Shristi Pal
Shristi Pal
  • 3
  • 1 031
Deutsche Welle Traineeship application for 2024: Shristi Mangal Pal
Hi, my name is Shristi Mangal Pal (25 years). This is my application video for the DW traineeship, 2024. In this video, you'll see two sides to my persona. The first one is an aspiring journalist, who loves interacting with the camera and creating solid journalistic content. My second side, out of work, is a laid-out individual who likes a chilled pint and a hearty laugh. Kind of you to look by. Please do enjoy!
I shot this video with a Nikon DSLR D5100. Camera work by Albert Hörner. Sound, text and editing by Shristi M. Pal, using Adobe Premiere Pro.
Music by penguinmusic by Pixabay. Royalty free music.
Shooting Locations:
University of Applied Sciences, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany
Café Senza Limiti, Augustinerstraße 6, 97070 Würzburg
Snippets from Formnext TV. All rights reserved by Formnext and Mesago.
Переглядів: 933


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  • @jyotikholiya6872
    @jyotikholiya6872 9 місяців тому

    I also really want to join dw but the trainiship program application are field could you please help me on this I also want to join dw 🙏 please please please it's a humble request 😊and I also want to know about jobs Opportunity in dw please help me for this

  • @m.sajid_magsi
    @m.sajid_magsi 10 місяців тому

    I hope this message finds you well. I'm a journalism graduate from a university in Pakistan, and I recently applied for the DW-Volontariat / DW Traineeship 2025 program. I've completed my profile, and now the only remaining component is the video. I would greatly appreciate your guidance or assistance in crafting the perfect video. My goal is to maximize my chances of being selected for this opportunity, as it would allow me to pursue my career in journalism, in Germany.

  • @gabrielikohler1110
    @gabrielikohler1110 Рік тому

    Soo good!

  • @jayantibandhu3248
    @jayantibandhu3248 Рік тому
