  • 8
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BİG WAR! [447] VS [449] SVS BATTLEBİG WAR! [447] VS [449] SVS BATTLE
BİG WAR! [447] VS [449] SVS BATTLE
Переглядів 4,2 тис.4 дні тому
I would like to thank the 449 state for providing us with this entertainment. Thank you for being respectful🌹 #whiteoutsurvival #jokerneverdies #447 #449
JOKER VS 3 WHALE! [447] VS [KNJ] Foundry Battle🔪😱 (1.12.2024)JOKER VS 3 WHALE! [447] VS [KNJ] Foundry Battle🔪😱 (1.12.2024)
JOKER VS 3 WHALE! [447] VS [KNJ] Foundry Battle🔪😱 (1.12.2024)
Переглядів 19 тис.17 днів тому
Thank you for watching. Just watch and have fun! JOKER NEVER DIES! #whiteoutsurvival #jokerneverdies #447 #440
Easy… Canyon Battle🙈🙈😭😭 (30.11.2024) #whiteoutsurvival #jokerneverdiesEasy… Canyon Battle🙈🙈😭😭 (30.11.2024) #whiteoutsurvival #jokerneverdies
Easy… Canyon Battle🙈🙈😭😭 (30.11.2024) #whiteoutsurvival #jokerneverdies
Переглядів 2,1 тис.18 днів тому
Thanks for watching. Support my channel. Play and have fun🌹🌹🌹 #whiteoutsurvival #jokerneverdies #447
[447]ᴿᴼᵞᴬᴸ᭄JOKER࿐ Frostfire Mine War (19.11.2024) #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies[447]ᴿᴼᵞᴬᴸ᭄JOKER࿐ Frostfire Mine War (19.11.2024) #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
[447]ᴿᴼᵞᴬᴸ᭄JOKER࿐ Frostfire Mine War (19.11.2024) #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
Переглядів 2,1 тис.29 днів тому
[447]ᴿᴼᵞᴬᴸ᭄JOKER࿐ Frostfire Mine War. ENJOY!!! #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
#447 [447] VS #440 [AIM] Foundry Battle War #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies#447 [447] VS #440 [AIM] Foundry Battle War #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
#447 [447] VS #440 [AIM] Foundry Battle War #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
Переглядів 4,4 тис.Місяць тому
#447 [447] VS #440 [AIM] Foundry Battle War #whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
Welcome To 447 State🌹#whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDiesWelcome To 447 State🌹#whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
Welcome To 447 State🌹#whiteoutsurvival #JokerNeverDies
Переглядів 738Місяць тому


  • @unclechristmas4954
    @unclechristmas4954 14 годин тому

    Burn🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Great video🎉

  • @erikbriangonzalez2328
    @erikbriangonzalez2328 20 годин тому

    Omg , how long have you been playing, i just started 😂😂😂

  • @PocariSweat-w9u
    @PocariSweat-w9u 20 годин тому

    Bro tolong main di server 1945 dan bergabung aliansi dengan kami disana

  • @عبدالله-ح9ص1ح
    @عبدالله-ح9ص1ح 23 години тому

    The editing is improving a lot, good job😂😂❤

  • @vitinmonte1786
    @vitinmonte1786 23 години тому

    Your team is g😂

    • @RoyalJoker447
      @RoyalJoker447 23 години тому

      I love competing with my team🙈🙈🙌🙌🙌😆(ı love you my team🌹)

  • @SeriesWorld12
    @SeriesWorld12 День тому

    You played very well but in the last 15 minutes the situation becomes panic for you

  • @SeriesWorld12
    @SeriesWorld12 День тому

    You played very well but in the last 15 minutes the situation becomes panic for you

  • @Vevo0168
    @Vevo0168 День тому

    Why not coming 435?

  • @AI_MAN252
    @AI_MAN252 День тому

    If there's a whale like you in my alliance, I'm sure you can save your gems and teleports, 😂 have fun Gg

  • @mandorop6090
    @mandorop6090 День тому

    Sebaiknya kau pindah tim, tidak enak bertarung sendirian😂

    • @RoyalJoker447
      @RoyalJoker447 23 години тому

      They send me to war first for testing😆🙈

  • @watsonn_
    @watsonn_ День тому

    Eline sağlık Usta❤

  • @putra_rabasan
    @putra_rabasan День тому

    sebaiknya anda tinggakan saja tim anda itu. bergabung ke server lain. sangat sedih saya melihat anda cuma berjuang sendirian....😂

  • @spookyreaper1702
    @spookyreaper1702 День тому

    You’re playing alone.. team doesn’t even help loot

    • @RoyalJoker447
      @RoyalJoker447 День тому

      I need your help🙌😭

    • @spookyreaper1702
      @spookyreaper1702 День тому

      @ i would definitely try 😂but I’m from a much younger state xD

  • @kobolartgaming6213
    @kobolartgaming6213 2 дні тому

    Whale bodok itu😂😂👍

  • @ลัดดาทองมาก-บ7ษ


  • @B_Joe19
    @B_Joe19 2 дні тому

    From your video I can learn, that whales can only increase their power, but not their intelligence😂😂😂

  • @콩이아부지-d7m
    @콩이아부지-d7m 2 дні тому

    양아치 서버 다시는 상대 안하고싶을만큼 불쾌한 서버. 매너 개똥

  • @UcihaObito-c5o
    @UcihaObito-c5o 2 дні тому

    Your animations it's so funny . Okay done i Will subscribe 😅

  • @jayveelabadan710
    @jayveelabadan710 2 дні тому

    where my shotta

  • @ruffsense
    @ruffsense 2 дні тому

    The older your server gets. The less you can do this.

  • @CapeCodCanalFishing
    @CapeCodCanalFishing 2 дні тому

    Damn I was hoping you were gonna show the part when you hit my city afterwards 😂😂 -SharkBite

  • @Mr.MANCHO
    @Mr.MANCHO 2 дні тому

    Hallo from State 415))))

  • @Lucillemohamed
    @Lucillemohamed 2 дні тому

    You're the best ❤❤

  • @trevormulo9130
    @trevormulo9130 2 дні тому

    😂😂😂😂you are definitely joker.... I don't like u but I love the effort u put in to make these videos

    • @RoyalJoker447
      @RoyalJoker447 День тому

      I make these videos for your entertainment. I love winning. but this doesn't always happen. Enjoy🌹

    • @trevormulo9130
      @trevormulo9130 День тому

      Keep it up but your alliance needs to be to serious with such events.... You can't do it alone.....that's why it's called alliance, it's all about working together.

  • @M.Ali.Mangat
    @M.Ali.Mangat 2 дні тому

    Postion drink 😂

  • @aminaakil-br7mq
    @aminaakil-br7mq 2 дні тому

    My brother, there must be a plan, so whoever registers and does not show up at the forge must be punished. You are a powerful servant. This makes the players who want to join you resentful and do not like to come. Because of the bad management, you too have lost a lot of gems to no avail, and the opponent has come late and won. There must be A team for this and they are distributed, and remember the thing that makes Pisces strong is sending reinforcements to the towers, because this greatly affects everyone who wants to take your towers.

  • @Almighty18
    @Almighty18 2 дні тому

    lmao useing BATs voice at the start is funny man 🤣

    @ZAHIDULISLAM-sh2ep 2 дні тому

    Once upon a time you said, 447 is better than 351, but now 447 is nothing but a trash state

  • @HOWTO-vz7sw
    @HOWTO-vz7sw 2 дні тому

    Berkay böyle durumlarda karşı taraf seferberlik açtığı gibi diğer ittifağa gidip seferberlik acman lazım. Eğer savunamayıp saldırı da kazanıyorsan birtek, diğer ittifakta onları kovup ana ittifağa salman lazım binayı. Bu şekilde onlar geldiği gibi sen de arkasından diğer ittifakla tekrar almış olacaksın.

    • @HOWTO-vz7sw
      @HOWTO-vz7sw 2 дні тому

      Senden başka illaki vardır başka biri solo saldırıda düşmeyecek sen yokken

    • @HOWTO-vz7sw
      @HOWTO-vz7sw 2 дні тому

      Veya sizdeki ikinci kişi saldırırken kazanabiliyorsa, senin seferberlik açtığın durumlarda senden 2 dakika sonra 10 dakikalık seferberlik açması. (Senin seferberlik 4 dakikaya vurucak, rakip seferberlik acicak, 6 dakikaya onunki vurucak, sonra senin arkadaşın vurucak 11. Dakikada. Karşı rakip 1 dakika içerde durabilmiş olucak.

  • @dulyummy3585
    @dulyummy3585 2 дні тому


  • @hosham_mohamed4585
    @hosham_mohamed4585 2 дні тому


  • @mohammednazeer1184
    @mohammednazeer1184 2 дні тому

    Joker vs All

  • @Asep-v2t9b
    @Asep-v2t9b 2 дні тому

    joker's signature, BRUTAL hahaha. I like it, it's fun to watch

  • @watsonn_
    @watsonn_ 2 дні тому


  • @marthin.2203
    @marthin.2203 2 дні тому

    Bro is truly unrivaled, attacking alone protecting others. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  • @Setiawan-d6y
    @Setiawan-d6y 2 дні тому

    Joker hebat❤❤

  • @saiful_123_1
    @saiful_123_1 2 дні тому

    Love joker 🥰☠️☠️💀

  • @Tvu5ty
    @Tvu5ty 2 дні тому


  • @rerissonoliveira4311
    @rerissonoliveira4311 2 дні тому

    Desculpe pelo comentário, mas sua aliança é muito lenta, mas você é incrível

  • @emrullahbayir
    @emrullahbayir 2 дні тому

    Joker, sen Türksün kankam😅

    • @RoyalJoker447
      @RoyalJoker447 День тому

      Sorry. Im ındıan

    • @emrullahbayir
      @emrullahbayir День тому

      @RoyalJoker447 It doesn't matter, we are brothers and you are a Turk 🙈😂

  • @TROY.2002
    @TROY.2002 2 дні тому

    I think easy 😂

  • @أيوبجبران-ب5ش
    @أيوبجبران-ب5ش 2 дні тому

    I am happy to see you and upload videos, brother. Keep going ❤🎉

  • @ean1116
    @ean1116 2 дні тому

    God luck Joker 😊😊😊

  • @amitnaik9667
    @amitnaik9667 2 дні тому

    Joker fighting alone . Opponents are great working with Eachother this Joker vs 28 crazy 😱💪💓👍

  • @VICTORY_001s
    @VICTORY_001s 2 дні тому

    24:12 This move of yours was the reason for your loss, the opponent deceived you, your alliance was balanced

  • @divyanshu130
    @divyanshu130 3 дні тому

    Good game bro

  • @Luffy-v1v
    @Luffy-v1v 3 дні тому

    good fight 💪💪🔥🔥

  • @BLACKTikTok1
    @BLACKTikTok1 3 дні тому


  • @ejaymydj
    @ejaymydj 3 дні тому

    wow.. definitely much to learn in terms of foundry strategy for your team. it'll be hard if they all just rely on your stats.

  • @Guslalala89
    @Guslalala89 3 дні тому

    17:20 quizás hubieran ganado si no te aburrias 😂😂