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Shayna Shares
United States
Приєднався 1 січ 2022
Hi, I'm Shayna from China, living in America since 2017.
I'm also an ICF-certified bilingual life coach (CPCC, ACC).
This channel is all about my experience of being a student of life.
Hope my content brings you love, courage, and strength to live out loud!
I'm also an ICF-certified bilingual life coach (CPCC, ACC).
This channel is all about my experience of being a student of life.
Hope my content brings you love, courage, and strength to live out loud!
【MY THIRD TRIMESTER & BIRTH STORY】The Most Empowering and Transformational Experience In My Life!
Weeks 28-Delivery, this journey was full of surprises, laughter, and love! 💕
Join me as I share my third trimester, testes and classes, hospital bag and birth plan, the nesting phase, a false alarm, my water breaking during hotpot, and the most empowering moment of my life-meeting my daughter!
💬 Share your birth stories or mom tips in the comments!
Don’t forget to LIKE 👍, SUBSCRIBE 🔔, and SHARE!
Book my 1-1 life coaching session here
Join me as I share my third trimester, testes and classes, hospital bag and birth plan, the nesting phase, a false alarm, my water breaking during hotpot, and the most empowering moment of my life-meeting my daughter!
💬 Share your birth stories or mom tips in the comments!
Don’t forget to LIKE 👍, SUBSCRIBE 🔔, and SHARE!
Book my 1-1 life coaching session here
Переглядів: 52
Переглядів 145Місяць тому
今天的主题是温柔分娩,之所以聊到这个话题,是因为我已经怀孕38周了,这个小生命随时可能降临!作为一个新手妈妈,我在准备迎接她的过程中做了大量调查和学习。在这个过程中,我被“温柔分娩”这个概念深深吸引,并主动联系了一位倡导者 女性能量导师璞璞。 璞璞是一位内核强大的单亲妈妈,她不仅是多国语言的学霸和才女,更是一位成功的企业家。她现居巴厘岛,因此我们通过远程视频的形式完成了这次对话。这是我首次尝试线上录制,但效果超出预期。我们从温柔分娩聊到高潮式分娩,再深入探讨身体智慧和性能量,干货满满,大家千万不要错过! 这期播客虽然稍长,但信息量巨大,希望能够帮助姐妹们在生育和分娩中减轻焦虑,获得力量。快来和我一起,感受这段充满启发的对话吧! (大家可以通过搜索@璞璞野奢女人圈 来找到她!) Timestamp 时间轴: 02:08 嘉宾介绍:璞璞的背景与经历 07:08 整体科学 VS 身心灵...
A 36-Week Pregnant Chinese Immigrant's First Stand-Up Show!
Переглядів 717Місяць тому
2 months ago, I signed up for a comedy class to see if humor is teachable. Well, being a comedian is not my goal, but bringing some laughter to my daily life and making fun of my husband is! So here I am. This is my first stand-up show, ever! I had a fun time, hope you do as well! Book my 1-1 life coaching session here 预定我的一对一人生教练对话: calendly.com/shaynacoaching 通过其它平台收听我的播客: shayna.podcast.xyz
Переглядів 155Місяць тому
最近的《再见爱人4》火到国外,甚至在我常看的几个油管心理学博主频道上,也能看到对节目嘉宾们言行的剖析。起初大家的讨论更多集中在扬子的“爹味重”或者疑似NPD(自恋型人格障碍)的表现上,但短短几天,话题风口就完全转移到了麦琳身上 “麦学”“熏鸡事件”成了热议焦点。我怀着好奇心去看了节目,想弄明白是什么样的性格和行为掀起了这么大的互联网风浪。 看到第6集的我,说实话,过程中很容易被带着情绪,但冷静下来后发现,麦琳虽然确实不讨喜,但也不至于罪大恶极到全网群嘲的地步。那么问题来了:为什么对她的讽刺、谩骂,比针对扬子和留几手的还多?她是怎么从曾经为爱走天涯的浪漫女孩,变成现在这样自卑又敏感的家庭主妇的?网友说得对吗?她真的只需要一份工作,就能摆脱眼下的困境? 今天,我会从一个人生教练的角度,聊聊我对麦琳的看法 她与李行亮的婚姻关系,与节目组及其他嘉宾的互动,与社会环境的纠葛,更重要的,她与自己...
【SECOND TRIMESTER VLOG】13-27 Weeks Symptoms, First Kicking, Anatomy Scan, Glucose Test, Must-Haves!
Переглядів 3342 місяці тому
Fertility Journey ⋅ 孕育之旅 Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PL6pQ1qo6Gu6XHgMBApIrNI8WpgC3MJ5ZJ.html&si=fqNnG21aGRunC8le 你也可以通过其它平台收听我的播客: shayna.podcast.xyz Are you ready to change your life? Book my 1-1 life coaching session here 准备好改变认知和自我提升了吗?预定我的一对一人生教练对话吧: calendly.com/shaynacoaching
Переглядів 862 місяці тому
我经常谈到人们生活中的每一个决定,都由两种力量驱动:爱与恐惧。当我鼓励大家选择爱时,却发现自己很少真正触及“恐惧”这个情感的核心。为此,我邀请了一位特别的重量级嘉宾 作家兼电影制片人张慈。 她是我的良师益友,也是我在纪录片《硅谷中国人》制作期间结识的重要伙伴。我常亲切地称她为May姐。May姐不仅在事业上卓有成就,更是两位杰出女儿的母亲。她的大女儿Channel Miller,是全球知名的作家,她的书《Know My Name》激励了无数女性勇敢发声。Channel曾是斯坦福大学校园性侵案的受害者,她以三年时间完成了案件陈述,通过文字推动了美国加州三项性侵法律的修订。而在这场漫长而艰辛的斗争中,May姐作为母亲,一直陪伴在她身边,面对着常人难以想象的恐惧与挑战。今天,我们将一起聆听May姐对恐惧的理解和认知,并探讨在面对人生中的各种坎坷时,我们应如何去面对和驾驭恐惧。让我们一起走进这...
Переглядів 1533 місяці тому
我发现“向上社交”这个词这两年频繁出现,不论是社会地位还是财富积累,大家都希望能结识比自己更优秀的人。然而,吸引这些更优秀的人并与之建立长久关系的关键在于自己先成为一个“高价值”的人! 为了更全面地探讨这个话题,我特别邀请了新嘉宾@Guigudanjie 。我们将从多个角度深挖,聊聊如何提升自身价值,并探讨“高价值”对个人成长、社交生活以及人际关系的影响。如果你正在寻找提升自我价值的方法,或是希望深入了解如何在人际关系中获得更大成长,这一集不容错过! 时间轴Timestamp: 00:32 开场&嘉宾 03:20 对“高价值”的定义是什么? 06:16 为什么要成为高价值的人? 08:07 自我评估:你觉得自己是个高价值的人吗? 14:38 分享我们身边那些高价值人的故事 23:34 一个简单的心态转变,迅速提升自己的“价值感”! 26:15 观察到周围那些高价值的人都有什么特质? ...
【中文播客】负能量真的需要远离吗?为什么Toxic Positivity在欧美语境中频繁出现?
Переглядів 613 місяці тому
在刚刚过去的10月10日世界精神卫生日(也称世界心理健康日),我们想借此机会和大家聊聊一个对心理健康影响深远却无处不在的主题 负能量。 在这一集的录制过程中,由于一些意外情况的发生,让我现场演示了自己负能量从无到有,又慢慢消退的过程!很开心和常驻嘉宾Alice一起,结合我们的亲身经历和对身边的观察,探讨如何识别、理解并应对这些看似负面的情绪。 其实负能量并不可怕,它是我们生活中的信号,提醒我们有需要改变的地方。希望本期播客能帮助你更好地面对和处理生活中的负面情绪,迈向更加平衡和健康的心理状态! Timestamp时间轴: 00:50 现场演示我的负能量! 02:49 当我们在说负能量时候,其实说的是哪些情绪? 06:26 如何看待这些所谓的“负能量”? 09:27 Toxic Positivity(有毒的正能量)在欧美文化中慢慢被引起重视 10:55 我们对负能量的处理方式是否受到原...
First-Time Mom Tips You Can’t Miss!Diet|Skincare|Workout|Clothing|Environment
Переглядів 2583 місяці тому
After getting pregnant, a lot has changed in my life! In this video, I’m sharing the 5 key things I started paying more attention to, from diet and clothing to skincare and more. As a first-time mom-to-be, I’ve spent a lot of time learning and researching how to navigate this special time. Whether you're expecting or planning for pregnancy, these practical tips are ones you won’t want to miss! ...
Переглядів 1033 місяці тому
在这个“卷王”遍地,竞争无处不在的时代,我们似乎总是在不经意间将自己与他人进行比较。无论是工作中的同事、学习上的伙伴,还是生活中的伴侣,比较心理就像是一双无形的手,推动着我们去追求更多、更好。然而,当这种比较超出了健康的界限,它便可能成为一种负担,悄然侵蚀着我们的幸福感和自我价值感。 今天的播客我将与Alice一起从自身、外界、环境和文化等多重角度出发,深入探讨比较心理的根源、表现形式以及它对我们生活的影响。更重要的是,我们将共同寻找那些能够让我们在比较中保持自洽,甚至在竞争中找到自我成长的秘诀! Timestamp 时间轴: 01:32 为什么想聊这个话题 02:20 受不了周围的同事比自己优秀? 08:19 伴侣是我最频繁的比较对象 15:42 在比较的环境下都产生了哪些现象? 19:44 干货输出:如何应对无法避免的比较心态? 22:45 如果真的遇到了各个方面都比你优秀的人怎...
Переглядів 1344 місяці тому
今天是一期单口闲聊,这两年被归属感这个词所困惑!它可能与朋友的数量和质量有关,也可能与所处的环境和文化有关,总之在我怀孕之后,就特别想拥有一群同频共振的知己,也许是意识到自己要扎根在旧金山这座城市了吧!今天就来和大家聊一聊我是如何理解归属感的,为什么这个东西这么重要?和为什么会没有归属感?节目最后,还会分享一个让我真正获得真正自由的思维模式,希望给所有孤独的灵魂带来一丝启发和慰藉! Timestamp时间轴: 02:42 为什么归属感很重要? 07:18 没有归属感的深度自我剖析 18:39 我现在如何理解归属感? 23:10 人不能只抱怨,还要行动起来 ! 27:00 一个让我真正获得自由的思维模式! Are you ready to change your life? Book my 1-1 life coaching session here 准备好改变认识和自我提升了吗?预定...
FIRST TRIMESTER VLOG | 4-13 Weeks Symptoms, Spotting, SI Joint Pain, and More Unexpected Moments!
Переглядів 1,2 тис.6 місяців тому
FIRST TRIMESTER VLOG | 4-13 Weeks Symptoms, Spotting, SI Joint Pain, and More Unexpected Moments!
Funny Story About My Fertility Journey!Overcoming IVF Setbacks
Переглядів 1,3 тис.7 місяців тому
Funny Story About My Fertility Journey!Overcoming IVF Setbacks
Emotional IVF Story: First Transfer Full Experience & Result
Переглядів 2,7 тис.8 місяців тому
Emotional IVF Story: First Transfer Full Experience & Result
Переглядів 1,6 тис.9 місяців тому
Total Solar Eclipse 2024【Full Experience】What I Learned When the Sun Disappeared!
Переглядів 679 місяців тому
Total Solar Eclipse 2024【Full Experience】What I Learned When the Sun Disappeared!
Beautiful little baby girl ❤
@@candydoll8039 thanks!😊
Nice interview. Just some feedback: I much prefer when there isnt any background music in your interviews. Thanks!
Man here. Very informative video. Amongst all the political BS online, it's so refreshing to see REAL female empowerment. I don't have children yet but my girlfriend and I definitely will in the near future and I am very happy to hear women talking about alternative ways to do things PROPERLY and in accordance with our ancestral nature. 谢谢两位。加油。
Farking communist
@ Evereden 和 Bio Oil
just had my first failed embryo transfer 2 weeks ago and i’ll have another transfer in January praying that it will work this time send me baby dust on my next journey🥰🤲🏻🤲🏻💪🏻
What are you going to do when your half Asian son who looks Asian, goes outside and sees 100s of white men with Asian wives, but none of the opposite? how will you comfort him, knowing you are one of millions of Asian women who only prefers white men and America, yet your son is not a white man?
I fail fr my second ivf 2 weeks ago😔
@@zeindriquek4502 I’m sorry honey. Wanna give you a hug 🫂
so you only like white men yet you will have a son who is half Asian and not look white. his life will be terrible
im a half chinese guy. ive heard so many racist things against me from asian women. yet all you women love white men. so your own half asian son will be treated poorly too. you women only pick white men for marriage, because you're racist, and your own son will feel that racism too. especially since you marry any bald ugly white man with money simply because he is white
why is every chinese girl with a white man? youre aware your son will be an Asian man and wont be able to find a girlfriend?
Thank you so much for that video. I just happened to come across your video, and it somehow gives me hope. I am also doing my IVF (first transfer) and currently on the 2 weeks wait before my beta.. 🙏🏻🤞
@@AtingsDiary best wishes to you! ❤️
This video shows in the right time ❤ first congratulations 💕 I am 10 day past my 3d embryo transfer “first round “ & I’m crying myself out because I tested 4 times yesterday and today and they all showed pretty negative, my beta is tomorrow and i have hope now even if we’re not in the same story … thank you and wish u a safe pregnancy journey 🤍
@@sheikhahalsulaiman3099 Thanks for sharing your experience! The IVF journey is not easy and full of emotional ups and downs. I wish you the best and don’t give up hope. 💛
Watching your beloved woman’s belly getting bigger day by day, as a man, you will definitely feel a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
很好的一期节目!感谢shayna 一直分享高价值的观点❤
@@alicechu4911 😘😘😘
Are you still having a hip pain/back?
Lower back pain always there, but the hip pain is getting much better now
Omg.... I laughed so hard at the constipation part 😂😂
Hot pot is still safe, right? ❤
You mention in Shanghai that all financial transactions are done through QR codes.... I do find that hard to believe considering how Chinese are known to prefer cash, Cash is king.
It's a great bump. You look beautiful
Omg congratulations. My due date is January 6th,2025. But i will be having her in the middle to end of December. I gave up trying to get pregnant and that was when it happened for me. God blessed me with my last baby... A girl so my daughter finally has a sister. She has 6 brothers.
@@mindyshifflett5252 congratulations to you too! 🥰
You are adorable… oh love you
@@sarahkooyman9306 Aww you’re so sweet!
Thank you beautiful beautiful soul xx
Congratulations! Wow after two weeks you can hear the heartbeat already?! Amazing
@@nubuckshu I know! Right?!
Beautiful! 😍
好喜欢Shayna, 话说是不是可以放点轻音乐啥的,小声的背景音乐
Interesting now.... ❤
@@LolaWu-m1e 谢谢☺️
After trsnsfer when you did your pregnancy test and came positive..plz tell me my 10 day post transfer and preg test is negative
I tested positive 14 days later. 10 days might be still too early. Wish you the best of luck ❤
Many congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
@@candydoll8039 thanks!😊
That was really emotional😢
Congrats 🎉. I am in the same boat. I was wondering what type of FET meditations did u use to get success?
@@eegiiship1430 The medication part is complicated. I followed the doctor’s instructions.
Ooookkkk with this video I just confirm that I MUST go!
Is it possible for a Chinese woman living it China to change her full or last name if she is not married?
I love this! Learning this has changed my life in so many ways for the better. I listen to it almost every morning driving to work. It can turn my mood and mindset around immediately! Thank you sooooo much for sharing and caring. 🫶🏼 You’re amazing!
Thanks! Your comment melts my heart ❤️
Can there be successfull ivf with only 2 follicles?
@@Cover-m4p 🤞never lose hope
I'm in tears after watching your video as this journey is quite emotional. My first transfer was an hour as well. I too cried immediately afterward in solitude and had the same sentiments as you. I am in my early 40s with no biological children. I've been on this journey sporadically since 2015 starting out with rounds of clomid and femara, moving on to IUIs in 2018/2019, and finally IVF in 2021. This also includes two early miscarriages in 2017 and multiple surgeries. I'm gearing up for my fourth transfer next month. I have decided this will be my last year trying to have a baby. The journey has been difficult, and I'm ready to enjoy myself again. I hope your second transfer is going better for you mentally and physically. Try your best to find the small wins and a bit of joy throughout the process. Be kind to yourself and your body. Please let no one dictate how you should feel and know you have the right to be on this journey as long as you'd like. I wish you all well and a baby Shayna in the future!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your strength and resilience are truly inspiring. I can only imagine the emotional and physical toll this journey has taken on you over the years. It's incredibly brave of you to keep going, and I deeply appreciate your kind words and encouragement. ❤Wish you all the best for your upcoming transfer. Sending you all my positive thoughts and hoping for a beautiful outcome for you. 🌻
@@shayna_shares Thank you for the warm wishes! 😊
感谢(Shyna)带来如此精彩的播客,您的沟通愿景正是我们全球期望者现在所需要的。 “很棒的播客,解释得很好”! 😎