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Ugrađivanje elektromotora u cirkularnu pilu/Embedding electric motor into a circular saw
Song used in the video belongs to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. Copyright by GarageLab ua-cam.com/channels/cosHjLeDWienoy5aei5Ogg.html
Переглядів: 42


Čišćenje puške karabin 8x57 marke Zastava/Cleaning a rifle carbine Zastava 8x57
Переглядів 2,4 тис.3 роки тому
Rifle is fully licensed for hunting. Puška je licencirana za lov.
Drvena plata za serviranje/Snackboard
Переглядів 7 тис.3 роки тому
Izrada drvene plate za serviranje raznih jela kao što su npr. mesne delicije, grickalice, kolače i sl. Izrađena je od drva javora i divlje trešnje. Building wooden plate for serving various types of food for example: meat delicacies, snacks, cookies and so on. Made of maple wood and wild cherry wood.
How to change antifreeze coolant in a car/Kako promijeniti antifriz u automobilu
Переглядів 3,7 тис.4 роки тому
Izmjena antifriza u Fiat Punto i provjera temperaturne izdržljivosti antifriza Changing the antifreeze coolant in Fiat Punto and checking the temperature durability of antifreeze


  • @nklsui
    @nklsui 3 роки тому

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