TarataraCAT (ZEN NOTE)
TarataraCAT (ZEN NOTE)
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《一切如來心祕密 》| 梵文版 | Chanting ( 聽不膩 v2 ) | Ratna Karaṇḍaka Mudra Dhāraṇi
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願我爾等都能修得心裡那份寂靜 -- TARA CAT --
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全名 | 一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼
(後以) 全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼
誦此神咒 二十一遍,百病萬惱,一時消滅,壽命延長,福德無盡 。
◎祖先離苦生佛國: 有其子孫,稱亡者名,誦上神咒,纔至七遍,烊銅熱鐵 ,忽然變為,
八功德池,蓮生承足,寶蓋駐頂,地獄門 破,菩提道開,其蓮如飛,至極樂界。
確實! 念完21遍後,小編還特別測試了一下,我想工作的事情,但是完全升不起來(惱意)
腦意全消,整個腦子就是一個 ... 清涼感 !
Namah sdeliya divi kanam 拿莫 悉地哩呀 地尾噶南
sarva tathagatanam 薩瓦 達他噶達南
om bhuvibha vadha vari vachari vachatai 奧母 部尾吧瓦達瓦利 瓦者利 瓦者泰 suru suru dhara dhara 蘇魯 蘇魯 達拉 達拉
sarva tathagata 薩瓦 達他噶達
dhatu dhari padma bhavati 達睹 達利 巴得嗎 巴瓦地
jayavari 者呀瓦利 mudri smara 母得利 思嗎拉
tathagata dharma chakra 達他噶達 達嗎 扎卡拉
pravartana 波拉瓦達那 vajri bodhi bana 巴者利 包地 班那 rumkara 楞卡拉 rumkirti 楞給哩地 sarva tathagata dhistite 薩瓦 達他噶達 地思提地
bodhaya bodhaya 包達呀 包達呀 bodhi bodhi 包地 包地
buddhya buddhya 布達 布達
samboddhani samboddhaya 三布達你 三布達呀 chala chala 者拉 者拉 chalamtu 者懶都 sarva varanani 薩瓦 瓦拉那你
sarva papavigate 薩瓦 巴巴尾噶地 huru huru 戶魯 戶魯
sarva sukhavigati 薩瓦 戍迦尾噶地
sarva tathagata 薩瓦 達他噶達
hridaya vajrani 和利達呀 巴者拉你
sambhara sambhara 三巴拉 三巴拉
sarva tathagata 薩瓦 達他噶達
suhaya dharani mudri 蘇哈呀 達拉你 母得利
buddhi subuddhi 布地 蘇布地
sarva tathagata dhistita 薩瓦 達他噶達 地思提達
dhatu garbhe svaha 達睹 噶比 斯瓦哈
samaya dhistite svaha 三嗎呀 地思提地 斯瓦哈
sarva tathagata hridaya dhatu mudri svaha
薩瓦 達他噶達 和利達呀 達睹 母得利 斯瓦哈
supra tisthita stubhe tathagata dhistite huru huru hum hum svaha
蘇布拉 地思提達 思度比 達他噶達 地思提地 戶魯 戶魯 轟轟 斯瓦哈
om sarva tathagata 奧母 薩瓦 達他噶達
usnisa dhatu mudrani sarva tathagatam sadha tuvi bhusita dhistite
烏思你沙 達睹 母得拉你 薩瓦 達他噶單 薩達 睹尾部西達 地思提地
hum hum svaha 轟轟 斯瓦哈
(=^・^=)❤📒Creative experience
On the Internet, perhaps because the full name is too long, it is often referred to as Baoji Yin Dharani.
After reciting the whole sutra, the editor feels that it should be
All Tathagata Heart Secrets (Lord)
(Later) Full Body Relic Treasure Box Seal Dharani
Audiences who have read this sutra should all understand that the Supreme Being did not have the fate to understand, cherish, and apply it, and even felt sorry for the sentient beings who heard it. He also shed tears at the end of every Buddha's love for all sentient beings.
In this creation, the falling petals are like the heart petals of each Buddha.
I hope it can touch your heart, okay?
(=^・^=)❤📒The incredible fulfillment of chanting
This sutra allows the editor to experience incredible fulfillment;
Therefore, the editor feels extremely sacred and respectful to the Dharani Sutra and all Buddhist teachings.
It is recommended that listeners who hear this Dharani for the first time should read and recite the sutra once to understand why the Supreme Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha said this Dharani. After reading it, you will feel what the editor said, the Buddha's deep love for us.
Because when I first recited the sutra, I felt dizzy when I saw the Dharani. It was so difficult to recite the sutra for such a long time.
However, I read it sparsely and finished it.
The editor was particularly troubled by work at that time (I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep. Before that, the editor was a pillow sleeper)
The Bible says,
Recite this mantra twenty-one times, and all diseases and troubles will be eliminated instantly, your life will be extended, and your blessings will be endless.
◎The ancestor left suffering and was reborn in the Buddha's kingdom: His descendants called the deceased's name and recited the divine mantra seven times. The copper and hot iron suddenly turned into a pool of eight merits, with lotuses growing and supporting the feet, and a precious canopy standing on the top, hell. When the door is broken, the path to Bodhi opens, and its lotus flies like flying flowers, reaching the realm of bliss.
Indeed! After reading it 21 times, the editor also tested it. I wanted to work, but it was completely
All thoughts are gone!
Later, I also prayed for the editor’s deceased cat family.
Finally, in fact, the Dharani of each Buddha and Bodhisattva is acceptable, but it depends on which Buddha and Bodhisattva you are more predestined with.
Okay, thank you for reading this long article.
Переглядів: 149


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能量是一種狀態的變化 您的❤ 訂閱 | 欣賞 | 分享 讓我有能量繼續創造幸福帶給您 謝謝你٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و(不要忘記分享&按讚喔讓佛菩薩的緣分傳的更遠更廣,功德無量) 願我爾等都能修得心裡那份寂靜 TARA CAT ❤ I appreciate you taking the time to watch my video. If you found it valuable and want to support my channel, you can do it here. ☕ ko-fi.com/tarataracat www.youtube.com/@Mantra55515-TarataraCat ❤📒初創如有不喜之處,請見諒! 因小編現有創作資具條件實有限,發音,剪輯等不可能完美。 旦以一顆忘我的創作之心,以大歡喜心供養給過去佛,現在佛,各位未來佛。 願往後能再接再厲...
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能量是一種狀態的變化 您的❤ 訂閱 | 欣賞 | 分享 讓我有能量繼續創造幸福帶給您 謝謝你٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و(不要忘記分享&按讚喔讓佛菩薩的緣分傳的更遠更廣,功德無量) 願我爾等都能修得心裡那份寂靜 TARA CAT ❤ I appreciate you taking the time to watch my video. If you found it valuable and want to support my channel, you can do it here. ☕ ko-fi.com/tarataracat www.youtube.com/@Mantra55515-TarataraCat '' hum ma ma hum ni sva ha 吽。媽媽。吽尼。梭哈。 '' 大白傘蓋佛母(梵語Sitātapatra) 又作白傘蓋金剛頂髻大迴遮母,事部如來部本尊,為...
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能量是一種狀態的變化 你的訂閱跟欣賞 讓我有能量繼續創造幸福帶給您 謝謝你٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و (不要忘記按讚喔讓佛菩薩的緣分傳的更遠更廣,功德無量) ❤領取幸福 願我爾等都能修得心裡那份寂靜 TARA CAT ❤ I appreciate you taking the time to watch my video. If you found it valuable and want to support my channel, you can do it here. ☕ ko-fi.com/tarataracat Ⓣangled// taratara55515cat.tangled.com www.youtube.com/@Mantra55515-TarataraCat (=^・^=)❤📒這個版本感覺大家似乎接受度不高... 因為希望喜歡大悲咒卻可能總是某段背的辛苦,特意以r...
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能量是一種狀態的變化 你的訂閱跟欣賞 讓我有能量繼續創造幸福帶給您 謝謝你٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و(不要忘記按讚喔讓佛菩薩的緣分傳的更遠更廣,功德無量) ❤領取幸福 願我爾等都能修得心裡那份寂靜 TARA CAT ❤ I appreciate you taking the time to watch my video. If you found it valuable and want to support my channel, you can do it here. ☕ ko-fi.com/tarataracat Ⓣangled// taratara55515cat.tangled.com www.youtube.com/@Mantra55515-TarataraCat (=^・^=)❤📒 The 4 most important sentences in the Shuran...
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《聽到這首歌代表已經被加入 | 財富豐盛 by 釋迦牟尼佛 (NI 來聊天聽歌系列) 增加中文歌詞了 》❤
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《聽到這首歌代表已經被加入 | 財富豐盛 by 釋迦牟尼佛 (NI 來聊天聽歌系列) 增加中文歌詞了 》❤
《心經 梵文版 | Heart Sutra (Sanskrit 1hr) 》Chanting - - ( 聽不膩 )絕對感受! ❤最親近觀世音菩薩 時刻 ambient world music
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《心經 梵文版 | Heart Sutra (Sanskrit 1hr) 》Chanting - - ( 聽不膩 )絕對感受! ❤最親近觀世音菩薩 時刻 ambient world music
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《不負如來不負卿》❤ 你可以進來哭一下沒關係💔 菩薩知道的(金剛經四句偈+孔雀明王心咒) 🎸🎸 (NI 來聊天聽歌系列)
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《不負如來不負卿》❤ 你可以進來哭一下沒關係💔 菩薩知道的(金剛經四句偈+孔雀明王心咒) 🎸🎸 (NI 來聊天聽歌系列)
30分鐘扭轉你的人生deep meditation music, lofi, nhac chill, nhạc chill, nhạc, long sleep meditation, insomnia
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30分鐘扭轉你的人生deep meditation music, lofi, nhac chill, nhạc chill, nhạc, long sleep meditation, insomnia


  • @Kaastars520
    @Kaastars520 2 години тому


    • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
      @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 53 хвилини тому

      感謝您每次的留言跟鼓勵!! 謝謝您! 事事順利,身體健康,貴人多多!😄

  • @withbuddha7596
    @withbuddha7596 7 годин тому


  • @withbuddha7596
    @withbuddha7596 7 годин тому

    love it

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 7 годин тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”😁

  • @YOYOyolanda-rb2ru
    @YOYOyolanda-rb2ru День тому


  • @withbuddha7596
    @withbuddha7596 День тому


  • @pohgaik25
    @pohgaik25 2 дні тому

    感谢你感谢你感谢你🙏🙏🙏 曲风舒服又好听

    • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
      @Mantra55515-TarataraCat День тому

      感謝您感謝您太感謝您的寶貴留言跟時間傾聽!請不吝繼續支持喔! 菩薩護佑您平安健康快樂!!

  • @Kaastars520
    @Kaastars520 2 дні тому


  • @withbuddha7596
    @withbuddha7596 2 дні тому

    love it !! 😃

  • @PObrother
    @PObrother 3 дні тому


  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
    @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 4 дні тому

    「按下讚,讓我們一起點燃自身的能量之火!」 “Hit that like button, let’s ignite the flame of positivity together!”🥰

  • @louisalin6447
    @louisalin6447 6 днів тому


  • @imommy688
    @imommy688 6 днів тому


  • @user-sg8sp1bw7y
    @user-sg8sp1bw7y 6 днів тому

    隨喜您用自己的才能,讓更多人接近佛菩薩的光亮。 讚~😍

    • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
      @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 6 днів тому

      謝謝您的留言跟鼓勵!! 😍很高興您能喜歡。 佛菩薩護佑您事事順利喔! 歡喜您的訂閱,如果有喜歡的咒語可以下單喔!❤

  • @alexvodopianov1674
    @alexvodopianov1674 6 днів тому

    We listen to your blissful chanting cooking in a restaurant 🎉

    • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
      @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 6 днів тому

      blissful chanting always bring good energy! Please continue to support us. Have a good day❤

  • @Official_Supercub
    @Official_Supercub 6 днів тому

    功德无量 曲风变化大赞 不才最近也在自己编曲做一点不同感觉的心经 让更多人能接纳 听到,走向觉醒之路

    • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
      @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 6 днів тому

      感謝您的欣賞! 是的,如能如禮如法當佛菩薩的手腳讓更多人接觸到靈魂回家的路是好的! 讚嘆您的發心!

    • @Official_Supercub
      @Official_Supercub 6 днів тому

      @@Mantra55515-TarataraCat 随喜🙏 有机会可以collab啊

    • @Mantra55515-TarataraCat
      @Mantra55515-TarataraCat 6 днів тому

      @@Official_Supercub 禪宗六祖惠能大師,在五祖半夜三更,為其解說『金剛經』開悟時,感嘆說: 「 何期自性本自清淨! 何期自性本不生滅! 何期自性本無動搖! 何期自性能生萬法! 」 師兄,感謝您抬舉小編了。小編創作的概念皆源於佛菩薩的經典,每尊佛菩薩的願力都有相對的應機眾。如果能稍作時間研究願力內容,再以師兄本具有的天分跟感性,定能生萬法。 小編還是個未成熟的小頻道,假以時日如能有機緣請勿忘了再一起協力創造。😁

  • @moses2680
    @moses2680 6 днів тому
