Alqish Ensemble
Alqish Ensemble
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Переглядів 6714 днів тому
这次我们尝试使用了原书标注的读音来演绎这首古曲。乐曲使用了明代形制的吹管乐横箫、头管、巢笙和打击乐拍板、云锣和大鼓,尚未加入弹拨乐。 东风未放花千树 早吹陨星如雨 宝马雕车香满路 凤箫声动 玉壶光转 一夜鱼龙舞 蛾儿雪柳黄金缕 笑靥盈盈暗香去 众里寻香千百度 蓦然回 那人却在 灯火阑珊处 This time we tried to interpret this ancient music using the pronunciations marked in the original book. The music uses the wind instruments of the Ming Dynasty, such as the horizontal flute, head pipe, and sheng, and the percussion instruments, such a...
晚明琵琶独奏《桂花曲》"The song of Osmanthus" play by the Ming-Dynasty Pipa.
Переглядів 130Місяць тому
箜篌演绎的敦煌古曲《第八曲·又慢曲子》A new interpretation of ancient Dunhuang music.
Переглядів 1614 місяці тому
这首作品取材于敦煌古谱。首先将古谱谱字翻译,得到琵琶的声部的旋律。其次再主观创作添加其他声部的旋律。所以说这是一首重新演绎的曲子。作品使用古代几种箜篌进行演奏。相信熟悉古代壁画和石刻艺术的朋友一定不会陌生。 This song is based on ancient music from Dunhuang. First, I translated the ancient musical notation to get the melody of the pipa. Secondly, subjectively create the melody adding other parts. So this is a re-interpretation of the song. The work uses several ancient Harp to perform. I believe ...
The introduction about each musical instrument from '' Ay Dogunca".
Переглядів 4055 місяців тому
Here is a video with instructions for using the instruments in the song "Ay Dogunca" . A friend happened to ask about it, so I uploaded the parts I had omitted before. Excuse my accent. It briefly introduced the types and origins of musical instruments.This is what I emailed Sagucu Tegin. Compose by @Sagucu Tegin Orginal song website:
"Sersen Tal" Byambasürengiin Sharav ( Mongolian) Performed by: Alqish Ensemble
Переглядів 6235 місяців тому
阿勒克什乐团 2022 MV.《Sersen Tal》 作品《觉醒的草原》,由蒙古国作曲家 宾巴苏仁金·沙拉布 作曲。蒙古国作家、作曲、表演者协会授权。阿勒克什乐团演奏。作品根据实际演奏员人数、乐器配置进行调整,展现了广袤草原上万物苏醒、蓬勃成长、一片生机的景象,并对未来充满着希望。 "Sersen Tal" Composer: Byambasürengiin Sharav ( Mongolian) Licensor: MOSCAP Performed by: Alqish Ensemble
Переглядів 2956 місяців тому
“旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边,不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅……” 这首古乐府诗虽历经不同时代各样的传唱演绎,依然为我们描绘出一位传奇女子 木兰。 唱着儿时的歌谣,遥想着历史时空下的金戈铁马。将这位女英雄的颂歌,穿越过千年历史的烟尘,传入今天我们的耳中呢? 这次选用的曲子来源是近代编配的旋律,以5世纪壁画、雕塑中所展现的乐器演奏。在服装上,根据目前考证的成果,把时间定在了南北朝。女装选用了北朝早期的服装样式:圆顶风帽、圆领衬衣、直领对襟袍和长裙;男性则参考了北齐壁画:两片式风帽、圆领袍衫。
Переглядів 2526 місяців тому
有凤栖梧,有鹤在浦 敦煌古谱第一曲使用9世纪左右乐器重新演绎 译谱、增编:多潘立酮·古丽 这次的试验对于古谱当中诸多问题仅做出个人的猜测。在以此翻译得出的琵琶谱上,又主观增添了其他乐器的旋律。演奏技法上缺失的信息很大。所以是新的演绎,并不是复原。
Alqish Ensemble《ཨ་ཅེ་ལ་སོ 》 mit die Instrumenten aus 7. Jahrhundert spielen
Переглядів 1876 місяців тому
阿勒克什乐团《ཨ་ཅེ་ལ་སོ 湖泊上的拉萨》 拉萨不建,拉萨建,拉萨建在大湖上... 乐曲以大鼓打击铺底,主旋律以类似札木念琴的复式琴箱乐器演奏。这种早期的葫芦形琴箱的乐器在吐蕃时期的周边文明中都有使用。其音箱的构造原理可以追溯到埃及、希腊等同类型的乐器文物中。曲子的主旋律部分选自拉萨地区的民歌 “ ཨ་ཅེ་ལ་སོ ”。但是由于对于西藏古谱尚未研究,所以仅仅只能是古乐器演奏民歌的一个有趣的试验~ Lhasa wird nicht gebaut, Lhasa wird gebaut, Lhasa wird am großen See gebaut ... Die Musik basiert auf dem Schlagwerk großer Trommeln und die Hauptmelodie wird mit einem Doppelkasteninstrument g...
穿越四百年的典雅 预告·明乐采撷 之魏氏乐谱部分曲目
Переглядів 816 місяців тому
聆听四百年前的古乐回想, 探寻晚明时代之弦歌风尚, 抱朴含真,丝竹和歌, 让我们穿越四百个春秋, 体验十七世纪时, 中国本土的音乐审美艺术。
An elegiac song relayed by later generations “Gök Dağı(失我祁连山)” Practice, cover by Sagucu Tegin
Переглядів 4366 місяців тому
Composed and translated by Turkish musician @Sagucu Tegin play by Alqish Ensemble with 7th. instrument. The author reinterprets this Xiongnu song from the poem of the Han Dynasty from the later perspective. This song expresses the protracted war between Han and Xiongnu. The language of the lyrics is no longer testable. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing defeated the...
明清乐风格曲《笼中鸟(排练简化版)》Ming-Qing style music "Caged Bird (Simplified Practice)"
Переглядів 1457 місяців тому
《笼中鸟》的创作杂揉了明清两代的音乐形式,目前排练的,包括每一个段落的内容仅仅是其五分之一的内容。虽然是缝合怪的作品,但是也非常有趣。 因为笼中鸟虽是美艳,但仍是囚禁在牢笼之中。即使是有那短暂的快乐,也是那被人笑看的玩物。人们笑它、鲜花妒它、野鸟谤它,那它又该如何认识自己呢? 词曲 多潘立酮·古丽 编舞 李子菁 执拍歌者 赵建新 横箫 卓秋萍 头管 雷曾桢 香笙 陶冶 琵琶 金丽媛 李婧 赖雨菲 月琴 蒋婷 徐倩怡 双清 林佳炜 三弦 林曦 凤筝 叶君婷 瑶瑟 谢柔铮 轧筝 陈芳雨 提琴 林敏桢 携琴 郑心怡 胡琴 郑心怡 林敏桢 云锣 卓雨翔 堂鼓 朱子鑫 舞姬 李子菁
“Ay Doğunca :𐰀𐰨𐰆𐰍𐰆𐰑:𐰖 明月初升时” (Cover by Sagucu Tegin)practice with the 7th.century instruments.
Переглядів 8317 місяців тому
Compose by @Sagucu Tegin Orginal song website: I rearranged the music according to ancient musical instruments and ancient notation. making it playable by seventh-century instruments.Thanks to Sagucu Tegin for the friendly conversation, which helped me understand the style of this piece better.This video is our first practice attempt from our band. It als...
Alqish Ensemble " Kübelegem", play with the 7th.century instruments.
Переглядів 3027 місяців тому
阿勒克什乐队《Kübelegem》 乐曲取自于塔塔尔民歌“我的蝴蝶”,并且将这首民歌根据复原的古代乐器的演奏方式进行了改编。乐曲分做两部分。前半部分以五弦巴尔巴特和倭麻亚乌德琴依次加入,增加主旋律弹拨乐声部的音量。后半部分以弓形箜篌和角形大箜篌铺底,加入另一首塔塔尔民歌《Su Buylap(朔川行)》与”蝴蝶“的主旋律交替演奏。此外这首曲子没有加入擦弦乐。 Alqish Ensemble " Kübelegem" The music is taken from the Tatar folk song "My Butterfly", and this folk song is adapted according to the playing method of restored ancient musical instruments. The music is divided into...
Alqish Ensemble《Qizil Gülüm》
Переглядів 4478 місяців тому
阿勒克什乐队 《Qizil Gülüm》 乐曲来源于新疆尉犁罗布淖尔的民歌“我的红花”,我将原曲改编、重新配器,让它可被用于5-10世纪乐器演奏。根据古代的壁画以及出土的文物实物我复原了新疆地区历史上所使用的几种乐器。这些乐器已与现代维吾尔乐器在形制、音色、操作方式、记谱方式已有了很大的不同。所以我做了这样的探究实验,尽管在风味上也和现在诸多版本的“红花”有很大的差异,但是这样尝试的效果很有意思。 视频的背景是我和小麦一同创作的古代龟兹题材的影片《普诗帕》,感谢美丽的演员哈丽美热同志。在不久的将来,这部小短片会和阿勒克什乐团的更多歌曲给大家呈现出来。 The music comes from the folk song "My Red Flower" from Lopnur in Yuli, Xinjiang. I adapted and rearranged the origina...


  • @SezaiBaki-me3pq
    @SezaiBaki-me3pq 2 години тому

    Malesef, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletinin Kültür Bakanlığı kendi eğitimli ve donanımlı böylesi bir değerine sahip çıkmıyor "ÇİN" devleti Türk bestecisine sahip çıkıp üç eserini kendi devlet üniversitesi korosuna yine kendi devlet televizyonu kanalında icra ettirip yayınlıyor. Ne kadar acı verici değilmi?

  • @katoy9976
    @katoy9976 4 дні тому

    FSB ve Çin istihbaratı. Sayısı bilinmeyen İngiliz nükleer denizaltıları var galiba envarterde kayıtlı olmayan. donanma lafı yaptıklarına göre bunlar buna benzer bir durum söz konusu. Bunu araştırabilir miyiz?

  • @Karabulut96
    @Karabulut96 29 днів тому

    sounds like a lute🤔

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna Місяць тому

    Can you please add the source of this melody to the video description above?

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna Місяць тому

    I was very impressed by your performance at the Chinese Costume Festival (Chinese: 2023 Guo Si Hanfu Jiajie Youshi / 2023“国丝汉服节·佳节有时”) which took place at the China National Silk Museum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, east-central China on April 22 and 23, 2023. A set of 13 videos from this performance may be found at the "中国古乐器复原" UA-cam channel. Here is one of them: v=fRNGwxVwFxA On May 27, 2024 I made a post praising these videos at the "Traditional Chinese Music" Group at the social media site whose name starts with the letter "F."

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 28 днів тому

      Thank you my friend, but, the sound equipment at that time was not good. So I didn’t upload it.

    • @dbadagna
      @dbadagna 28 днів тому

      @@AlqishEnsemble It's good enough. Based on this performance, it seems clear that you've taken the work of Dr. Qi Mingjing (漆明镜) to the next level, and are at the forefront of the historically informed performance of music from the Ming Dynasty.

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna Місяць тому

    In which city/province of China is this ensemble based?

  • @zhongguo-yueqi-recovery
    @zhongguo-yueqi-recovery 2 місяці тому


  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    v=v24ttMn3l5c This might be a good piece for your group; amazingly, this folk song from the Altai Republic of the Russian Federation is almost identical to "Qinghai Bo"《青海波》(The Waves of Kokonor), a Tang yanyue (燕乐) melody which has been handed down in numerous Sino-Japanese score collections including "Hakuga Fue-fu"『博雅笛譜』(966). And Bai Juyi left us a poem about it: ====== 《东山吟》 (Dongshan Yin) 作者:李白(唐) by Li Bai (Tang Dynasty, 701-762) 携妓东土山,怅然悲谢安。 我妓今朝如花月,他妓古坟荒草寒。 白鸡梦后三百岁,洒酒浇君同所欢。 酣来自作青海舞,秋风吹落紫绮冠。 彼亦一时,此亦一时,浩浩洪流之咏何必奇。

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    Very nice! Is this group based in Beijing, China?

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    The effect is very nice. I think Tang pieces such as these might sound good as performed by your ensemble: v=9hjR8GumJsY v=CeugpTQKnM0 v=cBVDruY3MZM

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    Very nice! Is this the first piece in the "Dunhuang Yuepu"《敦煌乐谱》collection, entitled "Pin Nong"《品弄》?

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    Very nice! What is the title of the melody heard in this video?

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble Місяць тому

      It is called "大明宫 Da Ming Gong ダア ミン コン (meaning:大great\overall 明wise\sage\brilliant 宫palace)😊

    • @dbadagna
      @dbadagna Місяць тому

      @@AlqishEnsemble The video title says this piece comes from "Weishi Yuepu"《魏氏乐谱》, but I can't find a piece by the title "Da Ming Gong"《大明宫》in the "Weishi Yuepu" collection.

    • @dbadagna
      @dbadagna Місяць тому

      @@AlqishEnsemble I only know of 50 pieces in the "Weishi Yuepu" collection, but does this collection actually contain more than 50 pieces? If so, why do many reference books say that it only has 50 pieces?

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble Місяць тому

      @@dbadagna Good evening my friend,《魏氏乐谱》has many versions. 50 pieces just in the first volume. 凌烟阁 is more complete und it has total 6 volumes.

    • @dbadagna
      @dbadagna Місяць тому

      @@AlqishEnsemble I guess it is spelled 凌云阁 (Lingyun Ge)?

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    Very nice! What is the source of this melody?

    • @zhongguo-yueqi-recovery
      @zhongguo-yueqi-recovery 2 місяці тому


  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 2 місяці тому

    Very nice! I think the Tang pieces contained in the "Hakuga Fue-fu"『博雅笛譜』(966), many of which are of Central Asian origin, would sound good as played by this ensemble.

  • @Karabulut96
    @Karabulut96 2 місяці тому

  • @LaTurquıeKemalıste-g8m
    @LaTurquıeKemalıste-g8m 2 місяці тому

    Türk evladı, ecdadını tanıdıkça, ondan güç alacaktır. ~Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK~

  • @lowkeynarcissist
    @lowkeynarcissist 3 місяці тому

    Perfect! ♥♥

  • @lowkeynarcissist
    @lowkeynarcissist 3 місяці тому

    Harika 💕💕

  • @zbmaxbbzmsbx9076
    @zbmaxbbzmsbx9076 3 місяці тому


  • @Oghuz.Turki.021
    @Oghuz.Turki.021 4 місяці тому

    Allah türk milletini korusun ve yüceltsin 🤲🏼💙🐺

  • @yigitok4055
    @yigitok4055 4 місяці тому

    Greetings from Turkiye. Thanks for this beautiful concert.

  • @irgendjemand7943
    @irgendjemand7943 4 місяці тому

    Ich bin maximal verwirrt. Der name des youtubekanals ist eine mischung aus türkisch und englisch. Das video ist eine mischung aus chinesisch, deutsch und englisch. Häh?

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 4 місяці тому

      Denn dieses Video und das Hochladen werden nicht gleichzeitig gemacht. Haha~

    • @SagucuTegin
      @SagucuTegin 4 місяці тому

      Multicultural construction of the Silk Road 😊

  • @wexwexexort
    @wexwexexort 4 місяці тому

    Sen nasıl bi değersin be Tegin <3 Çok sevindim bu videoyu görünce. Great work Alqısh Ensemble, keep it up!

  • @user-vp8cf7ti7s
    @user-vp8cf7ti7s 4 місяці тому

    Ас Саляму Алейкум барча ТУРКИЙ кардашларга, Татар халкындан Кайнар Салам, сау булыгыз туганнар!! ТАТАРСТАН))

  • @user-vp8cf7ti7s
    @user-vp8cf7ti7s 4 місяці тому

    Баракалля афарин!! Ас Саляму Алейкум барча ТУРКИЙ кардашларга, Татар халкындан Кайнар Салам!! ТАТАРСТАН))

  • @BoysanAlpGokkepez
    @BoysanAlpGokkepez 5 місяців тому


  • @Khorasan_Turco
    @Khorasan_Turco 5 місяців тому

    Mükemmel olmuş

  • @nihaventdeniz4504
    @nihaventdeniz4504 5 місяців тому

    Muazzam güzellikte🙏 👍 🎶 🎵 🎶 🤗

  • @NaNaReqa
    @NaNaReqa 5 місяців тому

    Thats a very impressive, greetings from Kazakhstan!

  • @JonasTheGrim
    @JonasTheGrim 5 місяців тому

    Superb cover. Looking forward to your future works. Greetings from Turkey.

  • @oghuz_kaghan
    @oghuz_kaghan 5 місяців тому

    ❤ god bless

  • @oghuz_kaghan
    @oghuz_kaghan 5 місяців тому

    turanin torunlari

  • @oghuz_kaghan
    @oghuz_kaghan 5 місяців тому

    Wow did you guys made hunic song in china? Amazing😂

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 5 місяців тому

      Hello, thanks for your comment. This Huns folk song was recorded by a Han Dynasty person. But after a long history, due to the oral transmission and language changes,the original Xiongnu lyrics have long been unable to be verified. But his Chinese version has been handed down through written records. As a common event in history, it is not unfamiliar to us.I am also very grateful to Sagucu Tegin for his secondary creation about this ancient song. A Khuzait light lancer from Chaykant

  • @SagucuTegin
    @SagucuTegin 5 місяців тому

  • @ullus_homo
    @ullus_homo 5 місяців тому

    Olağanüstü! 👏🏻

  • @kt91040
    @kt91040 5 місяців тому

    can you guys make a video about these instruments? thanks for your effort. good luck from anatolia. ❤

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 5 місяців тому

      Aha~chataq yoq. Originally before this video, there was an introduction about each instrument. I can upload right now.

    • @kt91040
      @kt91040 5 місяців тому

      @@AlqishEnsemble it would be great, thanks.

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 5 місяців тому

      @@kt91040 this is the video~

  • @SagucuTegin
    @SagucuTegin 6 місяців тому

    So Authentic! Each instrument having own ancient attitude.

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 6 місяців тому

      hahahaha,Thank you so much. At that time, I tried this out of curiosity.

  • @SagucuTegin
    @SagucuTegin 6 місяців тому

    Hi my friends! My composes get different vibes with your performance. Welcome to UA-cam platform. Good lucks!

    • @AlqishEnsemble
      @AlqishEnsemble 6 місяців тому

      Hi my Tegin! Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of music. I will make an official version with singing in the future.

  • @zamonian9525
    @zamonian9525 7 місяців тому
