A wonderful service to remember Fred and what it means to serve the Lord and others. The special music from Mike and Mary was heartfelt and touched the hearts of many. The message from God given by Pastor Wirtz was respectful and inspirational to all the congregation, face book, and you tube followers. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
Great message
Great message! 😊
All the pea soups hahaha
🌈 𝕡𝐫o𝕄o𝔰𝓶
A wonderful service to remember Fred and what it means to serve the Lord and others. The special music from Mike and Mary was heartfelt and touched the hearts of many. The message from God given by Pastor Wirtz was respectful and inspirational to all the congregation, face book, and you tube followers. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.