Discovering Portugal
Discovering Portugal
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Faith, superstition and art: the medieval mind - Church of São Pedro de Rates - 4K Ultra-HD
Video about the Romanesque Church of São Pedro de Rates, located in the parish of Rates (in the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim), where its history and fascinating artistic elements are explored in detail.
It is built on the site of a pre-Romanesque hermitage, built in the 9th or 10th century, of which there are still some archaeological remains.
As early as the 10th century, Count Henry and Countess Teresa ordered the construction of a new church, which would later be donated to the Order of Cluny, which emanated from one of the main centres of the Catholic Church in medieval Europe: the Abbey of Cluny.
In 1145, King Afonso I confirmed this donation, at which point the structure of the Romanesque church that we can still see today was built, in a process that lasted until the 13th century. It is one of the most important Romanesque temples in Portugal, both for its antiquity and for the way it incorporates influences from Burgundy, brought by the Cluniac abbots, and Galicia, given its geographical proximity to that Spanish region.
It has been classified as a National Monument since 1910. It underwent extensive restoration and reconstruction campaigns in the 1930s and 1940s, led by the DGEMN, which removed various elements added since the 16th century (high choir, bell tower, annex rooms, mural paintings, tiles and gilded altars), a controversial intervention that is now part of the history and evolution of this remarkable building.
Subtitles in English are available.
Filmed, edited, narrated and written by Carlos de Figueiredo.
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#saopedroderates #rates #povoadevarzim #romanesque #art #portugal #architecture #history #afonsohenriques #heritage #portugaltravel
0:00 Introduction
*History of the Monument*
1:06 The legend of São Pedro de Rates
2:15 The archaeological remains
3:40 The donation to the Order of Cluny
5:23 The evolution of the building and the DGEMN's interventions
*Outside the church*
8:13 Main Portal - Context
9:22 Main Portal - Left side
10:59 Main Portal - Tympanum
12:11 Main Portal - Archivolts
12:46 Main Portal - Right Side
15:14 North Portal - Context
15:49 North Portal - Capitals and corbels
16:35 North Portal - Archivolts
17:24 Apses - Context
18:26 Apses - Modillions' decoration
19:32 Apses - Tomb chests and bell tower
19:45 Apses - Decoration of the columns and arches
20:40 South portal - Context
21:25 South portal - Tympanum and archivolts
23:01 South portal - Left side
24:10 South Portal - Right side
24:29 South Portal - Atlases
25:03 South Portal - Epigraphic inscriptions
25:37 South Portal - General views
*Inside the church*
26:20 Views of the naves and evolution of the planimetry
27:30 Interior of the Main Portal - Tympanum
28:19 Interior of the Main Portal - Archivolts
28:51 Views of the back wall and the arches of the 1st and 2nd bays
29:31 Left arch of 1st bay - Decorative elements
30:20 Left arch of 2nd bay - Decorative elements
31:09 Views of the interior of the church and considerations on Romanesque art
32:03 Capitals - Context and general views
33:00 Capitals - Geometric and plant decorations
33:30 Capitals - Figurative decorations
35:31 Views of the naves
36:02 Interior of the South Portal - Corbel, lintel and archivolt
37:02 Views of the south apse
37:50 Architectural and stylistic influences
39:00 View of the north apse
39:19 View of the chancel
39:34 View of the south apse
39:54 Views of the north nave and transept
40:35 Central nave and foundation wall
Переглядів: 174


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