 02:33:41 Shipwreck 02:34:01 Sic transit gloria mundi 02:35:50 Simplicity 02:36:11 Sleep Is Supposed to Be 02:36:37 Sleeping 02:36:55 So from the Mould 02:37:11 So proud She was to Die 02:37:28 So proud she was to die 02:37:44 So set its Sun in Thee 02:37:55 Softened by Time s consummate Plush 02:38:14 Soil of Flint if Steady tilled 02:38:25 Some Arrows slay but whom they Strike 02:38:37 Some Days retired from the Rest 02:38:48 Some too fragile for Winter Winds 02:39:14 Sometimes with the Heart 02:39:24 Song 02:39:41 South Winds jostle them 02:39:55 Sown in Dishonor 02:40:15 Speech is one Symptom of Affection 02:40:31 Split the Lark 02:40:52 Spurn the Temerity 02:41:01 Storm 02:41:20 Success 02:41:43 Summer begins to have the Look 02:42:14 Summer for thee grant I may be 02:42:33 Summer laid her simple Hat 02:42:49 Summer Shower 02:43:18 Superfluous were the Sun 02:43:40 Superiority of Fate 02:43:54 Surgeons must be very Careful 02:44:06 Surrender 02:44:36 Suspense 02:44:51 Sweet Hours have Perished here 02:45:02 Sweet is the Swamp with its Secrets 02:45:19 Sweet Pirate of the Heart 02:45:31 Take all away 02:45:40 Taken from Men this Morning 02:46:02 Talk with Prudence to a Beggar 02:46:20 Than Heaven more remote 02:46:47 Thanksgiving Day 02:47:13 That is Solemn we have ended 02:47:27 That Love is all there is 02:47:37 That she forgot me was the Least 02:47:53 That such have died enable us 02:48:04 The Ballon 02:48:39 The Bat 02:49:09 The Bat is dun with wrinkled Wings 02:49:40 The Battlefield 02:49:57 The Bee 02:50:25 The Bee is not Afraid of Me 02:50:41 The Bible is an antique Volume 02:51:11 The Bird her punctual Music brings 02:51:27 The Bluebird 02:51:54 The Blunder is in estimate 02:52:09 The Body grows without 02:52:24 The Bone that has no Marrow 02:52:44 The Brain 02:53:06 The Butterfly in honored Dust 02:53:15 The Butterfly obtains 02:53:35 The Butterfly s Day 02:54:20 The Butterfly upon the Sky 02:54:36 The Clock strikes one that just struck two 02:54:47 The Coming of Night 02:55:31 The Competitions of the Sky 02:55:37 The Contract 02:56:06 The Crickets sang 02:56:27 The Daisy Follows soft the Sun 02:56:55 The Devil had he fidelity 02:57:10 The difference between Despair 02:57:27 The Distance that the Dead have Gone 02:57:44 The Duel 02:58:01 The Dust behind I strove to join 02:58:11 The Duties of the Wind are Few 02:58:44 The Dying need but little Dear 02:58:59 The Event was directly behind Him 02:59:15 The Face in evanescence lain 02:59:31 The Face we choose to Miss 02:59:41 The Farthest Thunder that I heard 03:00:17 The Feet of People walking Home 03:00:59 The First Lesson 03:01:25 The Flake the Wind exasperate 03:01:35 The Forgotten Grave 03:01:55 The Funeral 03:02:12 The Future never spoke 03:02:35 The Gentian weaves her fringes 03:03:08 The Gleam of an Heroic Act 03:03:18 The Goal 03:03:49 The Going from a World we Know 03:04:05 The Grave my Little Cottage is 03:04:21 The Healed Heart shows its shallow Scar 03:04:39 The Heart has many Doors 03:04:53 The Hills erect their Purple Heads 03:05:05 The Immortality she Gave 03:05:14 The Incidents of Love 03:05:23 The Inundation of the Spring 03:05:39 The Journey 03:06:02 The largest Fire ever known 03:06:19 The Last Night that She Lived 03:07:02 The Letter 03:07:54 The Lonely House 03:08:55 The long sigh of the Frog 03:09:10 The longest Day that God appoints 03:09:29 The Look of thee what is it Like 03:09:51 The Lost Jewel 03:10:08 The Lost Thought 03:10:25 The Lovers 03:10:56 The Luxury to apprehend 03:11:23 The Master 03:11:46 The Missing All prevented Me 03:12:02 The Monument 03:12:20 The Moon 03:12:56 The Moon is Distant from the Sea (2/3)

    • @audiobookpassion245
      @audiobookpassion245 7 днів тому

      03:13:19 The Moon upon her fluent Route 03:13:36 The Moon was but a Chin of Gold 03:14:12 The most triumphant Bird I ever knew or met 03:14:33 The Mountain 03:14:50 The Murmuring of Bees has ceased 03:15:18 The Mushroom 03:15:50 The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants 03:16:26 The nearest Dream recedes unrealized 03:16:53 The Night was wide and furnished scant 03:17:29 The One that could Repeat the Summer Day 03:17:49 The Ones that disappeared are Back 03:18:05 The Only Ghost I ever Saw 03:18:37 The Overtakelessness of those 03:18:53 The Past 03:19:08 The Past is such a curious Creature 03:19:25 The Props assist the House 03:19:44 The Railway Train 03:20:15 The Rat 03:20:33 The Reticent Volcano keeps 03:20:55 The Return 03:21:24 The Right to Perish might be Thought 03:21:40 The Robin 03:22:00 The Robin is the One 03:22:20 The Rose did caper on her Cheek 03:22:48 The saddest Noise the Sweetest Noise 03:23:26 The Savior must have 03:23:41 The Sea 03:23:49 The Sea of Sunset 03:24:09 The Sea said Come to the Brook 03:24:27 The Secret 03:24:46 The Shelter 03:25:02 The Show 03:25:11 The Show is not the Show 03:25:21 The Skies can t keep their Secret 03:25:49 The Sleeping Flowers 03:26:37 The Snake 03:27:17 The Snow 03:27:52 The Soul s Storm 03:28:14 The Soul s Superior instants 03:28:42 The Soul should always stand ajar 03:28:59 The Soul that hath a Guest 03:29:12 The Soul unto Itself 03:29:30 The Spider 03:29:45 The Spider as an Artist 03:29:59 The Spirit lasts but in what Mode 03:30:41 The Stars are Old that Stood for me 03:31:00 The Stem of a departed Flower 03:31:11 The Stimulus beyond the Grave 03:31:20 The Storm 03:31:48 The Suburbs of a Secret 03:31:57 The Sun just touched the Morning 03:32:26 The Sun retired to a Cloud 03:32:44 The Sweets of Pillage can be known 03:32:55 The Symptom of the Gale 03:33:23 The Test 03:33:46 The Things we thought that we should do 03:34:08 The thought beneath so slight a Film 03:34:19 The Treason of an Accent 03:34:35 The Tulip 03:34:47 The Waking Year 03:35:18 The Way I read a Letter s 03:35:47 The White Heat 03:36:17 The Wife 03:36:40 The Wind begun to knead the Grass 03:37:17 The Wind drew off 03:37:33 The Wind tapped like a tired Man 03:38:08 The Work of Her that went 03:38:18 Their Height in Heaven comforts not 03:38:48 There are two Mays 03:38:57 There came a Wind like a Bugle 03:39:29 There is a Shame of Nobleness 03:39:48 There is a Solitude of Space 03:40:03 There is a Word 03:40:32 There is no Frigate like a Book 03:40:45 There s been a Death in the Opposite House 03:41:26 There s something quieter than Sleep 03:41:57 These are the Days that Reindeer love 03:42:08 These held their Wick above the West 03:42:24 They dropped like Flakes 03:42:41 They might not need me yet they might 03:42:54 They say that Time assuages 03:43:10 They talk as slow as Legends grow 03:43:27 They won t frown always 03:43:43 Thirst 03:44:00 This Consciousness that is aware 03:44:26 This is the Place they hoped before 03:44:44 This Merit hath the Worst 03:45:00 This quiet Dust was Gentleman and Ladies 03:45:19 This was in the White of the Year 03:45:36 This World is not Conclusion 03:45:58 Tho I get home how late 03:46:24 Those Final Creatures who they are 03:46:36 Those not live yet 03:46:53 Though the great Waters sleep 03:47:05 Three Weeks passed since I had seen Her 03:47:32 Through the strait pass of suffering 03:47:56 Tie the Strings to my Life My Lord 03:48:22 Till the End 03:48:58 Time s Lesson 03:49:15 Time s willy Chargers will not wait 03:49:26 Tis Anguish grander than Delight 03:49:43 Tis easier to pity those when dead 03:49:55 Tis Good the Looking back on Grief 03:50:18 Tis little I could care for Pearls 03:50:35 Tis so appalling it exhilarates 03:51:15 Tis Sunrise Little Maid hast thou 03:51:41 Title divine is Mine 03:52:04 To be alive is Power 03:52:20 To disappear enhances 03:52:49 To do a magnanimous thing 03:53:06 To hear an Oriole sing 03:53:29 To help our Bleaker Parts 03:53:40 To his Simplicity 03:53:50 To Learn the Transport by the Pain 03:54:18 To lose one s Faith 03:54:34 To Lose Thee Sweeter than to Gain 03:54:54 To love thee Year by Year 03:55:07 To make a Prarie it takes a Clover and one Bee 03:55:20 To March 03:56:03 To my quick ear the Leaves 03:56:21 To own a Susan of my Own 03:56:32 To pile like Thunder to its close 03:56:49 To see her is a Picture 03:57:06 To tell the Beauty would decrease 03:57:24 To the bright east she flies 03:57:45 To the Stanch Dust 03:57:58 To their Apartment deep 03:58:07 To try to Speak and miss the Way 03:58:25 To venerate the Simple Days 03:58:36 Today or this Noon 03:58:48 Tomorrow 03:59:02 Too cold is this 03:59:19 Too few the Mornings be 03:59:33 Too Late 04:00:10 Too Much 04:01:01 Transplanted 04:01:25 Triumph may be of several kinds 04:01:36 Troubled About Many Things 04:02:08 Trust adjust her Peradventure 04:02:16 Trusty as the Stars 04:02:31 Trying to Forget 04:03:04 Twas comfort in her Dying Room 04:03:22 Twas just this Time last Year I died 04:04:06 Two Butterflies went out at Noon 04:04:28 Two Lengths has every Day 04:04:50 Two Worlds 04:05:13 Undue Significance a starving man attaches 04:05:32 Unreturning 04:05:49 Unto a Broken Heart 04:05:58 Unto my Books 04:06:28 Unwarned 04:06:57 Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird 04:07:13 Upon the Gallows hung a Wretch 04:07:31 Vanished 04:07:46 Victory Comes Late 04:08:15 Volcanoes be in Sicily 04:08:30 Wait till the Majesty of Death 04:09:00 Waiting 04:09:15 We Cover Thee 04:09:38 We do not know the Time we Lose 04:09:54 We knew not that we were to live 04:10:12 We learn it in Retreating 04:10:25 We like March 04:10:46 We never know we go when we are going 04:10:57 We outgrow love like other things 04:11:08 We play at Paste 04:11:22 We send the Wave to find the Wave 04:11:39 We shall find the Cube of the Rainbow 04:11:51 We should not mind so small a Flower 04:12:14 We shun it ere it comes 04:12:28 We thirst at First 04:12:43 We wear our sober Dresses when we Die 04:12:53 Went up a Year this Evening 04:13:33 Were it to be the Last 04:13:42 Were natural mortal Lady 04:14:04 What if I say I shall not Wait 04:14:29 What Inn is this 04:14:46 What Mystery pervades a Well 04:15:28 What Soft Cherubic Creatures 04:15:50 What tenements of Clover 04:16:03 When Etna basks and Purrs 04:16:13 When I hoped I feared 04:16:26 When Memory is Full 04:16:35 When Roses ceased to Bloom 04:16:51 When we have ceased to Care 04:17:04 Where every Bird is Bold to Go 04:17:13 Where I am not afraid to go 04:17:34 Where Ships of Purple gently toss 04:17:46 While Asters 04:17:54 While we were fearing it it came 04:18:17 Who 04:18:28 Who has not Found the Heaven below 04:18:39 Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights 04:18:58 Who never wanted maddest Joy 04:19:16 Who Robbed the Woods 04:19:31 Who were the Father and the Son 04:20:13 Whose are the Little Beds I asked 04:21:01 Why 04:21:23 Wild Nights Wild Nights 04:21:40 Will there really be a Morning 04:22:04 Winter under cultivation 04:22:11 Witchcraft has not a Pedigree 04:22:20 With sweetness unabated 04:22:38 Within that little Hive 04:22:48 Wo never lost are unprepared 04:23:14 You cannot put a Fire out 04:23:29 You ve seen Balloons set Haven t You (3/3)

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 9 днів тому

    00:00:00 A Bard s Epitaph 00:00:53 A Bottle and Friend 00:01:15 A Fond Kiss 00:02:01 A Mother s Lament for her Son s Death 00:02:32 A Prayer in the Prospect of Death 00:03:09 A Prayer under the Pressure of Violent Anguish 00:03:41 A Red Red Rose 00:04:14 A Rose Bud by my Early Walk 00:05:01 A Vision 00:06:03 A Winter Night 00:09:57 Address of Beelzebub 00:12:08 Address Spoken by Miss Fontenelle 00:13:54 Address to a Haggis 00:15:19 Address to Edinburgh 00:17:19 Address to the Shade of Thomson 00:18:01 Address to the Toothache 00:19:11 Address to the Unco Guid 00:21:17 Address to the Woodlark 00:21:49 Ae Fond Kiss 00:22:48 Ah Woe is me My Mother Dear 00:23:15 Altho He Has Left Me 00:23:29 Anna 00:24:13 Anna thy Charms 00:24:31 Apology for Declining an Invitation to Dine 00:24:45 Auld Lang Syne 00:25:52 Auld Rob Morris 00:26:52 Awa Whigs Awa 00:27:53 Ballad on the American War 00:30:09 Banks of Forth 1820 00:30:56 Bannocks O Bear Meal 00:31:24 Behold my Love how Green the Groves 00:32:15 Behold the Hour The Boat Arrive 00:32:51 Bessy and her Spinning Wheel 00:33:59 Bet Sweet Blossom 00:34:57 Beware O Bonie Ann 00:35:27 Blythe was She 00:36:30 Bonie Dundee 00:36:50 Bonie Jean 00:38:18 Bonnie Lesley 00:39:00 Braving Angry Winter s Storms 00:39:37 But Lately Seen 00:40:11 Ca the Yowes to the Knowes 00:41:19 Caledonia 00:43:36 Canst thou leave me thus my Katie 00:44:12 Castle Gordon 00:45:05 Charlie he s my Darling 00:46:02 Come let me take thee to my Breast 00:46:33 Comin through the Rye 00:46:54 Complimentary Epigram on Maria Riddell 00:47:13 Dainty Davie 00:48:09 Does Haughty Gaul Invasion Threat 00:49:06 Duncan Gray 00:50:33 Elegy on the Year 1788 00:51:54 Epigram addressed to an Artist 00:52:12 Epigram at Brownhill Inn 00:52:27 Epigram at Roslin Inn 00:52:44 Epigram on a Country Laird 00:53:00 Epigram on Parting with a Kind Host in the Highlands 00:53:12 Epigram on Rough Roads 00:53:31 Epigram on Seeing Miss Fontenelle 00:53:51 Epigram on the Said Occasion 00:54:17 Epigram to Miss Ainslie in Church 00:54:29 Epigrams against the Earl of Galloway 00:55:01 Epitaph for Galvin Hamilton 00:55:13 Epitaph on Holy Willie 00:55:50 Epitaph on my Ever Honoured Father 00:56:12 Fairest Maid on Devon Banks 00:56:44 Farewell to Ballochmyle 00:57:18 For a That 00:58:35 Gloomy December 00:59:21 Go on Sweet Bird and Soothe my Care 00:59:34 Grace before and after Meat 00:59:52 Grace Before and After Meat 01:00:11 Green Grow the Rashes 01:01:33 Gudewife Count the Lawin 01:02:21 Had I a Cave 01:02:50 Here s a Bottle 01:03:12 Here s his Health in Water 01:03:36 Hey the Dusty Miller 01:03:58 Highland Mary 01:04:59 How Lang and Dreary is the Night 01:05:47 I Dream d I Lay 01:06:30 I Gaed a Waefu Gate Yestreen 01:07:05 In the Character of a Ruined Farmer 01:08:10 Inconstancy in Love 01:08:38 Inscription for an Altar of Independence 01:08:56 It was a for our Rightful King 01:09:42 It was upon a Lammas Night 01:10:44 Jessie Lewars Jessie s Illness 01:10:55 Jessie Lewars On her Recovery 01:11:06 Jessie Lewars The Menagerie 01:11:22 Jessie Lewars The Toast 01:11:37 John Anderson My Jo 01:13:08 Lines on the Author s Death 01:13:19 Lines to an Old Sweetheart 01:13:42 Lines to Mr John Kennedys 01:13:57 Lines written at Dalnarcardoch in the Highlands 01:14:08 Lines written under the Picture of Miss Burns 01:14:20 Logan Water 01:15:38 Lovely Young Jessie 01:16:20 Luckless Fortune 01:16:51 Mary Morison 01:17:44 My Bonnie Mary 01:18:16 My Heart s in the Highlands 01:18:55 My Mary Dear 01:20:04 Nan of Logie Green 1820 01:21:10 No Churchman am I 01:22:20 O Let me in thes ae Night Her Answer 01:23:21 O Let me in thes ae Night His Question 01:24:08 O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast 01:24:40 O whistle and I ll come to ye my Lad 01:25:49 Ode for General Washington s Birthday 01:28:03 Of a the Airts 01:28:33 On a Bank of Flowers 01:29:32 On a Friend 01:29:54 On James Grieve 01:30:04 On the Seas and Far Away 01:31:34 Open the Door to me Oh 01:32:12 Poor Mailie s Elegy 01:33:36 Raging Fortune 01:34:03 Remorseful Apology 01:34:23 Roslin Castle 1820 01:35:48 Saw you My Dear My Philly 01:36:16 Scotch Drink 01:40:30 Sensibility 01:41:01 Sweet Afton 01:42:10 The Banks O Doon 01:42:54 The Bonnie Lass of Albanie 01:43:41 The Bookworms 01:43:52 The Braes O Ballochmyle 01:44:37 The Braes O Lomond 01:45:54 The Braw Wooer 01:47:27 The Calf 01:48:14 The Cardin O t the Spinning O t 01:48:48 The Charming Month of May 01:49:33 The Day Returns 01:50:16 The Death and Dying Words of Poor Mailie 01:52:26 The Deil cam fiddling 01:52:57 The Fall of the Leaf 01:53:41 The Fornicator 01:54:39 The Gallant Weaver 01:55:12 The Highland Widow s Lament 01:56:09 The Joyful Widower 01:56:50 The Lover s Morning Salute to his Mistress 01:57:40 The Ploughman 01:58:47 The Soldier s Return 02:00:44 The Song of Death 02:01:42 The Speech of King Robert the Bruce to his Troops 02:02:31 The Tear Drop 02:03:07 The Whistle 02:06:44 The Winter it is Past 02:07:07 The Young Highland Rover 02:07:45 There was a Bonie Lass 02:08:07 Thou Gloomy December 02:08:48 To a Kiss 02:09:16 To a Mountain Daisy 02:10:42 To a Mouse 02:12:04 To the Wood Lark 02:12:40 Tragic Fragment 02:13:31 Twas na her Bonie Blue E e 02:14:02 Up in the Morning Early 02:14:33 Whan I Sleep I Dream 02:15:09 Where are the Joys I have Met 02:15:57 Why Should we Idly Waste our Prime 02:16:53 Willie Brew d a Peck O Maut 02:18:01 Written by Somebody on the Window of an Inn at Stirling 02:18:29 Written Lines on a Banknote 02:19:07 Written on a Window of the Inn at Carron 02:19:26 Yon Wild Mossy Mountains

  • @lovely7840
    @lovely7840 16 днів тому

    I'm glad someone read this poem aloud on YT. A piece of advice, if you will - read more slowly. More clearly. With a more standardized English accent, if you can. The way it's being read, most people wouldn't be able to understand or write down about 80% of the poem (including myself, who likes the poem very much.) That said, thanks for the effort!

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 17 днів тому

    00:00:00 A Day of Sunshine 00:01:00 A Dutch Picture 00:02:52 A la Chaudeau 00:03:50 A Nameless Grave 00:04:28 A Psalm of Life 00:05:38 A Quiet Life 00:06:14 A Shadow 00:06:49 A Song of Savoy 00:07:54 A Summer Day by the Sea 00:08:29 A Wraith in the Mist 00:08:57 Aftermath 00:09:24 Afternoon in February 00:09:56 Agassiz 00:10:31 An April Day 00:11:38 Annie of Tharaw 00:13:07 April 00:13:27 Auf Wiedersehen 00:14:33 August 00:14:53 Autumn 00:15:34 Autumn Within 00:15:58 Autumnal Nightfall 00:17:26 Bayard Taylor 00:18:22 Beatrice 00:20:12 Becalmed 00:20:46 Belisarius 00:22:11 Birds of Passage 00:23:11 Boston 00:23:47 Burial of the Minnisink 00:25:27 By the Fireside 00:27:10 Cadenabbia Lake of Como 00:28:35 Carillon 00:30:38 Castles in Spain 00:33:22 Changed 00:33:51 Charles Sumner 00:34:52 Chaucer 00:35:28 Childhood 00:37:02 Children 00:37:57 Chimes 00:38:31 Christmas Bells 00:39:26 Columbus 00:39:54 Consolation 00:41:00 Curfew 00:41:44 Dante 00:42:25 Daybreak 00:42:58 Daylight and Moonlight 00:43:33 December 00:43:55 Decoration Day 00:44:33 Delia 00:44:53 Drinking Song 00:46:29 Elegiac 00:47:23 Elliot s Oak 00:47:59 Enceladus 00:49:07 Endymion 00:50:15 Excelsior 00:51:42 Fata Morgana 00:52:26 February 00:52:49 Fire 00:53:25 Flowers 00:55:36 Footsteps of Angels 00:56:51 Forsaken 00:57:26 Four by the Clock 00:57:45 Friar Lubin 00:58:43 Frithiof s Homestead 01:01:30 From my Arm Chair 01:02:59 Gaspar Becerra 01:03:58 Giotto s Tower 01:04:33 God s Acre 01:05:25 Haroun Al Raschid 01:05:53 Haunted Houses 01:07:22 Hawthorne 01:08:35 Helen of Tyre 01:09:48 Holidays 01:10:20 Hymn for my Brother s Ordination 01:10:59 Hymn of the Moravian Nuns 01:12:21 Hymn of the Moravian Nuns of Bethlehem 01:13:41 Hymn to the Night 01:14:32 In the Churchyard at Cambridge 01:15:20 In the Churchyard at Tarrytown 01:15:54 Inscription on the Shanklin Fountain 01:16:11 It is not Always May 01:16:58 January 01:17:21 Jeckoyva 01:18:28 July 01:18:49 June 01:19:11 Keats 01:19:45 Killed at the Ford 01:20:59 King Christian 01:22:05 King Trisanku 01:22:31 King Witlaf s Drinking Horn 01:23:43 L Envoi 01:24:17 Loss and Gain 01:24:39 March 01:25:00 May 01:25:20 Memories 01:25:55 Mezzo Cammin 01:26:30 Midnight Mass for the Dying Year 01:28:12 Milton 01:28:46 Monte Cassino 01:31:48 Moods 01:32:22 Moonlight 01:33:23 Mr Finney s Turnip 01:33:54 My Books 01:34:27 My Cathedral 01:35:03 My Secret 01:35:43 Nature 01:36:13 Night 01:36:51 November 01:37:14 October 01:37:35 Old Age 01:38:10 Old St David s at Radnor 01:39:23 Old St David s At Radnor 01:40:36 On the Terrace of the Aigalades 01:41:58 Parker Cleveland 01:42:33 Possibilities 01:43:10 Prelude 01:43:38 President Garfield 01:44:14 Rain in Summer 01:46:23 Remorse 01:47:13 Renouveau 01:47:44 Resignation 01:49:28 Robert Burns 01:50:53 Rondel 01:51:21 Sand of the Desert in an Hour Glass 01:52:55 Sandalphon 01:54:37 Santa Filomena 01:55:51 Santa Teresa s Bookmark 01:56:08 Seaweed 01:56:46 September 01:57:08 Serenade from The Spanish Student 01:57:45 Shakespeare 01:58:20 Silent Love 01:58:32 Sir Humphrey Gilbert 01:59:53 Sleep 02:00:30 Snow Flakes 02:01:03 Something Left Undone 02:01:39 Song 02:02:08 Song of the Owl 02:02:20 Song of the Silent Land 02:03:02 Sonnet on Mrs Kemble s Readings from Shakespeare 02:03:37 St John s Cambridge 02:04:12 Sundown 02:04:43 Sunrise on the Hills 02:06:00 Suspiria 02:06:26 Tegner s Death 02:08:12 Thanksgiving 02:10:56 The Angel and the Child 02:12:16 The Angler s Song 02:13:09 The Arrow and the Song 02:13:35 The Arsenal at Springfield 02:15:34 The Artist 02:16:14 The Beleaguered City 02:17:41 The Bells of Lynn 02:18:35 The Bird and the Ship 02:19:44 The Black Knight 02:21:26 The Boy and the Brook 02:22:15 The Bridge 02:23:54 The Bridge of Cloud 02:25:13 The Broken Oar 02:25:51 The Brook 02:26:32 The Brook and the Wave 02:26:56 The Builders 02:28:02 The Burial of the Poet 02:28:36 The Castle Builder 02:29:12 The Castle by the Sea 02:30:06 The Celestial Pilot 02:31:42 The Challenge 02:32:51 The Challenge of Thor 02:33:49 The Chamber over the Gate 02:35:06 The Children s Hour 02:36:12 The City and the Sea 02:36:40 The Cross of Snow 02:37:16 The Cumberland 02:38:48 The Day is Done 02:40:02 The Dead 02:40:30 The Elected Knight 02:42:00 The Emperor s Bird s Nest 02:43:47 The Emperor s Glove 02:44:33 The Evening Star 02:45:09 The Fiftieth Birthday of Agassiz 02:46:07 The Fire of Drift Wood 02:47:52 The Fire of Driftwood 02:49:29 The Four Lakes of Madison 02:50:06 The Four Princesses at Wilna 02:50:44 The Galaxy 02:51:18 The Goblet of Life 02:53:06 The Golden Mile Stone 02:54:35 The Good Part that Shall not be Taken away 02:55:36 The Good Shepherd 02:56:17 The Grave 02:57:16 The Happiest Land 02:58:23 The Harvest Moon 02:58:59 The Haunted Chamber 02:59:57 The Hemlock Tree 03:00:45 The Herons of Elmwood 03:02:13 The Ladder of St Augustine 03:03:47 The Legend of the Crossbill 03:04:34 The Light of Stars 03:05:37 The Lighthouse 03:07:51 The Luck of Edenhall 03:09:48 The Meeting 03:10:30 The Nature of Love 03:11:19 The Occultation of Orion 03:13:43 The Old Bridge at Florence 03:14:18 The Old Clock on the Stairs 03:16:40 The Open Window 03:17:17 The Phantom Ship 03:18:46 The Poets 03:19:20 The Psalm of Life 03:20:26 The Quadroon Girl 03:21:52 The Rainy Day 03:22:26 The Reaper and the Flowers 03:23:20 The Republic 03:24:06 The Revenge of Rain in the Face 03:25:24 The Sea Diver 03:26:29 The Sea hath its Pearls 03:26:50 The Seaside and the Fireside 03:28:33 The Secret of the Sea 03:29:44 The Sermon of St Francis 03:30:53 The Sifting of Peter 03:31:58 The Singers 03:32:50 The Skeleton in Armor 03:36:29 The Sound of the Sea 03:37:05 The Spirit of Poetry 03:39:23 The Statue over the Cathedral Door 03:39:56 The Terrestrial Paradise 03:41:16 The Three Silences of Molinos 03:41:55 The Tide Rises the Tide Falls 03:42:29 The Tides 03:43:04 The Two Angels 03:44:43 The Two Locks of Hair 03:45:33 The Two Rivers 03:47:47 The Venetian Gondolier 03:48:54 The Village Blacksmith 03:50:15 The Warden of the Cinque Ports 03:51:55 The Warning 03:52:34 The Wave 03:52:53 The Wind over the Chimney 03:54:43 The Windmill 03:55:31 The Wine of Jurancon 03:56:15 The Witnesses 03:57:05 There was a Little Girl 03:57:17 To an Old Danish Song Book 03:58:59 To Cardinal Richelieu 03:59:40 To Italy 04:00:14 To Morrow 04:00:48 To my Brooklet 04:01:30 To the Avon 04:02:11 To the Driving Cloud 04:04:18 To the River Charles 04:05:29 To the River Rhone 04:06:02 To the River Yvette 04:06:45 To the Stork 04:07:33 To Vittoria Colonna 04:08:09 To William E Channing 04:08:45 Today we make the Poet s Words our Own 04:09:23 Travels by the Fireside 04:10:22 Twilight 04:11:06 Venice 04:11:41 Victor and Vanquished 04:12:18 Victor Galbraith 04:13:41 Walter von der Vogel Weid 04:15:15 Wanderer s Night Song 04:15:40 Weariness 04:16:28 Whither 04:17:08 Woods in Winter 04:18:03 Woodstock Park 04:18:39 Youth and Age

  • @shko0729
    @shko0729 19 днів тому

    Nor happiness, nor majesty, nor fame, Nor peace, nor strength, nor skill in arms or arts, Shepherd those herds whom tyranny makes tame; Verse echoes not one beating of their hearts, History is but the shadow of their shame, Art veils her glass, or from the pageant starts As to oblivion their blind millions fleet, Staining that Heaven with obscene imagery Of their own likeness. What are numbers knit By force or custom? Man who man would be, Must rule the empire of himself; in it Must be supreme, establishing his throne On vanquished will, quelling the anarchy Of hopes and fears, being himself alone.

    @JIBBYCOOL9 23 дні тому

    Abdul hannana

    @PJHROSE 29 днів тому

    Lovely. Please check out my Samuel Taylor Coleridge reading of Love and let me know what you think ❤

  • @comicsans3272
    @comicsans3272 Місяць тому

    This is the only way to listen to this poem on youtube why doesnt it have anything

  • @dguy0386
    @dguy0386 Місяць тому

    i found these same lyrics (although 2 or 3 of the words are slightly different) in the 1889 addition of "Grandfather's Stories" book 1 of Appletons Instructive Reading-Books historical series, and found that this is one of the only videos on the internet to my knowledge that has this song!, thanks for posting.

  • @JOYCEAPIO-zl7id
    @JOYCEAPIO-zl7id 2 місяці тому

    Please analyze the poem for me

  • @toxickhan.08
    @toxickhan.08 2 місяці тому

    waste of time

  • @bluebird9181
    @bluebird9181 2 місяці тому

    One of my favourite poems.

  • @talesofintrigue3315
    @talesofintrigue3315 2 місяці тому

    I think you really need to slow down a bit. It was good, but way to fast.

  • @Phuong.Nguyen-
    @Phuong.Nguyen- 2 місяці тому

    Good sharing 😊

  • @youwhoxme
    @youwhoxme 3 місяці тому

    This is by BS Johnson, not Ben Johnson.

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 3 місяці тому

    The Giantess Charles Baudelaire 00:00:02 At the time when Nature with a lusty spirit Was conceiving monstrous children each day, I should have liked to live near a young giantess, Like a voluptuous cat at the feet of a queen. 00:00:12 I should have liked to see her soul and body thrive And grow without restraint in her terrible games; To divine by the mist swimming within her eyes If her heart harbored a smoldering flame; 00:00:22 To explore leisurely her magnificent form; To crawl upon the slopes of her enormous knees, And sometimes in summer, when the unhealthy sun Makes her stretch out, weary, across the countryside, 00:00:32 To sleep nonchalantly in the shade of her breasts, Like a peaceful hamlet below a mountainside. Other Works by Charles Baudelaire: #charlesbaudelaire

  • @docdoc.4500
    @docdoc.4500 3 місяці тому

    I didn't expect to stumble across this in my recommended! Are you German learning English? I'm an English speaker trying to learn German, and this poem is quite beautiful

  • @silvanlamar5087
    @silvanlamar5087 4 місяці тому

    "promo sm" 🙈

  • @johoreanperson8396
    @johoreanperson8396 4 місяці тому

    Lets gooooo!!!!!

  • @waledKH4N
    @waledKH4N 4 місяці тому


  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 4 місяці тому

    Epitaph Katherine Philips 00:00:03 What on Earth deserves our trust ? Youth and Beauty both are dust. Long we gathering are with pain, What one moment calls again. 00:00:12 Seven years childless, marriage past, A Son, a son is born at last : So exactly lim'd and fair. 00:00:19 Full of good Spirits, Meen, and Air, As a long life promised, Yet, in less than six weeks dead. 00:00:25 Too promising, too great a mind In so small room to be confin'd : Therefore, as fit in Heav'n to dwell, He quickly broke the Prison shell. 00:00:34 So the subtle Alchimist, Can't with Hermes Seal resist The powerful spirit's subtler flight, But t'will bid him long good night. 00:00:42 And so the Sun if it arise Half so glorious as his Eyes, Like this Infant, takes a shrowd, Buried in a morning Cloud. Other Works by Katherine Philipps: #katherinephilipps

  • @ladno443
    @ladno443 4 місяці тому

    мне это выучить надо..☠️

  • @ladno443
    @ladno443 4 місяці тому

    мне это выучить надо..☠️

  • @ssake1_IAL_Research
    @ssake1_IAL_Research 4 місяці тому

    My independent research has indicated that this poem was originally written by Mathew Franklin Whittier, about his son, Joseph Poyen Whittier. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, as I have concluded, plagiarized it and heavily modified it, twice--once for the 1840 edition of a table book called "Finden's Tableaux," and again in 1844, for her two-volume set, "Poems" (republished in America as "A Drama of Exile and Other Poems").

  • @nadavgill975
    @nadavgill975 4 місяці тому

    I swear your irish accent adds to the vibe of the poem its soooooo good

  • @user-by9fm4nl9s
    @user-by9fm4nl9s 4 місяці тому

    Just watch 🎉😮😮😂

  • @Boss_fc_10_goat_cr7
    @Boss_fc_10_goat_cr7 5 місяців тому

    😂😂can you speak 😂😂

  • @avisher2011
    @avisher2011 5 місяців тому

    Спасибо большое вам

  • @lolbruhzlq2385
    @lolbruhzlq2385 6 місяців тому

    Thanks you, I know understand the story in my book

  • @thewolfmanhulk2927
    @thewolfmanhulk2927 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for reading and uploading these. Books and texts the soul of humanity, and everyone should have access forever. You are doing sacred and divine work, thank you

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 6 місяців тому

    Fountain s Abbey Letitia Elizabeth Landon 00:00:03 Never more, when the day is o'er, Will the lonely vespers sound; No bells are ringing-no monks are singing, When the moonlight falls around. 00:00:11 A few pale flowers, which in other hours May have cheered the dreary mood; When the votary turned to the world he had spurned, And repined at the solitude. 00:00:19 Still do they blow 'mid the ruins below, For fallen are fane and shrine, And the moss has grown o'er the sculptured stone Of an altar no more divine. 00:00:28 Still on the walls where the sunshine falls, The ancient fruit-tree grows; And o'er tablet and tomb, extends the bloom Of many a wilding rose. 00:00:36 Fair though they be, yet they seemed to me To mock the wreck below; For mighty the tower, where the fragile flower May now as in triumph blow. 00:00:44 Oh, foolish the thought, that my fancy brought; More true and more wise to say, That still thus doth spring, some gentle thing, With its beauty to cheer decay. Other Works by Letitia Elizabeth Landon: #letitiaelizabethlandon

  • @smiletoday7341
    @smiletoday7341 6 місяців тому

    The poem in the description is not the same you are reciting

  • @Memefever-j3x
    @Memefever-j3x 7 місяців тому

    Make summary videoes on it it will get more views😊

  • @jollywizard
    @jollywizard 7 місяців тому


  • @apgamanapggupta7105
    @apgamanapggupta7105 7 місяців тому

    I love your voice ❤

  • @EggPotionFilms
    @EggPotionFilms 7 місяців тому

    just some advice: make the video topic clear this is because i just saw it and with a little amount of views and recent upload i thought it might be good but im not interested in.. poetry? so ye just a friendly note supporting small channels

  • @Haandvask-iy3gq
    @Haandvask-iy3gq 7 місяців тому

    amen, you changed my life! praise god

  • @Evan-ld7mc
    @Evan-ld7mc 8 місяців тому


  • @KyleEricksonPoetry1617
    @KyleEricksonPoetry1617 8 місяців тому

    You have a cool accent. Thanks for doing so many of John McCrae’s poems.

  • @tanquesovieticot-3439
    @tanquesovieticot-3439 8 місяців тому

    if it wasn't for you, I would not be reading any poems at all! keep the good work buddy

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 8 місяців тому

    A Fairy Song (29 sec): Against my Love shall be as I am Now (36 sec): Against that Time If ever that Time Come (42 sec): Ah Wherefore with Infection Should He Live (35 sec): Alas Tis True I have gone Here and There (41 sec): All the World s a Stage (1 min): As an Unperfect Actor on the Stage (40 sec): Be Wise as thou art Cruel (43 sec): Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind (42 sec): But so thy Worst to Steal Thyself Away (39 sec): But Wherefore do not you a Mightier Way (39 sec): Canst thou o Cruel Say I Love thee Not (38 sec): Farewell Thou art too dear for my Possessing (41 sec): Fear no More (49 sec): For Shame Deny that thou Bear st Love to any (40 sec): From Fairest Creatures we Desire Increase (40 sec): From you have I been Absent in the Spring (37 sec): Full Fathom Five (21 sec): Full Many a Glorious Morning Have I Seen (38 sec): Hark Hark the Lark (20 sec): How can my Muse want Subject to Invent (38 sec): How Careful was I When I took my Way (40 sec): How Heavy do I Journey on the Way (36 sec): How Like a Winter Hath my Absence Been (40 sec): How oft When Thou My Music Music Play st (39 sec): How Sweet and Lovely dost thou Make the Shame (41 sec): If the Dull Substance of my Flesh Were Thought (40 sec): If there be Noothing New But that which Is (37 sec): If Thou Survive my Well Contended Day (37 sec): Is it For Fear to Wet a Widow s Eye (40 sec): Is it thy Will thy Image Should Keep Open (41 sec): Let me Confess that we two must be Twain (41 sec): Let not my Love be called Idolatry (40 sec): Let those who are in Favour with their Stars (40 sec): Like as to make our Appetite more Keen (36 sec): Love is my Sin and thy Dear Virtue Hate (45 sec): Love is to Young to know what Conscience is (41 sec): Mine Eye and Heart are at a Mortal War (39 sec): Music to Hear Why Hear st Thou Music Sadly (41 sec): My Love is as a fever Longing Still (40 sec): My Love is Strengthened though more Weak in Seeming (40 sec): My Mistress Eyes are Nothing like the Sun (39 sec): No Longer Mourn for me when I am Dead (36 sec): No more be Grieved at that which thou hast Done (43 sec): No Time Thou Shalt not Boast that I do Change (37 sec): Not from the Stars do I my Judgement Pluck (36 sec): Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments (40 sec): Not mine Own Fears nor the Prophetic Soul (41 sec): O Call not me to Justify the Wrong (42 sec): O From what Power hast thou this Powerful Might (39 sec): O How I Faint when I of You do Write (39 sec): O How thy Worth with Manners may I Sing (40 sec): O Me What Eyes hath Love put in my Head (43 sec): O Never Say that I was False of Heart (40 sec): O That you were Your Self But Love You Are (41 sec): Poor Soul the Centre of my Sinful Earth (42 sec): (1/2)

    • @audiobookpassion245
      @audiobookpassion245 8 місяців тому

      Sall I Compare thee too a Summer s Day (36 sec): Say that thou didst Forsake me for some Fault (42 sec): Sigh no More (32 sec): Sin of Self Love Possesseth All Mine Eye (40 sec): Since I left You Mine Eye is in my Mind (42 sec): So are you to my Thoughts as Food to Life (44 sec): So Now I have Confessed that he is Thine (42 sec): So Shall I Live Supossing Thou Art True (41 sec): Some Glory in their Birth Some in Their Skill (42 sec): Song of the Witches (31 sec): Spring and Winter (41 sec): Sweet Love Renew thy Force (40 sec): Take All My Loves My Love Yea Take Them All (43 sec): Th Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame (39 sec): That thou art Blamed shall not be thy Defect (40 sec): That thou hast Her It is not all my Grief (44 sec): That Time of Year thou mayst in me Behold (40 sec): That You were Once Unkind Befriends me Now (39 sec): The Blossom (39 sec): The Little Love God Lying Once Asleep (40 sec): The Other Two Slight Air and Purging Fire (42 sec): The Quality of Mercy (38 sec): Then Hate me When Thou Wilt (41 sec): They that have Power to Hurt and Will Do None (42 sec): Those Hours that with Gentle Work Did Frame (38 sec): Those Lines that I before have writ do Lie (44 sec): Those Pretty Wrongs that Liberty Commits (39 sec): Thou Blind Fool Love What Dost thou to Mine Eyes (46 sec): Thus Can My Love Excuse the Slow Offence (41 sec): Tired with all These For Restful Death I Cry (41 sec): Tis Better to be Vile than Vile Esteemed (41 sec): To Be or Not to Be (1 min): To his Mistresse - William Strode (32 sec): To his Sister - William Strode (29 sec): To me Fair Friend You never can be Old (40 sec): Twelve O Clock (15 sec): Under the Greenwood Tree (25 sec): Weary with Toil I Haste me to my Bed (38 sec): What is Your Substance Wherof are you Made (36 sec): What s in the Brain that Ink May Character (38 sec): When Forty Winters Shall Besiege thy Brow (43 sec): When I Consider Every Thing that Grows (41 sec): When I do Count the Clock that tells the Time (38 sec): When in the Chronicle of Wasted Time (40 sec): When most I Wink Then do mine Eyes Best See (41 sec): When thou Shalt be Disposed to set me Light (41 sec): Whilest I Alone did call upon thy Aid (39 sec): Who Is it that says Most Which can say More (39 sec): Who will Believe my Verse in Time to Come (42 sec): Whoever hath her Wish Thou hast thy Will (41 sec): Why Didst Thou Promise such a Beauteous Day (39 sec): William Shakespeare Epitaph (13 sec): (2/2)

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 8 місяців тому

    Sall I Compare thee too a Summer s Day (36 sec): Say that thou didst Forsake me for some Fault (42 sec): Sigh no More (32 sec): Sin of Self Love Possesseth All Mine Eye (40 sec): Since I left You Mine Eye is in my Mind (42 sec): So are you to my Thoughts as Food to Life (44 sec): So Now I have Confessed that he is Thine (42 sec): So Shall I Live Supossing Thou Art True (41 sec): Some Glory in their Birth Some in Their Skill (42 sec): Song of the Witches (31 sec): Spring and Winter (41 sec): Sweet Love Renew thy Force (40 sec): Take All My Loves My Love Yea Take Them All (43 sec): Th Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame (39 sec): That thou art Blamed shall not be thy Defect (40 sec): That thou hast Her It is not all my Grief (44 sec): That Time of Year thou mayst in me Behold (40 sec): That You were Once Unkind Befriends me Now (39 sec): The Blossom (39 sec): The Little Love God Lying Once Asleep (40 sec): The Other Two Slight Air and Purging Fire (42 sec): The Quality of Mercy (38 sec): Then Hate me When Thou Wilt (41 sec): They that have Power to Hurt and Will Do None (42 sec): Those Hours that with Gentle Work Did Frame (38 sec): Those Lines that I before have writ do Lie (44 sec): Those Pretty Wrongs that Liberty Commits (39 sec): Thou Blind Fool Love What Dost thou to Mine Eyes (46 sec): Thus Can My Love Excuse the Slow Offence (41 sec): Tired with all These For Restful Death I Cry (41 sec): Tis Better to be Vile than Vile Esteemed (41 sec): To Be or Not to Be (1 min): To his Mistresse - William Strode (32 sec): To his Sister - William Strode (29 sec): To me Fair Friend You never can be Old (40 sec): Twelve O Clock (15 sec): Under the Greenwood Tree (25 sec): Weary with Toil I Haste me to my Bed (38 sec): What is Your Substance Wherof are you Made (36 sec): What s in the Brain that Ink May Character (38 sec): When Forty Winters Shall Besiege thy Brow (43 sec): When I Consider Every Thing that Grows (41 sec): When I do Count the Clock that tells the Time (38 sec): When in the Chronicle of Wasted Time (40 sec): When most I Wink Then do mine Eyes Best See (41 sec): When thou Shalt be Disposed to set me Light (41 sec): Whilest I Alone did call upon thy Aid (39 sec): Who Is it that says Most Which can say More (39 sec): Who will Believe my Verse in Time to Come (42 sec): Whoever hath her Wish Thou hast thy Will (41 sec): Why Didst Thou Promise such a Beauteous Day (39 sec): William Shakespeare Epitaph (13 sec): (2/2)

  • @efrelyngalope5758
    @efrelyngalope5758 8 місяців тому


  • @HurricaneChaserChase
    @HurricaneChaserChase 8 місяців тому

    good job!

  • @audiobookpassion245
    @audiobookpassion245 8 місяців тому

    A Fairy Song (29 sec): Against my Love shall be as I am Now (36 sec): Against that Time If ever that Time Come (42 sec): Ah Wherefore with Infection Should He Live (35 sec): Alas Tis True I have gone Here and There (41 sec): All the World s a Stage (1 min): As an Unperfect Actor on the Stage (40 sec): Be Wise as thou art Cruel (43 sec): Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind (42 sec): But so thy Worst to Steal Thyself Away (39 sec): But Wherefore do not you a Mightier Way (39 sec): Canst thou o Cruel Say I Love thee Not (38 sec): Farewell Thou art too dear for my Possessing (41 sec): Fear no More (49 sec): For Shame Deny that thou Bear st Love to any (40 sec): From Fairest Creatures we Desire Increase (40 sec): From you have I been Absent in the Spring (37 sec): Full Fathom Five (21 sec): Full Many a Glorious Morning Have I Seen (38 sec): Hark Hark the Lark (20 sec): How can my Muse want Subject to Invent (38 sec): How Careful was I When I took my Way (40 sec): How Heavy do I Journey on the Way (36 sec): How Like a Winter Hath my Absence Been (40 sec): How oft When Thou My Music Music Play st (39 sec): How Sweet and Lovely dost thou Make the Shame (41 sec): If the Dull Substance of my Flesh Were Thought (40 sec): If there be Noothing New But that which Is (37 sec): If Thou Survive my Well Contended Day (37 sec): Is it For Fear to Wet a Widow s Eye (40 sec): Is it thy Will thy Image Should Keep Open (41 sec): Let me Confess that we two must be Twain (41 sec): Let not my Love be called Idolatry (40 sec): Let those who are in Favour with their Stars (40 sec): Like as to make our Appetite more Keen (36 sec): Love is my Sin and thy Dear Virtue Hate (45 sec): Love is to Young to know what Conscience is (41 sec): Mine Eye and Heart are at a Mortal War (39 sec): Music to Hear Why Hear st Thou Music Sadly (41 sec): My Love is as a fever Longing Still (40 sec): My Love is Strengthened though more Weak in Seeming (40 sec): My Mistress Eyes are Nothing like the Sun (39 sec): No Longer Mourn for me when I am Dead (36 sec): No more be Grieved at that which thou hast Done (43 sec): No Time Thou Shalt not Boast that I do Change (37 sec): Not from the Stars do I my Judgement Pluck (36 sec): Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments (40 sec): Not mine Own Fears nor the Prophetic Soul (41 sec): O Call not me to Justify the Wrong (42 sec): O From what Power hast thou this Powerful Might (39 sec): O How I Faint when I of You do Write (39 sec): O How thy Worth with Manners may I Sing (40 sec): O Me What Eyes hath Love put in my Head (43 sec): O Never Say that I was False of Heart (40 sec): O That you were Your Self But Love You Are (41 sec): Poor Soul the Centre of my Sinful Earth (42 sec): (1/2)

    • @audiobookpassion245
      @audiobookpassion245 8 місяців тому

      Sall I Compare thee too a Summer s Day (36 sec): Say that thou didst Forsake me for some Fault (42 sec): Sigh no More (32 sec): Sin of Self Love Possesseth All Mine Eye (40 sec): Since I left You Mine Eye is in my Mind (42 sec): So are you to my Thoughts as Food to Life (44 sec): So Now I have Confessed that he is Thine (42 sec): So Shall I Live Supossing Thou Art True (41 sec): Some Glory in their Birth Some in Their Skill (42 sec): Song of the Witches (31 sec): Spring and Winter (41 sec): Sweet Love Renew thy Force (40 sec): Take All My Loves My Love Yea Take Them All (43 sec): Th Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame (39 sec): That thou art Blamed shall not be thy Defect (40 sec): That thou hast Her It is not all my Grief (44 sec): That Time of Year thou mayst in me Behold (40 sec): That You were Once Unkind Befriends me Now (39 sec): The Blossom (39 sec): The Little Love God Lying Once Asleep (40 sec): The Other Two Slight Air and Purging Fire (42 sec): The Quality of Mercy (38 sec): Then Hate me When Thou Wilt (41 sec): They that have Power to Hurt and Will Do None (42 sec): Those Hours that with Gentle Work Did Frame (38 sec): Those Lines that I before have writ do Lie (44 sec): Those Pretty Wrongs that Liberty Commits (39 sec): Thou Blind Fool Love What Dost thou to Mine Eyes (46 sec): Thus Can My Love Excuse the Slow Offence (41 sec): Tired with all These For Restful Death I Cry (41 sec): Tis Better to be Vile than Vile Esteemed (41 sec): To Be or Not to Be (1 min): To his Mistresse - William Strode (32 sec): To his Sister - William Strode (29 sec): To me Fair Friend You never can be Old (40 sec): Twelve O Clock (15 sec): Under the Greenwood Tree (25 sec): Weary with Toil I Haste me to my Bed (38 sec): What is Your Substance Wherof are you Made (36 sec): What s in the Brain that Ink May Character (38 sec): When Forty Winters Shall Besiege thy Brow (43 sec): When I Consider Every Thing that Grows (41 sec): When I do Count the Clock that tells the Time (38 sec): When in the Chronicle of Wasted Time (40 sec): When most I Wink Then do mine Eyes Best See (41 sec): When thou Shalt be Disposed to set me Light (41 sec): Whilest I Alone did call upon thy Aid (39 sec): Who Is it that says Most Which can say More (39 sec): Who will Believe my Verse in Time to Come (42 sec): Whoever hath her Wish Thou hast thy Will (41 sec): Why Didst Thou Promise such a Beauteous Day (39 sec): William Shakespeare Epitaph (13 sec): (2/2)