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Fnf danganronpa battle
Fnf danganronpa battle
Переглядів: 45


Total drama all stars my way
Переглядів 3,2 тис.2 роки тому
Total drama all stars my way
When you wanna answer questions but someone steals the spotlight
Переглядів 692 роки тому
When you wanna answer questions but someone steals the spotlight
Total drama revenge of the island my way
Переглядів 3,2 тис.2 роки тому
Total drama revenge of the island my way
Total drama world tour my way
Переглядів 9 тис.2 роки тому
Total drama world tour my way
Total drama action my way
Переглядів 2 тис.2 роки тому
Total drama action my way
Total drama island my way
Переглядів 4,9 тис.2 роки тому
Total drama island my way


  • @aliciarobertson1776
    @aliciarobertson1776 8 місяців тому

    24 Harold 23 Eva 22 Noah 21 Justin 20 Sadie 19 Ezekiel 18 Izzy 17 Cody 16 Beth 15 Tyler 14 Courtney 13 Katie 12 Eva 11 Trent 10 Izzy 9 Lindsay 8 DJ 7 Leshawna 6 Bridgette 5 Leshawna 4 Duncan 3 Heather 2 Gwen 1 Owen

  • @aliciarobertson1776
    @aliciarobertson1776 Рік тому

    16/15 Geoff and Izzy 14th Trent 13th Gwen 12th Bridgette 11th DJ 10th Owen 9th heather 8th Justin 7th Leshawna 6th Duncan 5th Izzy 4th/3rd beth and Courtney 2nd Harold 1st Lindsay

  • @aliciarobertson1776
    @aliciarobertson1776 Рік тому

    14th Sam 13th Jo 12th lighting 11th Sierra 10th Scott 9th Lindsay 8th Duncan 7th Cameron 6th heather 5th mike 4th/3rd Alejandro and Gwen 2nd Courtney 1st Zoey

  • @carylpadilla7845
    @carylpadilla7845 Рік тому

    13 staci 12 brick 11 Scott 10 Anne Maria 9 zoey 8 mike 7 Sam 6 jo 5 lightning 4 Cameron 3 b 2 Dakota runner up 1 DAWN WINNER

  • @ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110
    @ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110 2 роки тому

    This is the finale I wanted to see in Action I’m a huge fan of both Lindsay and Harold and both had lots of character development that season Also I think Harold would have won TDA if Owen didn’t return

  • @priscilagomes5046
    @priscilagomes5046 2 роки тому

    Olhem para a blenly e duncan 4:28

  • @Hussiensadaka
    @Hussiensadaka 2 роки тому


  • @Wholikestoarguepeople
    @Wholikestoarguepeople 2 роки тому

    99% of my way videos just vote Ezekiel first (Duncan quit so it doesn't counts)

  • @ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110
    @ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110 2 роки тому

    My way: 22nd-Ezekiel(Same as original) 21st-Eva(Same as original) 20th-Noah(Same as original) 19th-Justin(Just make him and Heather do a tiebreaker and he loses) 18th-Sadie(The team vote her over Katie because Katie was better in challenges) 17th-Courtney(Tyler gets a point and Courtney gets voted off instead) 16th-Ozzy(Same as normal) 15th-Cody(Gwen and Trent get into an argument, so Cody starts harassing Gwen trying to get her to date him. Gwen and Trent make up in the end and Cody is voted for harassing Gwen) 14th-Beth(Heather convinces Lindsay, Owen and Trent to vote her) 13th-Tyler(Gets voted for being extremely weak and mess up the challenge Sadie messed up originally) 12th-Katie(Voted for a lack of popularity) 11th-Harold(Same as Katie) Losers compete in brunch if disgustingness and top 2 return. They are Courtney and Justin. 12th-Justin(Episode 15 is the gender challenge, Leshawna wins for the girls and the guys vote Justin for being a threat) 11th-Trent(Heather pulls the stunt but AFTER she knows she has immunity, the original was so contrived) 10th-Bridgette(Voted by the guys alliance, but Owen doesn’t expose them and Duncan gets Courtney on board to do so while Geoff refuses. By the way, Duncan’s and Courtney’s relationship brews up here) 9th-Lindsay(Have a vote with Heather immune, the guys alliance vote Lindsay and Courtney joins them. Lindsay is fairly eliminated) 8th-DJ(Duncan ends his guys alliance and makes a 4 person alliance with him, Courtney, Heather(knowing she needs allies) and Owen(easily manipulated) and they vote DJ for being a physical and social threat while Gwen has immunity. Gwen and Leshawna vote Heather, DJ and Geoff vote Duncan for abandoning their alliance like that) 7th-Leshawna(Targeted by the alliance with the numbers now for the same reasons as DJ) 6th-Geoff(Him and Gwen know one of them is going home so they vote each other. Gwen is sure she’s out but Geoff gets out for his social strength) 5th-Courtney(Gwen wins immunity in Camp Castaways, the eliminated people don’t vote on the loser. Duncan and Courtney are voting Heather, but Heather votes Courtney for being bossy and being in a couple this late in the game. She forces Owen to follow through and Gwen reluctantly does the same because being in a couple is a big red flag. Gwen, Heather and Owen make a deal to get to the final 3) 4th-Duncan(Heather and Gwen win immunity and both vote Duncan for their alliance and both sure they can get Owen on their side next round) 3rd-Heather(First to 10 freebies wins, that person is Owen so he gets to choose his final 2 opponent. Gwen gets Owen on her side so Owen votes out Heather) Finale: Owen vs Gwen 2nd-Gwen 1st-Owen Ik this is very similar to the original

  • @priscilagomes5046
    @priscilagomes5046 2 роки тому

    O cody deveria ter ganhado

    @DAYUMDANIELL 2 роки тому

    (My way) Team Chris Eva,Geoff,DJ,Duncan,Courtney,Harold Team Amazon Gwen,Heather,Leshawna,Tyler,Owen,Izzy Team Victory Katie,Sadie,Noah,Ezekiel,Cody,Lindsay 18.Izzy (voted by Leshawna and Gwen) 17.Sadie (voted by Noah,Cody,and Ezekiel) 16.Katie (voted by Noah,Cody,Ezekiel) 15. Harold (voted by Geoff,DJ,Duncan,Courtney) 14. Lindsay (voted by Zeke,Cody,Noah) 13.Gwen (voted by Tyler and Heather) 12.DJ (injury) 11.Heather (voted by Owen,Leshawna,Tyler) 10.Courtney (voted off because Chris rigged the challenge) 9.Eva (voted of by Duncan and Geoff) MERGE (adding Alejandro and Trent) 10. Owen 9.Duncan 8.Ezikiel 7.Geoff 6.Noah 5.Tyler 4.Cody 3.Alejandro Trent vs Leshawna... Jury vote! Leshawna: (Harold,Izzy,DJ,Lindsay,Owen,Duncan,Geoff,Noah,Tyler) Trent (Sadie,Katie,Heather,Gwen,Eva,Courtney,Ezekiel,Cody,Alejandro LESHAWNA WINS!!!!

  • @seanbotti5385
    @seanbotti5385 2 роки тому

    I say DJ wins. 🏆🏆💰💰

  • @giuseppepresta8807
    @giuseppepresta8807 2 роки тому

    I voted for Bridgette ❤️

  • @gapgaming2871
    @gapgaming2871 2 роки тому

    My way if that's alright! 22nd: Ezekiel 21st: Justin 20th: Noah 19th: Izzy 18th: Sadie 17th: Cody XXth: Eva 16th: Tyler 15th: Katie 14th: Beth 13th: Harold MERGE + EVA RETURNS 12th: Trent 11th: Bridgette 10th: Courtney 9th: Eva 8th: Lindsay 7th: Geoff 6th: Gwen 5th: Duncan 4th: Owen 3rd: Heather 2nd/1st: Leshawna/DJ

  • @maxipiquicristia9607
    @maxipiquicristia9607 2 роки тому

    Viva Courtney

  • @ovidiuandrei30
    @ovidiuandrei30 2 роки тому

    My Way: Ep1: 14th - Lightning *Villainous Vultures* Ep2: 13th - Jo *Villainous Vultures* Ep3: No one *Cameron Swap Teams* Ep4: 12th - Sierra *Heroic Hamsters* Ep5: 11th - Sam *Heroic Hamsters* *Gwen and Courtney Swap Teams* Ep6: 10th - Duncan *Villainous Vultures* Ep7: 9th - Lindsay *Heroic Hamsters* Ep8: 8th - Heather *Villainous Vultures* *MERGE* Ep9: 7th/6th - Alejandro/Zoey *Villainous Vultures ; Heroic Hamsters* Ep10: 5th - Scott *Villainous Vultures* Ep11: 4th - Cameron *Heroic Hamsters/Villainous Vultures* Ep12: 3rd - Gwen *Villainous Vultures/Heroic Hamsters* Ep13: 2nd - Mike *Heroic Hamsters* Winner - Courtney *Heroic Hamsters/Villainous Vultures*

  • @zeteqa1757
    @zeteqa1757 2 роки тому

    Noah lost in 3ht not Justin

  • @Chimichanga50
    @Chimichanga50 2 роки тому

    My way: 14th: Sierra 13th: Joe 12th: Lightning 11th: Lindsay 10th: Sam 9th: Scott 8th: Zoey (idc if ur mad lol) 7th: Courtney (Merge) 6th: Gwen 5th: Mike/*Mal* <- villain of the season (eliminated by Duncan 4th: Heather 3rd: Cameron 2nd: Alejandro (Alternative winner/ runner up) 1st: Duncan! (Winner/ Runner up)

  • @ETG715
    @ETG715 2 роки тому

    Nice work Kitty

  • @crownalgodoo8095
    @crownalgodoo8095 2 роки тому

    4:50 you’re not getting away with that…. (if you don’t know what I’m saying look at blainley and duncan)

  • @gapgaming2871
    @gapgaming2871 2 роки тому

    My way! 14th: Sam 13th: Lightning 12th: Lindsay 11th: Jo 10th: Cameron 9th: Heather MERGE 8th: Sierra 7th: Mike 6th: Alejandro 5th: Duncan 4th: Zoey 3rd: Gwen 2nd/1st: Scott/Courtney

  • @gapgaming2871
    @gapgaming2871 2 роки тому

    Great video! What's the 1st song called?

  • @tdbogdan24
    @tdbogdan24 2 роки тому

    My Way 14 - Sam 13 - Lighting 12 - Jo 11 - Cameron 10 - Lindsay 9 - Sierra MERGE 8 - Duncan 7 - Heather 6 - Alejandro 5 - Mike 4/3 - Gwen/Scott FINALE 1/2 - Courtney/Zoey

  • @tdbogdan24
    @tdbogdan24 2 роки тому

    My Way 18/17 - Geoff/Izzy (Teams Formed) Team 1: Gwen Leshawna Harold Duncan DJ Heather Eva Katie Team 2: Trent Lindsay Beth Bridgette Owen Justin Courtney Sadie 16 - Trent 15 - Bridgette 14 - Sadie 13 - Heather 12 - Eva 11 - Gwen 10 - DJ 9 - Owen 8 - Leshawna 7 - Katie 6 - Justin 5 - Beth 4 - Courtney 3 - Duncan 1/2 - Harold/Lindsay

  • @santinoflores6656
    @santinoflores6656 2 роки тому

    Ami me gusta drama total

  • @chrisjove1937
    @chrisjove1937 2 роки тому

    Awesome my way, here’s mine (keeping the original 14) 14:Sierra 13.:Lindsay 12.Sam 11.Lightning 10.Jo 9.Cameron 8.Gwen 7.Alejandro 6.Heather 5.Duncan 4.Zoey 3.Scott 2. (Runner-Up)Mal 1.(Winner)Courtney

  • @Du1464-d5s
    @Du1464-d5s 2 роки тому

    Great! My Way, xD uwu Jsjs uwu; (Duncney, Stayed) 14th:Sam 13th:Lightning 12th:Scott (Courtney And Gwen, Swap Teams) 11th:Sierra 10th:Cameron 9th:Gwen (Merge) 8th:Jo 7th:Zoey 6th:Alejandro 5th:Duncan 4th And 3rd:Courtney And Lindsay 2nd:Mike/Mal(Villain Of The Season)(Runner-Up) 1st:¡¡¡HEATHER!!!(Ánti-Hero)(Winner)

  • @Codyyy-yo3lp
    @Codyyy-yo3lp 2 роки тому

    Nice My Way Also I SEE ANOTHER KITTY LOVER kitty is my 2nd favourite character Emma is my 1st LOOL and lemme do a My way Lol 14th:Sam 13th:Lightning 12th:Duncan 11th:Sierra 10th:Heather 9th:Mike Merge Returning:Heather 9th:Gwen 8th:Scott 7th:Alejandro 6th:Cameron 5th:Jo 4th:Courtney 3rd:Zoey Finale Lindsay V Heather Alternative Winner:Heather WINNER:Lindsay

  • @gapgaming2871
    @gapgaming2871 2 роки тому

    Good vid, what's the last song called?

  • @skibidiphantom09
    @skibidiphantom09 2 роки тому

    Tyler should've stayed longer

    • @910angle
      @910angle 2 роки тому

      he stayed the same as he usually did??

    • @skibidiphantom09
      @skibidiphantom09 2 роки тому

      @@910angle I know, but he should've made it farther imo

  • @Andrea_fan_di_ChiakiNanami
    @Andrea_fan_di_ChiakiNanami 2 роки тому

    15 harold 14 onwen 13 beth 12 izzy 11.leshwana 10.justin 9 heather 8 gwen 7 duncan 6lisay 5geoff 4 dj *beth bebuts 3beth 2 trent 1courtney

  • @TheDuckToysMask
    @TheDuckToysMask 2 роки тому

    Cody should have gotten way further

  • @TalibTaylor83
    @TalibTaylor83 2 роки тому

    It's obvious heather and Alejandro were made for each other

  • @vovax8062
    @vovax8062 2 роки тому

    Team Victory was my favorite team. And they got completely destroyed. How is Total Drama fair

  • @bahakilliah9234
    @bahakilliah9234 2 роки тому

    My way : Duncan Zeeke Dj Brigdgett Harold Izzy Leshwna Lindsay Nouh Duncan come back Gwen Merge zeeke back blair joins ( i forgot here name lol ) Owen Zeeke Blair and courtny Duncan Tyler Sierra Cory Alijandro Heather is the winner Sorry pls dont get mad at me

  • @robertafedele
    @robertafedele 2 роки тому

    My way Episode 1 Dakota Episode 2 B Episode 3 Staci Episode 4 No One Episode 5 Anne-Marie Episode 6 Brick

  • @TotalDramaGirl55
    @TotalDramaGirl55 2 роки тому

    Im glad you didn't make dakota dakozoid she didn't deserve it

  • @СанияЖенисова-щ8и


  • @gxrr3tt772
    @gxrr3tt772 2 роки тому

    We have the same final 3!

  • @skibidiphantom09
    @skibidiphantom09 2 роки тому

    I mean I would've preferred Noah and Tyler making the merge instead of Duncan and Owen, but your way is fine.

  • @NateTheSatomicorn
    @NateTheSatomicorn 2 роки тому

    Why didn't Bridgette Join Team Amazon?

  • @TotalDramaAlexander
    @TotalDramaAlexander 2 роки тому

    I like this order!! My way: 13: Staci 12: Dawn 11: Dakota 10: Sam 9: B 8: Dakota (not zoid) (merge) 7: Zoey 6: Mike 5: Scott 4: Brick 3: Cameron Anne Maria VS Lighting Runner-Up: Lighting Winner: Anne-Maria!

  • @antonioiamandiwmdfk
    @antonioiamandiwmdfk 2 роки тому

    My way Ep 1- Staci (15°) Ep 2- Dakota (14°) Ep 3- B (13°) Ep 4- No elimination Ep 5- Sam (12°) Ep 6- Anne Marie (11°) Ep 7- Cameron (10°) Ep 8- Merge ( Dakota & B return) Ep 9- Dakota (9°) Ep 10- Aftermath Ep 11- Jo (8°) Ep 12- B (7°) Ep 13- Dawn (6°) Ep 14- Scott (5°) Ep 15- Aftermath Ep 16- Brick (4°) Ep 17- Lightning (3°) Ep 18- Final Aftermath Ep 19- Mike (2°) ZOEY WINNER (1°)

  • @probacon4785
    @probacon4785 2 роки тому

    Harold lost :(

    • @NateTheSatomicorn
      @NateTheSatomicorn 2 роки тому

      We all know that in most or every Total Drama: Action My Way, Lindsay's always the true winner.

    • @probacon4785
      @probacon4785 2 роки тому

      @@NateTheSatomicorn yeah but harold is my fav character and I think he truly deserved win tda

    • @NateTheSatomicorn
      @NateTheSatomicorn 2 роки тому

      @@probacon4785 Don't worry, there's always a true winner and an alternate winner.

  • @probacon4785
    @probacon4785 2 роки тому

    Most predictable final, no one does something original.

    • @skibidiphantom09
      @skibidiphantom09 2 роки тому

      I mean why change it, there were both good finalists

    • @probacon4785
      @probacon4785 2 роки тому

      @@skibidiphantom09 idk, I just want a creative idea, I’m kinda tired of seeing all world tours end up like these.

    • @totaldramagab1431
      @totaldramagab1431 2 роки тому

      @@skibidiphantom09 cus its meant to be different. like idm if the finalists go far, just have different ones

  • @partydj2036
    @partydj2036 2 роки тому

    Name of the songs?

  • @nickhasanaltnamednegro4623
    @nickhasanaltnamednegro4623 2 роки тому

    Teams : Screaming Socks : Staci , Dakota , Mike , Scott , B , Anne Maria Ugly Eagles : Jo , lightning , brick , Sam , Dawn , Cameron and zoey 15 Staci . Was lying about her family 14 Scott . Chris got annoyed after his dirt eating and his stupidness so Chris threw Scott into the water 13 Dakota . Didnt help the team at all 12 Sam . QUIT Scott returns 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  • @zoey1099
    @zoey1099 2 роки тому

    wow you elimanted me you must really hate me in all seasons?

  • @Almarionthesplatoonbfdifan123
    @Almarionthesplatoonbfdifan123 2 роки тому

    Same finale same finale like in the show why

  • @croassung3721
    @croassung3721 2 роки тому
