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Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Year 4) #2 | Ravenclaw Edition《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Welcome back to Hogwarts everyone!! We finally got into Year 4 where the Triwizard Tournament is held. Here is a full gameplay walkthrough of Year 4.
Join your housemates on the official Harry Potter Magic Awakened discord server:
#harrypotter #哈利波特魔法觉醒 #ravenclaw #gryffindor #hufflepuff #slytherin #harrypottermagicawakened #fantasticbeasts #ronweasley #hermionegranger
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Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Year 4) #1 | Ravenclaw Edition《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 4 тис.4 місяці тому
Welcome back to Hogwarts everyone!! We finally got into Year 4 where the Triwizard Tournament is held. Here is a full gameplay walkthrough of Year 4. Join your housemates on the official Harry Potter Magic Awakened discord server: #harrypotter #哈利波特魔法觉醒 #ravenclaw #gryffindor #hufflepuff #slytherin #harrypottermagicawakened #fantasticbeasts #ronweasley #hermionegranger
Samba: Summer Tides | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 3095 місяців тому
#harrypotter #magicawakened #harrypottermagicawakened #ravenclaw #fantasticbeasts #azkaban
New Season Story Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
Переглядів 43610 місяців тому
✦草藥學賽季·劇情序章✦ 影片🔗 摧毀一棵植物最好的方式,並非惡劣的環境、不適合的水分或溫度,而是定義其為「有害」。 「等到了你綻放的那一天,整個世界都為你而沉醉。」 治療師艾絲萃·蔻爾從霧靄中走來 撥開迷霧,藤蔓之下,自有一派漫漫春野。 焰火繽紛的新春系列活動、全新迴響及決鬥魔咒、新奇的草藥種植體驗,更有「巫師研究」新系統,盡在「詭藤之下」全新賽季! (此為研發過程中畫面,所展示內容僅供參考) #消息來源大神
危夜款待 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
Переглядів 29211 місяців тому
✦幸運輪盤✦一月|危夜款待 影片🔗 奔赴「危夜款待」,探尋月夜下令人不安的危機;執起浪漫的「水晶玫瑰」,與它飛雪中翩翩起舞;來到溫馨的活米村,讓可愛的「小長鬚鴞」伴你左右;寒風中傳來清脆的鈴鐺聲,開啟一場高空之上的「聖誕旋舞」。 本期「幸運輪盤」上新,更多內容請看下方↓↓↓ ✦時裝·危夜款待✦ 化身正氣師,在黑暗小巷調查追踪,維護魔法世界的秩序與正義。這件大衣將會成為你最值得信賴的陪伴。 ✦魔杖外觀·水晶玫瑰✦ 靈感來自泥腳夫人茶館的粉彩,但可不要被令人愉悅的顏色所蒙蔽,玫瑰花刺,隨時準備對那些不友善的來者予以一擊。 ✦貓頭鷹·小長須鴞✦ 牠還小,或許還不太能搬運重物,不過的確是個優秀的傾聽者。 ✦掃帚·聖誕旋舞✦ 以最優質的松木製成,這把掃帚無論美觀還是實用性都遠勝聖誕老人的雪橇。有了它,誰會需...
神秘考察 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 312Рік тому
分享】12月幸運輪盤 影片🔗 穿過茫茫荒野,踏向那些早已被人忘卻的角落,勇敢的探險者駐足觀望,目光向著熠熠發光的遠方,無畏前路,迎風而行。本期「幸運輪盤」上新,更多內容請看下方↓↓↓ ✦全新時裝·神秘考察✦ 別讓陰雨連綿的午後影響你的心情,讓這身探險風套裝為你帶來陽光與溫暖,一掃周圍的陰鬱濕氣吧~ ✦魔杖外觀·巨龍之怒✦ ‼️動作展示放一樓留言處‼️ 這根製作精美的魔杖,宛如出鞘的佩劍,其手柄部分以金色龍蛋為造型仿製。 ✦貓頭鷹·毛腿漁鴞✦ ‼️動作展示放一樓留言處‼️ 身為當今體型最大的貓頭鷹,這只毛茸茸的大可愛喜歡生活在水體附近,如果你想一覽它的容貌,去黑湖附近一定能找到它。 ✦全新家具·藏龍於野✦ 之旅小憩,此刻與龍為伴。 12月1日00:00,巫師可透過「幸運輪盤」獲得精美時尚、魔杖外觀、...
神秘考察 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 190Рік тому
分享】12月幸運輪盤 影片🔗 穿過茫茫荒野,踏向那些早已被人忘卻的角落,勇敢的探險者駐足觀望,目光向著熠熠發光的遠方,無畏前路,迎風而行。本期「幸運輪盤」上新,更多內容請看下方↓↓↓ ✦全新時裝·神秘考察✦ 別讓陰雨連綿的午後影響你的心情,讓這身探險風套裝為你帶來陽光與溫暖,一掃周圍的陰鬱濕氣吧~ ✦魔杖外觀·巨龍之怒✦ ‼️動作展示放一樓留言處‼️ 這根製作精美的魔杖,宛如出鞘的佩劍,其手柄部分以金色龍蛋為造型仿製。 ✦貓頭鷹·毛腿漁鴞✦ ‼️動作展示放一樓留言處‼️ 身為當今體型最大的貓頭鷹,這只毛茸茸的大可愛喜歡生活在水體附近,如果你想一覽它的容貌,去黑湖附近一定能找到它。 ✦全新家具·藏龍於野✦ 之旅小憩,此刻與龍為伴。 12月1日00:00,巫師可透過「幸運輪盤」獲得精美時尚、魔杖外觀、...
火龙服 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 528Рік тому
✦全新時裝·火龙服✦   ✧活動時間:11月7日0:00   ✧獲取方式: -活動期間,巫師可以消耗「行動卡牌」,在探險地圖上進行冒險。 冒險可獲得金幣、迴響晶石等獎勵。 -當巫師剛好走進「神祕事件」探險格時,有機率前往禁忌森林深處進行冒險! 冒險可獲得時裝「異界魅影」、妝容「致命凝視」及「耳畔之音」、直升道具「魔咒心力」等超大獎! -如果探險陷入僵局,巫師將會獲得樹精的幫助,直接領取超級大獎!   小雪鴞溫馨提示:「異界魅影」時尚兜帽有兩種穿搭方式,巫師可自行選擇摘戴~   ※詳細規則請見遊戲內說明。   #哈利波特 #哈利波特魔法覺醒 🦉雙平台下載: 🦉Discord官方討論群: 🦉Facebook官方粉絲團: harrypotterM...
無光之處,擁抱暗影 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 616Рік тому
✦全新時裝·異界魅影✦   鳥群飛入黑夜,禁忌森林深處影影綽綽。 穿上這身飄逸的夜行斗篷,帥氣地擁抱黑暗吧!   ✧活動時間:11月1日0:00-11月14日17:00   ✧獲取方式: -活動期間,巫師可以消耗「行動卡牌」,在探險地圖上進行冒險。 冒險可獲得金幣、迴響晶石等獎勵。 -當巫師剛好走進「神祕事件」探險格時,有機率前往禁忌森林深處進行冒險! 冒險可獲得時裝「異界魅影」、妝容「致命凝視」及「耳畔之音」、直升道具「魔咒心力」等超大獎! -如果探險陷入僵局,巫師將會獲得樹精的幫助,直接領取超級大獎!   小雪鴞溫馨提示:「異界魅影」時尚兜帽有兩種穿搭方式,巫師可自行選擇摘戴~   ※詳細規則請見遊戲內說明。   #哈利波特 #哈利波特魔法覺醒 🦉雙平台下載: 🦉Discord官方討論群:
Flight of the Thestrals (Halloween Special) | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 1,1 тис.Рік тому
✦全新時裝·異界魅影✦   鳥群飛入黑夜,禁忌森林深處影影綽綽。 穿上這身飄逸的夜行斗篷,帥氣地擁抱黑暗吧!   ✧活動時間:11月1日0:00-11月14日17:00   ✧獲取方式: -活動期間,巫師可以消耗「行動卡牌」,在探險地圖上進行冒險。 冒險可獲得金幣、迴響晶石等獎勵。 -當巫師剛好走進「神祕事件」探險格時,有機率前往禁忌森林深處進行冒險! 冒險可獲得時裝「異界魅影」、妝容「致命凝視」及「耳畔之音」、直升道具「魔咒心力」等超大獎! -如果探險陷入僵局,巫師將會獲得樹精的幫助,直接領取超級大獎!   小雪鴞溫馨提示:「異界魅影」時尚兜帽有兩種穿搭方式,巫師可自行選擇摘戴~   ※詳細規則請見遊戲內說明。   #哈利波特 #哈利波特魔法覺醒 🦉雙平台下載: 🦉Discord官方討論群:
無光之處,擁抱暗影 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 292Рік тому
✦全新時裝·異界魅影✦   鳥群飛入黑夜,禁忌森林深處影影綽綽。 穿上這身飄逸的夜行斗篷,帥氣地擁抱黑暗吧!   ✧活動時間:11月1日0:00-11月14日17:00   ✧獲取方式: -活動期間,巫師可以消耗「行動卡牌」,在探險地圖上進行冒險。 冒險可獲得金幣、迴響晶石等獎勵。 -當巫師剛好走進「神祕事件」探險格時,有機率前往禁忌森林深處進行冒險! 冒險可獲得時裝「異界魅影」、妝容「致命凝視」及「耳畔之音」、直升道具「魔咒心力」等超大獎! -如果探險陷入僵局,巫師將會獲得樹精的幫助,直接領取超級大獎!   小雪鴞溫馨提示:「異界魅影」時尚兜帽有兩種穿搭方式,巫師可自行選擇摘戴~   ※詳細規則請見遊戲內說明。   #哈利波特 #哈利波特魔法覺醒 🦉雙平台下載: 🦉Discord官方討論群:
Playing with Dragon's Fire - Ep 1 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 583Рік тому
The soaring dragon emits a furious roar of rage. Why has the mysterious Eastern scholar come? That maimed arm tells an adventure story. #harrypotter #magicawakened #消息來源大神 #哈利波特魔法觉醒 #harrypottermagicawakened
Grand Finale - Mysterious Quidditch Event | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 870Рік тому
The Grand Finale full gameplay walkthrough. 哈利波特魔法覺醒2⃣️週年預熱✦ 魁地奇賽季·即將上線 影片🔗 踏入綠色格紋草坪,在湛藍的天空下,一場刺激對壘隨風而啟! “擊球、遊走、起飛!” 全新賽季即將於8月22日激燃開啟,魁地奇玩法即將升級回歸!快跨上飛天掃帚,在魁地奇球場上空自由馳騁吧~ (此為研發過程中畫面,所展示內容僅供參考) #消息來源大神
記者精神 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 372Рік тому
October Fortune Wheel Outfit! ✦十月幸運輪盤✦ 影片🔗 瞬息萬變的魁地奇賽場,精彩的瞬間隨時都可能發生。此刻,發揮「記者精神」,捕獲最佳角度,奪取頭條新聞!回到魁地奇主題的「冠軍彩帳」,用熱愛與珍藏營造你的專屬角落;揮舞「擊打之願」,隨時隨地釋放你的擊球熱情。本期「幸運輪盤」上新,更多內容請看下方↓↓↓ ✦時裝·記者精神✦ 頗具時尚感的職業時裝,便於隨時隨地採訪的道具一應俱全。奔波在分秒必爭的賽場,願為自己熱愛的事業獻上最專業與公正的報道。 ✦家具·冠軍彩帳✦ 魁地奇愛好者夢寐以求的裝潢。明快的色彩令人心潮澎湃,漂亮的展櫃將成就悉數珍藏。 ✦魔杖外觀·擊打之願✦ 球棍般的造型,讓你的魔杖能更好地把對手的咒語打擊回去。 ✦貓頭鷹·烏林鴞✦ 烏林鴞有著金黃色的雙眼,灰白羽...
記者精神 Teaser | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 238Рік тому
記者精神 Teaser | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
找球高手 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 331Рік тому
找球高手 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
權力之輝 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 669Рік тому
權力之輝 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
權力之輝 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 219Рік тому
權力之輝 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Mysterious Flying Broomsticks: Part 1 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 684Рік тому
Mysterious Flying Broomsticks: Part 1 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Quidditch is Finally Back!! | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》2nd Anniversary Celebration
Переглядів 1,5 тис.Рік тому
Quidditch is Finally Back!! | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》2nd Anniversary Celebration
when you're unlucky be like.. | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
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when you're unlucky be like.. | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
夜幕年代 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 581Рік тому
夜幕年代 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
夜幕年代 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 353Рік тому
夜幕年代 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
夜幕年代 Teaser | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 363Рік тому
夜幕年代 Teaser | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Tango: Sleepless Night | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Рік тому
Tango: Sleepless Night | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Azkaban (Dark) Card Showcase | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 683Рік тому
Azkaban (Dark) Card Showcase | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Azkaban (New Card Trailer) | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 659Рік тому
Azkaban (New Card Trailer) | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Mini Room Tour | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 808Рік тому
Mini Room Tour | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
宴會風雅 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 664Рік тому
宴會風雅 | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
宴會風雅 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》
Переглядів 493Рік тому
宴會風雅 Trailer | Harry Potter: Magic Awakened《哈利波特:魔法觉醒》


  • @Mellowleaf93217
    @Mellowleaf93217 Місяць тому

    Im stuck in there 😭

  • @KirbyybriK
    @KirbyybriK 3 місяці тому


  • @gitamclemore194
    @gitamclemore194 4 місяці тому

    I wonder what Violets up to. She's acting odd. Did she morph into Lottie to avoid being seen and that's why her crup barked at her? Because he recognized her? It makes sense to me.

  • @pedrohenriquebrasilsantos
    @pedrohenriquebrasilsantos 4 місяці тому

    When will the next live be?

  • @hydroserries
    @hydroserries 4 місяці тому

    51:34 lol Narie spotted

  • @CloudyBunnie
    @CloudyBunnie 4 місяці тому

    Theory: Ivy’s ‘dark vision’ is basically an evil counterpart in other video game culture. Kenji ISN’T a werewolf (he probably is, I just like coming up with the dumbest theories ever :P) but instead he has some kind of curse (OBVIOUSLY) where he is forced to transform into some sort of monster that is (or isn’t ) harmless, but because he is cursed, his teammates are jerks to him. Back to Ivy, Violet might have a similar problem in which she has a evil clone that looks like an angry puppet (ok but in all seriousness, she has some sort of dark aspect she can’t control as well OR she can shape shift into Lottie some how). Ivy’s ‘dark vision’ is pretty much the Harry’s dreams about Voldemort dilemma all over again, where a piece of Ivy’s soul is possessed by the main antagonist (possibly Elliot, I’m having trouble connecting everything since there is so much going on). Winnifred can sense things like darkness and stuff which is why she’s scared of Ivy, but what I’m confused about is why she didn’t say anything about Daniel, who is literally being brainwashed into joining an illegal organization that is giving me serious Death Eater vibes for some reason. Perhaps Daniel isn’t evil, and PERHAPS the MC finds out about him being in NOTME, then they and Ivy stop talking to him (kinda out of Character for Ivy, the MC doesn’t really have a personality so far (in my opinion) so I’m not sure what will happen), and then he either gets more involved with NOTME, or he quits and is on the run from the Ministry and Eliot, or the MC and Ivy convince him to leave NOTME and he does (because that’s ToTaLlY iN cHaRaCtEr). Honestly, I was hoping for either Cassandra, Robyn, Kevin, or Winnifred’s arc in year 4, but it looks like we’re going to be getting a continuation of all the Characters so far + Kenji. I’m not complaining yet, but I just know that I’m going to feel like an idiot once the whole storyline thing is complete (#Iread,write,andplaystorygameswaytomuch)

    • @gitamclemore194
      @gitamclemore194 4 місяці тому

      No Kenji isn't a werewolf he's a fox(Kitsune) he's cursed

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      Actually I think Winifred is an obscurial and her power to see traces of darkness inside people is due to her obscurus form (basically the evil version of Ivy), which is why she’s afraid of Ivy. She could be scared that Ivy is also and obscurial and they have the same obscurus form. After all, she was forced to hide her magic before she came to Hogwarts and consciously hiding your magic for an extended period of time is how obscurial are created.

    • @CloudyBunnie
      @CloudyBunnie 4 місяці тому

      lol I’m just stupid 🤦‍♀️

    • @gitamclemore194
      @gitamclemore194 4 місяці тому

      @@CloudyBunnie no your not stupid

    • @CloudyBunnie
      @CloudyBunnie 4 місяці тому

      @@gitamclemore194 Lol don't lie to yourself. Tysm for telling me that he's a Kitsune tho

  • @knovsfav
    @knovsfav 4 місяці тому

    Dude I haven’t played in a year on my Taiwan account and it’s crazy to see that yr 4 is out

  • @shinobukocho2799
    @shinobukocho2799 4 місяці тому

    Yess Finally

    • @AmeliaCostello-l5m
      @AmeliaCostello-l5m 4 місяці тому

      I need kenji romance

    • @shinobukocho2799
      @shinobukocho2799 4 місяці тому

      ​@@AmeliaCostello-l5m we both need it

    • @dniwu3878
      @dniwu3878 4 місяці тому

      ​@@AmeliaCostello-l5mya,we can help him

    • @AmeliaCostello-l5m
      @AmeliaCostello-l5m 4 місяці тому

      Chat will we get it? I rlly wanna ball

    • @crowzet0
      @crowzet0 4 місяці тому

      ​@@AmeliaCostello-l5mKenji is going to marry Kevin

  • @mrbust999
    @mrbust999 4 місяці тому

    Cassandra best girl

  • @nguyen.idv.12
    @nguyen.idv.12 4 місяці тому

    so when will we have 4-3 and more ?

  • @ikancupang3218
    @ikancupang3218 4 місяці тому

    Did you know when they will release the chapter 3 and 4 of the year 4? (Bad grammar)

  • @kairab91
    @kairab91 4 місяці тому

    I wanna see "our character" and Kenji possibly become more than friends.😊💕 Something about Kenji makes me ship it so hard!😊💕🥰

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      @@kairab91 There’s probably going to be a romance with either Kenji or Zack, but our character will probably end up Daniel and stay good friends with Kenji, just like the Hermione-Ron-Krum love triangle.

    • @kairab91
      @kairab91 4 місяці тому

      @@Skippysinger09 But there's also a chance that Daniel ends up with Ivy instead of us, like the original trio.

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      @@kairab91 I could see that happening, but it also seems like the game is pushing MC/Daniel. I hope that there will be an option to dance with Kenji and the ball dance.

    • @kairab91
      @kairab91 4 місяці тому

      @@Skippysinger09 I'd love to be able to dance with Kenji!😊💕

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      @@kairab91 same honestly. Kenji is so adorable ngl

  • @gustavodealmeida8395
    @gustavodealmeida8395 4 місяці тому

    How was the quiz in the house Cup? its a different quiz?

  • @davidebuiese8035
    @davidebuiese8035 4 місяці тому

    If you choose Slytherin are the two sisters in the same house? I don't understand why there are no characters in Ravenclaw and in this case a house always remains "empty"

    • @kairab91
      @kairab91 4 місяці тому

      I know what you mean! I get why Daniel and Ivy have the same house as us, but why does Lottie have to be in our house?! She should be in Ravenclaw by default, where she clearly belongs. It's the one thing about this game that erks me.

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      @@kairab91 Not saying I don’t agree that Ivy and Daniel should be in the same house, but if we’re talking about where each of the main circle belongs, I’d say Ivy is Hufflepuff and Daniel is Slytherin. Also, I agree about Lottie. If anything, she’s a primary Ravenclaw, secondary Hufflepuff, Ivy is a primary Hufflepuff, secondary Gryffindor, and Daniel is a primary Slytherin, secondary Ravenclaw.

  • @parkmanuela8430
    @parkmanuela8430 4 місяці тому

    How do I make the filter in my game be the same? I think it's very beautiful

  • @Skippysinger09
    @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

    Everyone is talking about Elliot but I’m on the fence about Winifred. She’s going through her Beatrice Haywood phase already and I understand why, but it still unsettles me that she’s friends with Cassandra.

    • @CloudyBunnie
      @CloudyBunnie 4 місяці тому

      I mean, it doesn’t unsettle me too much if I’m being honest. The literal first question Cassandra asked her was whether Winnifred still wanted to sit next to her. When you consider it she only has the Frey twins and no one else really likes her because she’s really mean. Maybe Winnifred wanted to be Cassandra’s friend because Cassandra didn’t really have any

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      @@CloudyBunnie it unsettles me more because Winifred said that Ivy told her all about Cassandra. Ivy told her that she’s a bully and tormented her and Daniel but she still latches onto Cassandra and seems to hate Ivy.

    • @kimbriennjohnson
      @kimbriennjohnson 4 місяці тому

      Nah like Ivy just got her sister back but Winifred and of course Cassandra are treating her like crap when she’s literally being nothing but kind to them 😭

    • @Skippysinger09
      @Skippysinger09 4 місяці тому

      @@kimbriennjohnson Also something else that unsettled me about Winifred told Cassandra that she wasn’t like Ivy and the way the camera focused on her. I can understand her being a Slytherin for pure determination and an ambition to make it big at Hogwarts, but I think Winifred is intentionally trying to be as different from Ivy as she can: her distance from Ivy before the Sorting, becoming friends with Cassandra, and latching onto her, believing everything that Cassandra is telling her about Ivy.

    • @kimbriennjohnson
      @kimbriennjohnson 4 місяці тому

      @@Skippysinger09 Oh definitely! And of course the thing that’s unsettling me the most is when Winifred claims not to remember who’s watching us but obviously she knew back in Year 3 😬

  • @andrewgold-qu1bl
    @andrewgold-qu1bl 4 місяці тому

    I still wonder who is still watching Estelle

  • @andrewgold-qu1bl
    @andrewgold-qu1bl 4 місяці тому

    I still don't trust Elliot

  • @dniwu3878
    @dniwu3878 4 місяці тому


  • @kimbriennjohnson
    @kimbriennjohnson 4 місяці тому

    I’m honestly so scared for Daniel it’s really looking like he’s gonna betray us for Elliot 😔

    • @otakugaming2973
      @otakugaming2973 4 місяці тому

      Same 😢 our boys has been brainwashed by that no good handsome man 😞

    • @parkmanuela8430
      @parkmanuela8430 4 місяці тому

      I am also afraid, he is portraying an image of a villain that he is not, I feel incapable of protecting our boy

    • @dniwu3878
      @dniwu3878 4 місяці тому

      I would like call him "idiot" evers

  • @pedrohenriquebrasilsantos
    @pedrohenriquebrasilsantos 4 місяці тому

    Hi, Estelles! How many chapters will the 4th year have?

  • @ikancupang3218
    @ikancupang3218 4 місяці тому

    I though the animation will be like in year 3,but this is look like season quest😅

    • @estellesgaming4401
      @estellesgaming4401 4 місяці тому

      Honestly, it was a little underwhelming

    • @Random-PG
      @Random-PG 4 місяці тому

      @@estellesgaming4401 i guess we have to wait for all parts to come in the future

    • @CloudyBunnie
      @CloudyBunnie 4 місяці тому

      I like it better than year two, but I was hoping that it would it would be more like years one and three.

  • @shinobukocho2799
    @shinobukocho2799 4 місяці тому

    Yes finally and also I like your outfit.

  • @Syhiuddf670
    @Syhiuddf670 4 місяці тому

    Ohhh GG

  • @CfPdh9eUnu8JjeZwkAH0a
    @CfPdh9eUnu8JjeZwkAH0a 4 місяці тому


  • @Crashado
    @Crashado 5 місяців тому

    literally me

  • @lofim60
    @lofim60 5 місяців тому

    What game is thus? 😊

    • @estellesgaming4401
      @estellesgaming4401 5 місяців тому

      @@lofim60 Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

    • @lofim60
      @lofim60 5 місяців тому

      @@estellesgaming4401 tq

    • @lofim60
      @lofim60 5 місяців тому

      @@estellesgaming4401 thank you 🙏

  • @Poodle_Gun
    @Poodle_Gun 5 місяців тому

    Good, bye li-, uh, Ivy 👋

  • @Poodle_Gun
    @Poodle_Gun 5 місяців тому

    They kissing or??

  • @arrowghost
    @arrowghost 5 місяців тому

    Hi Estelle, it's nice to see you again. Yeah, dance on PC is pretty much unplayable to me now, used to be my preferred platform but then have to turn to mobile to dance easily. By the way, apparently the Black Lake season is not related to the one in CN-TW featuring Professor Elspeth MacGillony. Do you have any gameplay of that?

    • @estellesgaming4401
      @estellesgaming4401 5 місяців тому

      Hello, I will try to record the next gameplay and upload it on my UA-cam. And yes, i couldn't even play 3 stars on PC anymore 😢

    • @arrowghost
      @arrowghost 5 місяців тому

      @@estellesgaming4401 , it sucks that arrow keys are reintroduced across all difficulties when it's normally for 5 Stars only back in Release Date. So yes, hopefully you could catch up on past contents you have missed, especially you were away during the Chinese Dragon & Mysterious Malady seasons. Though I'm not sure if you have played the other Black Lake story feature Professor Elspeth MacGillony as stated.

    • @arrowghost
      @arrowghost 5 місяців тому

      @@estellesgaming4401 , UNEXPECTED NEWS! 🎆 While I was playing Hogwarts Concerto on PC out of curiosity, the PC dance has been FIXED, Reversed the damage, No More unnecessary arrow keys! We can now play on both platforms. Though PC I've been out of touch for quite a while, but at least it's no longer intimidating. How's yours on mobile? Me, getting used to it but still expect Misses. 😅

  • @dniwu3878
    @dniwu3878 6 місяців тому

    is anyone notice abigail grey in dance club too? and we can dance with her.

  • @musicobsessedasian9594
    @musicobsessedasian9594 6 місяців тому


  • @Whocares158
    @Whocares158 6 місяців тому

    Everyone is going to Azkaban, let's just hope their food is decent. 🤣

  • @raisarabbani5543
    @raisarabbani5543 6 місяців тому

    you say ravenclaw edition does it mean there are other storylines for different houses?

  • @arrowghost
    @arrowghost 8 місяців тому

    A nice visit towards this, cannot believe it's Qui, Shouren's enemy.

  • @lan01-eh1nj
    @lan01-eh1nj 8 місяців тому

    is this gonna be in global?

  • @Ezio500-95
    @Ezio500-95 8 місяців тому

    I'm curious can you turn into cast characters like Ivy or Robin?

  • @arrowghost
    @arrowghost 9 місяців тому

    3:16, I can see where Verdant Victories mode come from, this new game mode is the base and we might expect to see it coming on Christmas 2024?

  • @bramwilliam4980
    @bramwilliam4980 10 місяців тому

    What server?

  • @MariaRobotnikSonicFan2025
    @MariaRobotnikSonicFan2025 10 місяців тому

    OMG this that Ismelda Murk Cameo in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

  • @arrowghost
    @arrowghost 10 місяців тому

    Creepy, reminds me of Ismelda Murk from Hogwarts Mystery.

  • @demonslayer2064
    @demonslayer2064 10 місяців тому

    Did you quit youtube, where you been.

  • @carolchebet
    @carolchebet 11 місяців тому

    I think that Elliot will be the next Voldemort of this story

    • @y.n7050
      @y.n7050 11 місяців тому

      I'd like him to be a dark Sirius. He goes through distorted stages, but builds a friendship with Daniel and finally goes beyond the veil.

  • @sleepy3077
    @sleepy3077 11 місяців тому

    The ending sounds like a horror movie 😱 the not you but her horror vibe😅

  • @kvinnkevin9664
    @kvinnkevin9664 11 місяців тому

    Recolors please😮

  • @AUTISM1020
    @AUTISM1020 11 місяців тому

    Is anyone extremely excited for year 4? That cliffhanger left us big time.

  • @Fukadaeriko
    @Fukadaeriko Рік тому

    I want this dance song to be released on global server 🫶🏻

  • @depressedrocksenjoyer9472

    The storyline doesn’t make a lick of sense. Like if Daniel had told the authorities about Gridley and Elliot in the first place, then the Ministry could have hidden and protected his sister instead of allowing himself to get gaslighted by Elliot