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祥林嫂 洞房 反串
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单仰萍和章瑞虹,笑死个人,其实这场在B站看更有乐趣,一堆弹幕,欢乐无比^_^ 据说越剧以前是有这个传统的-每年年底封箱前,会来一场反串,图个乐,酬谢观众,大家开开心心过年去。
苏州评弹-蒋月泉 莺莺操琴单弦版 1961
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尹(桂芳)迷专供!我朋友剪辑的,申请过来给老尹迷欣赏。尹桂芳的张生唱得好快,我朋友说,听她的张生就是:时不我待,把妹要快啊〜〜 也难为她唱这么快,小腔也转出来了。我很喜欢尹张生的,可惜现在尹派张生已经没人能演了,现在的西厢记基本上是上越在演吧,徐派张生。只好听听录音过个瘾了〜〜
朱雪琴 郭彬卿 楼台会 实况 1953年?
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越剧 梅花魂 选段-袁雪芬 1959年录像
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就是二度梅的故事,清代小说,其他剧种也有这个故事。 这一段不知道是什么背景下的资料,只有两分多钟。说的是陈杏元离乡背景去和番,来到重台回望故乡的一番感慨,情绪含而不露,悲而不愤,只有眼神里有悲伤的感情流露。 、
越剧 盘妻 赏月- 张学芬 方亚芬
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这应该是九十年代的录像吧,那时张学芬还在上越。听前面的报幕介绍,好象是在香港。张学芬现在在海宁越剧团,她的尹派很规矩,有机会的话想看她的现场,只是她来上海比较少。这一场方亚芬唱的是李金凤的调,很好听〜 、
苏州弹词 三笑 三约牡丹亭-刘天韵,严雪亭,朱雪琴,郭彬卿 60年代录音
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徐云志王鹰《三笑》解放后整理的苏州书中,删去了《三约》。这个“三约牡丹亭”是为会书,总共三回,有静场录音,每一回差不多都会换人,不过大傻二傻一直都是刘天韵和严雪亭。其中“三约”第三回,由刘天韵、严雪亭、朱雪琴和郭彬卿弹唱。 一般这一回比较通行是香港实况,只把郭彬卿换作了薛惠君,换人的理由,据说那是相当的匪夷所思时代特色。 朱郭档解放后合作,弹唱方面天衣无缝,彼此性格天差地远,据说台上璧合台下冷眼。朱嗓子出色,唱得开心秀一把,郭不忿,有时故意捣乱。某次去京演出,唱《琵琶记-思乡》,郭故意把调门拨高,朱不甘示弱,照样唱彻行云(这段参考我开篇精选里的那段)。郭彬卿有篇长文,谈及他的琵琶和琴调唱腔形成的相互烘托作用,写得甚佳,有艺术有文采。文革中郭彬卿代人受过,上吊身亡。文革后请朱复出,朱答:没有好琵琶,除非薛筱卿。薛筱卿是郭师,彼时年近八旬,当然不可能出山,安排其女薛惠君双方合作。薛惠君与...
苏州评弹 1984年上海评弹团迎春团拜会 下
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1984年评弹迎春团拜会,1984年2月于上海 政协礼堂 主持人:唐耿良 万仰 余红仙 节目单: 1.真情假意·真假全分明 秦建国 王惠凤 2.三笑·追舟 华士亭 范林元 3.双珠凤·访夫 余红仙 沈世华 4.青春之歌·分歧 赵开生 石文磊 5.西厢·赖柬 沈伟辰 张维桢 孙淑英 6.水浒·大名府·智激卢俊义 吴君玉 7.神弹子·打弹 张振华 庄凤珠 8.描金凤·劫法场 杨振雄 杨骢 杨振言 9.三笑·文祝相会 徐雪月 10.珍珠塔·羞姑 陈·希·安 朱雪琴 薛惠君 11.描金凤·赠凤 张如君 姚荫梅 刘韵若 12.英烈·五戆行酒令 张效声 张鸿声 朱庆涛 13.秦香莲·迷功名 张鉴庭 张鉴国 14.玉蜻蜓·问卜 蒋月泉 江文兰 15.谢幕大合唱 全体青年演员 这一期评弹会演,算是文革后各大响档最齐的一次了吧,七煞档的十个人到了六个,秦建国那时是青年演员,现在是上海评弹团团长。油管上...
苏州评弹 1984年上海评弹团迎春团拜会 上
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1984年评弹迎春团拜会,1984年2月于上海 政协礼堂 主持人:唐耿良 万仰 余红仙 节目单: 1.真情假意·真假全分明 秦建国 王惠凤 2.三笑·追舟 华士亭 范林元 3.双珠凤·访夫 余红仙 沈世华 4.青春之歌·分歧 赵开生 石文磊 5.西厢·赖柬 沈伟辰 张维桢 孙淑英 6.水浒·大名府·智激卢俊义 吴君玉 7.神弹子·打弹 张振华 庄凤珠 8.描金凤·劫法场 杨振雄 杨骢 杨振言 9.三笑·文祝相会 徐雪月 10.珍珠塔·羞姑 陈·希·安 朱雪琴 薛惠君 11.描金凤·赠凤 张如君 姚荫梅 刘韵若 12.英烈·五戆行酒令 张效声 张鸿声 朱庆涛 13.秦香莲·迷功名 张鉴庭 张鉴国 14.玉蜻蜓·问卜 蒋月泉 江文兰 15.谢幕大合唱 全体青年演员 这一期评弹会演,算是文革后各大响档最齐的一次了吧,七煞档的十个人到了六个,秦建国那时是青年演员,现在是上海评弹团团长。油管上...
By the way, notice there are photos. Why not show them one by one, rather than displayed in a bunch. The need to be straightened up as well. In this way, there is a slideshow to watch while listening.....and offer a better audience experience?
At least for the opera fans the voice recording has been saved...and shared.
圣诞节礼物: 苏州评弹(蒋月泉 朱慧珍, 张鉴庭 张鉴国, 杨振言 余红仙.....) , 谢谢, 谢谢.
奇啊, 圣诞节听<<庵堂认母>> , 没有不中不西的感觉.
What a nut. Back again, again, ..........................
👍 2024 12 15 👍
奇啊! 你又来了!
嘿,你。你来得太频繁了。大师希望你冷静一下 !
Master 徐/your disciples, I need help. I have practiced your way on this piece many times, but I still have great difficulties in joining where I terminate with the next word in the lyric. (I know the text back and forth despite of my dementia.)
" Hey you. You've come too often. The Masters want you to stay away for a while!" "I wish you are right. That would mean the Masters are still alive. What would I not give to take a thousand-mile trip just to see them again!"
CONFESSION #2. This piece is a medical equipment for me. When the piece comes to the point "元宰是随后跟" , how hesitantly I utter "暗疑心", is a measure of the degree of my dementia. The peril of being old.
CONFESSION. I am bewitched by her voice.
"奇啊! You have not come to this piece for a while, it seems." "You are right, I would not have skipped this 若不是我十六年做了梦中人. But to catch up, I am prepared to enjoy it multiple times......
字幕呢? 我几乎听不出一个字,只有叮铛的声音与伲爷夏天时赤膊吃夜饭时边吃边听的回忆❤
What! You are back again.
Were you not here 4 hours ago ?
Masters, even if I am at the end of the world, I will find this piece of yours. I will never return home until I find your piece. (Sorry for plagarizing " 娘亲呀,哪怕你在地角天涯, .也要把你娘亲寻。寻不到你娘亲我决不转家门。")
" 娘啊,孩儿来了!" English counterpart: "Masters, thy numero uno fan cometh! "
I have listened to this piece many times. I want to offer the principals some help because I cannot bear to see them bewildered and confused again and again. To 志贞: It's not strange he looks 像郎君. They are father and son. To 元宰: Forget about the 诗中意. Her 神态不安宁原因 is simply: you look just like 她郎君 To 一个儿: You are right. . Your boy 与解元公有一样的好丰神 because 解元公 is in in fact your boy. To 一个儿: Yes, she is your Mom. Yes, you are going to be united with your Mom today. Yes, you can stop searching for your mom after today. I sincerely hope this relieves some of your anguish.
"Masters! Here I come...."
"Masters! Your fan is coming !!"
"Masters! Your fan is coming -- for the second time on the same day !!" "Masters! Your fan is coming -- for the third time !!" ............
"The Dream of Red Chamber" is the novel I have read most times, but I just cannot recall who " 二嫂嫂 " is in " 说道哥哥呀, 二嫂嫂待我不该应 ". Will a kind person educate me , please? I (a very old man) would be very appreciative.
No one has kindly educated me on this.
They say practice makes perfect. I am practising 徐调 《宝玉夜探》again. (Please don't listen in.)
The x,xxx th listening.
《宝玉夜探》 was the first 蒋调 I learned to play and sing XX years ago (where XX is a large number). I even "performed" on a Shanghai street with my older neighbors, bravely. My second attempt at learning pingtan, at (XX+12) years of age, was that of 徐调 《宝玉夜探》 which I just concluded singing completetly once ---- no one should ever be allowed to hear how I sing, however !!! In 徐调 , the transition from one word to the next word seemed to take place at unsuspected moment. Or else, I am really too old. What the heck.
As the proverb says, as I listen to this, my "ear oil" begins to flow out. I have only one complaint,-陆雁华 ought to be sitting on a chair of equal height to the master's chair.
The only performance equal in calibre to this performance is the one in which "关公奉命带精兵 ..........." were all sung in mandarine!
Am I too old to learn this style of 徐先生?
There he comes again. Is he ever going to quit? No, no, no,...................
There are many talents in pingtan whom I like to listen to and never get tired of listening to. I appreciate them immensely for the enjoyment they provide. No, I adore them. Still, 杨先生 has held the loftiest position in my heart and mind ever since my youth --- and that has been a long, long time.
I wish 徐先生 had more disciples. A wonderful style -- the more I listen to it, the more I like it.
徐 and 朱 are two of my most admired lady pingtan players. I listen to 朱 much oftener than 徐, for the only reason that I need much more concentration to do justice to enjoying the latter. An incomparable artist!
Great voices
Both are first-class artists. The lady did not blink her eyes or made any body movements during the first minutes. It's impossible how long she actually maintained that posture because after the first three minutes the video began to show her partner solo., but her respectability is clearly seen throughout the piece. I fell in love with her.
At it again the day before yesterday, yesterday, today,.... [and no doubt] tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, .............